Combining the vertex splitting presented in the above proof with the facts (b) and (c) and with Theorem 1, we obtain the following immediate corollary.
At the moment, to classify all Cohen-Macaulay componentwise polymatroidal ideals seems to be an hopeless task. Indeed, let J be any componentwise polymatroidal ideal. Let ℓ be the highest degree of a minimal monomial generator of J, and let be any integer. It is easy to see that is componentwise polymatroidal. Since , then is automatically Cohen-Macaulay.
For the proof, we need the following well-known identities. For the convenience of the reader, we provide a proof that uses the vertex splittings technique.
We are now ready for the proof of Corollary 6.
Proof of Corollary 6 Let I be a polymatroidal ideal. If I is principal, then it is Cohen-Macaulay. Now, let . If , then I is Cohen-Macaulay. Thus, we assume that I is generated in degree , and that all variables divide some minimal monomial generator of I. By Proposition 1 and Corollaries 5, 5, we have a vertex splitting for each variable , and and are Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideals with . Thus . We may assume that .
By induction on n and on d, it follows that is either a principal ideal, a Veronese ideal, or a squarefree Veronese ideal, and the same possibilities occur for . We distinguish the various possibilities.
Case 1. Let be a principal ideal, then . Thus .
Under this assumption, cannot be principal because .
Assume that is a Veronese ideal in m variables. Since all variables of S divide some monomial of and , then or , where and . Thus or . Lemma 1 implies . So, or .
If , then which is Cohen-Macaulay and Veronese, or which is not Cohen-Macaulay.
Otherwise, if then or else where is a monomial of degree d. If , then one easily sees that only in the second case and for we have that I a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal, which is the squarefree Veronese . Otherwise, suppose . We may assume that divides u. In the first case, is not principal, neither Veronese, neither squarefree Veronese. Thus, by induction is not a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal, and by Corollary 5 we deduce that I is also not Cohen-Macaulay. Similarly, in the second case, we see that , and thus also I, is not a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal.
Assume now that is a squarefree Veronese ideal in m variables. Then as argued in the case 1.2 we have or . Lemma 1 gives . Thus . Hence or . So or where is a monomial of degree in the first case or in the second case. In the first case there is i such that divides u. Say . Then is not a principal ideal, neither a Veronese ideal, neither a squarefree Veronese. Therefore, by induction we see that is not a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal, and by Corollary 5I is also not a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal. Similarly, in the second case, if then is a Cohen-Macaulay squarefree Veronese ideal. Otherwise , say with , divides u and then, arguing as before, we see that I is not a Cohen-Macaulay polymatroidal ideal.
Case 2. Let be a Veronese ideal in m variables, then .
Under this assumption, cannot be principal because .
Assume that is a Veronese ideal in ℓ variables. Then or . Lemma 1 implies that . Thus and or and . In the first case is a Cohen-Macaulay Veronese ideal. In the second case, up to relabeling we can write . But this ideal is not polymatroidal. Otherwise, by the exchange property applied to and , we should have , which is not the case.
Assume now that is a squarefree Veronese ideal in ℓ variables.Then or . Lemma 1 implies that . Thus, either or . Up to relabeling, we have either or . If , then these ideals become either which is a Cohen-Macaulay Veronese ideal, or which is not polymatroidal because the exchange property does not hold for and since . If , then the above ideals are not polymatroidal. In the first case the exchange property does not hold for and , otherwise for some , which is not the case.
Case 3. Let be a squarefree Veronese in m variables, . Then Lemma 1 implies with . Hence .
In such a case the ideal cannot be principal because .
Assume that is a Veronese ideal in ℓ variables. Then or . Lemma 1 implies that . Hence either or . Since , either or . Only the case is possible. If , then and we have . This ideal is not Cohen-Macaulay, otherwise it would be height-unmixed. Indeed and are two associated primes of I having different height.
Finally, assume that is a squarefree Veronese ideal in ℓ variables.Then or . Lemma 1 implies that . Thus and so either or . The first case is impossible because . In the second case, we have which is a Cohen-Macaulay squarefree Veronese ideal. □