In order to define a disease, must have in attention a lot of differents factors such as historical points, or social and cultural. Results of research studies, show us that some connective cells such as fibroblasts, lose their identity, in pathological conditions [
1]. Another specific cells, namely melanocytes are known that having a specific structural point that is consider important in structural pathological description [
2]. Refering to melanocytic nevi, in medical specific field of study and of research, various pigmented lesions of the epiderm, known as nevi, could be observe in different pars of the body [
3]. For a proper diagnostic, an atypical nevus, can be biopsied [
4]. In this direction, is important to practice a biopsy beside the extended clinical evaluation in melanocytic nevi A great point in this field of research, could be possible the genetic susceptibility for morphological and functional alterations, in nevi with that surrounding nevi changes [
5]. A complete medical examination, play a great point for establishing the medical conduct, for a healthy status improving [
7]. Structural analysis describe specific cells namely melanocytes as aggregated in ‘nests’, which conduct forming the nevus cells [
8]. To the youth patients researchers found specific cells knowing as melanocytes. This specific cells could be found in areas of the epiderm of the parts of the body [
10]. Theoretical and practical studies, show that melanocytic nevi developing
in utero present genetical differences from those that appear later [
12]. In the present field, we can mention about various informations from scientific literature, referring to specific nevi [
13]. Also from literature and from practicum actually are known different scientific informatiuons about extending melanocytic
nevi, having specific scientific names [
14]. Because are many cases in all of the world, diagnosed as melanocitic nevi, we can mention that currently, the proper treatment of epidermal nevi is challenging [
18]. Congenital melanocytic nevi it is known as a subject of research that offer controversy [
19]. Clinical monitoring in congenital melanocytic nevi is important for diagnosis and for possible medical treatment strategies applications [
20]. A complete examination of the human body, during a medical examination, is important [
22]. Best to mention that the nowadays higher incidence in melanoma is in acompaniament of the nevi existence of the body and of the increase exposure to the ultraviolet light [
24]. Practical biopsy is important for diagnosis [
25]. One of an important point in the diagnosis of melanocytic nevi is to differentiate melanocitic nevi from a possible melanoma [
27]. An earlier diagnosis of the melanoma play a great role in idea that neoplasic lessions could be develop from pre-existing nevi in many cases [
28]. Unfortunately, the epidermal melanoma is growing faster., depending of various conditions [