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06 May 2024
08 May 2024
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Input Parameter of Undesirable Well Events | [82] | [68] | [19] | [96] | [128] | [83] | [84] | [7] | [81] | [133] |
P-PDG | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
P-TPT | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |
T-TPT | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |
P-MON-CKP | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||
T-JUS-CKP | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||
T-JUS-CKGL | ü | ü | ü | |||||||
P-JUS-CKGL | ü | ü | ü | |||||||
P-CKGL | ü | |||||||||
QGL | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||||||
T-PDG | ü | |||||||||
T-PCK | ü | ü |
Input Parameter of Internal Transformer Defect | [32] | [119] | [37] | [79] | [94] | [95] | [56] | [137] | [61] | [107] |
Acetylene (C2H2) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||
Ethylene (C2H4) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |
Ethane (C2H6) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |
Methane (CH4) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |
Hydrogen (H2) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||
Total Hydrocarbon (TH) | ü | |||||||||
Carbon Monoxide (CO) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
Ammonia (NH3) | ü | |||||||||
Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) | ü | |||||||||
Acetone (CH32CO) | ü | |||||||||
Nitrogen (N2) | ü | |||||||||
Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) | ü |
Input Parameter of Well-logging | [59] | [102] | [100] | [138] | [97] | [104] |
Gamma Ray (GR) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
Sonic (Vp) | ü | ü | ||||
Deep and Shallow Resistivities (LLD and LLS) | ü | ü | ||||
Neuro-porosity (NPHI) | ü | ü | ||||
Density (RHOB) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||
Calliper (CALI) | ü | ü | ü | |||
Neutron (NEU) | ü | ü | ü | |||
Sonic Transit-Time (DT) | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||
Bulk Density (DEN) | ü | ü | ||||
Deep Resistivity (RD) | ü | |||||
True Resistivity (RT) | ü | |||||
Shallow Resistivity (RES SLW) | ü | ü | ||||
Total Porosity (PHIT) | ü | |||||
Water Saturation (SW) | ü | |||||
Compressional Slowness (DTC) | ü | |||||
Depth | ü |
Abbreviations | Definition | Abbreviations | Definition |
RF | Random Forest | DNN | Deep Neural Network |
GAM | Generalized Additive Model | MELM | Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition |
NN | Neural Network | ANFIS | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System |
SVR-GA | Support Vector Regression with Genetic Algorithm | SOM | Self-Organizing Map |
SVR-PSO | Support Vector Regression with Particle Swarm Optimization | ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
SVR-FFA | Support Vector Regression with Firefly Algorithm | MRGC | Maximum Relevant Gain Clustering |
GB | Gradient Boosting | CatBoost | Categorical Boosting |
LSSVM-CSA | Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Cuckoo Search Algorithm | MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
AHC | Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering | SVM | Support Vector Machine |
XGBoost | Extreme Gradient Boosting | FN | Fuzzy Network |
GPR | Gaussian Process Regression | LDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis |
LWQPSO-ANN | Linearly Weighted Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization with Artificial Neural Network | LSSVM | Least Squares Support Vector Machine |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | DL | Deep Learning |
MLP-ANN | Multilayer Perceptron with Artificial Neural Network | MLSTM | Multilayer Long Short-Term Memory |
MLP-PSO | Multilayer Perceptron with Particle Swarm Optimization | GRU | Gated Recurrent Unit |
DT | Decision Tree | AdaBoost | Adaptive Boosting |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory | LSTM-AE-IF | Long Short-Term Memory Autoencoder with Isolation Forest |
KNN | k-Nearest Neighbors | DNN | Deep Neural Network |
NB | Naive Bayes | CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
GP | Genetic Programming | O&G | Oil and Gas |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine | AI | Artificial Intelligence |
DF | Deep Forest | MSE | Mean Squared Error |
QDA | Quadratic Discriminant Analysis | MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error |
ML | Machine Learning | AAPE | Arithmetic Average Percentage Error |
DGA | Dissolved Gas Analysis | SMAPE | Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error |
RMSE | Root Mean Squared Error | RSE | Relative Squared Error |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error | RFR | Random Forest Regression |
AUC | Area Under the Curve | FNACC | Faulty-normal accuracy |
ARE | Absolute Relative Error | TPC | Total Percent of Correct |
EVS | Explained Variance Score | VAF | Variance Accounted For |
DTR | Decision Tree Regression | WI | Weighted Index |
PLR | Polynomial Linear Regression | LMI | Linear Mean Index |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio | AP | Average Precision |
RFNACC | Real Faulty-Normal Accuracy | MAP | Mean Average Percentage |
RMSPE | Root Mean Square Percentage Error | ARD | Absolute Relative Difference |
MARE | Mean Absolute Relative Error | Mpa | Megapascal |
SI | Severity Index | P-JUS-CKGL | Pressure downstream of gas lift choke |
