The experimental part of the research involved field observations organised in eight cycles over two years. Digital levels of Leica NA3003 and Leica DNA03 have been used, each in four measurement cycles under various atmospheric conditions. Data intended for accuracy analysis were generated from the intermediate sights acquired on each station in two independent 500 m long levelling routes named K1 and K2. The levelling process was organised by the method of differential levelling using 10 benchmarks fixed on the concrete footings of power line poles. The particular points were stabilized by iron pins fixed to the concrete surface and the the sighting distance varied from cca 2 m to about 40 m. The data file consisted of the set of measured height differences obtained at the appropriate sighting distances. The amount of the measured intermediate sights was 1490 in locality K1 and 1509 in locality K2, whereby the number of intermediate sights from one station varied in dependence on the visibility to the particular point. The accuracy analysis adapted to this fact by involving weights in the error model and the apriori standard deviations.
4.1. Identification of the type of elementary errors
The process of finding the influence of critical sighting distance starts with the identification of the levelling errors depending on sighting distance by parameter estimation in the error model and testing the homogeneity of estimated variances by involving statistical hypothesis testing that can help validate the used mathematical model.
Böhm [
2] divided levelling errors into four groups. The first group consists only of random influences with different sizes and signs at each station. These random errors can be divided into those that depend on the length of the levelling sight, e.g. reading error, error of spirit level, the inaccurate position of the instrument, etc., and those that depend on the number of stations in a levelling route, e.g. errors arising due to movement of an instrument or levelling staff or scale errors. The second group of levelling errors involves only systematic effects depending on the levelling route direction and is mainly influenced by the oscillation of the Earth’s crust. The influence of external conditions belongs to the third group of levelling errors such as the intensity of sunlight and the gravity of the Moon and Sun act systematically mainly long-period measurements. The fourth group of levelling errors depends on the measured height difference. A typical representative of this group is levelling refraction with its systematic effect [
The current levelling technologies have brought easier manipulation and a reduction of the subjective errors represented mainly by targetting and reading errors. On the other side, new sources of errors appear resulting from their coding and demodulation principles. Ingensand [
8] classifies these errors into four groups according to their impact on levelling:
Bad illumination caused by various intensities of natural light, inhomogeneous light intensity caused by shadows at the levelling bar.
Atmospheric influences such as turbulences cause blurred image, and refraction, which causes deviation of the line of sight.
Mechanical influences such as vibrations (deviation of the line of sight), settlement of the instrument and bar, and bar centring and inclination.
Instrumental behaviour such as thermal effects (deviation of the line of sight), interference of code element size and pixels (wrong results at certain distances), and bad compensator function.
In addition to the instrumental errors, natural and personal errors appear during levelling such as curvature, refraction, ground settlement and instability, effects of heat on the instrument, parallax, staff out of plumb, etc. Böhm in [
2] summarises information about systematic and random error propagation and creates an error model according to the relation of its arguments to the sighting distance:
Components of the partial error δ represent the sum of elementary errors on a station, which are independent of the sighting distance (e.g. instrument movement), increases with the root of the sighting distance (e.g. targeting error), increases in proportion to the sighting distance (e.g. non-horizontal sightline), and grows with the square of the sighting distance (e.g. refraction error). Provided these components are random and uncorrelated, the partial variance of a levelling sight is equal to the mean squared error value calculated by the law of error propagation as follows:
In case of the existence of mathematical or physical correlation of the error components, it is recommended to use the general law of propagation of levelling errors:
The difference between both formulas (6) and (7) is in the addition of the component with mixed covariances σ
ij generally considered as a measure of the linear relationship of the relevant error components and the corresponding differential components f
i, f
j. In practice, the formulas (6) and (7) are simplified to the following form:
where σ
ΔH2 represents the accuracy of measured height difference while unit variance σ
02 is computed from Lallemand’s formula (1) and R is the length of a levelling section. If the length of the levelling route is only a few kilometres long, the square root of the variance (8) gives a reliable estimation of the levelling precision.
The estimation process consists of finding out the representation of the types of errors, which can numerically vary from sight to sight, but the discrepancy in their numerical order may indicate a possible occurrence of measurement inhomogeneity caused by internal or external effects. The arguments of the error model (5) were estimated in each observation cycle by applying the least-squares method in the nonlinear regression. The solution of the estimation process consists of a vector of unknown parameters and an appropriate covariance matrix:
A as the design matrix,
l as a vector of input values, and
P as a symmetrical weighted matrix with the particular weights laying on the diagonal of the matrix and equal to the number of measured height differences in a group. The covariance matrix was estimated from the Gauss-Markov model by using the law of error propagation
where σ
02 is an a-posteriori unit variance, and
Q(x) is a cofactor matrix of unknown estimations. The estimated coefficients of the error model are shown in
Table 1. The discrepancy in the numerical order of estimated parameters led to the verifying and validation of the model by method of variance analysis.
