1. Introduction and Preliminaries
The theory of fuzzy set was first presented by Zadeh [1]. Since then it has been improved and applied in most all the branches of technology and science, where theory of sets and mathematical logic play an important role. Also, many applications of these theory contributed to solving several practical problems in mathematics, social science, engineering, economics, etc. In recent years, many authors have contributed to fuzzy sets theory in the different directions in mathematics such as geometry, topology, algebra, operation research, see [2,3]. The notion of fuzzy sets was used to introduce fuzzy topological spaces in [4]. The study in [4] was particularly important in the development of the field of fuzzy topology, see [5–10]. The authors of [11–18] studied topological structures inspired by the hybridizations of soft sets [19] with fuzzy sets [1] and rough sets [20].
The concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy set was initiated by Atanassov [21,22], which is a generalization of a fuzzy set. Coker [23,24] introduced the concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy topological space based on the sense of Chang [4]. Later, Samanta and Mondal [25,26] gave the definition of an intuitionistic fuzzy topological space based on the sense of Šostak [27]. The name (intuitionistic) was replaced with the name (double) by Garcia and Rodabaugh [28]. The concept of sets was introduced and investigated by Abbas [29]. Thereafter, the concept of sets was introduced by Zahran et al. [30] on double fuzzy topological space based on the sense of Šostak. Also, Taha [31] defined the concept of sets and some characterizations were given. So far, lots of spectacular and creative studies about the theories of an intuitionistic fuzzy set have been considered by some scholars, see e. g. [32–36].
The organization of this article is as follows:
Firstly, as a stronger form of sets [31], the notion of sets is introduced and some properties are investigated. Moreover, we introduce new types of fuzzy mappings between double fuzzy topological spaces and relationships are obtained.
Secondly, we define new types of fuzzy separation axioms with the help of sets and establish some of their properties.
Finally, some new types of compactness in double fuzzy topological spaces are defined and the relationships between them are specified.
In the end, we give some conclusions and make a plan for future works in
Section 5.
Throughout this article, nonempty sets will be denoted by V, U, etc. The family of all fuzzy sets on U is denoted by , and for , , for all (where and ). Also, for , for all
A fuzzy point on U is a fuzzy set, defined as follows: if , and for all . is said to belong to a fuzzy set , denoted by , if . The family of all fuzzy points on U is denoted by .
A fuzzy set is a quasi-coincident with , denoted by , if there is , such that , if is not quasi-coincident with , we denote .
The following results and notions will be used in the next sections:
Lemma 1.1 ([6]). Let U be a nonempty set and . Then,
(i) iff there is such that ,
(ii) if ,
(iii) iff ,
(iv) iff implies iff implies iff implies ,
(v) iff there is such that .
Definition 1.1 ([25,30]). A double fuzzy topology on U is a pair of the mappings , which satisfy the following conditions.
(i) , for each .
(ii) and , for each .
(iii) and , for each .
The triplet is said to be a double fuzzy topological space 〈briefly, dfts〉 in the sense of Šostak. and may be interpreted as gradation of nonopenness and openness for , respectively.
In a dfts , the interior of , the closure of , the semi-closure of and the semi-interior of will be denoted by , , and , respectively [26,32,37].
Definition 1.2 ([37,38]). Let be a dfts, , , and , then we have
(i) ν is called an -〈resp., - and -〉 set if 〈resp., and 〉.
(ii) ν is called an -〈resp., - and -〉 set if 〈resp., and 〉.
Definition 1.3 ([29–31]). Let be a dfts, , , and , then we have
(i) μ is called an -generalized fuzzy closed 〈briefly, -〉 set if whenever and , .
(ii) μ is called an -semi generalized fuzzy closed 〈briefly, -〉 set if whenever and ν is - set.
(iii) μ is called an -generalized fuzzy semi-closed 〈briefly, -〉 set if whenever and , .
Definition 1.4 ([26,30]). Let be a mapping, then h is said to be
(i) -continuous if and for each .
(ii) -open if and for each .
(iii) -closed if and for each .
Definition 1.5 (29,31,37). Let be a mapping, , and , then h is said to be
(i) -continuous 〈resp., -continuous and -continuous〉 if is -〈resp., - and -〉 set for each with , .
(ii) -irresolute 〈resp., -irresolute〉 if is -〈resp., -〉 set for each is -〈resp., -〉 set.
(iii) -open 〈resp., -open and -open〉 if is -〈resp., - and -〉 set for each with , .
(iv) -closed 〈resp., -closed and -closed〉 if is -〈resp., - and -〉 set for each with , .
The basic results and notions that we need in the next sections are found in [29–31,39–41].