ENS | Energy Normalized Score | P-CKGL | Pressure downstream of gas lift choke CKGL |
MPE | Mean Percentage Error | QGL | Gas lift flow rate |
R | Correlation of Coefficient | T-PDG | Temperature at the permanent downhole gauge sensor |
AARD | Average Absolute Relative Deviation | T-PCK | Temperature downstream of the production choke |
P-PDG | Pressure at permanent downhole gauge PDG | LSB | Least Square Boosting |
P-TPT | Pressure at temperature/pressure transducer TPT | PLS | Partial Least Squares |
T-TPT | Temperature at TPT | FPM | Feature Projection Model |
P-MON-CKP | Pressure upstream of production choke CKP | FP-DNN | Feature Projection-Deep Neural Network |
T-JUS-CKP | Pressure downstream of CKP | GNN | Graph Neural Network |
T-JUS-CKGL | Temperature downstream of CKGL | MLP | Multilayer perceptron |
FP-PLS | Feature Projection-PLS | Bi-LSTM | Bidirectional Long Short-Term |
MGGP | Multi-Gene Genetic Programming | SHAP | Shapley Additive Explanation |
xNES | Exponential natural evolution strategies | LR | Logistic Regression |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network | LOF | Local Outlier Factor |
LGBM | Light Gradient Boosting Machine | ICA | Imperialist Competitive Algorithm |
SMOTE | Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique | SFLA | Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm |
LIME | Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations | SA | Simulated Annealing |
XAI | Explainable Artificial Intelligence | PBBLR | Physics-Based Bayesian Linear Regression |
GSK | Gaining-sharing knowledge-based algorithm | ARIMA | Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average |
BayesOpt-XGBoost | Bayesian optimization XGBoost | GM | Generalized Method of Moments |
FA | Firefly Algorithm | PSO-FDGGM | PSO-based data grouping grey model with a fractional order accumulation |
COA | Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm | PSOGM | PSO for Grey Model |
GWO | Grey Wolf Optimizer | LSSVM | Least-Square Support Vector Machine |
HAS | Harmony Search | GA | Genetic Algorithm |
BLR | Bayesian Linear Regression | OCSVM | One-Class Support Vector Machine |
SARIMA | Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average | BAE | Basic Autoencoder |
GM | Grey model | CAE | Convolutional Autoencoder |
FGM | Fractional grey model | AE | Autoencoder |
DGGM | Data Grouping-Based Grey Modelling Method | VAE | Variational Autoencoders |
GPR | Gaussian Process Regression | MARS | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[43] | SVM, QPSO-ANN, WQPSO-ANN, LWQPSO-ANN | Non-temporal | Pipeline | Buried gas pipeline. 99 samples |
Prediction | Pipe diameter (mm), Operating pressure (MPa), Cover depth (m), Crater width (m) | crater width | Map, R2, MSE. RMSE, MAPE, MAE | LWQPSO-ANN | The proposed method outperformed the other method by more than 95%. |
[45] | RF, KNN, ANN | Non-temporal | Wells | Middle East fields: for vertical wells 206 samples |
Prediction | oil gravity (API), well perforation depth (Depth (ft), Surface temperature (ST (F)), well bottom-hole temperature (BT (F)), flowing gas rate (Qg (Mscf/day), flowing water rate (Qw (bbl/day), production tubing internal diameter (ID (inches) and wellhead pressure (Pwh (psia)). | vertical oil wells' flowing bottom-hole pressure Pwf (psia) | MSE, R2 | ANN R2 = 97% (training) and 93% (testing) |
The suggested model has a much greater value than the other models. |
[46] | ANN, LSB, Bagging | Non-temporal | Oil | Oil shale. 2,600 sample |
Prediction | Air molar flowrate, illite silica, carbon, hydrogen content, feed preheater temp, air preheater temp | Petroleum output with CO2 emissions | RMSE | ANN Correlation correlations of 99.6% for oil yield and 99.9% for CO |
The suggested model's precision outperformed the performance of the remaining models. |
[47] | NB, KNN, DT, RF, SVM, ANN | Temporal | Oil | Ocean slick signature 769 samples |
Classification | Data is confidential | Sea-Surface Petroleum Signatures | Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values | ANN Accuracy = 90% |
The proposed model did not give significant results. |
[44] | ANN, SVM, EL, and SVR | Non-temporal | Pipeline | Data is confidential | Classification | CO2, temperature, pH, liquid velocity, pressure, stress, glycol concentration. H2S, organic acid, oil type, water chemistry, hydraulic diameter | Corrosion defect depth. | MSE, R2 | EL, ANN, and SVR | The proposed methods have a low error rate. |
[48] | PLS, DNN, FPM, FP-DNN, FP-PLS | Non-temporal | Pipeline | long-distance pipelines 2,093 samples |
Prediction | Mixed oil length, inner diameter, pipeline width, Reynolds number, equivalent length, and actual mixed oil length. | Mixed oil length. | RMSE | DNN RMSE = 146% |
The error rate is not convincing and is the highest. |
[49] | ANN, GA | Non-temporal | Crude Oil | ASPEN HYSYS V11 process simulator |
Prediction | Well, feed flow rate, The pressure of gas products, Interstage gas discharge pressure, Isentropic efficiency of centrifugal compressor. |
Enhance petroleum production. | R2 | ANN | The performance enhancement of the variable using the ANN+GA has improved. |
[50] | ANN | Non-temporal | Gas | Data is confidential. 104 samples |
Prediction | Sulphur dioxide, methanol, and α-pinene. | The removal of gas-phase M, P, and H in an OLP-BTF and a TLP-BTF. | R2, MSE | ANN+PSO R2 > 99% |