The variances estimated in each sighting group were subjected to statistical hypothesis testing to validate the mathematical model. The null hypothesis assumes the homogeneity of measurements expressed by the equality of the variances. Cochran variance test was used for this purpose to verify the tested value C computed as the ratio between the largest variance and the sum of variances according to the equation:
The critical value
Cu was computed for the significance level α=0.05, number of data series
N and the number of sighting groups
n, according to the formula:
Fα means the quantile of F-distribution with three arguments
α /
N and the degrees of freedom of used datafiles (
N - 1) and sighting groups (
n - 1) in a file. The Cochran test is used to identify an outlier file with a variance for which test value C exceeds a critical value
C >
Cu. The arguments of the hypothesis testing are published in
Table 2 and point to confirmation of the null hypothesis, which proves the homogeneity of tested data files and refers to verifying the used mathematical model.
4.2. Detection of the influence of critical sighting distance
Calibrations of certain levelling devices done on a vertical comparator are described in [
15]. They have brought results concerning the scale determination, detection of the possible errors of height deviations measured in the end sections of the staff, determination of the influence of damaged code elements on the height readings, and the identification of the critical sighting distance of specific digital levels. The scale determination is based on using two separate runs of the levelling staff to detect and compare the edges of all code elements of the staff. The scale value of staff is then determined from a linear regression model. The second published calibration procedure is based on finding the height deviations, which rise by sighting at the end sections of levelling code staffs. It starts with defining the useable area of the staff, which varies from about 2.80 - 2.98 m by 3 m long staff, of both Leica and Trimble systems. According to Woschitz [
15], the height reading beyond the useable staff area might be wrong by more than 0.5 mm at the sighting distance of 30 m. The reason might be in an asymmetric pixel image on both ends of a staff, and in the refraction effect, which appears mainly by sighting the lower parts of the levelling staff. Experimental measurements at the Stanford SLAC have brought the results, published by Gassner et al. in [
5], which contain formulas for computing the ideal sighting section on the end of the levelling staff to avoid corrupted height differences for Leica DNA03. For the lower end, Gassner suggests the formula:
and for the upper end of the levelling staff:
where H
lower and H
upper are the ideal sighting sections on the lower and upper ends of levelling staff equal to 10 millimetres at a sighting distance of 10 meters.
Both equations (13) and (14) are valid for sighting distances up to 15 m. If the sighting distance is less than 3 m, the correct results are only possible in a usable area of 0.078 m – 1.899 m using a two-meter-long levelling staff. The third published calibration procedure concerns damaged code elements' influence on the height readings. Reference measurements realised at the TUG have brought knowledge concerning errors arising from damaged code elements, which depend on the used correlation function, which varies for the different levels. Investigation results of the critical sighting distance obtained on the SLAC vertical comparator described in [
5] confirmed the assumptions of Woschitz and Brunner‘s [
13] that define the critical distance of Leica NA3000, which is at 15 m. According to the obtained results, the critical distance occurs when the size of code lines, projected onto the CCD array is exactly the size of one pixel or if a multiple of code lines is mapped to a whole number of pixels. It means that for Leica DNA03 one code element of the size 2.025 mm is projected onto the CCD array with the size of one pixel at a distance of 26.7 m and for Trimble DiNi12 the code element with a width of 20 mm corresponds to the critical distance of 10.98 m or its multiply. The described calibration outputs inspire our research based on experimental measurements to find the influence of critical sighting distance of digital levels NA3003 and DNA03. This influence was searched by comparing height differences obtained by certain sighting distances, which were arranged into sighting groups with computed standard deviations, which represent a measure of dispersions of height differences. Standard deviations twice greater than the total standard deviation point out suspicious measurement dispersion, which indicates the existence of gross error possibly caused by critical distance influence.
Table 3 shows the measured height differences arranged into sighting groups and the appropriate standard deviations that point to their dispersion in the frame of a sighting group. The total value of standard deviation was computed in the reference system separately for each digital level, and each experimental locality and is displayed at the end of
Table 3. The mean standard deviations are graphically displayed separately for the levelling device Leica NA3003 in
Figure 1 and for the DNA03 in
Figure 2.