3. Problem Background
“In relational databases, the data is organized in tables. Each entry in the table should have a unique identifier called Primary Key (PK). Columns are specific data attributes defined when a table is created. Related tables are connected with Foreign Keys (FK).” [
There are four principles to define relational database transactions:
atomicity – ensures that the transaction operations are all executed or none
consistency – ensures that only correct data is added to the database
isolation – ensures that transactions are not affected by other transactions
durability – ensures that data committed to the database is stored permanently
There are also four categories of commands:
DDL (data definition language)
DQL (data query language)
DML (data manipulation language)
DCL (data control language)
The experiments will focus on the main operations of an application, DQL (SELECT commands to query the content of the database), and DML (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands).
Java-based applications apply these four operations on the database with the support of different frameworks like JPA, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA, MyBatis, etc. They are responsible for the object-relational mapping. This means they map a Java model to specific tables from a database.
These frameworks have different approaches to handling the mapping problem. The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is one way to work with databases in Java because it offers APIs that allow the user to execute SQL statements.
Object Relational Mapping makes the development effort simpler as JDBC, as:
it hides the SQL interaction
it offers development with objects instead of database tables
there is no need to take care of the database implementation
there is less code written for the same job
it is based on the JBDC, in the underlying
Database connections in Java applications are managed through a JDBC driver, specific to the RDBMS. A specific dialect also needs to be set up by the developers when configuring the database connection so that the queries are created in the right language.
The most popular RDBMSs today are:
Oracle SQL
Microsoft SQL Server
Selecting one of the dialects mentioned above and combining it with the frameworks that best match the requirements can be a hard decision to make. Some combinations might give faster performance for the CRUD operations but with the price of writing a lot of code.
This research intends to help developers select the correct combination of technologies that suits their application’s needs. For example, an application might not need a fast response from the database so it should focus on keeping the code simpler and easier to maintain. Also, if speed is crucial for the implementation needs, then the architects and developers must consider a trade-off between code complexity and speed. Furthermore, inefficient combinations will also be discovered in the research. This will help developers to avoid bad, unoptimized solutions.
The research would like to assess the behavior of an average-complexity Java application. Joins will be a key element in our application because this is a key operation when working with a relational database.
5. Architecture of the Application
Usually, people tend to choose the technologies they know best. This research aims to encourage them, if the selected combination of components is efficient, or to change the perspective on database communication, by providing actual results.
Each combination will be a separate and independent project as they must not interfere with each other. This way, a safer evaluation can be done. In the future, it can be changed to choose the corresponding framework configuration file and to execute the specific test, because the entities that the solution exposes are used in all the different approaches. Code reuse can be achieved through this way of development, which is a great principle for an application.
All the implementations must follow a standard for the data model because otherwise, the results might become irrelevant. The standard is the Java Persistence API, on top of which all the selected frameworks are mapped.
The solution is based on two main components: the ORM framework and the RDBMS. “The ORM framework is responsible for mapping Java objects on database models. It controls the flow until data reaches the database.” [
For testing purposes, the chosen framework was JUnit [
11]. This is the most popular testing extension in the Java community. Assertions are the main functionality, as they are used to check the actual results versus the expected results.
To improve the testing, Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) [
12] was added to the project to check if warming up the Java Virtual Machine will reduce the execution times. It can also be used for extracting code optimization paths or measuring the execution of different methods. “The ORM framework is responsible for mapping Java objects on database models. It controls the flow until data reaches the database.” [
The architecture of the testing application is described in
Figure 1, demonstrating how the different combinations of the implementation are created:
A combination that will be subject to testing is represented by one component from the left side (ORM framework) plus one on the right side (RDBMS). The color legend is as follows:
BLUE -> JPA with all RDBMS
GREEN -> Hibernate with all RDBMS
ORANGE -> Spring Data JPA with all RDBMS
Each testing scenario is mapped by an arrow. This way, all the possibilities between these technologies are covered and it provides more reliable results. The Java application can be considered the central part because that is the entry point from which the project will start.
The current research extends our previously published papers, looks for optimization possibilities, and investigates the critical regions. Extending the experiments, “the evaluation will be done by implementing a medium-complexity betting application in which the main entities will be: tickets, bets, and matches. These entities will be described in the implementation section.” [
6. Implementation of the Solution
Usually, people tend to choose the technologies they know best. This research aims to encourage them to decide if the selected combination of components is efficient or to change the perspective on database communication, by providing actual results.