The proposed model is good, and the author suggested improving the model with real-world applications. |
[51] | ANN, LSSVM, and MGGP | Temporal | Reservoir | Previous experimental and simulation studies 223 samples |
Prediction | Height, dip angle, wetting phase viscosity, non-wetting phase viscosity, wetting phase density, non-wetting phase density, matrix porosity, fracture porosity, matrix permeability, fracture permeability, Injection rate, production time, and recovery factor. | gas-assisted gravity drainage (GAGD) | R2, RMSE, MSE, ARE, and AARE | ANN R2 = 97% RMSE = 0.0520 |
The ANN is outperformed the proposed method (MGGP = 89% (R2) and 0.0846 (RMSE) |
[56] | GNN, Multivariate Time Series | Temporal | Transformer | DGA 1,408 samples |
Clustering | H2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, CO, CO2 | Power transformer fault diagnosis | Accuracy | MTGNN Accuracy = 92% |
The model has proven to be effective in its application. |
[30] | ANN, Multilayer Perceptron with Backpropagate | Non-temporal | Crude Oil | recent literature 172 samples |
Prediction | Pressure (P)[Kpa], Temperature (T) [C], Liquid Viscosity (uL)[c.p.], Gas Viscosity (uG)[c.p.], Liquid Molar Volume (VL) [m3/kmol], Gas Molar Volume (VG) [m3/kmol], Liquid Molecular Weight (MWL) [kg/kmol], Gas Molecular Weight (MWG) [kg/kmol], and Interfacial Tension (o) [Dyne] | Diffusion Coefficient (D) [m2/s] | MSE, RMSE | Multilayer Perceptron with Backpropagate R2 for training is 88%, and testing is 89% |
The suggested model has low accuracy. The hybrid does not improve the model's accuracy. |
[52] | GA with backpropagation neural network | Temporal | Crude oil | crude oil gathering and transportation system. 509 samples |
Prediction | The inlet temp of the combined system, outlet temp of the combined system, the inlet pressure of the combined system, outlet pressure of the combined system, inlet and outlet temp for the transfer station system, inlet and outlet pressure of the transfer station system, inlet and outlet of oil gathering wellhead system, treatment liquid volume, tot power consumption, and tot gas consumption | Energy = 99% Heat = 99% Power = 97% |
R2 | GA with backpropagation neural network | The model provides considerable results. |
[53] | MLP, ANN | Temporal | Drilling | Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) 1,045 samples |
Clustering and Classification | Epoch, age, formation, lithology, fields | Gas channels and chimneys prediction | RMSPE | MLP RMSE = 0.10 |
The proposed model has a lower error rate and outperforms the other method. |
[54] | ELM, Elastic Net Linear, Linear-SVR, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline, Artificial Bee Colony, PSO, Differential Evolution, Simple Genetic Algorithm, GWO, xNES | Temporal | Shale gas | YuDong-Nan shale gas field | Prediction | The following minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite, barite, pyrite, siderite, clay, and K-feldspar. | total organic carbon | R2, RMSE, MAE, MAPE, MARE, WI | DE+ELM = 0.497 (RMSE) | Acceptable results for ELM models hybrid with the proposed method except for GWO |
[55] | MLP, Radial Basis Functions Neural Network | Temporal | Reservoir | Gullfaks” in the North Sea | Prediction | Injection rate for water, gas, and half-cycle time. Downtime. | Water alternating gas | Average absolute relative deviation (AARD) | MLP-LMA | The proposed model outperforms the other two proxy models and significantly reduces simulation time. |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[60] | LSTM and GRU | Temporal | Reservoir | The Metro Interstate Traffic Volume Data set, The Appliances Energy Prediction Dataset, UNISIM-II-M-CO 301 samples |
Prediction | Fluid production (oil, gas, and water), pressure (bottom-hole), and their ratios (water cut, gas-oil ratio, and gas-liquid ratio). | Oil production and pressure | MAE, RMSE, SMAPE | LSTM + Seq2Seq andGRU2architectures | The author suggested looking at another metaheuristic method, such as GA. |
[58] | DCNN + LSTM, ANN, SVR, LSTM, RNN | Temporal | Pipeline | Real-time pipeline crack 90,000 data samples |
Prediction | Pipeline condition, label, crack size, data length, sampling frequency, tube pressure | Natural gas pipeline crack | RMSE, MAPE, MAE, MSE, SNR | Optimized DCNN + LSTM Accuracy = 99.37% |
The model showcases impressive performance. |
[59] | LSTM, Bi-LSTM, GRU | Temporal | Well | West Natuna Basin dataset 11,497 samples |
Prediction | GR, Vp, LLD, LLS, NPHI, and RHOB. | Well-log data imputation | MAE, RMSE, MAPE, R2 | LSTM RMSE = 94% |
The suggested model provides a greater accuracy. |
[61] | KNN, SVM, XGBoost | Non-temporal | Transformer | DGA local power utilities and IEC TC 10 data set 1,530 samples |
Classification | F7, F10, F17, F18, F19, F21, F24, F34, F36, and F40 |
Transformer Faults | Accuracy, Precision, Recall | KNN + SMOTE Accuracy: DGA = 98% IEC TC 10 = 97% |
The proposed model outperforms the other model. |
[62] | DL, DT, RF, ANN, SVR | Non-temporal | Reservoir | Sorush oil field and oil field of south Iran 7,245 samples |
Prediction | Measure choke size (D64), wellhead pressure (Pwh), oil specific gravity (γo), and gas-liquid ratio (GLR). | Wellhead choke flow rates | RMSE, R2 | DL R2 = 99% |
Compared to the other model, the accuracy of the suggested model is greater. |
[63] | LSTM, GRU | Temporal | Reservoirs | UNISIM-IIH and Volve Oilfield 3,257 samples |
