3.1. Extreme Wind Regimes over Turkey
Turkey features a coastal region with an elevation of 0 meters, encompassed by seas to the north, west, and south. However, its inland areas are characterized by plateaus, which exhibit altitudes of 1000 meters and higher. The mountain ranges in Turkey, specifically the Northern Anatolian Mountains in the north and the Taurus Mountains in the south, extend in a west-to-east direction. These mountainous regions have elevations ranging from 2000m to 2500m. The mountain ranges situated in the western region of the area extend in a northwest to southeast direction. Additionally, the elevations of the mountains and plateaus located in the eastern part of the region exceed 2500 meters. The presence of rows of bays and coves along the Aegean coast results in a channeling effect that influences the intensity of wind. This impact causes strong wind flow to spread towards the inner Aegean region along these bays. When analyzing wind intensity in Turkey, it is seen that elevated wind intensity levels are anticipated, particularly in coastal areas and mountainous regions, according to the country's topographical characteristics. The wind intensity in the Aegean Sea is notably higher in comparison to its neighboring areas. During the winter season, the frontal systems associated with the low-pressure system located in the vicinity of the Mediterranean region exert an influence on the Aegean Sea. The North Aegean region is influenced by the northeastern Etesian winds throughout the summer season, whereas the South Aegean region is affected by the northwest Etesian winds [
The k-means clustering successfully characterized the wind dispersion patterns in the Aegean Region, considering the influence of the terrain. Nevertheless, the impact of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Region Mountain ranges on Central Anatolia was adequately represented by the k-means clustering algorithm with 6-cluster test (
Figure 6a). Also, the average values of all clusters were illustrated in
Figure 6b
. The resulting graph was used to highlight the cluster grid points in terms of contour plots.
The experiments conducted for upper-level cluster analysis were examined with a different approach. EOF results are used to identify the primary patterns of variability in upper-level data, especially in the identification of synoptic patterns. Geopotential height, a measure of the actual height of a pressure level in the atmosphere, is essential for comprehending synoptic weather patterns. An EOF examination of GPH (Geopotential Height) at 500hPa level may identify prevailing wave patterns, such as ridges and troughs, which govern the movement of weather systems [
53]. Following EOFs modes could show secondary patterns, such as localized weather occurrences or smaller-scale characteristics. Less dominant but still significant patterns, such as a cutoff low, which can be associated with strong winds and stormy conditions can be detected via third EOF mode. Furthermore, mean sea level pressure (MSLP), a crucial factor in surface meteorological conditions, displays influence over wind patterns, storm courses, and frontal systems [
54]. The first Empirical EOF mode often aligns with the principal synoptic pattern, including factors such as the location and intensity of high and low-pressure systems. Successive EOF modes might potentially detect additional characteristics, such as frontal systems, pressure gradients, or localized pressure anomalies. More localized pressure anomalies that drive mesoscale wind events, which can be particularly extreme, can be captured by third EOF mode. In addition, EOF analysis can detect significant temperature anomaly patterns linked to occurrences like heatwaves, cold spells, or the location of air masses in the temperature study [
55]. The initial EOF mode can uncover large-scale temperature variations, such as the distribution of warm and cold air masses or the existence of temperature anomalies. Sequential EOF modes have the potential to capture smaller-scale temperature fluctuations, such as boundaries between air masses or differences in temperature inside specific areas.
The negative phase of an EOF pattern refers to a period during which the spatial pattern is in opposition to the average or mean state of the dataset. This indicates the presence of a negative anomaly or a spatial structure that deviates from the usual pattern. This phase is linked to a distinct spatial structure or characteristic that diverges from the typical pattern. In contrast, the positive phase occurs when the spatial pattern closely resembles or is enhanced compared to the average or mean condition, indicating a positive anomaly or a more prominent spatial structure. This aids in comprehending the temporal and spatial characteristics of distinct patterns and their influence on the overall variability of the dataset. EOF patterns' negative and positive phases are frequently utilized for the analysis of climate or meteorological phenomena's temporal progression.
