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29 April 2024
01 May 2024
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Countries | Regions | Population | % | p | Sample |
Venezuela | Zulia | 5126000 | 23,6 | 0,236 | 481,91 |
México | Nuevo León | 5784442 | 26,63 | 0,2663 | 543,78 |
Argentina | Tucumán, salta, misiones, santa cruz, Córdoba | 4129480 | 19,01 | 0,19 | 387,98 |
Perú | La Libertad | 1778000 | 8,185 | 0,08185 | 167,14 |
Cuba | La Habana | 3686839 | 16,97 | 0,1697 | 346,53 |
Colombia | Boyacá | 1217000 | 5,603 | 0,05603 | 114,41 |
TOTAL | 21721761 | 100 | 0,99988 | 2041,8 |
Factor | # | Item |
e-administration | 1 | The technological infrastructure (home or mobile internet, Wi-Fi zones) should be private. |
2 | The technological infrastructure (home or mobile internet, Wi-Fi zones) should be public. | |
3 | The local (Municipal) government adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
4 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to the needs of citizens. | |
5 | The national government adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
6 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
e-services | 7 | The local (Municipal) government should have a functional website to report on its management. |
8 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
9 | The national government (Presidency) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
10 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
11 | The local (municipal) government should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
12 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
13 | The national government (Presidency) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
14 | The local (Municipal) government should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
15 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
16 | The national government (Presidency) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
17 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
18 | The local (Municipal) government should use its website to account for the resources it manages. | |
19 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should use its website to account for the resources it administers. | |
20 | The national government (Presidency) should use its website to account for the resources it administers. | |
21 | The local (Municipal) government should have a user-friendly website where information is easily found (navigability). | |
22 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
23 | The national government (Presidency) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
24 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
25 | The local (Municipal) government should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
26 | The national government (Presidency) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
27 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
e-democracy | 28 | The local government (Mayor's Office) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. |
29 | The regional government (State-Department) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
30 | The national government (Presidency) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
31 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
32 | The local government (Mayor's Office) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
33 | The regional government (State-Department) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
34 | The national government (Presidency) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
35 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
36 | The election of the mayor should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