Classification | oil, gas, water, or pressure | oil & gas forecasting |
SMAPE, R2 | GRU R2 = 99% |
The proposed model gives the highest accuracy. |
[64] | Faster R-CNN_Res50, Faster R-CNN_Res50_DC, Faster R-CNN_Res50_FPN, With Edge detection, Cluster+Soft-NMS |
Non-temporal | Well | Google Earth Imagery 439 samples |
Clustering | Width and height | clustered oil wells | Precision, Recall, F1-measure, AP | Faster R-CNN with ClusterRPN = 71% | The proposed method’s running time higher than the other models and accuracy less than 90%. |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[69] | ANFIS, LSSVM-CSA, Gene Expression Programming | Non-temporal | Oil | Data is confidential | Prediction | Mixing time (min), MNP dosage (g/L), Oil concentration (ppm) | Oil adsorption capacity (mg/g adsorbent) | R2, MPE, MAPE | LSSVM-CSA R2 = 99% |
The proposed method is outperformed by the other two models. |
[67] | ANFIS, ANFIS+PCA | Non-temporal | Pipeline | Published studies. [70,71,72,73,74] 217 samples |
Classification | Pipe dimension, burst pressure, pipe wall thickness, defect depth, defect width | Pressure | RMSE, MAE, R2 | ANFIS+PCA R2 = 99% |
The proposed method outdistanced other models and significantly improved the model accuracy. |
[41] | ANN, SVR, ANFIS | Non-temporal | Reservoir | CPG's waterflooding research group at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia. 9,000 samples |
Clustering | Reservoir heterogeneity degree (V), mobility ratio (M), permeability anisotropy ratio (kz/kx), wettability indicator (WI), production water cut (fw), and oil/water density ratio (DR). | The effectiveness of moveable oil recovery during a flood (RFM). | MAPE, MAE, MSE, R2 | ANN | The proposed model has a better accuracy than the other models and saves the runtime and cost. |
[68] | RF, Fuzzy C Means, Control Chart | Temporal | Well | 3W dataset 50,000 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, T-PDG, and T-PCK, grouping three classes (“normal,” “high fault,” “high fault”) | failure detection applications | Total Variance | Control chart + RF Specificity = 99% Sensitivity = 100% |
The proposed method has shown higher sensitivity and specificity. |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[77] | KNN, DT, RF, NB, AdaBoost, XGBoost, and CatBoost | Non-temporal | Pipeline | National Science Foundation (NSF) Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP) 959 samples |
Classification | Pipe diameter, wall thickness, defect depth, defect length, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, operating pressure | Failure risk pipeline | Precision, Recall, Mean accuracy | XGBoost Accuracy = 85% |
The proposed model needs to have an improvement in accuracy. |
[78] | LR, RF, SVM, XGBoost, ANN | Non-temporal | Reservoir | Well-log data from North China 1,500 samples |
Classification | CAL, CNL, AC, GR, PE, RD, RMLL, RS, SP, DEN, DTS, and SP | Shear wave travel time (DTS) | R2 | XGBoost R2 = 99% (Training) and 96% (Testing) |
The best model is significant. |
[37] | ELM, SVM, KNN, DT, RF, EL | Temporal | Transformer | DGA 542 samples |
Classification | C2H2, C2H6, CH4, H2 | Power transformer fault | Mean Accuracy | EN Accuracy = 78% (Training) and 84% (Testing) |
The proposed model’s performance accuracy is not above 90%. |
[79] | DT, LDA, GB, Ensemble Tree, LGBM, RF, KNN, NB, LR, QDA, Ridge, SVM-Linear | Non-temporal | Transformer | DGA 3,147 samples |
Classification | C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH4 | Transformer fault | Accuracy, AUC, Recall, Precision, F1-Measure, Kappa, MCC, and Time-taken. | QDA Accuracy = 99.29% |
The proposed method has the best accuracy classifier model. |
[80] | DT | Temporal | Well | KG Composition 180 samples |
Classification | KG, including hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), ethylene (C2H4), and acetylene (C2H2) | Incipient Faults in Transformer Oil. | Accuracy. AUC | DT Accuracy = 62.9% |
The current model exhibits potential, and we recommend exploring opportunities for refinement to enhance its overall efficacy. |
[81] | LR, DT, RF, KNN, SMOTE, XAI, SHAP, LIME | Non-temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, T-TPT, P-MON- PCK, T-JUS, PCK, P-JUS- CKGL, T-JUS- CKGL, QGL | Detect anomalies in oil wells | accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, and AUC | RF Accuracy = 99.6%, recall = 99.64%, precision = 99.91%, F1-score = 99.77%, and AUC = 1.00%. |
The result of the proposed model is significant. |
[82] | LDA, QDA, Linear SVC, LR, DT, RF, Adaboost | Temporal | Well | 3W dataset 2,000 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, T-TPT, P-MON-CKP, T-JUS-CKP | Undesirable events | F1-score, Accuracy | DT Accuracy = 97% |
The feature selection did not boost accuracy, and training time was increased with feature selection. The proposed method struggles with class 2 due to limited data and mismatched labels from calculated features. |
[106] | DT, ANN, SVM. LR. KNN, NB | Temporal | Pipeline | external defects of pipelines in the United States 7,000 samples |
Classification | Consider the defect's length, breadth, and pipeline's nominal thickness. | Classification for pipeline corrosion | Accuracy | DT Accuracy = 99.9% |
The accuracy of the model is significant to the research. |
[85] | LGBM, CatBoost, XGBoost, RF, and NN | Temporal | Crude oil | WTI crude oil 2,687 samples |