“The application used for testing focuses on a soccer betting service model. This means that testing is done by creating a different number of tickets, each with its bets and corresponding matches, and simulating their behavior in relationship with the database and the ORM framework. There are three main entities of the project on which the CRUD operations are tested: Ticket, Bet, and Match.” [
Figure 2 presents ”the data model with the relationship between entities. One ticket can have multiple bets on it (one-to-many relationship), and one bet is based on one match (one-to-one relationship).” [
The tables have several attributes:
ticket id -> the unique identifier for a ticket
status -> one of the following values: WON, LOST, PENDING
sum -> represents the amount placed on the ticket as betting value
bet id -> the unique identifier for a bet
match id -> the identifier of the match the bet is placed on
ticket id -> the identifier of the ticket the bet belongs to
result choice -> one of the following: 1 (host wins), 2 (visitor wins), X (even)
name -> a string like “Real Madrid – Barcelona”
score -> the final score of the match
host team win odd -> the odd for the host’s win
visitor team win odd -> the odd for the visitor’s win
draw odd -> the odd in case the match is even
match date -> the date when the match will be played
match id -> the unique identifier for a match
The setup of the machine where experiments were run is the same as for the previously published work [
To review how the previous experiments were done:
“The tests on the development of a betting service were designed to measure the length of each CRUD action for a different number of tickets, each carrying one bet on one match. The number of the tickets were: 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, and 500000.
To maintain the activities running on all three database tables, the update operation modified the ticket's status, the bet's outcome selection, and the name of the match. This increased the application's complexity.
These tests were done on each combination of ORM framework and relational database system, resulting in twelve distinct situations (3 ORM frameworks and 4 RDBMSs), in the first phase.” [
We extended the experiments, and the second phase introduced now involved Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH), which was responsible for handling the warm-up phase of the Java Virtual Machine. It was set up to only run one iteration for a warm-up and one for measurement, due to the extended running time for larger entry numbers, and both iterations had their results interpreted.
Executing the tests with the same available resources and in the same conditions was another important point that was taken care of in the evaluation.
9. Bottlenecks Investigation
A quick comparison between this research and the previous one presented in [
2] revealed some common findings:
Spring Data JPA has a big overhead, the slowest of all frameworks for batch operations
Hibernate and JPA solutions go side by side, with almost overlapping graphs
Spring Data JPA requires the fewest lines of code
The execution times in milliseconds for 50k entries for both solutions for each framework and operation on MySQL database are presented below in
Table 37.
For JPA and Hibernate the execution times are quite linear for each CRUD operation except reading, which is reasonable considering that the current research works with three entities and the previous one works with a single entity.
Reading seems to be slower on a single database table, but this could be due to a newer more powerful generation of Intel CPU that has been used in the current research.
Both these approaches revealed a big overhead in the execution times for Spring Data JPA for each operation and RDBMS tested. This triggered an interest in investigating the time discrepancies between the mentioned framework and the other ones (Hibernate and JPA). The overhead for Spring Data JPA is even bigger for the previous research, despite having just one entity, which makes the research on the bottlenecks more interesting.
9.1. Spring Data JPA Bottlenecks Investigation
The experiments demonstrate that Spring Data JPA comes with the least amount of code written, but also with a big overhead in the execution times, in comparison with JPA and Hibernate.
To locate the bottlenecks, an analysis of the framework methods execution times had to be done. This was achieved by using YourKit Java Profiler 2022.9, which according to its description, “utilizes many JVM and OS features to obtain information about methods and times with the minimum overhead. CPU profiles can be visualized as call trees or lists of hot spots. CPU flame graph is an efficient way to visualize application performance, which allows to find performance bottlenecks quickly and easily.” [
Previous research indicated that more than half of performance bottlenecks originate in the data access layer. [
14] The current analysis intended to locate more accurately the bottlenecks and to retrieve the top five hot spots for each RDBMS for runs with the number of entries starting from 50k and comparing them with the top five hot spots for a 50k run with Hibernate.
MySQL – Hibernate hot spots for 50k entries:
com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(String, int)
MySQL – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 50k entries:
com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(String, int)
MySQL – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 100k, 200k, and 500k entries:
com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(String, int)
Oracle – Hibernate hot spots for 50k entries:
oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.prepareStatement(String, String[])
Oracle – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 50k entries:
oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.prepareStatement(String, String[])
Oracle – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 100k, 200k, and 500k entries:
oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.prepareStatement(String, String[])
PostgreSQL – Hibernate hot spots for 50k entries:
org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 50k entries:
org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
Spring Data JPA hot spots for 100k, 200k and 500k entries:
org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
SQLServer – Hibernate hot spots for 50k entries:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
SQLServer – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 50k entries:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
SQLServer – Spring Data JPA hot spots for 100k, 200k, and 500k entries:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.prepareStatement(String, int)
The main thing that can be noticed from the results above is that Spring Data JPA makes really time-consuming calls on the executeQuery() method, which is missing in the Hibernate implementations. That happens because when Spring Data JPA deletes an entry, at first it looks for the entry and then makes the deletion. The deletions are done one by one with the deleteAll(Iterable<Ticket>). Since the delete operation is the most time-consuming one, the executeQuery() method becomes one of the most active methods.
