1. Introduction
The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a powerful phenomenon occurred in 1054, and it was carefully observed and reported by the Chinese imperial astronomers. The attentive scrutiny of the sky by them has not to surprise us: the legend of the beheading of the astronomers Hi and Ho after missing the prediction of an eclipse occurred reliably in 2159 BC [
3] illustrates the high status required to be imperial astronomers in China.
In a recent paper [
4] we have considered a GRB as a possible Crab nebula progenitor, using GRB 190114C as a prototype. Here, starting from the historical documents, we extrapolate the GRB light-curve for nearly 1000 years, or 3·10
10 s. In another paper [
5] ten Supernova-rise occurred in GRBs have been studied, and here we formulate new inferences on the event of 1054 which originated the Crab.
In particular we formulate the possibility of a very strong event visible at dawn in America, at noon time in Europe on July 3rd, 1054 11 UT, and appearing to the Chinese astronomers only at the dawn of the following day. This is considered as the first episode (episode one) of a Supernova explosion of a ten solar masses CO-core introduced in the BDHN GRB model [
2. Historiography of the Crab Supernova
Shklovsky (1968) [
1], Trimble (1968) [
7] and Murden & Murden (1985) [
2] analyzed carefully the literature on the Crab nebula where the comprehension of it as a Supernova remnant, expanding since 1054, appears gradually in the first three decades of the XX century. The knowledge of the Chinese, and Japanese sources become available since XIX century, and their translations were discussed, and improved as we can see in the now classical books of Shklovsky (1968) [
1], Murden & Murden (1985) [
2] and Stephenson and Green (2002) [
8]. These studies became the present
“Vulgata” of the Supernova of 1054. Some European sources with possible accounts of observations referred to this particular event have been after scrutinized as in Polcaro et al. (2006) [
9]. We present a rapid sketch of the present situation in historiography, about the European sources as integrations of the Chinese and Japanese ones.
2.1. Shklovsky and the Supernova Fit of 1054 Observational Data
The news about a “guest star” in the right position of the present Crab Nebula have been found in Chinese sources. The astronomical bureau of the Emperor was supposed to record any information coming from the sky with great precision, and these ancient astronomers did it carefully. Shklovsky quoted the studies of J. J. Duyvendak, (1942) [
10] who paved the way to exploit the Chinese historical astronomical sources.
Skhlovsky (1968) [
1] fitted the Chinese data (23 days of daytime visibility after July 4th 1054 and 21 months of total visibility) with a Supernova, possibly observed also by Japanese in its rising phase.
From the Sung-shih [Annals, of the Sung Dynasty] (Astronomical Treatise, chapter 56):
“On the 1st year of the Chi-ho reign period, 5th month, chi-chou (day) [July 4, 1054], a guest star appeared approximately several inches to the south-east of Tian-kuan [Aldebaran]. After a year and more it gradually vanished.”1
From the Mei Getsuki Japanese source:
“After the 2nd third of the 4th month, the second year in the Ten Ki period of Japan at the time of Chuou, a guest star appeared three times at the Hsiu Tsui (Turtle). It was seen in the east, with Ten Kwan Hsing, as big as Jupiter.
“In the middle of the ten-day period of the fourth Moon of the second year in the Ten-ki period, [between May 20-30, 1054] and in the following days, a guest-star was observed in the orbit of Orion. It was seen in the Eatern horizon. Its radiation resembled a comet with short rays in T’ieng-K’uang and it was about the size of Jupiter.”
Shklovsky did not make problems with shifting the Japanese dates of one month forward, from end of May to end of June 1054, without considering that Chinese should had been forced to be precise to monitor the sky.
“We may see from the light curve that this may be the magnitude [-1.3, equal to Jupiter] of a supernova, about one week before its maximum. This is in full agreement with the text of the Japanese chronicles.” (Shklovsky 1968, pag. 55 [
2.2. Arabic Source and Criticism on European Sources
The Arabic source of the 1054 event is Ibn Batlān, a physician and astrologer who lived in Constantinoples at the time of the Supernova and who linked that star to the plague spread after its appearance, also in Egypt and Iraq for some years after; Ibn Batlān’s account is reported in Murden & Murden (1985, p.8) [
One of the well-known epidemics of our time is that which occurred when the spectacular star appeared in Gemini in the year 446 after the Hegira (from April 12, 1054 to April 1, 1055). […]
As this spectacular star appeared in the sign of Gemini, which is the ascendant of Egypt, it caused the epidemic to break out in Old Cairo when the Nile was low, at the time of its appearance. Thus Ptolemy’s prediction became true: Woe to the people of Egypt when one the comets appears threateningly in Gemini. Then when Saturn descended into the sign of Cancer, the destruction of Iraq, Mosul and Jazira was complete. […] And this confirmed the wisdom of Ptolemy in saying: when Saturn and Mars are in conjunction in the sign of Cancer, the world will be shaken.”
The position of the bright new star is only defined by its ecliptic coordinate λ (in Gemini, say 60°≤λ≤90°), and the date to the nearest lunar year (446 after Hegira). Stephenson and Green (2003) [
11] consider also the Arabic source, but they ruled out other European sources. Several authors, quoted in Collins et al. (1999) [
12], and revisited in Polcaro et al. (2006) [
9] presented the European accounts on celestial phenomena possibly related with the 1054 Supernova. Stephenson and Green (2002) [
8] consider the European accounts dates for 1054 event as very inaccurate compared with total eclipses European reports; the phenomena described are too generic and the positions in the sky are ambiguous, moreover they consider all the studies on these European accounts biased by the desire to show an European primacy on the Supernova observations.
We reconsider these European sources, and their historiography, in chapter 3.
2.3. The Chinese “Vulgata”
After Dyuvenok (1942) [
10] studies on Chinese sources, there is the further translation of Ho (1972) [
13], and the more coherent information is the Sung dinasty annals. Taking the translation offered in Stephenson and Green (2003) [
11] the Supernova appeared on July 4th 1054, was visible for 23 days in daytime and disappeared on April 6, 1056 after 21 months of visibility. It appeared several inches South-East of the star Beta Tauri, near Zeta Tauri. Other Chinese sources present conflicting dates, as late as 27 August; in particular Stephenson and Green [
11] about the new star mentioned in the total eclipse account (dated unambiguously May 10, 1054) consider that the new star near Pleiades was not necessarily seen during that eclipse, but may have been seen after.
The Sung-shih hsin-pien text (prepared by K’o Wei-ch’I in XV century) recits:
“During the eight month [of the 23rd year of the Chung-his reign period, 1055] the King passed away… Previously there was a solar eclipse at midday [10 May 1054] and a guest star appeared within the Mao [lunar mansion, the Pleiades]. The Assistant Officer in the Bureau of Historiography, Liu I-shou, said “Isn’t this an omen that [the King of Ch’I-tan] Hsin-tsung will die?
The prediction did come true. The same passage is give in Liao-shih-i.”
It remains difficult, as already Skhlovsky and Stephenson and Green declared, to avoid an “identification game” also with such ancient data, based, moreover, on modern translations from ancient Chinese to English of transcriptions made two centuries (and more) after the event. The “identification game” can be also the fit of the data (23 days daytime and 21 months of visibility) with a precise Supernova type light curve, following Skhlovsky.
3. Fitting the 1054 Event with a GRB
GRBs are the most energetic sources known in the Universe [
14]; their gamma prompt emission would put in risk the Earth’s life if they would occur in our galaxy, not screened by the galactic plane’s dust [
GRBs show typical power-law decays, in many cases they overlap a Supernova light curve [
5]. The connections between GRB and Supernovae have been documented several times. The cosmological distances of GRB made the observations of the related SN every difficult, because they can be immersed in the GRB optical afterglow, but some well documented cases exist [
3.1. GRB190114C Physical Parameters
To this GRB was associated the SN2019jrj [
18] and we use this system to “fit” the Crab SN remnant present luminosity and the 1054 SN luminosity with its light curve, extrapolated some 10
10 s after the GRB, say 1000 years. The present X-ray and Gamma-rays luminosities of the Crab, as well as the optical one, are in good agreement with the extrapolation of the corresponding power laws of such GRB, with the isotropical energy released ranging around E
53 erg with a luminosity L
53 erg/s. The Supernova associated with the GRB190114C peaked 15 days post-burst, had the episode-one of Supernova rise lasted 0.79 s in the rest frame, and it released as energy as 3.5∙10
52 erg; its black body temperature was 40 KeV, or 464 million °K [
5]. These parameters set the GRB190114C among the BdHN model of type I, the most energetic ones [
5]. The GRB triggered by the Supernova exploded within 5 minutes, the orbital period of the neutron star orbiting around the Carbon-Oxygen stripped core of a massive star. The initial fireball is due the GRB produced by the fast rotating black hole, created by collecting the mass of the ejecta of the Supernova over the orbiting neutron star, during an orbital period. There is enough time for the orbiting neutron star to get the critical mass for creating the black hole.
3.2. Magnitude Scaling at 2 Kpc, the Distance of the Crab from Earth
A power-law is a typical energy-decay law, general for natural phenomena. The total energy of the phenomenon is related to the initial luminosity by an integral equation.
To a luminosity L0=1046 erg/s at the distance of the Crab, 2.0±0.5 kpc, is associated an apparent magnitude of mv=-16.2 as seen from the Earth. This luminosity is similar to the solar corona, brighter than the Full Moon (mv=-13.6) and much brighter than Venus (mv=-4.5) and so it is indeed visible in daytime.
The Sun’s absolute magnitude (at 10 pc, 200 times closer than the Crab) is Mv=+4.8.
The GRB irradiates 1013 times the energy of the Sun, using the Pogson’s law and the inverse square law of the flux at increasing distance, the flux of that GRB would be 1013/2002=2.5∙108 =21 magnitudes brighter than a +4.8 magnitude star, than mv=-16.2 mag.
3.3. Daytime Visibility of the Supernova
The 23 days of daytime visibility of the “guest star” in 1054 can be obtained also with a GRB starting at much brighter luminosity, as the mv=-16 mag. The steep optical power-law allows a 10 magnitudes drop in about 2∙106 s, that are 23 days, after which the luminosity was about mv=-6, easily visible in daytime. We remark that Venus is theoretically visible, as Jupiter, in daytime, but only when looking in the exact position and near a far reference, like the Moon, in a cloudless sky without hazes. That’s why we consider the apparent magnitude of easy visibility in daytime much brighter than Venus.
3.4. Twilight and Night Time Limiting Visibility
The “guest star” underwent another 10 magnitudes drop, from m
v=-5.4 to m
v=+4.6, to reach the limiting visibility to the naked eye in twilight, as it was reported on 6 April 1056, according to the
Sung-hui-yao chronicles. The same power law represented in
Figure 1 requires a factor 10
-4 for 10 magnitudes drop, and it would require some 10
8 s or 3 years, instead of 21 months.
Each 102 factor in Luminosity corresponds to 5 magnitudes (Pogson’s Law).The Crab Nebula integrated flux values are represented by the three colored hexagons in Optical (red) X-rays (grey) and GeV (green). The apparent magnitudes are calculated if this GRB would have exploded at the distance of the Crab. Daytime visibility is better established with a magnitude brighter than mv=-5.4, [Venus is mv=-4.5 at its maximum], and the Supernova remained visible 23 days in daytime according to Sung-hui-yao chronicle.
After 21 months or 630 days, the optical afterglow of our reference GRB would reach the magnitude of Vega.
The Hypernova correlated with the GRB would explain well the initial Gamma-rays fireball, at 11 UT of July 3rd, seen only in Europe; the extraordinary appearance in the dawn of July 4th 1054 0 UT, as seen by Chinese astronomers. The 23 days of continuous visibility in daytime, the 21 months of total visibility, and, noteworthy, the present values in Optical, X-ray and GeV energy bands are reproduced with this comparison.
The plague spread into Egypt, Siria and Iraq after the appearance of
this spectacular star, as reported by Ibn Butlān and in the Rampona Chronicle, could be explained by the Gamma-ray irradiation on the Earth’s atmosphere [
16]. The Hypernova was culminating in the sky, on July 3rd 11 UT, on the Central European time zone (CET), while in China was below the horizon.
This date of July 3rd is compatible with the Nile being low, as described by Ibn Butlān and by the noon time mentioned in the fireball phenomena described by other European chronicles as Historia Ecclesia S. Petri Aldenburgensis and De Obitu Leonis [
9], without considering their conflicting dates. The Chinese astronomers saw the new star only after its rising above their horizon, about half a day later on July 4th, when the tremendous luminosity was already decreased by 10
6 times, or 15 magnitudes.
4. GRB Prompt Emission for 30 Minutes Observed in Belgium and in Rome
The starting emission of the GRB, the one at 10
46erg/s or m
v =-16 of apparent magnitude, has its duration limited to 10
3 s, with the first 5 magnitudes drop. An event lasted 30 minutes, visible in daytime, would be in perfect agreement with this requirement. In the Chronicle
Aldenburgensis it is described such a duration. According to the
Tractatus de Ecclesia S. Petri Aldenburgensi:
“…on the 18th day before the first of May, a Monday, around midday […] all over the World there appeared to men a circle (orb) in the sky of extraordinary brightness which lasted about half an hour. ”
The day was 11 April 1054, the very day and hour of death of the blessed pope Leo IX, the conclusion of this text is
“Perhaps the Lord wished to say that he [the Pope] was worthy to received a crown in Heaven between those who love Him.” (Polcaro and Martocchia, 2006) [9].
Besides the obvious comments about a typical hagiographic language, in which the sphere of light is associated to the soul ascending into heaven of a saint at the moment of his death, the description of the appearance at noon of a bright sphere of about 30 minutes may be considered as astrophysically relevant.
4.1. De Obitu Leonis, in Rome
The supernatural explanation related to the soul of the pope Leo IX rising to heaven is natural in the Christian cultural context of XI century. The possibility that really a “brilliant orb” was seen in the sky for half an hour at noon, as described in the independent chronicles of
De Ecclesia S. Petri Alderburgensi (Oudembourg, Belgium) and in
De Obitu Leonis (Rome) cannot be discarded “tout-court”. Libuinus in
De Obitu Leonis: described the soul of Leo being taken by angels up to heaven (Collins, et al., 1999):
“as along a path strewn with shining garments and lit by innumerable brilliant lamps”.
4.2. Ordinary vs Exceptional Events
Ancient chronicles cannot include ordinary atmospheric events like parhelia or meteors, they have included the very rare total solar eclipses, the aurora borealis in night time, and even some daytime bright meteors. A great meteor would not have lasted half an hour, just a few minutes with the long lasting trail, as in the Chelyabinsk event (2013).
Exceptional or supernatural vs ordinary explanations are invocated only for some life-time events, as it could have been seeing a brilliant orb in the sky in daytime, lasted 30 minutes, which did not have any natural explication or previous experience.
Book of Prodigies published in Venice by Aldo Manuzio (1508) [
19] included events from 249 to 11 BC selected by Julius Obsequens: the majority of the events of astronomical nature are now easily explicable without recurring to supernatural exceptions.
The case of the bright orb could be explained by the prompt GRB emission.
4.3. Innumerable Lamps and Cosmic Rays Air Shower
The description of such brilliant orb, sparkling with innumerable lamps can be consistent with an air shower arising from cosmic rays coming from the GRB. The full Moon, even if it has magnitude up to mv=-13.6, has not innumerable lamps around it. This fireball was luminous enough to be seen clearly in full daytime, at 35° from the meridian Sun in Europe, and it was enough luminous and long lasting to wake all the people sleeping in America, even being near their horizon. The Supernova did not explode over the Chinese’s horizon, otherwise they would have seen it.
4.4. Crab Supernova Rock Art in North America, Awakened by the GRB
Starting from 1955 a series of rock-art items associated to the Crab Supernova have been studied and recently E. C. Krupp (2015) [
20] reviewed them. The dimensions of the asterism associated to the Supernova appear always to be big when compared to the Moon, so the association with a “normal galactic Supernova” was excluded [
Our hypothesis on the explosion of the Supernova-induced GRB around 11 UT of July 3rd would explain why that new star is so big to appear as an orb: they may have assisted to this explosion at dawn, with the phenomenon very close to the eastern horizon, of an unprecedented brightness, second only to the Sun. A few degrees from the horizon (10° for New Mexico at 11 UT of July 3rd) the luminosity of the GRB could have been even brighter than the Sun at the horizon, while the nearly 5 airmasses would have shield better the native Indians from Gamma-rays’ effects.
Figure 2.
Pictograph at the White Mesa (Arizona) already interpreted as the Crescent of the Moon and the Supernova since 1955. As other pictographs of this type the star appears always of similar size to the Moon, rayed or surrounded by circles, as the case of fireball.
Figure 2.
Pictograph at the White Mesa (Arizona) already interpreted as the Crescent of the Moon and the Supernova since 1955. As other pictographs of this type the star appears always of similar size to the Moon, rayed or surrounded by circles, as the case of fireball.
Figure 3.
The most famous “Supernova Pictograph” at the Penasco Blanco Canyon (New Mexico). The Supernova is as big as the Moon. In our vision this was the dawn of July 3rd, 1054 at 11 UT with the GRB exploded, around 10° above the East horizon still dark.
Figure 3.
The most famous “Supernova Pictograph” at the Penasco Blanco Canyon (New Mexico). The Supernova is as big as the Moon. In our vision this was the dawn of July 3rd, 1054 at 11 UT with the GRB exploded, around 10° above the East horizon still dark.
5. Conclusions: New Inferences on the Historical Observations of 3-4 July 1054
The current Crab emissions (X and Gamma-rays and visible light [
21]), and the 1054 event observations are fitted with the GRB 190114C light curve, extrapolated to nearly 1000 years. This fit reproduces well the 23 days of daytime visibility and the current X-rays and GeV emissions. The optical Supernova associated with the GRB could explain easily the duration of 21 months of total visibility of the 1054 “guest star”.
The Supernova-rise [
5] of the gravitational collapse of the CO-core star, released ejecta which accreted onto the close orbiting neutron star, creating a fast spinning black hole. Consequently a GRB fireball appeared, and it was observed for 30 minutes in Oudembourgh (now in Belgium) and in Rome (strewing lights). After, the Supernova peaked around 15 day later, and continued to be visible in daytime for 23 days. A new neutron star (the new pulsar) was left by the CO-core star collapsed. The prompt emission of the GRB, occurred at local noon (as mentioned in two European chronicles), 11 UT, necessarily on July 3rd 1054, instead of the “adjusted” dates (around April 19) to fit the death of the pope Leo IX in the Chronicle Aldenburgensis (Belgium) and in De Obitu Leonis, written in Rome. At 11 UT of July 3rd in China was evening time and the Crab was under their horizon, unvisible. The Chinese saw the new star only after its rise the following morning of July 4th, about twelve hours, or 4.3·10
4 s after the prompt GRB emission, with 10
3 less intensity, or 6 magnitudes less at m
v=-7. At 11 UT in Arizona was dawn and the native Indians could have seen this extremely brilliant phenomenon in a dark sky, they were awaken by the great luminosity, lasted until sunrise, and this is the reason why they represented it in many pictographs.
Moreover the physician Ibn Batlān, in his Arabic account of 1054 mentioned a plague “As this spectacular star appeared in the sign of Gemini, which is the ascendant of Egypt, it caused the epidemic to break out in Old Cairo [Fustat], when the Nile was low, at the time of its appearance”. [
Melott et al. (2005) [
15] studied the biological effects of GRB radiation. Spinelli and Ghirlanda (2023) [
16] fix the security minimal distance from the strongest GRB to be safe as 15 Kpc from the GRB 221009A, the brightest of all times. Its energy flux within this distance would deplete the O
3 layer of our atmosphere. These considerations support our hypothesis that the intense Gamma-ray radiation hitting the Earth’s atmosphere around 11 UT of July 3rd, was followed by an intense cosmic rays air-shower which produced, on the people on the European area, burns on the skin for acute radiation syndrome, driving rapidly to death many people. The European people assisting to that phenomenon were protected by only one airmass, at noon time. The vision of the GRB prompt emission near the horizon, as occurred in North America, implied more than 5 airmasses to shield the observers from the lethal radiations.
The plagues connected with that star are mentioned also in the Rampona Chronicle [
10]. The etymology of the latinword“disaster = negative star” would be then extraordinarily supported by this peculiar physical influence of a very far galactic source, the GRB Supernova, located at 2 Kpc from the Earth.
In the following table the airmasses have been calculated in the various places mentioned in the text at the moment of the explosion, that we posed at 11 UT July 3rd 1054.
Location |
Crab altitude above the horizon |
Airmass [X] |
Damages to exposed skin [%] |
White Mesa (Arizona) |
13.3° |
4.3 |
4 |
Penasco Blanco (New Mexico) |
15.5° |
3.73 |
7 |
Oudembourgh (Belgium) |
53.7° |
1.24 |
79 |
Rome (Italy) |
53.9° |
1.24 |
79 |
Constantinoples (Istanbul) |
42.2° |
1.49 |
61 |
Cairo (Egypt) |
41.4° |
1.52 |
59 |
Beijing (China) |
-18°, below |
Not visible |
0 |
In the American locations the Sun was below the horizon, in central Europe it was noon time, afternoon in Constantinoples and Cairo, the cities where the plague spread immediately; in China the Crab was already below the horizon, while the Sun was setting.
The maximum protection offered by the atmosphere is proportional to exp(-X). The presence of clouds increased the protection against X and Gamma-ray, because they increase the interposed airmass X.
The interaction of X and Gamma photons with the atmosphere changes with the wavelength of the photons; in X-rays first acts the ionization in the atmosphere of O2, N2, O3, H2O, after the dominating process is the Compton scattering acting in an increasingly hot atmosphere [
23]; in Gamma-rays the electromagnetic air shower is the process through which by successive degradation the energy comes to ground. The energy of that GRB at the distance of the Crab would have impacted the Earth magnetosphere and atmosphere with an initial flux about 1010 times the flux of the solar X-rays background (C1-class of X-ray flares). The maximum flux of X-rays of that GRB was corresponding to a solar flare 105 times an X-class flare (10-4 W/m2 or 10-1 erg/s·cm2 ), corresponding to a Miyake event [
The present interpretation of the SN 1054 event is very well framed in the BdHN-GRB model [
6] which explains how the GRB prompt energy is released after an Hypernova which left also a new neutron star, the pulsar [
22], after it.
Author Contributions
Both authors contributed equally to this work.
To Wang Yu (ICRA Roma and ICRANet Pescara) for providing the plotted data of GRB190114C used by
us to prepare the
Figure 1. To Edwin C. Krupp, Griffith Observatory, who made available on the web his photos, used in
Figure 2 and
Figure 3.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
1 |
Aldebaran is North West of the new star only at its rise. In the Equatorial System of celestial coordinates (with the star’s order as it appears at the meridian transit) the Crab Nebula is South East of Beta Tauri of several inches, and of one inch North West with respect to Zeta Tauri which is Tianguan or Tian-Kuan. |
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