Classification | Gold, silver, crude oil, platinum, copper, the dollar index, the volatility index, and the euro Bitcoin: Green Energy Resources ESG. | Oil prices | accuracy, and AUC | LGBM and RF | The proposed method indicates superiority over traditional methods. |
[86] | GB, RF, MLR | Non-temporal | Reservoir | Shale gas reservoirs 1,400 samples |
Prediction | Horizontal wellbore length, hydraulic fracture length, reservoir length, SRV fracture porosity, permeability, spacing, and pressure, total production time. | CO2 | MSE | RF | The best method is surpassing the other method in ML. |
[87] | RF, ANN, FN | Temporal | Drilling | Real time Well-1 data 8,983 samples |
Classification | Standpipe pressure (SPP), weight-on-bit (WOB), rotary speed (RS), flow rate (Q), hook load (HL), rate of penetration (ROP), and rotary speed (RS). | torque and drag (T&D) | R and AAPE | RF | The proposed model has higher accuracy than the other two models. |
[88] | RF | Temporal | Reservoir | 2D simulation in STARS 240 samples |
Prediction | Formation compressibility, volumetric heat capacity, rock, water, oil, and thermal conductivity. | Shale barrier | R2, RMSE | RF | The author suggested that incorporating more training data and features can improve the proposed method. |
[89] | RF, XGBoost, SVM, LGBM | Non-temporal | Pipeline | full-scale corroded O&G pipelines 314 samples |
Prediction | Depth, length, and width of corrosion defects, wall thickness, pipe diameter, steel grade, and burst pressure. | Corroded pipelines of gas and oil of burst pressure. | R2, RMSE, MAE, MAPE | XGBoost R2 = 99% (training) and 98% (testing) |
The hybrid proposed model has significantly higher prediction accuracy. |
[90] | XGBoost, SVM, NN | Non-temporal | Pipeline | OLGA data and PIG data 1,700 samples |
Classification | Geometrical variables: Odometry begins, ends, latitude, longitude, elevation, and bar length.Water volumetric flow rate, continuous velocity, water film shear stress, hold-up, flow regime, pressure, total mass and volumetric flow rates inclination, temperature, section area, gas mass and volumetric flow rates, gas velocity, wall shear stress, total water mass and flow rate (including vapor), | Internal Corrosion in Pipeline Infrastructures | Mean accuracy and F1 score | XGBoost Accuracy = 62% |
The proposed model needs an improvement in the accuracy. |
[91] | RF, CatBoost | Non-temporal | Pipeline | Crude oil dataset 3,240 samples |
Prediction | stream compositions (nO2, nH2S, nCO2), pressure (P), velocity (v), and temperature (T) | Corrosion rates | R2, MSE MAE RMSE | CatBoost Accuracy = 99.9% training and testing |
The proposed model’s accuracy is outperformed the other models. |
[32] | RF, KNN | Temporal | Transformer | DGA 11,400 samples |
Classification | Acetylene (𝐶𝐶2𝐻𝐻2), Ethylene (𝐶𝐶2𝐻𝐻4), Ethane (𝐶𝐶2𝐻𝐻6), Methane (𝐶𝐶𝐻𝐻4), and Hydrogen (𝐻𝐻2) |
Identify transformer fault types | Mean accuracy | KNN Accuracy = 88% |
The proposed model needs an improvement on the accuracy. |
[92] | XGBoost, CatBoost, LGBM, RF, deep MLN, DBN, CNN | Non-Temporal | Crude-oil | Previous studies on CO2-oil MMP databank 310 samples |
Classification | Crude oil fractions (N2, C1, H2S, CO2, C2-C5), average critical injection gas temperature (Tcave), reservoir temperature (Tres), molecular weight of C5+ fraction (MWc5+). | Estimating the MMP of CO2-crude oil system | ARD, AARD, RMSE, MPa, SD |
CatBoost R2 = 99% |
The proposed model confirms its superiority against other models. |
[93] | DF + K-means, RF, SVM, DNN, DF | Non-temporal | Lithology | Lithology dataset from Pearl River Mouth Basin 601 samples |
Classification | Sandstone (S00), siltstone (S06), grey siltstone (S37), mudstone (N00), sandy mudstone (N01), and limestone (H00). | lithology identification | Precision, recall and Fβ | DF + K-means Accuracy = 90% |
The baseline method cannot predict well on the minority class, small amount data label, error labelling, and noisy data |
[94] | GSK- XGBoost | Temporal | Transformer | DGA 128 samples |
Classification | ammonia, acetaldehyde, acetone, ethylene, ethanol, and toluene | Ethanol, Ethylene. Ammonia, Acetaldehyde. Acetone and Toluene | Accuracy, precision, recall, f-measurement, beta-factor | GSK- XGBoost Mean accuracy = 50% |
The computational time is increased and the proposed model’s accuracy after use the develop method does not exceed to 90% |
[95] | LGBM, XGBoost, RF, LR, SVM, NB, KNN, DT | Non-temporal | Transformer | DGA 796 samples |
Classification | H2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6 | fault type classification | accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores | LGBM Accuracy = 87.06% |
The model demonstrates a high level of competence. |
[5] | Adaboost, RF, KNN, NB, MLP, SVM | Non-temporal | Drilling | Drill bit type in Norwegian Wells 4,312 samples |
Classification | Depth as Measured (DT), Ve rtical True Depth (TVD) Penetration Rate (ROP) Bit weight (WOB) Minutes per round (RPM) torque (TQ) SPP, or standpipe pressure Mud mass (MW) Rate of Flow in (FR) Totalized Gas (TG) Bit kind (BT) Bit Quantity (BS) DEXP stands for D-exponent. Area of total flow (TFA) Specific Mechanical Energy (MSE) Cut Depth (DC) Aggressiveness of Drill Bit (DBA). |
Drill Bit Selection | Accuracy, Precision, F1 Score, Recall, MCC, G-mean | RF Accuracy = 97% (Training) and 91% (Testing) |
The proposed method is more reliable, stable, and accurate than previous models. |