Another interesting fact is that most of the time is spent inside drivers’ methods for each RDBMS tested and not in a framework method.
9.2. Reducing Spring Data JPA Bottlenecks
The first attempt to reduce the bottlenecks was to override the void delete(Ticket) method from the created SimpleJpaRepository<Ticket, ID>. To do this, we created an interface that extends CrudRepository<Ticket, ID>:
public interface CustomCrudRepository<ID> extends CrudRepository<Ticket, ID> {
void delete(Ticket entity);
An implementation of this interface was needed to override the method and skip the queries given to the database:
public class CustomJpaRepository<ID> extends SimpleJpaRepository<Ticket, ID>
implements CustomCrudRepository<ID> {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public CustomJpaRepository(EntityManager entityManager) {
super(Ticket.class, entityManager);
this.entityManager = entityManager;
public void delete(Ticket entity) {
this.entityManager.remove(this.entityManager.contains(entity) ?
entity : this.entityManager.merge(entity));
After creating the repository bean and injecting the EntityManager dependency into it, the profiling was performed again. There was an improvement of about 10% in the execution times, but it was still not close to the other two ORM frameworks tested.
There were also interesting pop-up messages while the investigation with YourKit finished for Spring Data JPA runs: “Potential deadlock: Frozen threads found -> frozen for at least 19m 10s”. This happened for a run with PostgreSQL and Spring Data JPA with 100k entries, but also for runs with other RDBMSs. The record was established by a PostgreSQL run with Spring Data JPA with 500k entries: 1d 0h 47m 18s, which explains why the biggest scenario runs for so long.
The problem is not a deadlock, but a long starvation, as the program finishes its run successfully. Because of that, another attempt to reduce the bottlenecks was to replace the transaction management done by Spring Data JPA.
Removing the @EnableTransactionManagement annotation was the first step in the process. Then, the EntityManagerFactory used for the JPA implementation was used to replace the factory used by Spring Data JPA.
The CustomCrudRepository<ID> interface was changed to:
public interface CustomCrudRepository<ID> extends CrudRepository<Ticket, ID> {
void delete(Ticket entity);
Iterable<Ticket> findAll();
void customSaveAll(List<Ticket> ticketList);
List<Ticket> customUpdateAll(List<Ticket> ticketList);
void customDeleteAll(Iterable<Ticket> entities);
And the CustomJpaRepository<ID> implementation to:
public class CustomJpaRepository<ID> extends SimpleJpaRepository<Ticket, ID>
implements CustomCrudRepository<ID> {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public CustomJpaRepository(EntityManager entityManager) {
super(Ticket.class, entityManager);
this.entityManager = entityManager;
public void delete(Ticket entity) {
this.entityManager.remove(this.entityManager.contains(entity) ?
entity : this.entityManager.merge(entity));
public void customDeleteAll(Iterable<Ticket> entities) {
public void customSave(Ticket entity) {
public void customSaveAll(List<Ticket> ticketList) {
public List<Ticket> customUpdateAll(List<Ticket> ticketList) {
List<Ticket> result = ticketList.stream().
return result;
public Ticket customUpdate(Ticket entity) {
return this.entityManager.merge(entity);
public List<Ticket> findAll() {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Ticket> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Ticket.class);
Root<Ticket> rootEntry = criteriaQuery.from(Ticket.class);
CriteriaQuery<Ticket> all = criteriaQuery.select(rootEntry);
TypedQuery<Ticket> allQuery = entityManager.createQuery(all);
return allQuery.getResultList();
The logic for all CRUD operations did not change too much, they were overridden to use custom transaction management through the EntityManagerFactory. After these changes took place, the execution times for 50k entries for each CRUD operation for each RDBMS tested with Spring Data JPA were remeasured and the results are presented in
Table 38 and
Table 39.
Comparing the new results with the Hibernate ones proves a significant decrease in time for Spring Data JPA when the transaction management is changed.
It is to emphasize that the purpose of changing Spring Data JPA’s transaction management is experimental, to investigate how the classic EntityManager behaves in Spring’s environment. It does not intend to solve the bottlenecks, further research on transaction management needs to be done.
Figure 1.
Testing architecture including the combinations framework - RDBMS.
Figure 1.
Testing architecture including the combinations framework - RDBMS.
Figure 2.
The data model for the application to be tested.
Figure 2.
The data model for the application to be tested.
Figure 3.
Create execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 3.
Create execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 4.
Read execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 4.
Read execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 5.
Update execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 5.
Update execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 6.
Delete execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 6.
Delete execution times using JPA without warm-up.
Figure 7.
Create execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 7.
