1. Introduction
Media bias, the subtle colouring of news reporting and information dissemination, has the potential to shape public opinion and influence political outcomes [
1]. This bias can manifest in many forms, from selecting which stories to publish (coverage bias), to the framing of narratives (presentation bias), and even more subtle use of particular linguistic constructs [
2]. Media bias is closely tied to disinformation, which characterises information based on truth, completeness, informativeness and deceptiveness [
This news slant is difficult to detect automatically, especially in cases where the slant comes from word choice or omission. This is due to the fact that slant is not necessarily reflected as false information, but rather stylistic choices that produce it. Additionally, for it to be considered bias, it most also be sustained across texts, and proven as such. Although there are multiple sources of news bias, we propose to study bias using a novel method by focusing on two specific sources:
- 1
False cause fallacy (
non causa pro causa)[
4]: This fallacy consists of mislocating the cause of one phenomenon to another that is only seemingly related. A media outlet may incorrectly causally link two events, such as attributing a rise in crime to a recent policy change without adequately exploring other factors that contributed.
- 2
Missing cause bias (information omission) [
5]: a special type of omission that consistently omits attributing responsibility, placing blame or giving praise to specific acts or actors that caused an event, such as passively describing a violent attack by using sentences that do not contain a subject.
Although it may seem that measuring only two causes of bias limits the extent of bias assessment, causal relationships are highly relevant in news understanding and significantly shape opinions. Experiments in human cognition have shown that causal understanding is a primary cognitive task for comprehending the world and is influential in downstream tasks such as prediction and explanation [
6]. Additionally, cause-effect understanding is intrinsically linked to temporal relationships and narrative understanding [
7], making it an information-rich and highly relevant semantic relationship that when extracted can be used to measure bias.
In this paper, we introduce a novel method to study news slant, by applying a Causal Extraction (CE) model to identify cause-effect pairs in news events. Causal relation extraction models classify and identify causal language in text [
8]. We propose using causal relation extraction models to measure false cause attribution and missing cause in news media. By using this method, it allows us to quantify and compare assigned causes and omitted causes after matching documents in a news corpus of the same event. Since causal relations are a subset of semantic relations in text, focusing on these sources of bias reduces ambiguity by limiting researcher interpretation of what the relationship between the extracted spans is. This approach provides a new measure for bias that extends beyond labour-intensive supervised classification, focusing instead on one single relevant semantic relationship.
2. Related Work
2.1. Bias Detection
While Media Bias has a long tradition in the realms of social sciences, is remains a relatively young research topic in Natural Language Processing. Common NLP techniques such as sentiment analysis [
9], topic modelling [
10] and lexical feature analysis[
11] have been used to to detect the presence of media bias. More recently, supervised machine learning classifiers trained on transformer-based models have achieved better results although some underlying issues persist. Altogether, media bias is a a multi-faceted problem with several competing definitions, and bias detection remains a complex task.
Several researchers have addressed the detection of media bias as a classification problem. This classification can be binary (either bias exists or it does not exist), or it can be treated as a multi-classification problem. One such paper, which rates articles by degree of polarisation, identifies a set of 130 content-based features that span 7 categories: structure, complexity, sentiment, bias, morality, topic and engagement [
12], and show that they all contribute towards media bias detection. In contrast, media bias has also been classified by its stance towards an event [
13] or by its place on the political compass [
Given that supervised classification usually uses case-specific annotations, there are some relevant attempts for our case study. To detect media bias using NLP, [
15] compared three supervised machine learning algorithms trained on a Israel - Palestine conflict news dataset, a SVM with bio-grams achieved the highest performance of 91.76% accuracy and F-score of 91.46%. [
16] collected data from history book excerpts and newspaper articles of the same conflict, and trained a sequence classifiers to predict authorship provenance. Their best model to detect narrative origin achieved an F1 score of 85.1% for history book excerpts and 91.9% for newspaper articles. Additionally, [
17] manually classified pro-Russia and pro-Western bias of news articles using a baseline SVM classifier with doc2vec embeddings, that achieved an F1 score of 86%. However, their results suggest that models may be learning journalistic styles rather than actually modelling bias. [
18] applied a novel methodology to gold-labelled set of articles annotated for Pro-Russian bias, where the a Naive Bayes classifier achieved 82.6% accuracy and a feed-forward neural networks achieved 85.6% accuracy.