[96] | RF | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, P-PCK, T-PCK, P-JUS-CKGL, T-JUS-CKGL, and gas lift flow | Early fault detection | Accuracy, Faulty-normal accuracy (FNACC), Real faulty-normal accuracy (RFNACC) | RF Accuracy = 94% |
The proposed method gives a good result for detecting the early fault. |
[83] | One Directional, CNN, RF, GNN, QDA | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, T-TPT, P-MON-CKP, T-JUS-CKP, P-JUS-CKGL, QGL. | Anomalous events in oi | Accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score | RF Mean accuracy = 95% |
Time windows increase |
[84] | RF, PCA | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, T-TPT, P-MON-CKP, T-PCK | Anomalous events in oil wells | Accuracy | RF+PCA Accuracy = 90% |
The proposed method’s accuracy > 95% for all classes. |
[97] | SVM, LOF, RF | Temporal | Reservoir | Well log data. 37 samples |
Clustering | Depth, gammar ray, shallow resistivity, deep resistivity, neutron, density, CALI, DTS | Sonic (DTC) | R2 | KMeans+RF R2=0.92 to R2=0.98 |
The proposed hybrid approach outperformed several baseline methods. |
[98] | RF | Temporal | Well | Field and well-scale data from a significant US 934 samples |
Clustering | API, On-stream date, Surface latitude and longitude, Formation thickness, TVD, Lateral length, Total proppant mass, Total injected fluid volume, API gravity, Porosity, Permeability, TOC, VClay, Oil production rate, Gas production rate, Water production rate, GPI, Frac fluid. | barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) | RMSE, R2 | RF RMSE: Train = 7.25% Test = 17.49% |
The proposed method needs an improvement of accuracy, and the model is overfitting. |
[100] | RF with Analog-to-digital converters | Non-temporal | Well | Well-logging dataset 100 samples |
Clustering | neutron (CNL), gamma ray (GR), density (DEN), and compres sional slowness (DTC) | well-logging data generation | RMSE, MAE, MAPE, MSE | RF with Analog-to-digital converters RMSE = 9%, MAE = 6%, MAPE = 0.031% MSE = 86% |
The proposed model needs an improvement on the accuracy for clustering. |
[107] | RF | Temporal | Transformer | DPM1 and DPM2 for DGA 2,123 samples |
Classification | H2 (hydrogen), CH4 (methane), C2H2 (acetylene), C2H4 (ethylene), C2H6 (ethane), CO (carbon monoxide), CO2 (carbon dioxide), O2 (oxygen) and N2 (nitrogen) | transformer fault diagnosis | Accuracy | RF Accuracy = DPM1 = 96.2% DPM2 = 96.5% |
For the evaluation dataset, the suggested models diagnose errors with a satisfactory level of performance. |
[101] | KNN, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network, multiclass SVM, XGBoost | Temporal | Pipeline | climate change data 81 samples |
Classification | location, time, pipeline age, pipeline material, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. | gas pipeline | Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score | XGBOOST Accuracy = 92% |
The model outperformed other models however it needs to have an improvement. |
[102] | LogitBoost, GBM, XGBoost, AdaBoost, KNN | Temporal | Well | Lithofacies and Well-log dataset 399 samples |
Classification | GR, CALI, NEU, DT, DEN, RES DEP, RES SLW, PHIT and SW | lithofacies predictions | total percent of correct (TPC) | XGBoost TPC = 97% |
The model gives significantly results to the proposed method. |
[103] | recursive feature elimination and particle swarm optimization-AdaBoost | Non-temporal | Pipeline | Changshou-Fuling-Wulong-Nanchuan (CN) gas pipeline dataset 3,986 samples |
Clustering | Landslide susceptibility Area, Percentage, and Historical landslides. | long-distance pipelines | Accuracy, sensitivity, precision. F1 score | recursive feature elimination and particle swarm optimization-AdaBoost Accuracy = 90% (Training) and 83% (Testing) |
The proposed model needs an improvement on the accuracy. |
[108] | LSTM, AdaBoost, LR, SVR, DNN, RF, adaptive RF | Temporal | Crude Oil | United states’ Energy Information Administration Brent COP data |
Prediction | Shape, location, scale | crude oil price (COP) | MAPE, MSE, RMSE, MAE, EVS | Adaptive RF MAPE = 112.31%; MAE = 52%; MSE = 53%; RMSE =73%; R2 = 99%; EVS = 99% |
The proposed model is outperformed than others however the running time is highest than the other models |
[105] | RF, DT | Temporal | Drilling | Data is confidential | Prediction | WOB, torque, standpipe pressure, drill string rotation speed, rate of penetration, and pump rate. | Rock porosity | R2, AAPE, VAF | RF Accuracy = 99% training and 90% testing |
The model stands out for its exceptional performance. |
[104] | BayesOpt-XGBoost, XGBoost | Non-temporal | Reservoir | The Equinor Volve Field Datasets 2,853 samples |
Classification | DT, GR, NPHI, RT, and RHOB. | vshale, porosity, horizontal permeability (KLOGH), and water saturation. | RMSE, MAE |
BayesOpt-XGBoost Accuracy = 93%, precision score = 98%, recall score = 86%, and combined F1-score = 93% |
The proposed method does not robust enough to predict all the output. |
[99] | RF, KNN, NB, DT, NN | Temporal | Transformer | New O&G decommissioning dataset from GitHub 1,846 samples |
Classification | Size, diameter, length, metal, plastic, concrete, residues, position, and decision of the company, organization name, type, technical, safety, sociological, environmental, cost, weight, | predictive decommissioning options | Recall, Precision, F1-score, AUC | RF Accuracy: Full features = 80.06% Redundant removed = 80.66% |