Create execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 8.
Read execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 8.
Read execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 9.
Update execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 9.
Update execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 10.
Delete execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 10.
Delete execution times using Hibernate without warm-up.
Figure 11.
Create execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 11.
Create execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 12.
Read execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 12.
Read execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 13.
Update execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 13.
Update execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 14.
Delete execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 14.
Delete execution times using Spring Data JPA without warm-up.
Figure 15.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 15.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 16.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 16.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 17.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 17.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 18.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 18.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using JPA.
Figure 19.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate
Figure 19.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate
Figure 20.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 20.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 21.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 21.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 22.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 22.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using Hibernate.
Figure 23.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 23.
Create warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 24.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 24.
Read warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 25.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 25.
Update warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 26.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 26.
Delete warm-up iteration execution times using Spring Data JPA.
Figure 27.
Create execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 27.
Create execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 28.
Read execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 28.
Read execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 29.
Update execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 29.
Update execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 30.
Delete execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 30.
Delete execution times using JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 31.
Create execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 31.
Create execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 32.
Read execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 32.
Read execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 33.
Update execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 33.
Update execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 34.
Delete execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 34.
Delete execution times using Hibernate, after warm-up.
Figure 35.
Create execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 35.
Create execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 36.
Read execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 36.
Read execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 37.
Update execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 37.
Update execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 38.
Delete execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Figure 38.
Delete execution times using Spring Data JPA, after warm-up.
Table 1.
MySQL – JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 1.
MySQL – JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2516 |
151 |
1326 |
1042 |
2000 |
4159 |
162 |
1883 |
1878 |
5000 |
7098 |
181 |
3968 |
4261 |
10000 |
10929 |
185 |
7114 |
7999 |
20000 |
18421 |
218 |
12829 |
15744 |
50000 |
39153 |
287 |
32834 |
39249 |
100000 |
74956 |
358 |
62832 |
77197 |
200000 |
143590 |
394 |
126214 |
150652 |
500000 |
351963 |
936 |
323144 |
396503 |
Table 2.
Oracle – JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 2.
Oracle – JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
3074 |
170 |
1138 |
1802 |
2000 |
5137 |
190 |
1947 |
2562 |
5000 |
10539 |
251 |
3412 |
6401 |
10000 |
15883 |
276 |
6260 |
13558 |
20000 |
29387 |
432 |
12358 |
31179 |
50000 |
67173 |
870 |
29059 |
114553 |
100000 |
128997 |
1448 |
57233 |
356399 |
200000 |
252797 |
2475 |
125805 |
1233955 |
500000 |
644428 |
5340 |
280292 |
6824038 |
Table 3.
SQL Server – JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 3.
SQL Server – JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2025 |
137 |
919 |
1915 |
2000 |
3369 |
141 |
1449 |
5357 |
5000 |
6570 |
152 |
3093 |
14537 |
10000 |
10072 |
156 |
5463 |
43295 |
20000 |
18244 |
199 |
10037 |
69716 |
50000 |
40867 |
277 |
25499 |
332162 |
100000 |
77262 |
301 |
49460 |
1094771 |
200000 |
151551 |
398 |
99474 |
2915678 |
500000 |
362260 |
574 |
240687 |
16479860 |
Table 4.
PostgreSQL – JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 4.
PostgreSQL – JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1266 |
140 |
631 |
780 |
2000 |
2066 |
142 |
1066 |
1674 |
5000 |
4159 |
156 |
2165 |
5987 |
10000 |
7081 |
175 |
3928 |
18109 |
20000 |
13088 |
181 |
7835 |
60117 |
50000 |
29135 |
206 |
18105 |
311499 |
100000 |
56766 |
255 |
35528 |
1184886 |
200000 |
113826 |
448 |
73619 |
4592037 |
500000 |
254584 |
608 |
165012 |
28444411 |
Table 5.
MySQL – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Table 5.
MySQL – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2470 |
125 |
1325 |
1253 |
2000 |
4554 |
138 |
1873 |
1922 |
5000 |
7456 |
168 |
3629 |
4159 |
10000 |
11004 |
177 |
6577 |
7793 |
20000 |
18374 |
191 |
12409 |
15337 |
50000 |
40688 |
278 |
31887 |
40001 |
100000 |
74397 |
325 |
63205 |
78410 |
200000 |
141294 |
466 |
126576 |
158083 |
500000 |
352569 |
876 |
324282 |
394135 |
Table 6.
Oracle – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Table 6.
