The applicability of vibrotactile feedback as a tool for correcting exercise performance was evaluated by both the physiotherapist and the subjects. The movement quality as well as the assessment of the feedback quality of the subjects regarding the vibro-tactile feedback, are carried out by means of standardised questionnaires.
Physiotherapist questionnaire. The feedback giving physio therapists gave a third-party assessment on different variables. In order to assess the specific functionality of the vibrotactile feedback to support a correct execution of trunk stabilising exercises, the correction behaviour by physiotherapists was evaluated on a 4-point Likert scale (poles: not at all, a little, moderately, very):
1) Ability to implement the vibro-tactile feedback
2) Level of difficulty for the subject to perform the exercises
3) Accuracy of axis and thus the quality of movement of the subjects
Subject questionnaire. The subject questionnaire focused on capturing subjective user perceptions and eliciting potential users' requirements for vibrotactile technology-based feedback. The NASA TLX was used for this purpose, (25) which can be used to assess psychological workload. It provides a global rating of subjective workload. In addition to the global rating, six subscales can be calculated (mental, physical and temporal demand, effort, performance, frustration level).
The mental demand scale refers to the mental and perceptual activity a user needs to complete a task. This measure includes mental activities such as thinking, decision making, remembering, looking and similar aspects. High levels indicate that a task was demanding, complex, whereas low levels are indicators for simple and easy tasks.
Physical demand refers to actual physical efforts needed by users for task completion. It includes for example activities like pushing, pulling and such. High levels on this subscale indicate that a task was demanding, brisk or laborious. Low levels indicate an easier and slack task with possibilities for slow execution or even resting.
Effort means the amount of work users put into the completion of a task. It combines the ratings of physical and mental activities during the task execution and therefore refers to a rating of overall strain or struggle.
The scale temporal demand measures the subjective time pressure users feel during a task execution. It depends on the pace of task elements. In this case high outcome refers to frantic or rapid pace, whereas low outcomes indicate the subjective time perception as more slow and leisurely.
The rating of performance indicates a self-rating on task success by the users in terms of goal completion. It includes the users satisfaction with the accomplishment.
Frustration Level refers to certain feelings an user may have while performing a task. High levels indicate that they are insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed or annoyed during a task while low levels indicate opposite aspects such as feeling gratified, content, relaxed and complacent.
Besides NASA TLX, subjects were asked to rate the intensity of the feedback related to the location of the feedback indicator in different areas of the body. This measure was imposed to find out whether users are able to feel the vibro-tactile at all while performing physically demanding tasks. Feedback intensity was rated on a 4-point Likert scale (anchors: not noticeable at all, weak, good, too strong). To ascertain whether the feedback can be associated with an intended purpose, subjects were asked about their subjective degree of approval on six potential purpose associations (alarming, warning, indicative, leading, supportive, meaningless) using a 2-point Likert Scale (anchors: does apply, does not apply). To rule out, that future users have negative associations regarding the new system, a range of feedback-associated emotions were rated by the participants on the same scale as purpose. These included positive associated emotions (calming, pleasing, relaxing, motivating, exciting) as well as negative ones (dangerous, irritating, frustrating, meaningless) (26).