The proposed method needs an improvement. |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[111] | MLR, SVR, GPR | Non-temporal | Gas | M6COND and M6GAS 129 samples |
Clustering | Condensate-gas ratio, total horizontal lateral length, gas saturation, total organic carbon content, cluster and stage counts, proppant amount, fluid volume, and total horizontal lateral length. | Gas well. | RMSE, R2 | GPR | The proposed method needs improvement in the accuracy. |
[112] | XGBoost, ANN, RNN, MLR, PLR, SVR, DTR, RFR | Temporal | O&G production | Saudi Aramco of five well reservoirs 1,968 samples |
Classification | Location, contact, average permeability, volume, production, pressure ratio between the wellhead and bottomhole, and production. | Oil, gas, and water. | R2, MAE, MSE, RMSE | RNN R2: Oil = 98% Gas = 87% Water = 92% |
The proposed model needs an improvement on the output. |
[113] | MLP, RF, SVR | Non-temporal | Pipeline | History record of pipeline failure 149,940 samples |
Classification | Effects of transportation disruptions on safety and health, the environment and ecology, and equipment maintenance. | Natural gas pipeline failure. | RMSE, MAE. MSE. R2 | RF | The proposed methods have shortest computing time and best fitting results. |
[114] | SVM | Non-temporal | Reservoir | MMP data 147 samples |
Classification | reservoir temperature, oil composition and gas composition | Minimum miscibility pressure of CO2 and crude oil. | MSE | SVM- POLY kernel | The proposed model’s accuracy is outperformed the other models. |
[19] | RF, ARN, LSTM, Independently Recurrent Neural Network, component-wise gradient | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, T-TPT, P-TPT, Initial Normal, Steady state, transient | Oil wells production. | Accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure | ARN Accuracy = 96% Precision = 88% Recall = 84% F-measure = 85% |
The proposed model is not robust because misclassification for undesirable events for type 3 and type 8. |
[115] | SVR-GA-PSO, SVR, SVR-GA, SVR-FA, SVR-PSO, SVR-ABC, SVR-BAT, SVR-COA, SVR-GWO, SVR-HAS, SVR-ICA, SVR-SFLA | Temporal | Pipeline | Iranian Oilfields 340 samples |
Classification | Onshore oil and gas pipelines: Pit depths, exposure times, pitting start times, operational pressures, temperatures, water cuts, redox potentials, resistivities, pH, concentrations of sulfate and chloride ions, production rates. | Carbon steel corrosion rate | MSE, RMSE, MAE, EVS, R2, RSE | SVR-GA-PSO R2 = 99% RMSE = 0.0099 MSE = 9.84*10−5 MAE = 0.008 RSE = 0.001 EVS = 0.955 |
The proposed model shows a good result than others |
[116] | BLR, PBBLR, ANN, Gradient Boosting DT | Non-temporal | Pipeline | SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system 728 samples |
Prediction | Diameter, Reynolds number, transportation distance, mixed oil length. | Actual mixed oil length | RMSE, MAE, R2 | PBBLR | The proposed model is required to improve accuracy |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[119] | SARIMA, LSTM, AR | Temporal | Transformer | DGA 610 samples |
Prediction | H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, CO, CO2, and total hydrocarbon (TH). | dissolved gas concentration | ARE | SARIMA | The proposed method provides a good means. |
[120] | LSTM, ARIMA | Temporal | Wells | Longmaxi Formation of the Sichuan Basin 3,650 samples |
Prediction | Date, Daily production | Shale gas production | MAE, RMSE, R2 | LSTM Accuracy = 0.63% |
The accuracy of the model needs more improvement. |
[121] | GM, FGM, DGGM, ARIMA, PSOGM, PSO-FDGGM | Temporal | Gas | quarterly production of natural gas in China | Prediction | Training period, natural gas production | Natural gas production | MAPE | PSO-FDGGM MAPE = 3.19% |
The model's performance is noteworthy and reliable. |
Research | Applied AI models | Temporality | Field | Dataset | Class/ Clustering/ Prediction |
Input Parameter | Output Parameter | Performance Metrics | Best Model | Advantages/Disadvantages |
[122] | Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition with Genetic Algorithm, LSSVM-GA and LSSVM-PSO | Non-temporal | Crude oils | Bubble point pressure & oil formation volume factor. 638 samples |
Clustering | Temperature (T), oil gravity (API), gas specific gravity (γg), and solution gas oil ratio (Rs). | bubble point pressure & oil formation volume factor of crude oils | RMSE | MELM-PSO | The hybrid proposed model outperform the empirical method. |
[124] | PCA, SVM, LDA | Temporal | Oil | Real time oil samples 30 samples |
Classification | pore size remains the same, the capillary flow rate (l2/t) is a function of interfacial properties (γLG and θ) and viscosity (μ). | Oil types | Accuracy | SVM Accuracy = 90% |
The proposed model needs an improvement on the accuracy because the accuracy < 95%. |
[125] | MLP-PSO, MLP-GA | Non-temporal | Well-log | Three wellbores drilled. 2,2323 samples |
Prediction | Depth DTC (Vp) DTS (Vs) RHOB (ρ) Pp | probable depth of casing collapse | R2, RMSE | MLP-PSO | The proposed model outperformed the other models’ accuracy. |
[126] | LSSVM-COA, LSSVM-PSO, LSSVM-GA, MLP-COA, MLP-PSO, MLP-GA, LSSVM, MLP | Non-temporal | Drilling | 305 drilled wells in the Marun oil field 2,820 samples |