37 | The election of the governor should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
38 | The election of the president should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
39 | The election of deputies or senators (Congress, National Assembly) should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
40 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
41 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). |
# | Year | Works´s title | Findings | Proposes and validates an instrument for measuring e-governance |
1 | 2013 | E-governance in Lithuanian Municipalities: External Factors Analysis of the Websites Development [5]. | The paper focuses on the usability of public organizations' websites, as well as on the external factors influencing the development of Lithuanian municipal websites. It measures one of the dimensions of e-governance which is e-services. | Parcial |
2 | 2016 | A QoS and Cognitive Parameters based Uncertainty Model for Selection of Semantic Web Services [6]. | The main objective of this research work is to present a model based on cognitive and quality of service parameters for the selection of semantic web services. An e-governance tool is not proposed or validated. | No |
3 | 2016 | A Toolkit for Prototype Implementation of E-Governance Service System Readiness Assessment Framework [7]. | This research paper presents a set of e-governance readiness assessment tools as a prototype application. Although it does not propose an instrument or its validation, the modified Levels of Engagement scheme could be useful as a 4-stage implementation of the e-participation maturity model, namely e-participation maturity model, namely: E-Informing, E-Collaborating, E-Consulting, and E-Empowering. |
Parcial |
4 | 2016 | E-readiness evaluation modelling for monitoring the national e-government programme [8]. | The study aims to develop a solution to assess the progress of a national e-government program on the methodological platform of the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM). It measures one of the dimensions of e-governance which is e-services. The study concludes that it is necessary to assess the dynamics of the "e-Ukraine" program by introducing weighting coefficients for e-governance indices and sub-indices. | Partial |
5 | 2017 | Georgia on my mind: a study of the role of governance and cooperation in online service delivery in the Caucasus [9]. | E-services indicators are proposed, although the instrument is not validated. The analysis highlights the influence of politically driven public sector reforms supported by the use of ICTs to improve service delivery, transparency and anti-corruption in the period 2004-2012. The article concludes that eGovernment is fragmented and that the use of public and private online services (eService) is limited, despite the high penetration and use of the Internet. | Parcial |
6 | 2018 | The Arrangement of the Information Technology and Communications Master Plan using PeGI Model (e-Governance Ranking Indonesia) to Improve District Government Services [5]. | E-services indicators are proposed, although the instrument is not validated. The information and communication technology master plan for local government is a product of scientific research with the PeGI (Indonesian e-Government ranking) model as a measurement model of the e-Government system. The PeGI model takes measures in 5 (five) dimensions of e-Government system: policy, institutional, infrastructure, implementation and planning. |
Partial |