The first EOFs of each synoptic variable explain the largest fraction of the variance in the dataset. The three leading EOFs of the data, as shown in
Figure 7, account for 70.5%, 63.95%, and 58.94% of the total variance for the MSLP, Z500, and T850 variables, respectively. In
Figure 7, the initial empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) of GPH and T, which collectively account for 27% of the variance, along with the first EOF of MSLP, which accounts for 35% of the variance, are likely the most significant synoptic-scale patterns for the region. The majority of the EOF1 MSLP visuals exhibit negative anomalies, which are consistently observed across the whole region encompassing Turkey, the Mediterranean, and western Italy. Positive anomalies can also be seen in the basin of the Caspian Sea to the north and in the Gulf of Basra to the encompassing Turkey, the Mediterranean, and western Italy. The EOF1 GPH exhibits a pronounced gradient in Turkey, which arises from a positive anomaly in the East Anatolia region and negative anomalies in southern Europe and northern Africa. This scenario depicts strong winds, particularly in the western areas. In Turkey, the EOF1 T exhibits a prominent positive anomaly at its center, whereas a negative anomaly is detected in West Africa and northern Russia.
The second EOFs, which consist of 24% GPH, 19% MSLP, and 21% T, represent secondary yet significant patterns. The EOF2 MSLP exhibits pronounced gradients in Turkey, with a negative anomaly in northern and northwestern Europe and a positive
anomaly in Arabia. In the EOF2 GPH, Italy and Greece exhibit a negative anomaly center, while northeastern Europe shows a positive anomaly. Turkey is located within a pronounced gradient that originates from the west. A significant temperature gradient is developing over Turkey in EOF2 T as a result of the favorable impact of the positive anomaly in Russia, coupled with negative anomalies in the central Mediterranean and northern Africa. These variations may be attributed to the irregularities in the placement of the ridges and troughs (GPH), the distinct pressure centers (MSLP), and the related thermal gradients (T). The interaction of these patterns can result in fluctuations in both the speed and direction of wind, which can give rise to rare cases of extreme wind events.
The third Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs), which consist of geopotential height (GPH) with a weight of 12%, mean sea level pressure (MSLP) with a weight of 17%, and temperature (T) with a weight of 11%, are most likely to represent the less persistent, more localized, or transitional characteristics of the atmospheric state. These could suggest brief yet powerful weather phenomena, such as low-level lows (GPH), temporary pressure anomalies (MSLP), and localized temperature fluctuations (T), which can cause catastrophic wind events. These characteristics are especially important for the occurrence of localized extreme wind occurrences, which could be linked to certain atmospheric disturbances. The EOF3 MSLP is seen to have a strong gradient in Turkey, which has been caused by a negative anomaly in Eastern Europe and Russia and a positive anomaly effect in Africa. Similarly, there seems to be a pronounced gradient in EOF3 GPH along the west-east axis across Turkey.
In synoptic climatology, EOFs decompose a dataset into orthogonal (independent) modes of variability, which helps in understanding the spatial patterns and their temporal evolution. However, SOMs are considered as a complementary tool to classify large-scale atmospheric patterns, like those represented by the selected PCs from EOF analysis. The self-organizing map (SOM) arranges many synoptic scenarios into a grid, such as a 3x3 grid in our empirical setup. Each node in the grid indicates either a typical pattern or a group of similar patterns. The utilization of this grid arrangement enables a straightforward and precise representation and examination of intricate atmospheric dynamics. EOFs/PCs and SOMs together offer a potent toolkit for recognizing, categorizing, and displaying atmospheric patterns in synoptic climatology. EOFs provide a linear and orthogonal breakdown of the data, but SOMs offer a non-linear and more adaptable approach to classify and analyze the data. Self-organizing maps (SOMs) can capture intricate and nuanced correlations in the data, beyond the limitations of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) which impose orthogonality constraints on the patterns. The Principal Components (PCs) generated from the EOF analysis are used as input for the Self-Organizing Map (SOM). This ensures that the SOM training is concentrated on the most important patterns of variability discovered by the EOF analysis. So that SOM helps in interpreting large-scale drivers of local climate variability and is a part of statistical downscaling methodologies [
Once the SOM cluster analysis was completed, the days that belong to each SOM node, referred as SOM neurons, were extracted. Each SOM node was visualized based on the mean geopotential height and mean sea-level pressure as contour plots together (
Figure 8). A comprehensive analysis was conducted to see how these nodes may accurately represent the cumulative variability observed in the EOFs. This section primarily examines how the SOM nodes can exhibit different synoptic-scale characteristics that may impact extreme surface winds.
