The solution (proof in Annex B) is obtained using the same step-by-step process as the 2D case, and yields:
is a "twisted-phase" rapidity. (If the invariance group was Spin(3,1) instead of
(3,1), obtainable by posing
, then it would simply be the rapidity).
2.3.1. Preliminaries
Our initial goal will be to express the partition function as a self-product of elements of the vector space. As such, we begin by defining a general multivector in the geometric algebra .
Definition 12 (Multivector).
Let be a multivector of . Its general form is:
where are the basis vectors in the real Majorana representation.
A more compact notation for is
where a is a scalar, a vector, a bivector, is pseudo-vector and a pseudo-scalar.
This general multivector can be represented by a real matrix using the real Majorana representation:
Definition 13 (Matrix Representation of
To manipulate and analyze multivectors in , we introduce several important operations, such as the multivector conjugate, the 3,4 blade conjugate, and the multivector self-product.
Definition 14 (Multivector Conjugate(in 4D)).
Definition 15 (3,4 Blade Conjugate).
The 3,4 blade conjugate of is
The results of Lundholm[
8], demonstrates that the multivector norms in the following definition, are the
unique forms which carries the properties of the determinants such as
to the domain of multivectors:
Definition 16.
The self-products associated with low-dimensional geometric algebras are:
We can now express the determinant of the matrix representation of a multivector via the self-product . Again, this choice is not arbitrary, but the unique choice with allows us to represent the determinant of the matrix representation of a multivector within :
Theorem 6 (Determinant as a Multivector Self-Product).
Proof. Please find a computer assisted proof of this equality in Annex C. □
Definition 17 (
-valued Vector).
These constructions allow us to express the partition function in terms of the multivector self-product:
Definition 18 (Double-Copy Product).
Instead of an inner product, we obtain what we call a double-copy product:
Theorem 7 (Partition Function).
Desirable properties for the double-copy product are introduced by addressing the issue of non-positivity. First, we establish non-negativity:
Theorem 8 (Non-negativity). The double-copy product, applied to the even subalgebra of , is always non-negative.
Proof. Let
. Then,
We note 1)
and 2)
We note that the terms are now complex numbers, which we rewrite as
which is always non-negative. □
To achieve positive-definiteness of the double-copy product, we must address the issue of non-zero vectors that have zero norm due to the indefinite metric signature of spacetime in . In such algebras, null vectors (vectors with zero norm) can be non-zero, which prevents the inner product from being strictly positive-definite.
To resolve this, we introduce an equivalence relation that identifies all non-zero vectors of zero norm with the zero vector. Formally, we define the equivalence relation:
Definition 19 (Equivalence Relation for Null Vectors).
For vectors in the even subalgebra of , we say:
This means that in our quotient space , the only vector of zero norm is the zero vector itself. Consequently, vectors that were previously non-zero but had zero norm are now identified with the zero vector, ensuring that the inner product is positive-definite on the quotient space.
To implement this equivalence relation and to represent physical states appropriately, we define the -valued wavefunction, which takes values in the even subalgebra of :
Definition 20 (
-Valued Wavefunction).
is a positive scalar factor ensuring non-negativity.
is a rotor representing Lorentz transformations (rotations and boosts in spacetime).
is a complex phase factor, as and .
In this representation:
The exponential map maps elements of the algebra to the connected component of the identity in the spin group , except at the zero vector, where the map is not injective.
The wavefunction captures both the amplitude (through ) and the phase (through and ) of the quantum state.
By considering the quotient space under the equivalence relation ∼, the double-copy product becomes positive-definite. This is because:
The double-copy product yields zero if and only if is the zero vector in the quotient space.
All non-zero vectors in the quotient space have a strictly positive norm.
The identification of null vectors with the zero vector removes the degeneracy caused by the indefinite metric signature.
Now, let us turn our attention to the evolution operator, which leaves the partition function invariant:
Definition 21 (
Evolution Operator).
In turn, this leads to a variant of the Schrödinger equation obtained by taking the derivative of the wavefunction with respect to the Lagrange multiplier :
Definition 22 (
-valued Schrödinger equation).
In this case represents a one-parameter evolution parameter akin to time, which is able to transform the measurement basis under action of the group. This is an extremely general equation that captures all transformations that can be done consistently with the symmetries of the wavefunction.
Theorem 9 (
(3,1) invariance).
Let be a general element of (3,1). Then, the equality:
is always satisfied.
2.3.3. Standard Model Gauge Symmetries
We will now demonstrate that the double-copy product is automatically invariant under transformations corresponding to the , , and symmetries, as well as under unitary transformations satisfying , all of which play fundamental roles in the Standard Model of particle physics. These symmetries constitute the set of transformations that leave the Dirac current invariant, i.e., with T valued in .