7 | 2018 | Who Is Measuring What and How in EGOV Domain? [10]. | This is a literature review. It does not validate an instrument, although it makes contributions by stating that assessment tools are scattered among various sources and that there is no systematized framework to support the analysis and selection of the appropriate tool for specific situations. The paper aims to answer these questions by characterizing the available literature in the context of EGOV measurement, evaluation and monitoring, with the aim of generating a knowledge base oriented towards the creation of a future catalog of tools and instruments for EGOV assessment, and to present a conceptual framework for the choice of an appropriate tool from such a catalog. |
Partial |
8 | 2020 | Relationship of Personal Data Protection towards the Electoral Measures: Partial Least Square Analysis [11]. | The study addresses one of the indicators of the e-democracy dimension, namely e-voting. The adoption of e-voting in several countries poses certain challenges, which are very similar when applying electronic means to any activity, such as e-governance or e-commerce. Therefore, some people, for economic, political or social reasons, expect that the use of e-voting will facilitate and solve election problems. Unfortunately, the practical implementation is more complex and difficult, with different problems and depends on the conditions or culture of each country or culture. One of the essential factors for adoption is related to privacy protection. Thus, this study examines the relationship between perceived benefits and concern for personal data protection by establishing a formative measurement model. |
Partial |
9 | 2021 | E-governance and University of Ha'il institutional excellence in light of the Kingdom's Vision 2030: An Empirical Study on Faculty Member [1]. | The objective of this research is to identify the impact of e-governance on institutional excellence at the University of Ha'il. The following dimensions are proposed and validated to measure e-governance: Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Level of e-services provided, Change management and Infrastructure. | Si |
10 | 2021 | The Engineering of E-governance and Technology in the Management of Secondary Schools: Case of the Nouaceur Delegation [12]. | The objective of this study is to measure the impact of governance on the organizational performance of schools in administrative, financial and pedagogical aspects. Although the instrument is not validated, several principles are proposed to measure e-governance, such as: participation, transparency, accountability and evaluation. | Partial |
11 | 2023 | Mapping the e-governance efficiency of Chinese cities [13] | The article supports the thesis of the need to design and validate instruments to measure e-governance. E-governance is considered an essential indicator of advanced cities, but the measurement of e-governance efficiency requires further study. Following this line of research, this article proposes an e-governance efficiency index (GEI) that is applied to Chinese cities. | Si |
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy of sampling adequacy | ,963 | |
Bartlett's test for sphericity | Aprox. Chi-cuadrado | 93297,391 |
gl | 820 | |
Sig. | ,000 |
Item1 | Item2 | Item3 | Item4 | Item5 | Item6 | Item7 | Item8 | Item9 | Item10 | Item11 | Item12 | Item13 | Item14 | Item15 | Item16 | Item17 | Item18 | Item19 | Item20 | ||
Correlación anti-imagen | Item1 | ,574a | ,466 | -,120 | -,028 | ,026 | -,071 | -,068 | ,011 | -,017 | ,020 | -,006 | -,018 | ,027 | -,003 | ,026 | ,006 | -,040 | -,009 | ,014 | ,004 |
Item2 | ,466 | ,700a | -,067 | -,013 | -,068 | -,054 | -,024 | ,004 | -,017 | -,002 | ,033 | -,015 | -,001 | ,012 | ,044 | -,002 | -,047 | -,028 | ,019 | -,017 | |
Item3 | -,120 | -,067 | ,819a | -,524 | -,085 | -,162 | -,021 | ,036 | -,018 | ,040 | -,064 | -,020 | ,053 | ,003 | ,014 | ,012 | -,036 | ,103 | -,024 | -,044 | |