SOM Node (C1): SOM node C1 (
Figure 8a) indicates the low-pressure area in southern part of Italy and northern Africa. This low-pressure area is affecting the western region of Turkey, while a thermal-forming high-pressure system above central Georgia, such as the Siberian Highland, is affecting the northern region of Turkey, particularly inner Anatolia, the central and eastern Black Sea region, and the Eastern Anatolian region. These areas experience intense gradients, leading to strong winds. The Low-Pressure Area over the Mediterranean generates powerful winds to the west of Turkey, with the central region of high pressure originating from colder air masses. The combination of these systems results in strong winds on some days.
SOM Node (C2): Similar to the C1 pattern, Africa experiences a region of low atmospheric pressure, whereas the northeast of Turkey has an area of high atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, an area of high atmospheric pressure is detected in the eastern region of the Caspian Sea, while a region of low atmospheric pressure is discovered in the northwest. Additionally, there is another high-pressure area in northern Central Europe. As a result of the impact of these pressure fields, Turkey experiences a significant pressure gradient effect. When examining the broader GPH area, there is a more pronounced variation in the southern parts. The presence of steep gradients contributes significantly to the occurrence of frequent and intense windy conditions in the western parts of Turkey, spanning from the northwest to the southwest. No direct effect can be identified for isotherm areas (
Figure 8b).
SOM Node (C3): This pattern mainly focuses on the northeastern region of Europe, where a cyclone is impacting the Black Sea and extending its influence across Turkey. Additionally, an anti-cyclone is exerting its impacts on Greece and the Mediterranean. The occurrence of winds on the Thrace can be attributed to the presence of pressure gradient zones. When looking at the geopotential height values, the effects of the ridge area of large-scale waves can be observed. Although these patterns and the periods when extremely windy days occur can be explained for the Thrace region, they cannot be fully explained for the whole of Turkey. It is thought that it can be explained by more local scale events. (
Figure 8c).
SOM Node (C4): During the period when this pattern is effective, there is a low-pressure center located over the Black Sea, and it is observed that the high-pressure center shifts towards the west of North Africa. Additionally, there is a high-pressure area in the East. A pattern that is effective all over Turkey is observed with the influence of strong temperature gradients. This pattern, depending on the frontal activity, has an increasing effect on days with strong winds throughout Turkey. The geopotential height field does not seem to have much effect on this pattern because it represents a large-scale pattern. It can be seen here that during the winter months when high winds occur on Turkey, events on a synoptic scale rather than a broad scale have a greater impact. Strong gradients are seen in this pattern. (
Figure 9a).
SOM Node (C5): In this pattern, the southwestern parts of Turkey, Central Anatolia and the western Black Sea region are under the general influence of the anticyclone (Azores Anticyclone) over central Italy and northern Africa. The northeastern parts are under the general influence of a cyclonic area. Accordingly, a strong gradient area has been detected in both the Black Sea and Southeastern Anatolia regions, which explains the strong winds. It has been observed that events on a synoptic scale have a greater impact. In addition, it has been determined that the cyclones formed over the Black Sea and the frontal patterns that develop regarding it increase the days of strong winds in this region. (
Figure 9b).
SOM Node (C6): A pattern is observed in which the Azores high pressure area expands over the Mediterranean and reaches over Turkey. In northeastern Asia, there is a strong gradient area where a low-pressure pattern is formed. These patterns may explain the high wind days in the northeast and west. However, the high wind days in the south cannot be explained by this pattern. (
Figure 9c).