2.2. Causal Language Modelling
Causality mining is the task of identifying causal language that connects events in a text, it is “an information extraction step that acquires causal relations from a collection of documents” [
8]. Causal language can be expressed explicitly or implicitly. The former tends to use connectors such as “because” or “therefore” to signal a causal relationship between events; causal verbs can also be used to express causality. Causality can be found inter or intra-sentential. Because causal language is a linguistically, syntactically and semantically complex construction used to express causal reasoning [
20], it tends to rely on contextual information, and yields low inter-annotator agreement when annotated by humans [
Causal language modelling is usually broken into three steps: 1) causal sequence classification, 2) causal extraction and 3) pair classification [
22]. It’s downstream applications include biomedical discovery, emergency management, and financial narrative summaries. Causal mining used to be based on pattern matching by identifying causal connectors [
8]. Advances in Machine Learning allowed for statistical pattern recognition models, such as SVMs and Bayesian models [
24]. With the introduction of deep learning, a combination of architectures that include CNNs [
26], CRFs [
27], or LSTMs [
29] improved previous results. Moreover, fine-tuning transformer-based models such as BERT significantly improved both classification and extraction capabilities in different genres [
31]. Despite the vast improvement LLMs show in most NLP tasks, there is a lack of research on Causal language modelling. Notably, Shukla et al. [
32] evaluated causality detection in financial texts for English and Spanish using GPT models, yielding high results using few-shot learning.
2.3. Applications of Causal Language Modelling in Media Analysis
33] tested the hypothesis that more causally and semantically coherent text documents are more likely to be shared by individuals on social media. Results show that the role of causally and semantically coherent content in promoting online sharing and motivate better measures of these key constructs. FinCausal [
34] analyses narratives in financial news articles, detecting if something is considered a cause for a prior event. Therefore, it aims to develop an ability to explain the the cause of a change in the financial landscape, as a preamble to generating financial narrative summaries. Finally, [Anonymous] created a dataset and benchmarked it for causal language detection in political press conferences, to better analyse political discourse quality.
3. Experimental Setup
Our bias detection method using causal extraction is composed of four steps: First, we use a causal sequence classification model on the headlines from the news we collected and matched. Second, we will extract the cause-effect pairs using a causal extraction model on the positive sequences. Third, we will compare cause selection as well as identify missing cause on the matched positive pairs. To demonstrate that the differences are not due to publishing stylistic differences, we repeated the same process with data from a different conflict, the Russia-Ukraine war. Finally, we run the previous steps and compare each media’s use of causality to itself in a different conflict.
3.1. Dataset Collection
We gathered headlines from Al Jazeera English and the BBC pertaining to the Israel-Palestine conflict, dating back to October 7, 2023. We also scrapped headlines from the same media from the Ukraine - Russia war, from Al Jazeera English is an English-language news channel headquartered in the Middle East and funded in part by the Qatari government. The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a British public service broadcaster, the oldest and largest in the United Kingdom, and is funded principally by a licence fee charged by the British Government. As such, both outlets can be considered “state media“ and mainstream of their respective governments, for the purposes of this study. After filtering out articles with no relevance to either of the conflicts, the total number of articles are summarised in
Table 1. All the data is available in our repository
1. We matched up the headlines using cosine similarity and a time window of 2 days, resulting in a side-to-side comparison of each outlet’s coverage of the same event. We consider values above 0.5 in the distance measure, and within two days of each other, to be same event matches, summarised in
Table 2.
Table 3 shows a sample of these aligned headlines.
3.2. Causal Extraction Models to Detect Media Bias
We classified and annotated the collected headlines (c.f.
Section 3.1) using an open source and freely available repository UniCausal
4. While we collected the full articles, we focus only on the headlines for this study, as they are specifically crafted to appeal to the reader and capture their attention. UniCausal is built off a
Bert [
35] pre-trained language model fine-tuned on six, high-quality human-annotated corpora. UniCausal is especially well-suited for our task as five of these six causal corpora are News corpora, replicated in
Table 4, as reported by the authors.
