In previous sections, the influence of certain parameters on water age has been analysed for design purposes, assuming complete mixing. However, Epanet offers other mixing models for simulating the tank behaviour. A comparison between the results obtained with the different models is made in the following sections.
4.1. Case Study 1
The Case Study 1 (
Figure 9) focuses on the evolution of water age in a tank connected to a single inlet/outlet pipe, which serves as a balance tank, for the four mixing models available in Epanet. A 2,000 m
3 balance tank of the geometrical characteristics given in
Table 1 is considered.
There is a demand node that requires 7.5 l/s for 12 hours at night and 22.5 l/s for the remaining 12 hours at daylight. The whole system is fed by a continuous flow of 15 l/s coming from an upper reservoir and controlled by a Flow Control Valve (FCV), resulting in a daily average flow to the balance tank of 0.
Figure 10 summarises the hydraulic behaviour of Case Study 1:
At night, when the demand is lower, the tank fills up from 2.0 to 2.6 meters.
During the day, as demand increases, the tank level drops from 2.6 to 2.0 meters.
Note that the presented tank configuration, with a single pipe connection to the network, does not allow for simultaneous inlet and outlet flows to the tank. Therefore, the tank fills when the injected flow is higher than the demand flow and empties when the injected flow is lower than the demand flow.
Even though the maximum level of the tank is 4 m, it only reaches 2.6 m, so in practice, according to the real maximum and minimum levels reached, the used volume of the tank is 1,300 m
3 instead of its total capacity of 2,000 m
3. As a result, the daily water renewal rate is about 25%, so it takes approximately 4 days to renew all the water stored in the tank.
Finally, the hydraulic and quality results in Case Study 1 stabilise at approximately 20 days or 480 hours of simulation time (
Figure 5). Therefore, the analysis is focused on the results from the last 48 hours of the simulation.
Complete Mixing
In Complete Mixing, all water that enters the tank fully mixes with the water already inside.
Figure 11 shows that as the tank fills, new water with a low water age enters the tank, so water age decreases. Conversely, when the tank is being emptied, water age increases as the stored volume keeps ageing.
The maximum water age is 97.75 hours, which coincides with the renewal time of all stored volume, approximately 4 days. This can also be calculated using the following expression [
where T
r is the renewal time in hours, V
T the total tank volume and V
i the incoming volumes to the tank during one day.
Two-Compartment Mixing
In Two-Compartment Mixing, the total available storage volume of the tank is divided into two compartments, both of which are assumed to be completely mixed. The inlet/outlet pipes of the tank are located in the first compartment.
In Epanet, the mixing fraction must be defined as the fraction of the total volume dedicated to the first compartment. The simulation in the example was performed with mixing fractions of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, and the results are displayed in
Figure 12.
Results obtained for a mixing fraction of 0.5 and 0.8 are similar to those obtained for complete mixing. This is because the mixing fraction is related to the total volume (max. level of 4 m) and not to the actual volume used (max. level of 2.6), as depicted in the following
Figure 13, so all the used volume is mostly or totally located in the first compartment.
However, when the mixing fraction is 0.2, the tank behaves as a real two-compartment mixer. The first compartment only reaches a level of 0.8 m, and from there on, all volume corresponds to the second compartment. When the tank is filling, new water enters the first compartment and mixes completely with the water already present. This water is less than the total water, so water age decreases faster (remember that in these cases the tank quality reported by Epanet is that of the first compartment). On the contrary, during the emptying of the tank, water exits the first compartment and is replaced by water from the second compartment, which has a higher water age. This results in a faster increase in water age.
The results indicate that the hydraulic behaviour of the tank and the fixed mixing fraction are crucial when selecting a two-compartment mixing system. Special attention should be paid to the renewed volume and initial level of the tank. The hydraulic behaviour affects the accurate definition of the mixing fraction, which in turn determines the accuracy of the results obtained.
FIFO Plug Flow
FIFO Plug Flow model assumes that water parcels move through the tank separately. The first parcel to enter is also the first to leave. In the case of opposite inlet and outlet pipes, this would correspond to a horizontal movement of the parcels. Also, the presence of baffles within tanks will lead to FIFO behaviour. In the case of vertical stratification, it would correspond to filling the tank from the top.