Item4 | -,028 | -,013 | -,524 | ,814a | -,285 | -,128 | ,040 | -,035 | ,027 | -,061 | ,027 | ,025 | -,047 | -,030 | -,011 | -,004 | ,050 | -,049 | ,029 | ,014 | |
Item5 | ,026 | -,068 | -,085 | -,285 | ,819a | -,556 | -,054 | ,058 | -,014 | -,021 | -,006 | ,059 | -,029 | -,004 | -,040 | -8,211E-5 | ,046 | -,058 | ,015 | ,047 | |
Item6 | -,071 | -,054 | -,162 | -,128 | -,556 | ,833a | ,033 | -,059 | -,012 | ,030 | ,027 | -,044 | ,015 | ,034 | ,015 | -,010 | -,044 | ,023 | ,003 | -,017 | |
Item7 | -,068 | -,024 | -,021 | ,040 | -,054 | ,033 | ,968a | -,451 | -,158 | -,043 | -,059 | ,004 | -,081 | -,011 | ,047 | -,098 | ,043 | -,019 | -,001 | ,013 | |
Item8 | ,011 | ,004 | ,036 | -,035 | ,058 | -,059 | -,451 | ,967a | -,202 | -,200 | -,118 | -,016 | ,010 | ,031 | -,052 | ,050 | -,026 | ,030 | -,045 | ,010 | |
Item9 | -,017 | -,017 | -,018 | ,027 | -,014 | -,012 | -,158 | -,202 | ,976a | -,369 | ,003 | -,015 | -,091 | -,090 | ,024 | -,030 | ,055 | ,014 | -,026 | -,013 | |
Item10 | ,020 | -,002 | ,040 | -,061 | -,021 | ,030 | -,043 | -,200 | -,369 | ,976a | -,072 | -,064 | ,044 | ,007 | -,023 | ,127 | -,092 | -,002 | ,004 | -,020 | |
Item11 | -,006 | ,033 | -,064 | ,027 | -,006 | ,027 | -,059 | -,118 | ,003 | -,072 | ,977a | -,361 | -,199 | -,042 | -,056 | ,000 | ,108 | -,096 | ,047 | ,028 | |
Item12 | -,018 | -,015 | -,020 | ,025 | ,059 | -,044 | ,004 | -,016 | -,015 | -,064 | -,361 | ,975a | -,241 | -,004 | -,063 | -,008 | ,030 | ,065 | -,056 | ,021 | |
Item13 | ,027 | -,001 | ,053 | -,047 | -,029 | ,015 | -,081 | ,010 | -,091 | ,044 | -,199 | -,241 | ,981a | -,019 | ,042 | -,069 | ,002 | -,056 | ,026 | ,000 | |
Item14 | -,003 | ,012 | ,003 | -,030 | -,004 | ,034 | -,011 | ,031 | -,090 | ,007 | -,042 | -,004 | -,019 | ,975a | -,380 | -,115 | -,151 | ,028 | ,049 | -,077 | |
Item15 | ,026 | ,044 | ,014 | -,011 | -,040 | ,015 | ,047 | -,052 | ,024 | -,023 | -,056 | -,063 | ,042 | -,380 | ,965a | -,349 | -,206 | -,051 | -,092 | ,062 | |
Item16 | ,006 | -,002 | ,012 | -,004 | -8,211E-5 | -,010 | -,098 | ,050 | -,030 | ,127 | ,000 | -,008 | -,069 | -,115 | -,349 | ,966a | -,383 | ,036 | ,033 | -,063 | |
Item17 | -,040 | -,047 | -,036 | ,050 | ,046 | -,044 | ,043 | -,026 | ,055 | -,092 | ,108 | ,030 | ,002 | -,151 | -,206 | -,383 | ,971a | -,088 | -,020 | ,052 | |
Item18 | -,009 | -,028 | ,103 | -,049 | -,058 | ,023 | -,019 | ,030 | ,014 | -,002 | -,096 | ,065 | -,056 | ,028 | -,051 | ,036 | -,088 | ,972a | -,412 | -,193 | |
Item19 | ,014 | ,019 | -,024 | ,029 | ,015 | ,003 | -,001 | -,045 | -,026 | ,004 | ,047 | -,056 | ,026 | ,049 | -,092 | ,033 | -,020 | -,412 | ,949a | -,579 | |
Item20 | ,004 | -,017 | -,044 | ,014 | ,047 | -,017 | ,013 | ,010 | -,013 | -,020 | ,028 | ,021 | ,000 | -,077 | ,062 | -,063 | ,052 | -,193 | -,579 | ,958a |
Item21 | Item22 | Item23 | Item24 | Item25 | Item26 | Item27 | Item28 | Item29 | Item30 | Item31 | Item32 | Item33 | Item34 | Item35 | Item36 | Item37 | Item38 | Item39 | Item40 | Item41 | ||
Correlación anti-imagen | Item21 | ,982a | -,374 | -,155 | -,086 | -,027 | -,050 | ,008 | -,024 | ,034 | -,029 | -,014 | ,072 | -,044 | ,029 | -,053 | ,003 | -,019 | -,003 | ,031 | -,001 | -,033 |
Item22 | -,374 | ,977a | -,262 | -,143 | -,034 | -,008 | -,004 | ,057 | -,047 | -,022 | ,016 | -,012 | ,045 | -,019 | -,016 | -,055 | ,002 | -,031 | ,086 | -,026 | ,008 | |
Item23 | -,155 | -,262 | ,976a | -,370 | -,038 | ,018 | -,040 | ,029 | -,049 | ,037 | -,059 | ,008 | -,063 | -,019 | ,101 | ,062 | -,023 | ,000 | -,038 | ,036 | -,096 | |
Item24 | -,086 | -,143 | -,370 | ,981a | -,132 | -,033 | -,070 | -,021 | ,018 | ,067 | -,060 | -,013 | ,061 | -,034 | -,012 | ,018 | -,009 | ,004 | -,025 | -,007 | -,009 | |
Item25 | -,027 | -,034 | -,038 | -,132 | ,981a | -,262 | -,213 | -,028 | ,008 | -,007 | ,005 | ,012 | -,084 | ,094 | ,004 | -,060 | -,027 | ,043 | ,045 | ,031 | -,203 | |