Oracle – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
3176 |
195 |
1424 |
1868 |
2000 |
5436 |
223 |
1871 |
2706 |
5000 |
10231 |
264 |
3347 |
6438 |
10000 |
16900 |
302 |
6025 |
14139 |
20000 |
28865 |
444 |
11561 |
30267 |
50000 |
65406 |
878 |
28601 |
112778 |
100000 |
125629 |
1306 |
56481 |
368699 |
200000 |
251595 |
2259 |
111793 |
1278305 |
500000 |
617148 |
5191 |
278557 |
7422952 |
Table 7.
SQL Server – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Table 7.
SQL Server – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2200 |
139 |
932 |
2126 |
2000 |
3340 |
154 |
1437 |
5803 |
5000 |
6391 |
162 |
2905 |
27133 |
10000 |
10724 |
173 |
5510 |
102812 |
20000 |
18227 |
186 |
10045 |
273914 |
50000 |
39076 |
218 |
25955 |
359862 |
100000 |
72904 |
307 |
51129 |
979468 |
200000 |
142407 |
425 |
98792 |
3121897 |
500000 |
370316 |
548 |
251087 |
17313278 |
Table 8.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Table 8.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1293 |
131 |
606 |
947 |
2000 |
2130 |
142 |
1002 |
1799 |
5000 |
4241 |
169 |
2094 |
6264 |
10000 |
7204 |
176 |
3776 |
18384 |
20000 |
12739 |
193 |
7217 |
59161 |
50000 |
29389 |
202 |
17682 |
314171 |
100000 |
59067 |
310 |
39052 |
1188371 |
200000 |
109056 |
420 |
69723 |
4668658 |
500000 |
265081 |
977 |
174504 |
28132449 |
Table 9.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 9.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2787 |
196 |
3011 |
2623 |
2000 |
4564 |
213 |
4394 |
4627 |
5000 |
8013 |
256 |
7585 |
9971 |
10000 |
11890 |
310 |
12946 |
17137 |
20000 |
18832 |
321 |
22556 |
33349 |
50000 |
40862 |
542 |
51424 |
73632 |
100000 |
76899 |
924 |
100723 |
150835 |
200000 |
149905 |
1609 |
199141 |
289608 |
500000 |
362821 |
3295 |
517844 |
769762 |
Table 10.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 10.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
3443 |
250 |
2716 |
4105 |
2000 |
5659 |
261 |
3975 |
7832 |
5000 |
10350 |
364 |
7189 |
16157 |
10000 |
16403 |
423 |
13425 |
24223 |
20000 |
30325 |
685 |
27542 |
54462 |
50000 |
64517 |
1131 |
78725 |
192894 |
100000 |
126518 |
1865 |
217443 |
608504 |
200000 |
247627 |
3000 |
695207 |
2045420 |
500000 |
616130 |
7357 |
3812967 |
11518822 |
Table 11.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 11.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2402 |
204 |
2226 |
3825 |
2000 |
3719 |
216 |
3467 |
9568 |
5000 |
6563 |
233 |
7503 |
39334 |
10000 |
10836 |
241 |
16232 |
95429 |
20000 |
18401 |
313 |
41424 |
128738 |
50000 |
40906 |
434 |
183278 |
453490 |
100000 |
77917 |
824 |
635725 |
1367528 |
200000 |
154027 |
1281 |
2372789 |
4798632 |
500000 |
385139 |
2650 |
14151669 |
27788407 |
Table 12.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Table 12.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA Results without warm-up.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1537 |
184 |
1382 |
1909 |
2000 |
2333 |
193 |
2487 |
3840 |
5000 |
4568 |
249 |
5977 |
13474 |
10000 |
7449 |
276 |
13813 |
39817 |
20000 |
12753 |
344 |
39310 |
91798 |
50000 |
29917 |
520 |
177045 |
491999 |
100000 |
57678 |
916 |
649842 |
1871472 |
200000 |
112006 |
1412 |
2653937 |
7295456 |
500000 |
281934 |
3374 |
19642338 |
52153866 |
Table 13.
MySQL – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 13.
MySQL – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2597 |
159 |
1613 |
999 |
2000 |
3941 |
178 |
2189 |
2195 |
5000 |
7705 |
181 |
4392 |
4290 |
10000 |
13863 |
209 |
7590 |
9348 |
20000 |
25044 |
221 |
15168 |
17438 |
50000 |
48908 |
246 |
33677 |
39639 |
100000 |
88470 |
349 |
66443 |
80331 |
200000 |
171706 |
464 |
184202 |
211131 |
500000 |
376007 |
864 |
337634 |
406083 |
Table 14.
Oracle – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 14.
Oracle – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
3210 |
177 |
1472 |
1740 |
2000 |
4711 |
239 |
2291 |
2421 |
5000 |
9812 |
243 |
3738 |
6461 |
10000 |
16374 |
362 |
7000 |
13310 |
20000 |
28576 |
534 |
12996 |
29308 |
50000 |
64462 |
946 |
30233 |
113767 |
100000 |
127381 |
1414 |
59729 |
355364 |
200000 |
263626 |
2411 |
119294 |
1321364 |
500000 |
615884 |
5256 |
291689 |
6856315 |
Table 15.