Prediction | Northing, easting, depth, meterage, formation type, hole size, WOB, flow rate, MW, MFVIS, retort solid, pore pressure, drilling time, fracture pressure, fan 600/fan 300, gel10min/gel10s, pump pressure, RPM. | severity of mud loss | R2 and RMSE | MLP-GA RMSE = 93% |
The accuracy of the proposed model can be improved. |
[127] | Hybrid-Physics Guided-Variational Bayesian Spatial- Temporal neural network | Temporal | Gas | Natural gas 600 samples |
Prediction | Geometry size, location of release point, release diameter, released gas, volumetric release rate, release during, release duration, location of sensor | Natural gas concentration | R2 | Hybrid_PG_VBSTnn R2 = 99% |
The proposed integration enhances the spatiotemporal forecasting performance. |
[123] | CNN, Linear SVM, Gaussian SVM, SVM+CNN | Temporal | Gas | Leakage dataset 1,000 samples |
Classification | Methane, Ethane, Propane, Isobutane, Butane, Helium, Nitrogen, Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Dioxide | Gas Pipeline Leakage Estimation | Accuracy | SVM Accuracy = 95.5% |
The model stands out for its exceptional performance. |
[128] | LSTM, OCSVM | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG P-TPT T-TPT P-MON-CKP T-JUS-CKP |
Identify two types of faults | Recall, Specificity, Accuracy | OCSVM Accuracy = 91% |
The use of feature selection did not improve the classifier accuracy, the proposed model is not robust enough to classify 2 types of wells. |
[7] | Ordered Nearest Neighbors, Weighted Nearest Neighbors, LDA, QDA | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, T-TPT, P-MON-CKP, T-JUS-CKP, CLASS | Predicting flow instability | Recall, Specificity, Accuracy | ONN Accuracy = 81% |
The author suggested to investigate another metaheuristic method. |
[130] | CNN, SVM and SVM+CNN | Temporal | Pipeline | Leakage dataset 1,000 samples |
Prediction | Length, outer diameter, wall thickness, location in the model | Prediction in tight sandstone reservoirs | Accuracy | SVMCNN model, achieved 95.5% | The proposed method is outperformed other method. |
[129] | DT, SVM | Non-temporal | Reservoir | high-resolution FMI data | Classification | Response of logging, Pyroclastic lava, Normal pyroclastic rock Sedimentary pyroclastic rock | Lithologic classification of pyroclastic rocks | Accuracy | SVM Accuracy = 98.6% |
The proposed model is higher than 95%. |
[131] | BAE-OCSVM, CAE-OCSVM, LSTM-AE- OCSVM, RD-OCSVM, RF-OCSVM, PCA-OCSVM, VAE-OCSVM, LSTM-AE-IF | Temporal | Gas | Data from SCADA 9,980 samples |
Classification | Diameter, Wall thickness, length | Leakage of natural gas | AUC, Accuracy, F1 score, precision, TPR, FPR | LSTM- AE-OCSVM Accuracy = 98% |
The best model achieves higher accuracy and author suggested to use abnormal data for future work. |
[63] | LSTM, GRU | Temporal | Reservoirs | UNISIM-IIH and Volve oilfield 3,257 samples |
Classification | Oil, gas, water, or pressure | oil & gas forecasting |
SMAPE, R2 | GRU R2 = 99% |
The proposed model gives a highest accuracy. |
[133] | OCSVM, LOF, Elliptical Envelope, and Autoencoder with feedforward and LSTM | Temporal | Well | 3W 1,984 samples |
Classification | P-PDG, P-TPT, T-TPT, P-MON-CKP, T-JUS-CKP, P-JUS-CKGL, T-JUS-CKGL, QGL, Label vector | Fault detection | F1 score | LOF F1 score = 85% |
The proposed method need an improvement on the accuracy. |
[132] | K-Means Clustering and KNN | Temporal | Reservoirs | Antrim, Barnett, Eager Ford, Woodford, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Marcellus 55,623 samples |
Clustering | Well location, well depth, well length, and production starting year | EUR predictions | R2 | K-MC R2 = 0.18 |
The proposed model outperformed the other models using average fitting parameters. |
[134] | GS-GMDH | Non-temporal | Well | oil fields located in the Middle East 2,748 samples |
Prediction | Laterolog (LLS), photoelectric index (PEF), compressional wave velocity (Vp), porosity (NPHI), gamma ray (spectral) (SGR), density (RHOB), gamma ray (corrected) (CGR), shear wave velocity (Vs), caliper (CALI), resistivity (ILD), and sonic transit time (DT). |
Pore Pressure | RMSE, R2, MSE, SI, ENS | GS-GMDH RMSE = 1.88 psi and R2 = 0.9997 |
The proposed method shows the higher accuracy. |
[135] | RF, Gradient Boosting Regressor , bagging, CNN, KNN, Deep Hierarchical Decomposition | Temporal | Reservoir | Geological data 180 samples |
Classification | Porosity, fracture porosity, fracture permeability, rocky type, net gross, matrix permeability, water relative permeability, formation volume factor, rock compressibility, pressure dependence of water viscosity, gas density, water density, vertical continuity, relative permeability curves, oil-water contact, fluid viscosity. | Oil production, water production, water injection, and liquid production | MAE, SMAPE | Deep Hierarchical Decomposition MAE: OP = 0.76% |
The proposed method has decreased the computational speed. |
[136] | M5P tree model, RF, Random Tree, Reduced error pruning tree, GPR, SVM, and MARS | Non-temporal | Gas | Coriolis flow meter 201 samples |
Classification | wet gas flow rate (kg/h) and absolute gas humidity (g/m3) | estimation of the dry gas flow rate (kg/h) | RMSE, MAE, LMI, WI | GPR-RBKF MAE = 163.3266 kg/h,RMSE = 483.1359 kg/h, CC = 0.9915 for the testing data set |
The best model superior rather than the other models and the author suggested to explore other soft-computing method. |
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