4.1. The Lack of N and K Negatively Influenced Tree Growth, While the Absence of B Affected Fruit Yield
The growth of young trees, assessed by trunk thickening and canopy volume, was significantly affected by the availability of N and K in the soil. In treatments lacking either of these nutrients, the trees exhibited markedly less growth compared to those in other treatments. N is an essential element required by plants in substantial quantities. It plays a crucial role in various organic structures, notably proteins, nucleic acids, phytohormones, and chlorophylls. When N is deficient, plants clearly exhibit stunted growth [
17]. In this region, where soils are typically shallow and low in organic matter and nutrients, significant differences in crop productivity often arise when comparing treatments that provide varying N rates [
K does not form part of organic structures, but it is equally required by plants in substantial quantities, playing vital roles in various plant functions. These include enzyme activation, regulation of osmotic fluid pressure with a significant impact on cell extension and stomatal aperture, and the transport of photoassimilates in plant vessels [
17]. However, due to the high natural availability of K in some soils, the plant's response to K application is not as evident as its response to N application [
41]. In this experiment, the potential significance of K application may have been influenced by its role in stomatal regulation, especially considering that the trial took place in rainfed conditions, and the growing season included a long, hot, and dry summer. K appears to have a particularly positive effect on crop production under adverse conditions, inducing increased tolerance to drought [
23]. The nutrient's reduced mobility in the soil through diffusion and mass flow is also observed when soil water availability and plant transpiration decrease [
5]. Therefore, lower K levels in the soil may have led to difficulties in nutrient uptake and negative effects on plant growth.
Fruit production was significantly impacted by the absence of B, with the average results of this treatment being the lowest and markedly inferior to the NPKB and N-PKB treatments. B, although it is a micronutrient and required in small quantities, plays crucial roles in plants associated with the biosynthesis and stability of biomembranes and cell walls [
27]. The lack of B can substantially hinder blossom and fruit set. Plants experiencing B deficiency often exhibit poor flower production and pollen viability. Interestingly, this reproductive failure is frequently observed without deficiency symptoms in shoots, indicating that the B requirement for the reproductive process is greater than for shoot growth [
27]. It is noteworthy that chestnut tree, being a dicot species, has higher B requirements compared to monocots [
27]. Moreover, B is chronically deficient in the soils of this region, where a robust crop response to nutrient application, including in chestnut trees, has been consistently observed [
4.2. The Concentrations of N, K, and B in the Leaves Were Strongly Influenced by Their Applications, While P Had a Modest Effect
The treatment that did not receive N (-NPKB) showed lower N levels in the leaves compared to the other treatments. Nevertheless, the average values did not fall below the lower limit of the sufficiency range, which is commonly used in this crop and is set at 20 g kg
–1 [
21]. Therefore, at least in theory, the impact of not applying N should not be as negative for the plant as indicated by the results of trunk thickening and canopy size. However, the chestnut tree is a less-studied plant due to its economic importance being limited to only a few restricted areas globally [
2]. It is plausible that the sufficiency range for different nutrients may not be adequately established, as it requires extensive studies on fertilizer application response. Unfortunately, in the case of chestnut tree, such studies are lacking. For instance, the Plant Analysis Handbook by Bryson et al. [
9] provides sufficiency ranges for about 2000 cultivated species but does not include values for chestnut trees. The findings of this study suggest that the lower limit of the sufficiency range for N should be higher. With leaf N levels at 20 g kg
–1, the plant may already be in deficiency, at least in a situation known as "hidden hunger," where the plant may appear relatively normal, but growth is reduced, and so is crop yield [
The N-PKB treatment did not significantly influence tree growth or fruit production and had very little impact on P concentration in the leaves. However, P is considered the second most limiting element for crop growth and yield in the world [
19]. It is estimated that approximately 2/3 of the world's soils have limited P availability to plants, posing a significant constraint on agricultural productivity [
18]. Furthermore, P levels in the soils of this region are often considered low when determined by the official method used in Portugal, the Egner-Riehm method [
21]. However, in this region, there is a known lack of plant response to P application [
45]. The use of this diagnostic method probably should be reconsidered because it seems that its results do not align with the nutrient's bioavailability in the soil, which determines plant responses in the field. The bioavailability of P in these soils has been shown to be higher than the results of the Egner-Riehm method suggest.
The K levels in the leaves were consistently low, often falling below the usual sufficiency range used for this crop [
21]. The values for the NP-KB treatment were notably low, indicating a clear deficiency situation that resulted in lower tree productivity in this treatment. Strong constraints on potassium (K) mobility in the soil occur during the summer when soil moisture and plant transpiration decrease, making nutrient uptake challenging as mentioned above. Difficulties in K nutrition have been observed in rainfed crops, especially in plants where fruits develop during the summer [
41]. Since fruit growth requires a significant amount of K, and fruits are a priority sink for the nutrient [
17], the nutrient's translocation to the fruits in the summer leads to a decrease in K levels in the leaves. This reduction was accentuated in the treatment that did not receive K due to lower nutrient availability in the soil.