SQL Server – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 15.
SQL Server – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2068 |
156 |
1053 |
2142 |
2000 |
3460 |
176 |
1694 |
6200 |
5000 |
6604 |
187 |
3611 |
26289 |
10000 |
10200 |
202 |
5829 |
61851 |
20000 |
18860 |
282 |
11136 |
76794 |
50000 |
41307 |
293 |
27672 |
485492 |
100000 |
80825 |
324 |
51316 |
1521422 |
200000 |
163146 |
410 |
107134 |
3353780 |
500000 |
406625 |
613 |
265850 |
19506821 |
Table 16.
PostgreSQL – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 16.
PostgreSQL – JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1388 |
124 |
839 |
837 |
2000 |
2315 |
155 |
1281 |
1696 |
5000 |
4267 |
176 |
2719 |
6418 |
10000 |
11808 |
189 |
4190 |
17863 |
20000 |
13154 |
213 |
8077 |
57640 |
50000 |
53033 |
254 |
18857 |
304455 |
100000 |
78439 |
353 |
35731 |
1084755 |
200000 |
154584 |
375 |
71922 |
4405165 |
500000 |
276020 |
539 |
181739 |
26875984 |
Table 17.
MySQL – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 17.
MySQL – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2580 |
134 |
1653 |
1291 |
2000 |
3883 |
163 |
2457 |
1922 |
5000 |
7981 |
174 |
3928 |
4483 |
10000 |
14121 |
200 |
7845 |
8437 |
20000 |
24161 |
214 |
17527 |
17779 |
50000 |
49300 |
272 |
31505 |
39011 |
100000 |
90727 |
395 |
62460 |
79682 |
200000 |
154690 |
519 |
132628 |
162276 |
500000 |
422960 |
754 |
452453 |
536749 |
Table 18.
Oracle – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 18.
Oracle – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2900 |
176 |
1366 |
1728 |
2000 |
5156 |
208 |
2127 |
2467 |
5000 |
9563 |
237 |
3660 |
6123 |
10000 |
15538 |
369 |
6736 |
13117 |
20000 |
31089 |
535 |
12600 |
32559 |
50000 |
65035 |
901 |
29441 |
112994 |
100000 |
124436 |
1416 |
57427 |
351471 |
200000 |
242417 |
2295 |
111213 |
1208644 |
500000 |
599872 |
5143 |
275656 |
6749529 |
Table 19.
SQL Server – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 19.
SQL Server – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2249 |
157 |
1194 |
2519 |
2000 |
3612 |
172 |
2031 |
6098 |
5000 |
7056 |
191 |
3325 |
27331 |
10000 |
11151 |
215 |
6542 |
75966 |
20000 |
19603 |
235 |
11847 |
93770 |
50000 |
45659 |
339 |
30036 |
645622 |
100000 |
85737 |
351 |
53012 |
978065 |
200000 |
162910 |
459 |
106024 |
2931522 |
500000 |
413812 |
668 |
303875 |
18919726 |
Table 20.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 20.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1272 |
139 |
794 |
1010 |
2000 |
2049 |
171 |
1298 |
1703 |
5000 |
4244 |
198 |
2451 |
5971 |
10000 |
7075 |
213 |
4028 |
17406 |
20000 |
12756 |
226 |
7514 |
57645 |
50000 |
30374 |
264 |
18040 |
299375 |
100000 |
58557 |
314 |
36891 |
1093245 |
200000 |
112398 |
387 |
72108 |
4350143 |
500000 |
280235 |
566 |
179190 |
27096855 |
Table 21.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 21.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2806 |
291 |
3140 |
2588 |
2000 |
4452 |
327 |
4392 |
4321 |
5000 |
7538 |
436 |
8128 |
9205 |
10000 |
12296 |
503 |
14041 |
17983 |
20000 |
23047 |
566 |
23785 |
33954 |
50000 |
45282 |
812 |
31505 |
78208 |
100000 |
78175 |
1215 |
101722 |
149039 |
200000 |
170025 |
1709 |
209703 |
319511 |
500000 |
413793 |
3221 |
540120 |
823865 |
Table 22.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 22.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
3354 |
329 |
2850 |
3824 |
2000 |
5367 |
427 |
4483 |
7474 |
5000 |
10244 |
471 |
7589 |
15990 |
10000 |
16057 |
613 |
14430 |
24078 |
20000 |
29249 |
861 |
26599 |
53323 |
50000 |
67215 |
1457 |
81012 |
187120 |
100000 |
126109 |
2119 |
218015 |
583012 |
200000 |
257997 |
3646 |
693207 |
1875911 |
500000 |
638135 |
7332 |
3574677 |
10346277 |
Table 23.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 23.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2212 |
267 |
2250 |
3962 |
2000 |
3554 |
287 |
3797 |
10015 |
5000 |
6958 |
329 |
8462 |
44297 |
10000 |
10527 |
395 |
16498 |
131126 |
20000 |
18971 |
491 |
41816 |
150871 |
50000 |
44274 |
754 |
180711 |
514577 |
100000 |
82160 |
957 |
628961 |
1394642 |
200000 |
153596 |
1559 |
2340754 |
5339999 |
500000 |
406316 |
2646 |
13773496 |
26837548 |
Table 24.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Table 24.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA Warm-up Iteration Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1472 |
269 |
1567 |
1732 |
2000 |
2330 |
324 |
2660 |
3680 |
5000 |
4926 |
404 |
6273 |
13084 |
10000 |
7515 |
459 |
13335 |
28348 |
20000 |
13516 |
505 |
35993 |
86357 |
50000 |
30594 |
670 |
171188 |
456331 |
100000 |
58733 |
971 |
666459 |
1716667 |
200000 |
115133 |
1784 |
2383477 |
6986407 |
500000 |
277220 |
2808 |
26491209 |
54353530 |
Table 25.