Theorem 10 (U(1) Invariance).
Let be a general element of U(1). Then, the equality
is satisfied, yielding a U(1) symmetry for each copied bilinear form.
Proof. Equation (
140) is invariant if this expression is satisfied:
This is always satisfied simply because □
Theorem 11 (SU(2) Invariance).
Let be a general element of Spin(3,1). Then, the equality:
is satisfied for if (which generates SU(2)), yielding a SU(2) symmetry for each copied bilinear form.
Proof. Equation (
142) is invariant if this expression is satisfied[
We now note that moving the left-most term to the right of the gamma matrix yields:
Therefore, the product reduces to if and only if , leaving :
Finally, we note that generates . □
Theorem 12 (SU(3)).
The generators of SU(3) in GA(3,1) are given by Anthony Lesenby in [10] and are as follows:
This defines the 9 generators of U(3).
With the additional restriction on
the number generators is reduced to 8, consistently with SU(3).
We now must show that the following equation is satisfied for all 8 generators:
Proof. First, we note the following action:
which we can rewrite as follows:
The first three terms anticommute with
, while the last three commute with
This can be written as:
Thus, for
, we require: 1)
and 2)
. The first requirement expands as follows:
which is the defining conditions for the
symmetry group.
Finally, as the SU(3) norm is a consequence of preserving the Dirac current, it follows that the SU(3) generators provided by Lasenby, acting on , cannot change the SU(3) norm, hence must also preserve the Dirac current. □
Theorem 13 (Unitary invariance).
Let U be unitary matrices. Then unitary invariance:
is individually satisfied for each copied bilinear form.
Proof. Equation (
159) is satisfied if
. Since
U is valued in complex numbers, then
, and since
, it follows that:
which is satisfied when
. □
The invariances SU(3), SU(2) and U(1) discussed above can be promoted to local symmetries using the usual gauge symmetry construction techniques, along with the Dirac equation or field Lagrangian.
In conventional QM, the Born rule naturally leads to a U(1)-valued gauge theory due to the following symmetry:
However, the and symmetries do not emerge from the probability measure in the same straightforward manner and are typically introduced manually, justified by experimental observations. This raises the question: why these specific symmetries and not others? In contrast, within the double-copy product framework, all three symmetry groups—, , and —as well as the and unitary symmetries, follow naturally from the invariance of the probability measure, in the same way that the symmetry follows from the Born rule. This suggests a deeper underlying principle governing the symmetries in fundamental physics.
2.3.4. A Starting Point for a Theory of Quantum Gravity
In the previous section, we developed a quantum theory valued in (3,1), which served as the arena for RQM. We then demonstrated how a single copy of this theory leads to the gauge symmetries of the standard model, the Dirac current and other features of RQM. The goal of this section is to extend this methodology to arbitrary basis vectors, in which the metric tensor emerges as an observable. To achieve this, we will utilize both copies.
We recall the definition of the metric tensor in terms of basis vectors of geometric algebra, as follows:
Then, we note that the double-copy product acts on a pair of basis element
, as follows:
are SO(3,1) rotated basis vectors, and where
is a probability measure.
As one can swap and and obtain the same metric tensor, the double-copy product guarantees that is symmetric.
Furthermore, since
, we get:
which allows us to conclude that
are self-adjoint within the double-copy product, entailing the interpretation of
as an observable.
In the double-copy product, the metric tensor emerges as a double copy of Dirac currents. This formulation suggests that the metric tensor encodes the probabilistic structure of a quantum theory of gravity in the form of a rank-2 tensor, analogous to how the Dirac current encodes the probabilistic structure of a special relativistic quantum theory in the form of a 4-vector.
Let us now investigate the dynamics. We recall that the evolution operator (Definition 21) is:
Acting on the wavefunction, the effect of this operator cascades down to the basis vectors via the double-copy product:
which realizes an
transformation of the metric tensor via action of the exponential of a bivector, and a double-copy unitary invariant transformation via action of the exponential of a pseudo-scalar:
In summary, this initial investigation has identified a scenario in which the metric tensor is measured using basis vectors. The evolution operator, governed by the Schrödinger equation, dynamically realizes SO(3,1) transformations on the metric tensor. Furthermore, the amplitudes associated with possible metric tensors are derived from a double-copy of unitary quantum theories acting on the basis vectors. This formulation simultaneously preserves the SO(3,1) symmetry, essential for describing spacetime structure, and the unitary symmetry, fundamental to quantum mechanics. It describes all changes of basis transformations that an observer in 3+1D spacetime can perform prior to measuring (in the quantum sense) a basis system in spacetime, and attributes a probability to the outcome (the outcome being the metric tensor).