UniCausal [
22] offers a unified benchmark and resource for causal text mining standardised across three tasks:
Causal Sequence Classification: Returns a causal label (either causal or non-causal)
Cause-Effect Span Detection: Identifies the text related to the Cause-Effect spans, i.e., which words correspond to to the cause and effect arguments.
Causal Pair Classification: Identifies whether a marked entity pair is causally related.
For the purposes of our study, we focus on the first two tasks: Causal Sequence Classification, and Cause-Effect Span Detection. Causal Sequence Classification returns a label of 1 (causal) or 0 (non-causal), in addition to a confidence score for each label.
Figure 1 shows a sample sentence from the headlines, with LABEL_1 representing a causal score.
The Cause-Effect Span Detection task is a text mining task that, given a causal example, identifies which words correspond to the “cause”, and which words correspond to the “effect”. UniCausal’s Span Detection task can identify up to 3 causal relations and their spans.
Figure 2.
A Sample Annotation by UniCausal using Span Detection
Figure 2.
A Sample Annotation by UniCausal using Span Detection
We run both tasks on all the collected headlines to determine which sentences are causal, and what the identified explicit cause is presented in each of the headlines. We do not perform any Causal Pair Classification for this study.
4. Results
This section summarises our quantitative results from the experiments described in
Section 3. We have divided it into 2 subsections.
Section 4.1 compares the BBC and AlJazeera coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict since October 7, 2023.
Section 4.2 compares BBC’s Russia-Ukraine coverage to the same outlet’s Israel-Palestine coverage.
4.1. BBC vs AlJazeera Coverage
We compare the results of the Causal Sequence Classifier run on the “BBC Middle East” headlines vs the “AlJazeera Israel-Palestine” headlines. We find that UniCausal tags more BBC headlines as causal, with 28.4% of headlines having a causal construction. In contrast, only 24% of AlJazeera’s relevant headlines include a causal relation. As this difference seems to be within the margin of error of UniCausal, there does not appear to be a discrepancy between the causal constructions in the BBC vs AlJazeera headlines. The Cause-Effect Span detection task shows a different story, however. When we search the causal headlines for terms like “Israel”, “IDF” and “Israeli” in the “Cause” span, we find these terms in only 20 BBC headlines (0.08% of all headlines with causal constructions). This compares to 206 headlines in the AlJazeera headlines (57% of all causal sentences). Furthermore, we select for sentences in which the “effect” span includes references to “killing” or “death”. Of these sentences, only 1% of BBC headlines also include terms related to “Israel” or the “IDF’ in the causal span as opposed to 54 out of 112 headlines (54%) of AlJazeera headlines.
Furthermore, we study the 89 headlines from BBC and AlJazeera that we aligned using cosine similarity. This allows us to directly compare coverage of the same events from two disparate sources. The results show a similar breakdown as in Table 4, with only 15 out of 87 headlines with causal constructions. Because of the small number of headlines, we are able to manually check each of these aligned texts and compare them directly for more insight into the results prentenced in
Table 5. Here we find that only one of the BBC headlines explicitly mentions “Israel” in the cause of airstrikes in the headline.
Table 6 shows some of these headlines side-by side, highlighting the slant in the BBC vs AlJazeera. In these examples, all the sentences are identified as causal, and the “cause” span is in bold.
4.2. BBC’s Coverage of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
We further compare BBC’s coverage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict to its coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The intuition behind this additional set of experiments is to explore whether or not the reluctance to mention the cause in the headlines is specific to the Israel-Palestine conflict, or if it is simply a feature of BBC headlines. The former might indicate a bias in reporting. UniCausal’s Causal Sequence Classifier finds that about 236 (30%) of the 784 headlines on the Russia-Ukraine conflict contain a causal relationship, as compared to only 28% of the Israel-Palestine headlines. The Cause-Effect Span detection shows that BBC is much more likely to identify Russia as the cause in headlines, with terms like “Russia” and “Russian” present in 41.5% of the causal spans. We can conclude from these results (summarised in
Table 5), that the reluctance to name the perpetrator in the headlines is unique to the Israel-Palestine BBC coverage, and therefore a result of slanted reporting.