SOM Node (C7): Due to the interaction of short and long waves on the wave pattern at the upper levels of the atmosphere, it is seen that, unlike other patterns, a short-wave trough is formed at the upper level. This trough affects the western regions through Greece. Turkey is generally under the influence of high pressure and the number of strong windy days is not high. Extremely windy days occurred off the coast of Cyprus due to the high-pressure gradient. The wave interaction that occurred over Syria at ground level appears to be more effective in this pattern. (
Figure 10a).
SOM Node (C8): In this pattern, the general effect of a high-pressure area is seen, which is effective over all of Turkey, except the Mediterranean, and whose center extends to the north-east of Central Anatolia. The temperature field created a strong gradient only over the Black Sea. There is a low-pressure area over the northeast. In this pattern, Turkey is under the influence of a low-pressure area whose center is over northeastern Europe and expanding over the Black Sea, and a high-pressure area
whose center originates from the Atlantic Ocean but also forms a center over Turkey. This caused the strong gradient and high wind days to occur only over the central and eastern Black Sea. There is also a pressure gradient from the Eastern Anatolia region. (
Figure 10b).
SOM Node (C9): In this pattern, there is a low-pressure area centered on the western and central Mediterranean and affecting the western and southwestern regions of Turkey, and a low-pressure area in the northeast that originates over Siberia and the Caspian Sea and extends its effect to the northeastern part of Turkey. In addition to the strong gradients formed in the low-pressure area, strong gradients also formed in the isotherm areas. However, strong gradients are also observed in the geopotential height field. In this pattern, strong isobar, isotherm, and geopotential high gradients are seen together over Turkey. Thus, it characterizes very well the days with the strongest winds in Turkey. (
Figure 10c).
The significant pressure differentials appear to create regions of strong winds throughout Turkey. The occurrence of low-pressure and high-pressure areas, namely in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, coupled with the corresponding frontal systems, greatly impact the frequency of days marked by extreme winds. Furthermore, the Low-Pressure Centre, primarily located over the Black Sea, exerts a significant impact on wind intensification due to its frontal effect in the area. Lastly, the Azores and Siberia, places known for their high-pressure systems, play a significant role in creating substantial gradients over Turkey. These gradients are essential for the development of extreme winds. To summarize, it has been observed that most of the SOM nodes were representative enough to identify the common pressure systems which are effective throughout the Turkey during the winter period. Moreover, the vast majority of the extreme wind events were explained by the SOM nodes.
Another key point of this work is to figure out the correlation between SOM nodes and the clustering outcomes at the lower-level, which is crucial in describing extreme wind events at lower-level. Within this framework, a basic set of statistical data that includes the event days for each SOM node and the outcomes of clustering at a lower level was extracted. For this analysis, the k-means cluster with the highest mean speed was chosen. The rationale behind this decision assumed that the cluster exhibiting the highest average speed (lying within the range of strong storms according to the Beaufort wind scale) would have the highest correlation with SOM patterns. Based on the k-means clustering results, the mean wind speed of the grid points within the cluster aligns with this definition (mean wind speed > 22). The grid locations and extreme wind days are derived from data collected at 100m a.g.l. The chosen grid points are mostly located in elevated regions of Turkey and the Crete Island region (
Figure 11).
In the next step, the total event-day count data of each SOM node and the lower-level cluster grid points data corresponding to these days were extracted. At this stage, two different statistical data were obtained: lower-level days count per grid point matching the node days for all SOM nodes, and the average wind speed per grid point for the matching per SOM node days. To extract the correlation between the days in the SOM nodes and event-days in lower-level cluster, the mean of event-days for all grid points was calculated and the calculated mean value is divided by the total event-day count per SOM node to extract the coverage in terms of percentage (Mean Event-Day Percentage). Lastly, Mean Wind Speed was calculated for all grid points for the matching SOM node days. Statistical data (
Table 1) reveals the fact that the SOM node patterns extracted using wintertime period has shown similarities with the all-time k-means clustering results.