MySQL – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 25.
MySQL – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1320 |
5 |
977 |
1058 |
2000 |
2187 |
12 |
1424 |
1635 |
5000 |
5056 |
13 |
3217 |
3939 |
10000 |
8060 |
19 |
6615 |
8217 |
20000 |
16688 |
33 |
13225 |
15484 |
50000 |
40474 |
61 |
32740 |
38316 |
100000 |
84237 |
100 |
65969 |
79878 |
200000 |
176677 |
219 |
184273 |
218316 |
500000 |
412787 |
1019 |
348702 |
407195 |
Table 26.
Oracle – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 26.
Oracle – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2324 |
20 |
938 |
1245 |
2000 |
3260 |
39 |
1257 |
2283 |
5000 |
7016 |
72 |
2929 |
6108 |
10000 |
13494 |
137 |
5656 |
13126 |
20000 |
25183 |
261 |
12050 |
30302 |
50000 |
61741 |
567 |
29169 |
117938 |
100000 |
122005 |
1049 |
58685 |
394943 |
200000 |
250263 |
2241 |
118758 |
1453254 |
500000 |
613879 |
5415 |
293187 |
7542581 |
Table 27.
SQL Server – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 27.
SQL Server – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1124 |
4 |
640 |
2034 |
2000 |
2122 |
8 |
1360 |
4731 |
5000 |
4335 |
9 |
2876 |
37794 |
10000 |
8395 |
14 |
5802 |
56715 |
20000 |
16621 |
31 |
10179 |
103396 |
50000 |
39454 |
60 |
25221 |
593536 |
100000 |
76385 |
84 |
50035 |
1462501 |
200000 |
155891 |
170 |
105117 |
2990621 |
500000 |
680402 |
378 |
438317 |
21181124 |
Table 28.
PostgreSQL – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 28.
PostgreSQL – JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
806 |
3 |
424 |
715 |
2000 |
1629 |
4 |
788 |
1591 |
5000 |
3013 |
10 |
1882 |
6244 |
10000 |
6033 |
15 |
3557 |
18733 |
20000 |
10851 |
18 |
7032 |
60424 |
50000 |
27968 |
32 |
19126 |
310546 |
100000 |
58389 |
64 |
41338 |
1081356 |
200000 |
116544 |
257 |
80634 |
4407783 |
500000 |
296800 |
497 |
203143 |
26909072 |
Table 29.
MySQL – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Table 29.
MySQL – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1356 |
4 |
791 |
970 |
2000 |
2232 |
13 |
2042 |
2488 |
5000 |
4195 |
19 |
3251 |
4065 |
10000 |
7454 |
21 |
6414 |
7951 |
20000 |
20723 |
25 |
18556 |
20381 |
50000 |
37630 |
62 |
31941 |
37681 |
100000 |
79584 |
120 |
65103 |
75940 |
200000 |
158046 |
212 |
131501 |
160246 |
500000 |
462010 |
515 |
447930 |
416474 |
Table 30.
Oracle – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Table 30.
Oracle – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2087 |
16 |
654 |
1150 |
2000 |
3613 |
42 |
1245 |
2374 |
5000 |
6525 |
76 |
2922 |
5934 |
10000 |
12877 |
173 |
5846 |
12888 |
20000 |
25958 |
286 |
11714 |
32497 |
50000 |
61604 |
563 |
28781 |
116607 |
100000 |
122788 |
1080 |
57296 |
368170 |
200000 |
237372 |
2001 |
109526 |
1330209 |
500000 |
598497 |
5056 |
286199 |
7009015 |
Table 31.