Item26 | -,050 | -,008 | ,018 | -,033 | -,262 | ,976a | -,312 | -,054 | -,039 | ,030 | ,036 | ,039 | ,005 | -,013 | -,052 | ,077 | -,059 | ,060 | -,052 | -,055 | -,271 | |
Item27 | ,008 | -,004 | -,040 | -,070 | -,213 | -,312 | ,982a | -,020 | ,006 | -,077 | ,060 | -,043 | ,001 | -,033 | ,078 | -,007 | ,041 | -,021 | -,026 | -,040 | -,155 | |
Item28 | -,024 | ,057 | ,029 | -,021 | -,028 | -,054 | -,020 | ,968a | -,412 | -,211 | -,085 | -,051 | ,069 | -,066 | ,020 | -,026 | ,073 | -,052 | -,006 | ,050 | ,057 | |
Item29 | ,034 | -,047 | -,049 | ,018 | ,008 | -,039 | ,006 | -,412 | ,961a | -,286 | -,262 | ,027 | -,023 | -,015 | -,001 | ,042 | -,088 | ,052 | ,002 | -,003 | -,032 | |
Item30 | -,029 | -,022 | ,037 | ,067 | -,007 | ,030 | -,077 | -,211 | -,286 | ,960a | -,419 | -,036 | -,015 | ,041 | -,045 | -,012 | ,010 | ,024 | -,014 | -,067 | -,022 | |
Item31 | -,014 | ,016 | -,059 | -,060 | ,005 | ,036 | ,060 | -,085 | -,262 | -,419 | ,968a | -,042 | -,047 | ,047 | -,028 | -,040 | ,043 | -,043 | ,036 | -,034 | -,049 | |
Item32 | ,072 | -,012 | ,008 | -,013 | ,012 | ,039 | -,043 | -,051 | ,027 | -,036 | -,042 | ,958a | -,414 | -,243 | -,142 | -,032 | -,015 | ,036 | -,004 | ,052 | -,024 | |
Item33 | -,044 | ,045 | -,063 | ,061 | -,084 | ,005 | ,001 | ,069 | -,023 | -,015 | -,047 | -,414 | ,940a | -,392 | -,233 | -,020 | -,018 | ,055 | -,032 | ,014 | ,079 | |
Item34 | ,029 | -,019 | -,019 | -,034 | ,094 | -,013 | -,033 | -,066 | -,015 | ,041 | ,047 | -,243 | -,392 | ,942a | -,354 | ,004 | ,002 | -,121 | ,070 | -,081 | -,049 | |
Item35 | -,053 | -,016 | ,101 | -,012 | ,004 | -,052 | ,078 | ,020 | -,001 | -,045 | -,028 | -,142 | -,233 | -,354 | ,963a | -,028 | -,001 | ,026 | -,061 | ,039 | -,018 | |
Item36 | ,003 | -,055 | ,062 | ,018 | -,060 | ,077 | -,007 | -,026 | ,042 | -,012 | -,040 | -,032 | -,020 | ,004 | -,028 | ,921a | -,482 | -,111 | -,240 | ,015 | -,032 | |
Item37 | -,019 | ,002 | -,023 | -,009 | -,027 | -,059 | ,041 | ,073 | -,088 | ,010 | ,043 | -,015 | -,018 | ,002 | -,001 | -,482 | ,891a | -,389 | -,255 | ,001 | ,067 | |
Item38 | -,003 | -,031 | ,000 | ,004 | ,043 | ,060 | -,021 | -,052 | ,052 | ,024 | -,043 | ,036 | ,055 | -,121 | ,026 | -,111 | -,389 | ,912a | -,398 | -,001 | -,034 | |
Item39 | ,031 | ,086 | -,038 | -,025 | ,045 | -,052 | -,026 | -,006 | ,002 | -,014 | ,036 | -,004 | -,032 | ,070 | -,061 | -,240 | -,255 | -,398 | ,923a | ,001 | -,011 | |
Item40 | -,001 | -,026 | ,036 | -,007 | ,031 | -,055 | -,040 | ,050 | -,003 | -,067 | -,034 | ,052 | ,014 | -,081 | ,039 | ,015 | ,001 | -,001 | ,001 | ,982a | -,011 | |
Item41 | -,033 | ,008 | -,096 | -,009 | -,203 | -,271 | -,155 | ,057 | -,032 | -,022 | -,049 | -,024 | ,079 | -,049 | -,018 | -,032 | ,067 | -,034 | -,011 | -,011 | ,982a |
Item | Initial | Extraction |
Item1 | ,264 | ,035 |
Item2 | ,284 | ,074 |
Item3 | ,642 | ,645 |
Item4 | ,689 | ,719 |
Item5 | ,706 | ,762 |
Item6 | ,682 | ,731 |
Item7 | ,718 | ,686 |
Item8 | ,786 | ,770 |
Item9 | ,748 | ,741 |
Item10 | ,766 | ,755 |
Item11 | ,781 | ,758 |
Item12 | ,796 | ,756 |
Item13 | ,791 | ,764 |
Item14 | ,736 | ,581 |
Item15 | ,784 | ,582 |
Item16 | ,775 | ,572 |
Item17 | ,759 | ,587 |
Item18 | ,750 | ,771 |
Item19 | ,831 | ,903 |
Item20 | ,792 | ,831 |
Item21 | ,757 | ,709 |
Item22 | ,784 | ,726 |
Item23 | ,814 | ,771 |
Item24 | ,785 | ,760 |
Item25 | ,801 | ,803 |
Item26 | ,814 | ,790 |
Item27 | ,793 | ,781 |
Item28 | ,744 | ,760 |
Item29 | ,808 | ,844 |
Item30 | ,798 | ,834 |
Item31 | ,770 | ,796 |
Item32 | ,805 | ,835 |
Item33 | ,847 | ,891 |
Item34 | ,839 | ,869 |
Item35 | ,778 | ,800 |
Item36 | ,856 | ,876 |
Item37 | ,894 | ,926 |
Item38 | ,860 | ,882 |
Item39 | ,855 | ,877 |
Item40 | ,768 | ,737 |
Item41 | ,783 | ,775 |
Extraction method: maximum likelihood. |
