Let’s introduce operators defined by the formulas
Consider all possible scenarios of the behavior of the Collatz sequence, which can be written in the following form:
We need to estimate each 2n-th term of the Collatz sequence based on the number of P, T, Z operators applied during n steps.
have m ones in its binary representation, then we count the number of Z operator applications by the formula:
and count the number of P operator applications by the formula:
Since each application of Z is accompanied by operator P, and the number of P applications corresponds to the number of zeros in
, which equals n - m. According to the rules of Collatz, after n steps we have:
According to the last formula, we see that the growth of each term of the sequence depends on the number of ones in the binary representation. Next, we will show that a large number of ones at the 2n-th step leads to an increase in the number of zeros at the 3n-th step in the binary representation according to previous theorems, from which it follows that subsequent terms of the sequence decrease:
Repeating the reasoning of Theorem 2, we consider the equation
From the last equation, to apply the results of Theorem 2, we need
. To meet the last inequality, consider
Depending on the behavior of
we can always choose a variant where the fractional part of x meets the conditions of Theorem 2. Denoting
according to Theorem 2 we get
steps of applying the Collatz rules, we have
By definition of
, we get
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