2. A Stronger Novel form of Sets
Here, we introduce and study a stronger form of sets called sets. Also, we show that set [37] ⇒ set ⇒ set [31], but the converse may not be true. After that, we introduce new types of fuzzy mappings between double fuzzy topological spaces and relationships are obtained.
Definition 2.1. Let be a , , , and , then we have:
(i) ρ is called an -strongly generalized fuzzy semi-closed 〈briefly, 〉 if whenever and ν is set,
(ii) ρ is called an -strongly* generalized fuzzy semi-closed 〈briefly, 〉 if whenever and ν is set.
Remark 2.1. (i) A fuzzy set is if is set.
(ii) A fuzzy set is if is set.
Remark 2.2.
From the previous definition, we can summarize the relationships among different types of fuzzy closed subsets as in the next diagram.
Remark 2.3. The converses of the above implications may not be true, as shown by Examples 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
Example 2.1.
Let and defined as follows: and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, ρ is set, but it is not set.
Example 2.2.
Let and defined as follows: , , and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, ρ is set, but it is not set.
Example 2.3.
Let and defined as follows: , and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, ν is set, but it is not set.
Example 2.4.
Let and defined as follows: , and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, ν is set, but it is not set.
Remark 2.4. In general, sets [29] and sets are independent concepts, as shown by Example 2.5.
Example 2.5.
Let and defined as follows: , , and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, ρ is set, but it is not set. Also, ν is set, but it is not set.
Remark 2.5. In general, any intersection of sets is not , and any union of sets is not , as shown by Example 2.6.
Example 2.6.
Let and defined as follows: , , , and . Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, and are sets, but is not . Also, ρ and ν are sets, but is not .
Theorem 2.1. Let be a , , , and , then λ is set iff every μ is set and , there is ρ is set, such that .
Proof. (⇒) Let be an , and be an set, then . Put , there is is set such that .
(⇐) Assume that and is set, then by hypothesis, there is is set such that , therefore, . So, is set. □
Proposition 2.1. Let be a , , , and , then the following properties hold.
(i) If λ is and , then μ is set.
(ii) If λ is and , then μ is set.
(iii) If one of the following two cases hold:
(a) λ is and .
(b) λ is and , .
Then, λ is set.
Proof. (i) Let be an set and , then . Since is set, hence , but . Then, . So, is set.
(ii) and (iii) are easily proved by a similar way. □
Theorem 2.2. Let be a , , , and , then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) ν is set.
(ii) ν is set and , .
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii) Let be an set and . Since is set, then . So, , and hence is set.
(ii) ⇒ (i) Since is set and , , then by Proposition 2.1(iii), is set. But, is set. Therefore, is set. □
Theorem 2.3. Let be a , , , and , then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) ν is set.
(ii) For any μ is set and , then .
(iii) For any μ is set and , there is ρ is set such that .
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii) Let be an set and . Then, , which is set. Hence, implies . Then, .
(ii) ⇒ (iii) Let be an set and . Then, by hypothesis . Put . Hence, .
(iii) ⇒ (i) Let be an set and . Then, and by hypothesis, there is is set such that , that is, . Therefore, by Theorem 2.1, is set. Hence, is set. □
Definition 2.2. Let be a mapping, then h is said to be
(i) Strongly* double fuzzy generalized semi-continuous 〈briefly, -continuous〉 if is set for each and , .
(ii) -irresolute if is set for each is set.
(iii) -open if is set for each and , .
(iv) -closed if is set for and , .
Remark 2.6.
From the previous definitions, we can summarize the relationships among different types of -continuity as in the next diagram.
Remark 2.7. The converses of the above implications may not be true, as shown by Examples 2.7 and 2.8.
Example 2.7.
Let and defined as follows: and . Define as follows:
Thus, the identity mapping is -continuous, but it is not -continuous.
Example 2.8.
Let and defined as follows: , and . Define as follows:
Thus, the identity mapping is -continuous, but it is not S*-continuous.
Lemma 2.1. Every -irresolute mapping is -continuous.
Remark 2.8. The converse of Lemma 2.1 may not be true, as shown by Example 2.9.
Example 2.9.
Let . Define as follows:
Thus, the identity mapping is -continuous, but it is not -irresolute.
3. Some Novel Higher Separation Axioms
Here, we are going to give the definitions of two types of higher fuzzy separation axioms with the help of sets [31] called --regular 〈resp., --normal〉 spaces and establish some of their properties.
Definition 3.1. A dfts is said to be
(i) --regular iff for each is set implies that, there is with , for , such that , and .
(ii) --normal iff for each sets for implies that, there is with and , such that and .
Theorem 3.1. Let be a , , and , then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) is --regular space.