Factor | Initial eigenvalues | Sums of squared extraction charges | Sums of loads squared by rotation | ||||||
Total | % of variance | % accumulated | Total | % of variance | % accumulated | Total | % of variance | % accumulated | |
1 | 18,582 | 45,323 | 45,323 | 17,864 | 43,572 | 43,572 | 15,154 | 36,961 | 36,961 |
2 | 5,193 | 12,666 | 57,989 | 5,246 | 12,794 | 56,366 | 3,679 | 8,974 | 45,935 |
3 | 2,826 | 6,893 | 64,881 | 2,012 | 4,908 | 61,274 | 3,488 | 8,507 | 54,443 |
4 | 1,674 | 4,084 | 68,965 | 2,175 | 5,305 | 66,579 | 2,992 | 7,297 | 61,739 |
5 | 1,412 | 3,444 | 72,409 | 1,018 | 2,484 | 69,063 | 2,438 | 5,945 | 67,685 |
6 | 1,243 | 3,032 | 75,441 | ,980 | 2,391 | 71,454 | 1,417 | 3,455 | 71,140 |
7 | 1,126 | 2,745 | 78,186 | ,769 | 1,874 | 73,329 | ,897 | 2,189 | 73,329 |
8 | ,969 | 2,364 | 80,550 | ||||||
9 | ,938 | 2,287 | 82,837 | ||||||
10 | ,609 | 1,485 | 84,321 | ||||||
11 | ,502 | 1,224 | 85,545 | ||||||
12 | ,467 | 1,138 | 86,683 | ||||||
13 | ,421 | 1,026 | 87,709 | ||||||
14 | ,349 | ,852 | 88,561 | ||||||
15 | ,297 | ,723 | 89,285 | ||||||
16 | ,268 | ,655 | 89,939 | ||||||
17 | ,265 | ,647 | 90,586 | ||||||
18 | ,262 | ,639 | 91,225 | ||||||
19 | ,249 | ,607 | 91,832 | ||||||
20 | ,238 | ,580 | 92,412 | ||||||
21 | ,219 | ,534 | 92,946 | ||||||
22 | ,201 | ,489 | 93,436 | ||||||
23 | ,193 | ,471 | 93,906 | ||||||
24 | ,191 | ,465 | 94,372 | ||||||
25 | ,186 | ,452 | 94,824 | ||||||
26 | ,174 | ,425 | 95,249 | ||||||
27 | ,169 | ,412 | 95,661 | ||||||
28 | ,162 | ,394 | 96,055 | ||||||
29 | ,156 | ,381 | 96,436 | ||||||
30 | ,151 | ,368 | 96,804 | ||||||
31 | ,147 | ,358 | 97,163 | ||||||
32 | ,145 | ,353 | 97,515 | ||||||
33 | ,137 | ,334 | 97,849 | ||||||
34 | ,131 | ,319 | 98,168 | ||||||
35 | ,128 | ,312 | 98,480 | ||||||
36 | ,124 | ,301 | 98,781 | ||||||
37 | ,120 | ,294 | 99,075 | ||||||
38 | ,107 | ,260 | 99,335 | ||||||
39 | ,104 | ,255 | 99,590 | ||||||
40 | ,095 | ,231 | 99,821 | ||||||
41 | ,074 | ,179 | 100,000 | ||||||
Método de extracción: máxima verosimilitud. |
Item | Factor | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
Item25 | ,863 | ||||||
Item26 | ,854 | ||||||
Item27 | ,848 | ||||||
Item41 | ,846 | ||||||
Item24 | ,841 | ||||||
Item23 | ,841 | ||||||
Item13 | ,821 | ||||||
Item12 | ,820 | ||||||
Item22 | ,816 | ||||||
Item11 | ,814 | ||||||
Item40 | ,805 | ||||||
Item21 | ,803 | ||||||
Item10 | ,780 | ||||||
Item8 | ,767 | ||||||
Item9 | ,750 | ||||||
Item14 | ,720 | ||||||
Item7 | ,717 | ||||||
Item16 | ,715 | ||||||
Item17 | ,713 | ||||||
Item15 | ,710 | ||||||
Item18 | ,621 | ,570 | |||||
Item37 | ,918 | ||||||
Item38 | ,898 | ||||||
Item39 | ,893 | ||||||
Item36 | ,884 | ||||||
Item33 | ,848 | ||||||
Item34 | ,828 | ||||||
Item32 | ,810 | ||||||
Item35 | ,785 | ||||||
Item5 | ,860 | ||||||
Item4 | ,842 | ||||||
Item6 | ,842 | ||||||
Item3 | ,796 | ||||||
Item2 | |||||||
Item1 | |||||||
Item30 | ,514 | ,705 | |||||
Item29 | ,541 | ,697 | |||||
Item31 | ,513 | ,675 | |||||
Item28 | ,508 | ,653 | |||||
Item19 | ,631 | ,668 | |||||
Item20 | ,617 | ,629 | |||||
Extraction method: maximum likelihood. Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization. | |||||||
a. The rotation has converged in 6 iterations. |
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy | ,964 | |
Bartlett's test for sphericity | Approx. chi-square | 92522,546 |
gl | 741 | |
Sig. | ,000 |
Item | Initial | Extraction |
Item3 | ,636 | ,625 |
Item4 | ,688 | ,711 |
Item5 | ,703 | ,726 |
Item6 | ,680 | ,690 |
Item7 | ,717 | ,571 |
Item8 | ,786 | ,654 |
Item9 | ,748 | ,637 |
Item10 | ,766 | ,670 |
Item11 | ,780 | ,689 |
Item12 | ,796 | ,702 |
Item13 | ,791 | ,718 |
Item14 | ,736 | ,597 |
Item15 | ,783 | ,589 |
Item16 | ,775 | ,582 |
Item17 | ,759 | ,594 |
Item18 | ,749 | ,560 |