To enhance comprehension of the behaviour of FIFO Plug Flow, the scheme presented in
Figure 14 was developed for the last case. It shows the evolution of the water age of the parcels in the tank.
Starting from a full tank and assuming a fixed time steps of 1 h, observing the movement of various water parcels within the tank can provide a better understanding of the FIFO Plug Flow behaviour.
As the tank empties, upper parcels age at a rate of 1 hour per time step. This ensures that each parcel reaches the lower location, which is determined by Epanet, with the same water age. Therefore, the water age simulation presents a constant value when the tank is emptying.
Furthermore, as the tank fills, upper parcels are generated with a lower water age, which increases when filling at a rate of 1 h. Meanwhile, the lower parcel remains stored and ages with each time step at a rate of 1 h. Therefore, during the filling process, the simulation shows a constant rate of increase in water age.
The simulation results, shown in
Figure 15, follow this behaviour (remember that the tank quality reported by Epanet is that of the outlet parcel). During the tank filling process, there is no outgoing flow, and the water age of bottom parcels increases for the time it takes to fill the tank. When the tank is emptied, there is no incoming flow, resulting in a drop of water age from 99.5 h to 87.5 h, which is the time it takes to fill the tank, i.e., 12 hours, and it remains constant during emptying because the time it takes for the water to leave the tank is the time it takes for the age of the stored water to increase.
LIFO Plug Flow
The behaviour of LIFO Plug Flow is similar to that of FIFO Plug Flow. But in this case water parcels are stacked one on top of the other and the last one to enter the tank is the first to leave. In the case of vertical stratification, it would correspond to filling and emptying the tank from the bottom.
To better understand the behaviour of the LIFO plug flow model, the scheme presented in
Figure 16 shows the water age evolution of the parcels inside the tank, starting from a full tank and fixed time steps of 1 h.
As the tank empties, the stored parcels age at a rate of 1 h at each time step. Thus, the lowest parcel (whose value is that provided by Epanet) ages at a rate of 2 h.
In addition, as the tank fills, new water with a low water age enters the tank, creating the lower parcels with a sudden decrease in the water age simulation results. Meanwhile, the water stored in the upper parcels ages at each time step, resulting in an abrupt increase in water age when the tank begins to empty.
Note that under normal conditions, where there is always some reserve volume stored in the tanks, the upper parcels never leave the network nor mix with other parcels and continue to age at each simulation time step, reaching high water age values up to the total simulation time.
Figure 17 shows the simulation results, where water age decreases abruptly to zero when the tank is being filled, as new water enters the tank and fills the lower parcel. Conversely, when the tank empties, the water age doubles the real time because the old water stored in the upper lagged parcels exits as it becomes older. At the end of the emptying cycle, there is a peak in water age that corresponds to the upper parcels that were never renewed. In fact, this is due to mass imbalances that occurred during the implementation of the quality model in Epanet.
4.3. Revealing the Quality of Water Inside the Tank
As stated before, Epanet provides the water age in the storage tanks as the water age at the tank outlet. Therefore, the total average water age of the volume stored within the storage tank is unknown, except for the complete mixing model.
One way to get a rough idea of the quality of the water in the different compartments or parcels inside the tank is to cause the tank to be emptied cancelling the inflow.
Figure 20 illustrates the evolution of water age for different mixing models as the tank empties.
For the Complete Mixing model, the water age calculated in Epanet at the tank outlet coincides with the average water age of the entire volume of water within the tank and so the water age increases linearly as the tank empties.
The Two-Compartment Mixing model operates in two stages. In the first stage, the first compartment with the lower water age begins to empty and the water from the second compartment fills the left volume of the first compartment, so that the water age increases abruptly. In the second stage, once the second compartment empties, all volume with higher water age remains exclusively in the first compartment, and there is no further mixing between volumes with high and low water age, resulting in a softening of the line slope.
The FIFO Plug Flow has a decreasing water age during emptying, as expected from the study of the behaviour of this model. This is due to the fact that water exits the tank at a faster rate than it entered, so the water age decreases.
The LIFO Plug Flow exhibits an abrupt increase in water age when the tank empties. This is because the stored water in the tank ages without being renewed, and when the tank empties, all of that volume exits, resulting in an increase in water age.