SQL Server – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Table 31.
SQL Server – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1144 |
4 |
736 |
2539 |
2000 |
2313 |
8 |
1347 |
6457 |
5000 |
4725 |
12 |
3118 |
35963 |
10000 |
8986 |
16 |
5528 |
64561 |
20000 |
17244 |
25 |
11309 |
98772 |
50000 |
40057 |
40 |
27389 |
308409 |
100000 |
76050 |
64 |
52283 |
904024 |
200000 |
158971 |
136 |
104486 |
3263787 |
500000 |
401552 |
260 |
274256 |
16404632 |
Table 32.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Table 32.
PostgreSQL – Hibernate after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
802 |
5 |
447 |
725 |
2000 |
1430 |
10 |
761 |
1625 |
5000 |
2962 |
14 |
1796 |
6317 |
10000 |
5612 |
16 |
3538 |
18831 |
20000 |
11625 |
18 |
7212 |
60457 |
50000 |
27041 |
36 |
17647 |
317984 |
100000 |
57995 |
67 |
40528 |
1228630 |
200000 |
118198 |
129 |
81967 |
4296717 |
500000 |
291326 |
320 |
202372 |
27254448 |
Table 33.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 33.
MySQL – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1182 |
24 |
1332 |
2096 |
2000 |
2186 |
28 |
2326 |
3729 |
5000 |
3994 |
34 |
5373 |
7672 |
10000 |
9729 |
45 |
10393 |
17336 |
20000 |
15456 |
88 |
19852 |
33132 |
50000 |
36829 |
183 |
50083 |
78464 |
100000 |
70941 |
396 |
97589 |
155536 |
200000 |
151731 |
638 |
209752 |
323955 |
500000 |
418229 |
2243 |
533016 |
832592 |
Table 34.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 34.
Oracle – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
2247 |
71 |
1359 |
3310 |
2000 |
3400 |
104 |
2611 |
7532 |
5000 |
6552 |
156 |
5323 |
16118 |
10000 |
13101 |
287 |
11160 |
22235 |
20000 |
25568 |
418 |
24517 |
53358 |
50000 |
62852 |
756 |
80200 |
196963 |
100000 |
124192 |
1391 |
244591 |
631924 |
200000 |
241714 |
2809 |
764244 |
2118503 |
500000 |
634169 |
6883 |
3631567 |
10816927 |
Table 35.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 35.
SQL Server – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
1256 |
27 |
1222 |
3397 |
2000 |
2153 |
29 |
2256 |
9380 |
5000 |
4273 |
39 |
5883 |
52667 |
10000 |
7870 |
63 |
15413 |
112954 |
20000 |
16079 |
102 |
40846 |
259930 |
50000 |
40557 |
167 |
180533 |
600696 |
100000 |
78826 |
301 |
635869 |
1388995 |
200000 |
155351 |
702 |
2349685 |
5306286 |
500000 |
395865 |
2001 |
13892803 |
43731425 |
Table 36.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Table 36.
PostgreSQL – Spring Data JPA after Warm-up Results.
Executions |
Times for execution (ms) |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
1000 |
758 |
27 |
1049 |
1543 |
2000 |
1598 |
40 |
1872 |
3820 |
5000 |
3280 |
74 |
4695 |
9953 |
10000 |
5881 |
86 |
12357 |
28440 |
20000 |
11124 |
135 |
35065 |
91662 |
50000 |
28863 |
235 |
179051 |
474297 |
100000 |
54690 |
584 |
662215 |
1883730 |
200000 |
115369 |
776 |
2440448 |
6909755 |
500000 |
298820 |
2026 |
26700590 |
53540998 |
Table 37.
Results for both solutions for 50k entries on MySQL.
Table 37.
Results for both solutions for 50k entries on MySQL.
Operation |
Current research |
Previous research |
Hibernate |
Spring Data JPA |
Hibernate |
Spring Data JPA |
Create |
39153 |
40688 |
40862 |
16463 |
16512 |
59629 |
Read |
287 |
278 |
542 |
344 |
362 |
2252 |
Update |
32834 |
31887 |
51424 |
16355 |
16276 |
75071 |
Delete |
39249 |
40001 |
73632 |
12768 |
12857 |
79799 |
Table 38.
Execution times in milliseconds, 50k entries, after transaction management refactor.
Table 38.
Execution times in milliseconds, 50k entries, after transaction management refactor.
Operation |
Relational Database Management System
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
Table 39.
Execution times in milliseconds for 50k entries with Hibernate.
Table 39.
Execution times in milliseconds for 50k entries with Hibernate.
Operation |
Relational Database Management System
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |