6.2. Overview of the Octonionic Theory
Our theory is a matrix-valued Lagrangian dynamics on an octonionic space, motivated as a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime theory, i.e. a reformulation of quantum field theory which does not depend on an external classical time [
37]. It is a generalisation of Adler’s theory of trace dynamics, so as to include pre-gravitation. Quantum field theory and classical space-time and gravitation are emergent from this dynamics under suitable approximations. The fundamental universe is a collection of ‘atoms of space-time-matter’, an atom being a 2-brane described by matrix-valued dynamical variables on octonionic space and having the action principle (of the unified interactions)
This action defines a 2-brane residing on a split-bioctonionic space. This means that each of the two matrices
have sixteen components, one component per coordinate direction of the split bioctonion. This 16-dim space has
symmetry. We separate the two dynamical variables into bosonic and fermionic parts, each of which again has sixteen coordinate components:
Left-Right symmetry breaking separates the bosonic dynamical variable into its left-chiral part
defined over 8D octonionic space and the right chiral part
defined over the 8D splt octonionic space. Similarly the fermionic dynamical variable separates into its left chiral part
defined over 8D octonionic space and its right chiral part
defined over the split octonionic space.
The Yang-Mills coupling constant
arises as a consequence of the symmetry breaking, prior to which the theory is scale invariant, having only an associated length scale
L but no other free parameter. The symmetries of the bioctonionic space are spacetime symmetries with the full symmetry being
and with symmetry breaking introducing branching as discussed earlier in the paper, and also introducing interactions and coupling constants.
By defining new variables
we can also express the Lagrangian as
We can next expand each of these four terms inside of the trace Lagrangian as explored thoroughly in the paper [
21], using the definitions of
given above:
This form of the Lagrangian displays terms for the bosonic variables (gauge fields), the fermionic part of the action (leading to the Dirac equations upon variation), and terms bilinear in fermionic varaibles (related to the Higgs). A preliminary analysis of this Lagrangian, relating it to three generations, has been carried out in [
11]. The bosonic part of the Lagrangian has been discussed in detail in [
21], where the weak mixing angle is also derived from first principles. In future work we hope to report as to how the Lagrangian relates to the fermions and bosons reported in the present paper, including the unaccounted for terms discussed in the previous subsection. We note that the (8x3=24) fermions of the three generations contribute 24 x 24 = 576 = 288 x 2 terms to the Lagrangian, which are bilinear in
. It is striking that this is twice the number 288 of unaccounted degrees of freedom. Recall also that there are 144 physical fermions as demonstrated earlier in the paper.The terms bilinear in the
possibly describe the two Higgs doublets of the theory, and hence it could be that the 288 unaccounted d.o.f. go into constituting two composite Higgs (144 for each Higgs) and hence that there are no new predicted fermions. Such a possibility is currently under investigation. We also note that there are (208-144=64=32x2) non-fermionic d.o.f. and these account for the 32 bosons corresponding to the (2x16=32) space-time d.o.f. (8+8 = 16 dimensional split bioctonioc space and the factor 2 because this space is complexified).
Such a pre-spacetime, pre-quantum dynamics is in principle essential at all energy scales, not just at the Planck energy scale [
11]. Whenever a physical system has only quantum sources, the coordinate geometry of spacetime is non-commutative; and when that is an octonionic geometry, the spacetime symmetries result in the standard model and its unification with pre-gravitation, as we have seen in the present paper. Fermionic states are spinors (left minimal ideals) of the Clifford algebra
made from octonionic chains. Following the earlier work of other researchers, we constructed such
states for three generations of left chiral and right chiral quarks and leptons [
19], and their associated bosons. We argued in these papers that pre-gravitation is the right-handed counterpart of the standard model with the associated symmetry group being
. This is confirmed by the reps found in the present paper; furthermore the
symmetry unifies the spacetime with the matter and gauge degrees of freedom living on this spacetime, into a common unified description. Doing so has also introduced new so-called unaccounted fermions which are truly beyond the standard model, and whose physical significance and experimental consequences remain to be understood.
The Dirac equation resulting from this Lagrangian dynamics has an
symmetry, and its real eigenvalues are determined by the characteristic equation of the exceptional Jordan algebra
, whose automorphism group is
. These eigenvalues can be found for three generations of Dirac quarks and Dirac leptons, and also for three generations of left chiral fermions or right chiral fermions. Since the left chiral fermions are charge eigenstates, and right chiral fermions are square-root mass eigenstates, these eigenvalues help explain the strange mass ratios of quarks and leptons [
38]. This is because experimental measurements invariably employ charge eigenstates, which are distinct from mass eigenstates.
The octonionic theory has similarities with string theory, but also differs from it in crucial ways. Our theory is also for extended objects, but in 6D = 3 + 3 spacetime and has an
symmetry. However, we build the Fock space of states for particles, not on a 10D Minkowski spacetime vacuum, but on the octonion-valued space, which is a spinor spacetime, as if a ‘square-root’ of the 10D Minkowski spacetime. The non-commutative octonion geometry has to be an essential feature of quantum theory even at low energy scales, not just at the Planck scale. Only then can the standard model be understood. The extra dimensions are complex and not to be compactified - these are the dimensions along which the internal symmetries lie. Finally, the Hamiltonian of the theory is in general not self-adjoint; thus enabling the quantum-to-classical transition, and otherwise becoming self-adjoint in the approximation in which quantum field theory is recovered from trace dynamics. Further evidence for trace dynamics comes from the result that the theory admits supra-quantum nonlocal correlations predicted by the Popescu-Rohrlich bound in the CHSH inequality, but disallowed by quantum mechanics. This constitutes strong evidence that quantum theory is approximate, and emergent from trace dynamics in a coarse-grained approximation [
The non-associativity of the octonions does bring its own challenges when they are employed in field theory. There is evidence that the challenges are eased when one uses split octonions. See e.g. the work of Gogberashvili [
41] where rotations in the space of split octonions have been considered. It was shown therein that Lorentz transformations satisfy associativity when split octonions are employed. In the Freudenthal-Tits magic square as well, the space-time Lorentz algebras arise when one of the two composite algebras under consideration is split. In our own research programme, we employ split bioctonions to construct emergent spacetime. Furthermore, the work of Boyle and Farnsworth [
42] extends the Connes noncommutative geometry programme to the non-associative case, rendering it plausible that Connes time is admissible in our octonionic theory.
We also note the Coleman-Mandula theorem: a no-go theorem which states that the space-time symmetry (Lorentz invariance) and internal symmetry of the S-matrix can only be combined in a trivial way, i.e. as a direct product. However, this does not prevent the unification of gravitation and the standard model, on which the present paper is based. This is because the theorem applies only to the spontaneously broken phase, in which the Minkowski metric is present. The unified phase does not have a metric, and hence not the Minkowski metric either, and hence the Coleman-Mandula theorem does not apply to the unified symmetry.
The octonionic theory employs the octonions to define a non-commutative coordinate geometry. The symmetries of the geometry dictate the existence of standard model chiral fermions, gauge bosons, and pre-gravitation. Clifford algebras made from octonionic chains define spinorial states for the fermions, and the exceptional Jordan algebra determines values of the standard model parameters. The matrix-valued Lagrangian dynamics determines evolution of these particles. Classical general relativity emerges from pre-gravitation as a result of a quantum-to-classical spontaneous localisation which confines classical systems to our familiar 4D spacetime. However, quantum systems always live in the octonionic space, which has complex extra dimensions which are never compactified. Further work is in progress so as to attempt taking this unification program to completion.
6.3. Recovering the Standard Model and General Relativity
The fundamental action (
25) is as it is written in the generalised theory of trace dynamics - a pre-spacetime pre-quantum theory. The dynamical variables are matrix-valued, with Grassmann numbers as matrix entries. Matrices which are even-grade Grassmann are called bosonic, and describe bosons. Matrices which are odd-grade Grassmann are called fermionic, and describe fermions. The variables
in the previous section are a sum of a bosonic part and a fermionic part, as shown in Eqn. (
28). Thus the fundamental action describes what we call an ‘atom’ of space-time-matter (STM atom) which by definition is an elementary particle such as an electron (a fermion) along with all the (bosonic) fields it produces. Every particle gives rise to both a gravitational field and the weak force field, whereas only electrically charged particles give rise to electromagnetism, and only electrically charged particles with color give rise to the strong force field. The weak force is the spacetime symmetry of the flipped 4D spacetime
, having arisen from the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. General relativity has as its precursor the
gauge symmetry, which is the spacetime symmetry of our 4D spacetime, having arisen from the breaking
. We say more about this in
Section 7.1. On the flipped 4D spacetime, a vector bundle represents the unbroken
as an internal symmetry, and on our 4D spacetime another vector bundle represents the unbroken
as an internal symmetry. The two 4D spacetimes have one common timelike and one common spacelike dimension. Thus overall, our universe has two extra (timelike) dimensions. These appear as internal symmetry directions from the vantage point of our 4D spacetime, whereas in reality they are part of the flipped 4D spacetime.
For every STM atom, the accompanying spacetime is labeled by non-commuting numbers - quaternions and/or octonions. Quaternions are adequate for describing the two 4D spacetimes, whereas octonions are essential for describing the internal symmetries
. Each STM atom, described by the action (
25), is a universe unto itself - a mini-universe, say. The collection of enormously many STM atoms,
constitutes the observed universe. Entanglement amongst subsets of the enormous collection leads to a quantum-to-classical transition resulting in the formation of classical objects such as stars and galaxies, and this transition is accompanied by the emergence of classical spacetime. Only when such a spacetime is available, the conventional formulation of quantum field theory (QFT) is possible. In principle, even at currently accessible low energies, such critical entanglement need not have taken place, and classical spacetime could be absent even at low energies. Conventional QFT would then not exist; but the trace dynamics (TD) formulation based on Eqn. (
25) and on non-commuting coordinates will still exist. That is why the TD formulation is more fundamental, and it is the precise way to describe the standard model, which contains more information than the QFT based description of the standard model, even at energies accessed by the LHC. Thus the TD based description, being more precise, carries an explanation for those properties of the standard model (e.g. origin of the observed gauge symmetries and of values of dimensionless fundamental constants) which cannot be explained by the QFT based description. We now justify how the QFT based standard model can be recovered from the fundamental action, in the limit that dominantly many degrees of freedom in the universe become classical.
Variation of this trace action with respect to the matrix-valued degrees of freedom
gives rise to the Lagrange equations of motion:
For reference, we mention two other useful and equivalent ways of writing the fundamental action:
This matrix-valued Lagrangian dynamics, or its equivalent Hamiltonian dynamics, is not to be quantized. It is already pre-quantum. This is because, as a result of a global unitary invariance of the trace Lagrangian, the theory possesses a novel conserved charge, denoted
and known as the Adler-Millard charge, and not present in classical nor quantum dynamics:
The commutator is over the bosonic matrices, and anti-commutator is over the fermionic matrices. We can also motivate trace dynamics with the following simple example of a collection of non-relativistic particles in classical mechanics:
in which we propose to raise the real-number valued
to matrices
and arrive at the trace Lagrangian:
The variation of the trace Lagrangian gives the matrix-valued equations of motion
and the theory possesses the novel conserved charge mentioned above. The matrix
is that matrix of which the corresponding classical variable
is an eigenvalue, to be realised in the classical limit of TD. In this sense classical dynamics is recovered from trace dynamics, and in this same sense the Lagrangian for the standard model is recovered from the fundamental trace Lagrangian in (
It is assumed that trace dynamics holds at some time scale resolution not accessed by current laboratory experiments, say Planck time . We then ask what is the emergent coarse-grained dynamics, if the system is observed not at Planck time resolution, but at some lower resolution ? The standard techniques of statistical thermodynamics are employed to construct a phase space density distribution of the trace dynamical system, whose emergent coarse-grained dynamics is determined by maximising the Boltzmann entropy subject to constraints representing conserved quantities. It is shown that at thermodynamic equilibrium the Adler-Millard charge is equipartitioned over all degrees of freedom so that the canonical average of each commutator and each anti-commutator is assumed to be equal to . This is how the quantum commutation relations emerge from the underlying trace dynamics. Also, in this emergent thermodynamic equilibrium, the canonically averaged Hamilton’s equations of motion become Heisenberg’s equations of motion of quantum theory. Identification of canonical averages of functions of dynamical variables (in their ground state) with Wightman functions in relativistic quantum mechanics enables the transition from trace dynamics to quantum field theory. Quantum field theory is thus shown to be an emergent (equilibrium) thermodynamic phenomenon.
At equilibrium, the Adler-Millard charge is anti-self-adjoint, and the Hamiltonian of the theory is self-adjoint. Statistical fluctuations in this charge, when significant, can drive the quantum system away from equilibrium (the charge is no longer equipartitioned). If these fluctuations are themselves dominantly self-adjoint, the Hamiltonian of the theory picks up an anti-self-adjoint component, which gets amplified if a large number of degrees of freedom are entangled with each other. This drives the system to classicality, via a Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber type of spontaneous collapse process. Thus, macroscopic classical systems, including classical fields, are far from equilibrium emergent states in trace dynamics.
The basis for the fundamental action (
25) is the Chamseddine-Connes spectral action principle. Let us first recall the principle and its present application for the case of Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity. After that we will include Yang-Mills fields. According to this principle, the Einstein-Hilbert action can be expressed in terms of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator
D on a Riemannian geometry, via a truncated heat kernel expansion in powers of
It has also been shown that these Dirac eigenvalues can be the dynamical observables of general relativity, in place of the metric. In the spirit of trace dynamics, every eigenvalue
is raised to the status of a bosonic matrix/operator
, this being the very Dirac operator
D of which it is an eigenvalue. Thus in generalised trace dynamics (a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime theory) we have a collection of ‘atoms of space-time’, as many atoms as there were Dirac eigenvalues, each atom being associated with a copy of the Dirac operator:
, where
L is a newly introduced length parameter which characterises a space-time atom. The Einstein-Hilbert action
transits to
. Since the Dirac eigenvalues have been made operators, space-time is lost, and this is simultaneously a transition to trace dynamics and to non-commutative geometry, hence showing the deep connection between the new geometry and the new dynamics. However, note that what was earlier the (dimensionless) action is now the dimensionless (trace) Lagrangian; the integral over time, which will make it into a trace dynamics action, is missing. Here, Connes time parameter
, a unique feature of non-commutative geometry, comes into play. The trace dynamics action for atoms of space-time matter, scaled with respect to Planck’s constant
ℏ, is given by
The recovery of classical general relativity is the reverse of the above : quantum-to-classical transition sends each Dirac operator back to one its eigenvalues; a different eigenvalue for every STM atom, and from the sum total of the squares of eigenvalues, the Einstein-Hilbert action is recovered.
The Chamseddine-Connes spectral action principle continues to hold when Yang-Mills gauge fields are included. To get there, we first recall how gauge fields are treated as inner automorphisms of a non-commutative algebra. The seventh axiom of commutative geometry in Connes’ programme states that there exists an antilinear isometry
such that
In the theory of operator algebras there is a result of great significance due to Tomita. The theorem states that given a weakly closed * algebra of operators M in Hilbert space which admits a cyclic and separating vector, there exists a canonical antilinear isometric involution J from to such that . Here, is the commutant of M. Consequently, M is antiisomorphic to its commutant, where the antiisomorphism is given by the following -linear map: .
As noted above, axiom 7 of commutative geometry already involves an antilinear isometry
J in
, this being complex conjugation. Since
was assumed commutative, the equality
is consistent with the antiisomorphism in Tomita’s theorem. In going over to the non-commutative case the requirement
is replaced by the condition:
. This converts the Hilbert space
into a module over the algebra
this being the tensor product of
with its opposite algebra
. And,
We now illustrate the non-commutative case for the algebra of matrix-valued functions on a smooth compact Riemannian spin manifold M. A metric g is given on M and is the Hilbert space of sections of the tensor product of the spinor bundle S with . The algebra acts on by left multiplication: . The real structure J is given as where C is the charge conjugation operator, and * stands for adjoint of a matrix: . The adjoint operation converts left multiplication operation to right multiplication and the axiom is satisfied, where .
The operator
D is taken as
which is the tensor product of the Dirac operator on
M by the identity on
. This gives a non-commutative geometry and conveys important properties of non-commutative geometries in general. The group
of * automorphisms of the algebra
is also the diffeomorphism group
of diffeomorphisms of the manifold
M. It has a natural normal subgroup
of inner automorphisms, these being automorphisms of the form
. Here,
u is an arbitrary element of the unitary group
The action of this group of internal diffeomorphisms on the geometry can be expressed by replacing the Dirac operator
D with
where the
A are Yang-Mills gauge potentials. This generalisation of the Dirac operator is a special case of
. In the commutative case this generalisation vanishes because
implies that
. In the non-commutative case the generalisation is non-trivial. In the present example,
is the group of local gauge transformations for an
gauge theory on
M. The internal perturbations of the metric are parametrised by
gauge potentials.
It is striking to observe the parallels between non-commutative geometry and trace dynamics. In both cases, making the algebra non-commutative brings in significant new features (which are not there in the commutative case) which influence applications of the theory. For NCG, it is the inner automorphisms (responsible for standard model gauge fields arising naturally), and also the concept of Tomita-Takesaki-Connes time. For trace dynamics it is the Adler-Millard charge, which is responsible for trace dynamics being a pre-quantum theory. We have therefore suggested a merger of trace dynamics and non-commutative geometry, wherein eigenvalues of the Dirac operator will themselves be raised to the status of operators, thus generalising trace dynamics to a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime theory. This theory will then have a conserved Adler-Millard charge which incorporates pre-gravitational degrees of freedom, and it will have Connes time.
We can now return to the spectral action principle which incorporates Yang-Mills gauge fields using Dirac eigenvalues. We recall that a canonical triple
over a manifold is defined as follows.
is the algebra of complex-valued smooth functions on
is the Hilbert space of square-integrable sections of the irreducible spinor bundle over
M. And
D is the Dirac operator of a Clifford connection. Assuming it to be an even spectral triple, a real structure (a generalised charge conjugation) is introduced through the antilinear isometry
J on
and is crucial in deriving the spectral action for Yang-Mills fields. Thus,
We also need to define the product of two real spectral triples
. The product triple
is given by
In the celebrated Chamseddine-Connes toy model for describing the bosonic sector of the standard model (at tree level) coupled to gravity, they proposed the purely geometric action
A is the gauge potential
is the usual trace in Hilbert space (this will be our point of contact with trace dynamics),
is a cutoff parameter, and the function
cuts off all eigenvalues of
larger than
. The action is exclusively in terms of the spectrum of the self-adjoint operator
and is motivated by the above-discussed interpretation that the inner automorphisms of
are the gauge degrees of freedom. As noted above,
is isomorphic to
and we define
. Then we have the following short exact sequence of groups:
In comparison, for gauge theories over commutative algebras, we construct connections on a principal fibre bundle
P having as structure group a Lie group
G. The gauge fields are then sections of the associated vector bundle with fibres in
. The diffeomorphisms on
P form the automorphism group
P, and one has the following short exact sequence
is the gauge group. The striking similarity of this sequence with the one in (
47) suggests that the spectral action for a gauge theory should be constructed as follows. First, one looks for an algebra
such that
. Then, a suitable spectral triple is constructed over
in particular by specifying the Dirac operator. Finally, one computes the spectral action given in (
46). What this yields in the end is a gauge theory of the group
G with space-time gravitation induced by the diffeomorphism group
A straightforward non-commutative modification of a manifold
M consists of a product of the canonical spectral triple with the
N-dimensional matrix algebra
. The spectral triple in this case is given by
is a Hermitian matrix and
are the anti-Hermitian generators of the Lie algebra associated with the elements of a matrix group in
. One would like to compute the spectral action (
46) using a method of operator integration similar to the one used earlier in the case of general relativity. The goal is to show that this action yields gravitation coupled to Yang-Mills fields. A detailed analysis leads to the following final result:
is the Weyl tensor. The term contributing at order
is the cosmological constant term; the Einstein-Hilbert action as expected is at order
; and the Yang-Mills action is at order
along with additional gravitational terms. The term quadratic in the Weyl tensor is conformal gravity, and apart from the Gauss-Bonnet term there is a term in higher order gravity.
We set aside for now the Weyl tensor term, Gauss-Bonnet term and cosmological constant term, and focus on the Einstein-Hilbert action and Yang-Mills action. Since the action can be written as sum of squared eigenvalues of the generalised Dirac operator
, analogous to the GR case, each eigenvalue is raised to the status of a matrix/operator. The eigenvalues of the gauge potential are thereby also raised to the status of matrices, and these matrices are identified with the configuration variables
of the corresponding original Dirac operators
. That is, the dynamical variable
defined in Eqn. (
27) is the net bosonic field, incorporating gravitation as well as Yang-Mills gauge fields. Using this, the bosonic part of the fundamental action (
25) can be written down for every STM atom, and hence also for the collection of STM atoms. Furthermore, analogous to the GR case in Eqn. (
39) the quantum-to-classical transition leads to the recovery of the Einstein-Hilbert action plus Yang-Mills action. The Lie group of the gauge symmetry for the recovered Yang-Mils action is
because that symmetry is the one present in the underlying fundamental action. The gauge symmetries of the bosonic part of the fundamental action have ben analysed in detail in [
21]. In the classical limit, the internal symmetry
is recovered on the flipped 4D spacetime, the geometry of this spacetime is the gravity equivalent of the weak force, resulting from breaking of
. On the other hand, the internal symmetry
is recovered on our 4D spacetime, the geometry of our spacetime is given by GR, resulting from breaking of
. The trace dynamics action for gravity and Yang-Mills fields was first derived by us in [
43] where the Dirac equation is also derived from the fundamental action.
Various researchers have also studied the more complete case where fermions of the standard model (quarks and leptons) are also included [
44]. The analysis involves studying the action
where the second term is for fermions. To convert this into a spectral action we recall the work of Landi and Rovelli, on writing general relativity in terms of Dirac eigenvalues as observables. One would like to reformulate Euclidean general relativity using eigenvalues
of the Dirac operator as dynamical variables. This was achieved by Landi and Rovelli in their (1996) work [
46]. The eigenvalues
are an infinite sequence of real numbers, and form a diffeomorphism invariant set of physical observables for general relativity. The
are the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator
D defined on the Riemannian space-time geometry described by
. In going over to the (generalised) trace dynamics we will raise each eigenvalue to the status of an operator, this being the very Dirac operator of which it is an eigenvalue. This is an act of (pre-)quantisation, and takes us to a (pre-)quantum theory of gravity. This being a pre-quantum theory, the Heisenberg quantum commutation relations will not be imposed a priori, but will be emergent, just like in trace dynamics. Space-time coordinates will be generalised too; each classical space-time point will be replaced by a quaternion. The Dirac operator will have quaternionic components and will be identified with the dynamical variable in trace dynamics.
Let us consider Euclidean general relativity on a compact 4D Riemannian spin manifold
M without boundary. Given the tetrad fields
, the metric is
. The spin connection is given by
. The Dirac operator
being self-adjoint, admits a complete set of real eigenvalues
and eigenspinors
with a discrete spectrum (because
M is compact)
We are interested in knowing how an eigenvalue varies when the tetrad field is varied. For this it helps to recall that a self-adjoint operator
having non-degenerate eigenvalues
We use this result to find the variation of
for a small variation in the tetrad field
. Consider a one parameter family of tetrad fields
labeled by a real parameter
is an arbitrary chosen tetrad field. The variation
is given by the following distribution
Using (
54), after some intermediate steps one gets the result
The expression under the integral is what one would get by varying the action for a Dirac spinor (with mass
) with respect to the tetrad. And we know that to be nothing other than the energy-momentum tensor
of a spinor of mass
, where the Dirac action is given by
. We hence conclude that
where the subscript
n on the right hand side is for denoteing the energy-momentum tensor of the eigenspinor
. This gives the desired variation of the eigenvalues, resulting from a variation of the tetrad.
One can now derive the Einstein equations by varying the action for general relativity written in terms of Dirac eigenvalues:
Thus we can write the variation, and minimise the action (on the surface
of allowed Einstein geometries, not on
Hence the Einstein equations with Dirac eigenvalues as observables are
One can include a source term for a fermionic field, whose energy-momentum tensor will then appear on the right hand side of Einstein equations. For this, we add to the GR action the Dirac action
for a fermionic field
Thus the full action is
(In the octonionic theory that we are developing, we propose a fully trace-class action in which the second term in the above action, i.e. the fermionic part, is also inside the trace).
In order to proceed further, we expand the fermionic field
in the basis formed by the eigenspinors
Therefore, gravity is described by the
and the fermion by the components
. The action now becomes
The equations of motion therefore are
The first equation is Einstein equation with a source term, and the second one is the Dirac equation on a curved spacetime. This second equation, being algebraic, is straightforward to solve. A solution will exist if there exists an
such that
, in which case
, and
, an arbitrary constant. The interpretation is that on a space-time geometry characterised by the Dirac eigenvalues
, a fermion field of mass
m is given by the eigenspinor
corresponding to the eigenvalue
Once one has a spectral expansion for the fermionic term in the action, we can once again apply the trace dynamics principle and raise each eigenvalue to the status of a matrix / operator. This leads us to introduce the fermionic dynamical variables
(as shown in (
32) and (
33)): these respectively represent left-chiral and right-chiral fermions. This results in cross-terms of the form
as shown in Eqn. (
30). These respectively have the interpretation of Yang-Mills fields action on left and right handed fermions, and spacetime acting on left and right handed fermions.
symmetries act on the left and right handed fermionic terms, respectively. In the quantum-to-classical transition these terms give rise to the fermionic terms in the standard model Lagrangian. The terms in (
30) which are quadratic in the fermionic variables represent the two Higgs in this theory, and in the classical limit these are replaced by the Lagrangian for the Higgs in the standard model.
In this section we have summarised the relation between the action of the
theory and GR and standard model. A more detailed analysis of the recovery of general relativity and the standard model from the fundamental action (
25) will be presented elsewhere.
So far, we have a matrix-valued Lagrangian dynamics, which is a generalisation of classical real-number valued dynamics. We have also made a transition from Riemannian geometry to Connes’ non-commutative geometry. What remains is to transit from the real-number valued coordinate system which labels the 4D space-time manifold, and to instead work with the non-commuting numbers known as quaternions and octonions. The dynamical matrices (which replace vectors) have matrix-valued ‘coordinate’ components over the field of quaternions/octonions, instead of over the field of real numbers. We then have a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime dynamics in higher dimensions, which we employ to describe the standard model as well as gravitation, because the (broken) symmetries of bi-octonionic space coincide with the ones observed in nature.
6.4. Octonions as Coordinate Systems: A Non-Commutative Manifold
The algebra automorphisms of the octonions unify space-time diffeomorphisms and standard model gauge field transformations into one common symmetry (). The octonionic coordinate space is defined separately for every atom of space-time-matter, one coordinate copy per atom.
There are only four division algebras: reals, complex numbers, quaternions and octonions, denoted
. A quaternion
can be used to define a vector and its rotations in 3D space. A split biquaternion is defined as
is the split complex number (i.e.
) made from the imaginary directions of a quaternion. Complexified split biquaternions are key to defining chiral leptons in this theory. Furthermore, the Dirac operator is nothing but the gradient operator on quaternionic space - the gamma matrices present in the Dirac operator when defined on Minkowski spacetime mimic the true nature of spacetime, which is quaternionic and non-commutative. The Lagrangian we have constructed in (
33) is essentially the square of the Dirac operator (squared momentum / kinetic energy) of a free particle.
An octonion is defined as [
The seven imaginary directions anti-commute, each of them squares to
, and octonionic multiplication obeys the Fano plane rules. A split bioctonion is defined as
This time the split complex number
is made from the imaginary directions of the octonion. Complexified split bioctonions are central to defining chiral quarks and leptons. Whereas split biquaternions are adequate for chiral leptons, the extension to split bioctonions is essential for bringing in chiral quarks: QCD is the geometry of extra spatial dimensions (there being four such extra dimensions).
For arriving at this 16D split bioctonionic space, we have mapped to this space. This is how spacetime will emerge, from squaring of the bioctonionic space. Bosonic and fermionic fields described by symmetry reside on this space.
Bosons and fermions are defined on split bioctonionic space; for instance
shows the matrix-valued components
of a bosonic matrix
over octonionic space. In the action (
33) the undotted matrices are defined over octonionic space and dotted matrices over the split part of the bioctonionic space. Keeping this in mind, consider the modulus square of the split bioctonion:
The four expressions in the four lines after the second equality demonstrate the unified presence of the vector bundle (lines one and four, Euclidean line-element) and space-time (lines two and three, Lorentzian line element, with imaginary corrections). Inspecting the bosonic part of the Lagrangian (
33) we see that the two Euclidean elements are for the dotted quadratic term
and the undotted term
respectively. As has been analysed in [
47], and supported by the results in [
48], the undotted term represents an interaction with
symmetry that is identified with
, whereas the dotted term is a new
symmetry interpreted as
. The Lorentzian elements in lines two and three in the above equation are for the mixed terms
. They represent an
symmetry and an
symmetry - the former, along with a contribution from the undotted quadratic term, represent the electroweak symmetry [
48]. The latter, along with a contribution from the dotted quadratic term, represents a
symmetry which is the precursor of general relativity modified by a
. This symmetry is the right-handed counterpart of electroweak and is possibly a renormalisable theory - this might help us understand why general relativity is not renormalisable (it being a broken symmetry like the weak force), whereas the
is possibly the theoretical origin of MOND.
The imaginary corrections arise from multiplying an octonion onto itself; when they are significant, they might help understand why in the macroscopic limit space-time becomes classical. Because these corrections contribute an anti-self-adjoint part to the trace Hamiltonian. Whereas the Euclidean sector has no imaginary terms, is responsible for the strong force and for the newly proposed ; it remains quantum and moreover does not take part in the cosmological expansion of space-time. Also, it is evident that the weak force is a space-time symmetry, not an internal symmetry, unlike the strong force. Together, gravitation and the weak force are broken symmetries in a 6D space-time, related to , and stemming from the group-theoretic relation . The 6D spacetime in itself emerges from breaking of as we now argue.