(ii) If for each is , there is with and , such that .
(iii) If for each is , there is with , for , such that , and .
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii) Let for each is an , then for set . Since is --regular, there is with , and , such that , and . It implies . Since and ,
(ii) ⇒ (iii) Let
for each
is an
, then
. By (ii), there is
such that
, then
. Again, by (ii), there is
such that
It implies . Put , then , .
So, , that is, .
(iii) ⇒ (i) It is trivial. □
In a similar way, we can prove Theorem 3.2.
Theorem 3.2. Let be a , , and , then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) is --normal space.
(ii) If for each is and is set, there is with and , such that .
(iii) If for each sets for , there is with and , such that and .
Theorem 3.3. If is -irresolute, -open and bijective map, and is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉 space, then is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉 space.
Proof. Let
for each
. Since
h is
-open and bijective map, then by Theorem 4.11 [31],
h is
-irresolute. Hence,
set. Put
. Then,
. Since
-regular, there is
such that
. Since
h is
-open and bijective map, we have
Hence, is --regular space. The other case follows similar lines. □
Theorem 3.4. If is -continuous, -irresolute closed and injective map, and is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉, then is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉.
Proof. Let for each is . Since h is -irresolute closed, is . Since h is injective, implies . Since is --regular, there is with , and such that , and . Since h is -continuous, , with , and and . Hence, is --regular. The other case follows similar lines. □
Theorem 3.5. If is -irresolute, -open, -closed and surjective map, and is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉, then is --regular 〈resp., --normal〉.
Proof. Let
for each
. Since
h is
-irresolute and surjective then, there is
such that
. Since
-regular, by Theorem 3.1, there is
such that
It implies
Since h is -open and -closed, then , and . Hence, Thus, is --regular. The other case follows similar lines. □
4. Novel Types of Compactness
Here, several types of compactness in double fuzzy topological spaces were introduced and the relationships between them were studied.
Definition 4.1. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Definition 4.2. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy -compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Lemma 4.1. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy -compact, then μ is -fuzzy compact.
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.1 and 4.2. □
Theorem 4.1. Let be a -continuous mapping, , and . If is -fuzzy -compact, then is -fuzzy compact.
Proof. Let with , then is } (by h is -continuous), such that . Since is -fuzzy -compact, there is a finite subset of , such that . Thus, . Hence, the proof is completed. □
Definition 4.3. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy almost compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Definition 4.4. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy almost -compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Lemma 4.2. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy almost -compact, then μ is -fuzzy almost compact.
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.3 and 4.4. □
Lemma 4.3. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy compact (resp., -compact), then μ is -fuzzy almost compact (resp., almost -compact).
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. □
Remark 4.1. The converse of Lemma 4.3 may not be true, as shown by Example 4.1.
Example 4.1.
Let , , and defined as follows:
Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, V is -fuzzy almost compact, but it is not -fuzzy compact.
Theorem 4.2. Let be a -continuous mapping, , and . If is -fuzzy almost -compact, then is -fuzzy almost compact.
Proof. Let
, then
} (by
h is
-continuous), such that
. Since
-fuzzy almost
-compact, there is a finite subset
, such that
. Since
h is
-continuous mapping, it follows
Thus, . Hence, the proof is completed. □
Definition 4.5. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy nearly compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Definition 4.6. Let be a , , and , then is called an -fuzzy nearly -compact iff for each family , such that , there is a finite subset of ϝ, such that .
Lemma 4.4. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy nearly -compact, then μ is -fuzzy nearly compact.
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.5 and 4.6. □
Lemma 4.5. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy compact (resp., -compact), then μ is -fuzzy nearly compact (resp., nearly -compact).
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 and 4.6. □
Remark 4.2. The converse of Lemma 4.5 may not be true, as shown by Example 4.2.
Example 4.2.
Let , , and defined as follows:
Also, defined on V as follows:
Thus, V is -fuzzy nearly compact, but it is not -fuzzy compact.
Theorem 4.3. Let be a -continuous and -open mapping, , and . If is -fuzzy nearly -compact, is -fuzzy nearly compact.
Proof. Let
, then
} (by
h is
-continuous), such that
. Since
-fuzzy nearly
-compact, there is a finite subset
, such that
. Since
h is
-continuous and
-open, it follows
Hence, the proof is completed. □
Lemma 4.6. Let be a , , and . If is -fuzzy soft nearly -compact (resp., nearly compact), then μ is -fuzzy soft almost -compact (resp., almost compact).
Proof. Follows from Definitions 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6. □
Remark 4.3.
We can summarize the relationships among different types of fuzzy compactness as in the next diagram.