Item19 | ,831 | ,585 |
Item20 | ,792 | ,551 |
Item21 | ,756 | ,681 |
Item22 | ,784 | ,692 |
Item23 | ,814 | ,721 |
Item24 | ,785 | ,705 |
Item25 | ,801 | ,720 |
Item26 | ,814 | ,717 |
Item27 | ,793 | ,713 |
Item28 | ,744 | ,528 |
Item29 | ,807 | ,573 |
Item30 | ,797 | ,550 |
Item31 | ,770 | ,542 |
Item32 | ,805 | ,643 |
Item33 | ,847 | ,668 |
Item34 | ,839 | ,678 |
Item35 | ,778 | ,649 |
Item36 | ,856 | ,728 |
Item37 | ,894 | ,730 |
Item38 | ,860 | ,694 |
Item39 | ,855 | ,701 |
Item40 | ,768 | ,709 |
Item41 | ,783 | ,711 |
Método de extracción: factorización de eje principal. |
Factor | Initial eigenvalues | Sums of squared extraction charges | Sums of loads squared by rotation | ||||
Total | % of variance | % accumulated | Total | % of variance | % accumulated | Total | |
1 | 18,570 | 47,617 | 47,617 | 18,218 | 46,713 | 46,713 | 17,948 |
2 | 5,135 | 13,167 | 60,783 | 4,830 | 12,384 | 59,096 | 7,408 |
3 | 2,776 | 7,119 | 67,902 | 2,459 | 6,305 | 65,401 | 3,393 |
4 | 1,668 | 4,277 | 72,179 | ||||
5 | 1,259 | 3,229 | 75,409 | ||||
6 | 1,127 | 2,891 | 78,300 | ||||
7 | ,972 | 2,492 | 80,792 | ||||
8 | ,938 | 2,405 | 83,197 | ||||
9 | ,609 | 1,561 | 84,757 | ||||
10 | ,467 | 1,196 | 85,954 | ||||
11 | ,427 | 1,096 | 87,049 | ||||
12 | ,350 | ,899 | 87,948 | ||||
13 | ,298 | ,765 | 88,713 | ||||
14 | ,270 | ,693 | 89,406 | ||||
15 | ,266 | ,682 | 90,088 | ||||
16 | ,262 | ,672 | 90,760 | ||||
17 | ,250 | ,641 | 91,401 | ||||
18 | ,238 | ,611 | 92,013 | ||||
19 | ,219 | ,563 | 92,575 | ||||
20 | ,201 | ,515 | 93,090 | ||||
21 | ,194 | ,497 | 93,587 | ||||
22 | ,191 | ,490 | 94,077 | ||||
23 | ,186 | ,477 | 94,554 | ||||
24 | ,174 | ,447 | 95,000 | ||||
25 | ,169 | ,434 | 95,434 | ||||
26 | ,162 | ,414 | 95,849 | ||||
27 | ,156 | ,401 | 96,250 | ||||
28 | ,151 | ,387 | 96,637 | ||||
29 | ,147 | ,377 | 97,014 | ||||
30 | ,145 | ,371 | 97,385 | ||||
31 | ,137 | ,352 | 97,737 | ||||
32 | ,131 | ,336 | 98,073 | ||||
33 | ,128 | ,328 | 98,401 | ||||
34 | ,124 | ,317 | 98,718 | ||||
35 | ,121 | ,309 | 99,027 | ||||
36 | ,107 | ,274 | 99,300 | ||||
37 | ,105 | ,268 | 99,568 | ||||
38 | ,095 | ,243 | 99,811 | ||||
39 | ,074 | ,189 | 100,000 | ||||
Extraction method: principal axis factorization. | |||||||
a. When factors are correlated, the sums of the squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance. |
Item | Factores | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
Item13 | ,868 | ||
Item40 | ,863 | ||
Item12 | ,863 | ||
Item25 | ,862 | ||
Item11 | ,858 | ||
Item23 | ,856 | ||
Item26 | ,854 | ||
Item27 | ,853 | ||
Item24 | ,848 | ||
Item41 | ,847 | ||
Item10 | ,846 | ||
Item22 | ,839 | ||
Item8 | ,839 | ||
Item21 | ,831 | ||
Item9 | ,824 | ||
Item7 | ,785 | ||
Item14 | ,769 | ||
Item15 | ,758 | ||
Item16 | ,757 | ||
Item17 | ,752 | ||
Item19 | ,709 | ||
Item18 | ,702 | ||
Item20 | ,691 | ||
Item29 | ,660 | ||
Item30 | ,639 | ||
Item28 | ,630 | ||
Item31 | ,625 | ||
Item36 | ,849 | ||
Item37 | ,844 | ||
Item39 | ,827 | ||
Item38 | ,825 | ||
Item34 | ,737 | ||
Item35 | ,731 | ||
Item33 | ,726 | ||
Item32 | ,708 | ||
Item4 | ,848 | ||
Item5 | ,844 | ||
Item6 | ,822 | ||
Item3 | ,793 | ||
Método de extracción: factorización de eje principal. | |||
Rotation method: Oblimin with Kaiser normalization. | |||
a. The rotation has converged in 5 iterations. |
Factor | # | Item |
e-administration | 3 | The local (Municipal) government adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. |
4 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
5 | The national government adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
6 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) adequately manages ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platforms to respond to citizens' needs. | |