5. Discussion
The framing of conflict-related events in media reporting can significantly influence public perception. This is particularly evident in the coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, where the attribution of causality in incidents of death and destruction is a contentious issue. Our comparative analysis of BBC and Al Jazeera articles reveals a discernible difference in how each media outlet attributes causality, which may indicate underlying biases.
BBC articles on the conflict tend to present information in a more neutral or detached manner, often avoiding direct attribution of causality to Israel for the deaths and destruction in Gaza. For example, phrases like “reported killed in latest strikes” or “scores were killed in the camp” are used without explicitly identifying Israel as the cause. This is evident in that only 1% of causal sentences that describe death and destruction will attribute the cause directly to Israel. This tendency reflects an implicit bias through omission, thereby absolving one party from direct responsibility.
In contrast, Al Jazeera headlines are more forthright in attributing causality, with statements such as “Israeli tanks in Rafah city as new deadly strike targets Gaza civilians” and “Israel has attacked twice since Sunday, killing tens of people in horrific circumstance” clearly identifying Israel as the agent of action. This is reflected in our results, where a more balanced 57% of headlines that include death and destruction include a direct mention of Israel as the cause. This direct attribution of responsibility aligns with Al Jazeera’s editorial stance, which is often perceived as being more sympathetic to the Palestinian perspective.
The variance in causal language between these two outlets highlights the role of media framing in conflict reporting. While BBC’s approach could be seen as an effort to remain impartial, it may also suggest a reluctance to assign blame to Israel, potentially underplaying the severity of the situation in Gaza. On the other hand, Al Jazeera’s explicit attribution of causality to Israel reflects a different editorial choice, one that emphasises the impact of Israeli actions on Palestinian civilians.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we explored the use of causal language in media reporting and how its detection can act as an indicator of bias, offering a window into the subtle ways in which narratives are shaped. We compared headlines from two different media outlets, the BBC and AlJazeera, pertaining to their reporting on two different conflicts: The Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Using state-of-the-art causal extraction methods, we automatically classify the headlines as causal and non-causal. We further extract the cause and effect spans of each of the headlines. A comparison shows a clear bias by omission on the part of the BBC Israel-Palestine reporting as opposed to AlJazeera’s reporting, and even BBC’s own reporting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Our research is not without its limitations. The scope of the study was confined to just two media outlets, which do not represent the entire spectrum of journalistic practices. Further research could expand upon this work and incorporate headlines from different sources, including different languages and from various political leanings. Furthermore, this study focuses on headlines only, as they are crafted to capture the most attention. However, a future avenue of research could also focus on the articles themselves and the causal language and slant present therein.
Despite the limitation, this research has demonstrated that the presence and patterns of causative constructions can reflect an outlet’s underlying biases, whether intentional or not. Our findings suggest that the detection of causal language can serve as a powerful tool for media analysts and consumers alike, promoting a more discerning and critical approach to news consumption. While no single method can encapsulate the full spectrum of media bias, the identification of causal language provides a measurable and scalable means to gauge the impartiality of news content.
Author Contributions
All three authors contributed to the conceptualisation and methodology of this project. Hannah Béchara and Paulina Garcia Corral contributed formal analysis, writing – original draft preparation, review and editing and data curation. Slava Jankin contributed to funding acquisition, supervision and project administration.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101057131, Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe (CATALYSE), and from the DFG (EXC number 2055 – Project number 390715649, SCRIPTS
Data Availability Statement
The authors thank the DFG (EXC number 2055 – Project number 390715649, SCRIPTS) for funding a part of this research. This project has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 101057131, Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe (CATALYSE).
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Natural Language Processing |
CE |
Causal Extraction |
Support Vector Machines |
Convoluted Neural Network |
Conditional Random Fields |
Long Short-Term Memory |
Large Language Model |
Generative Pre-Trained Transformer |
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers |
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