The B levels in the leaves were very low in the treatment that did not receive B, consistently falling below the lower limit of the sufficiency range reported by Arrobas et al. [
21]. It's noteworthy that B uptake is hindered by long periods of drought, as B is generally absorbed through the water transpiration stream and not by active ion transport [
5]. Dry conditions also delay the mineralization of B retained in organic matter [
5], and this trial took place under rainfed conditions. Additionally, dicots have higher nutrient requirements than monocots, and the lack of B particularly affects the reproductive process [
27]. Perhaps for these reasons, B deficiency is more widespread globally than that of any other micronutrient [
7]. In this region, where soils have limited available B, the nutrient's importance in fertilization programs for dicots species is considered equivalent to that of N, despite being a micronutrient [
31]. Thus, based on this study, the relationship between B deficiency and the plant's difficulty in fruit production seems evident, even though there was no recorded reduction in shoot growth.
The treatment receiving K resulted in lower Ca levels in the leaves compared to the NP-KB. Although dicotyledons have a higher root cation exchange capacity, facilitating the uptake of divalent cations [
17], the increase in K in the soil solution and exchange complex, resulting from regular nutrient applications to the soil as fertilizer, may have reduced the opportunity for Ca uptake by roots. This phenomenon is commonly referred to in the literature as ionic antagonism [
5]. The result may have been accentuated by the fact that the soil is acidic, and Ca levels in the soil are naturally low.
Possibly the most unexpected result is the consistent increase in Mn levels in the leaves in the plot that did not receive B. Interactions between nutrients are complex, particularly among micronutrients, and tend to be less understood [
5]. However, most experimental results have shown that B promotes Mn accumulation in plants, suggesting a synergistic relationship between the two micronutrients [
47]. In this study, the opposite seemed to occur. Perhaps the lower presence of fruits due to B deficiency reduced available sinks for nutrient translocation, and in the case of Mn, resulted in a higher concentration in the leaves. This could be because part of the Mn tends to accumulate in vacuoles, serving as a temporary storage pool for proper distribution to other plant parts [
4.3. The Variations in Nutrient Application Resulted in Differences in Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Availability
The treatment that did not receive N stood out from the others by having lower soil organic matter content. Soil organic matter is influenced by environmental variables that determine the primary productivity of the agrosystem. It primarily results from the products of photosynthesis deposited in the soil by plant roots or aboveground parts, as well as the mycelia of mycorrhizal fungi associated with plants [
49]. The absence of N application reduced the mineral N content in the soil and the development of herbaceous vegetation under the tree canopy, contributing to the decrease in soil organic matter. While this study did not assess herbaceous vegetation production under the canopy, the results of ryegrass, cultivated as an indicator of soil fertility, clearly showed that in the N-unfertilized treatment, the plant yielded much less dry matter than the treatments receiving N. In various studies, it has been observed that in orchards where fertilizer application is done under the canopy, a fertility pool quickly forms, including higher levels of organic matter, because of the stimulation in the growth of both the cultivated plant and the spontaneous herbaceous vegetation that develops under the canopy [
51]. This is the same principle by which cover cropping strategies, compared to bare soil or herbicide use, increase soil organic matter [
The exchange acidity was significantly lower in the treatment that did not receive N compared to the other treatments, and the average pH values were higher in this treatment, although not significantly different from the others. The application of N-containing mineral fertilizers, especially those with urea or ammoniacal N components, is known to contribute to soil acidification through nitrification reactions. These reactions generate an excess of H
+ ions during the bacterial conversion of NH
4+ to NO
3− [
55]. In this study, the regular application of N, partly ammoniacal, may have contributed to soil acidification, consistent with findings in recent studies on N fertilization [
The non-application of K (NP-KB) or B (NPK-B) reduced the ryegrass DMY compared to the control treatment that received all nutrients (NPKB). It also significantly decreased the nutrient concentrations in the ryegrass tissues. The pots were irrigated, eliminating the argument of greater uptake difficulties under rainfed conditions, as mentioned for K and B in the field trial. Thus, it appears evident that, in this type of soil, the application of K and B is crucial for plant growth, as observed in previous studies [
43]. It was also clear that in the treatment without K, plants showed higher levels of Ca and Mg in tissues, justifiable by the phenomenon of ionic antagonism in nutrient uptake between K and divalent cations [
The levels of Fe and Mn were higher in the pots of the -NPKB treatment. Plants in the -NPKB treatment produced much less biomass than the others, and the concentrations of Fe and Mn could be justified by the nutrient concentration phenomenon. In plants, concentration/dilution phenomena occur when there is a variation in DMY for a given amount of bioavailable nutrient in the medium [
57]. However, in this case, irrigation of the pots may have had some influence. Irrigation causes wetting and drying cycles, with moments of poor soil aeration. The solubility of Fe and Mn in the soil depends heavily on the soil's redox potential [
59]. The pots that did not receive N produced much less biomass, indicating lower transpiration during the trial. It is likely that the pots in the -NPKB treatment, with lower growth rates, lost water more slowly, maintaining more pronounced reduction conditions than in the other pots. This may have contributed to an increase in solubility and uptake of higher amounts of Fe and Mn in the -NPKB treatment.