e-services | 7 | The local (Municipal) government should have a functional website to report on its management. |
8 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
9 | The national government (Presidency) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
10 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a functional website to report on its management. | |
11 | The local (Municipal) government should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
12 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
13 | The national government (Presidency) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
14 | The local (Municipal) government should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
15 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
16 | The national government (Presidency) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
17 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use its website to carry out procedures without the citizen having to physically go to the offices. | |
18 | The local (Municipal) government should use its website to account for the resources it manages. | |
19 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should use its website to account for the resources it administers. | |
20 | The national government (Presidency) should use its website to account for the resources it administers. | |
21 | The local (Municipal) government should have a user-friendly website where information is easily found (navigability). | |
22 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
23 | The national government (Presidency) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
24 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a user-friendly website where information can be easily found (navigability). | |
25 | The local (Municipal) government should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
26 | The national government (Presidency) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
27 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). | |
e-democracy | 28 | The local government (Mayor's Office) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. |
29 | The regional government (State-Department) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
30 | The national government (Presidency) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
31 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use digital media (website, social networks) to consult citizens on the effectiveness of its management through surveys or other instruments. | |
32 | The local government (Mayor's Office) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
33 | The regional government (State-Department) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
34 | The national government (Presidency) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
35 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should use digital media (website, social networks) to directly involve citizens in decision making (electronic voting). | |
36 | The election of the mayor should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
37 | The election of the governor should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
38 | The election of the president should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
39 | The election of deputies or senators (Congress, National Assembly) should take place remotely through electronic voting. | |
40 | The parliament (Congress, National Assembly) should have an interactive website where citizens' requests are answered. | |
41 | The regional government (State, Department, Province) should have a website with aids and options for people with functional diversity or disability (accessibility). |
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