Thermodynamic calculations can show the dependence of the Mn oxidation state from the gas phase oxygen concentration and the temperature.
Considering the bulk composition of: 5.11 wt% Li
O, 14.88 wt% MnO
, 52.09 wt% CaO, and 27.91 wt% SiO
, the thermodynamic simulations were conducted under equilibrium conditions. In
Figure 4 (left side), the release behavior of oxygen from the melt at high temperature is presented at a certain partial pressure of oxygen, 0.21 bar. Additionally, the valence of the manganese in the melt at lower temperatures, where solid phases already appear, is described in
Figure 4 (right side). It is shown that the Mn OS: +3 amount decreases and at the same time the Mn OS: +2 amount increases by lowering the temperature. At 1673 K, 99.2 mol% of the manganese in the liquid slag is in Mn OS: +3. This indicates, that if the slag is cooled down fast from the temperature 1673 K, manganese is mainly in the Mn OS: +3 and the Mn OS: +2 is suppressed. This is also concluded by the experimental findings
i.e. the XANES discussed before. The model allows to estimate the influence of temperature and oxygen gas phase concentration on the Mn oxidation state in equilibrium. The effect introduced by oxygen shuttle as described by Sasabe & Akamura and Nagata & Sasabe [
50] and non-equilibrium processes can not be described at this time. The microscopic characteristics of the synthesized slag sample are discussed in the following sections. They also show mainly the presence of Mn OS: +3, where Mn OS: +2 was found in very few grains of Mn
and with strong evidence in low concentrations in the Ca
3.2.1. Microscopic Characteristics
The results on the bulk chemistry indicates the presence of larnite and a Li-Mn
-oxide, with a composition similar to LiMnO
. The microscopic observation of the slag reveals information on the spatial distribution, minor phases and possibly non-crystalline parts of the sample. The morphology of the grains and their inter-connectivity can be used as basis for a hypothesis of the genesis of the compounds. Using electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) the shape of the grains becomes visible. Here, large grains with smooth roundish curvature have formed, at their rims either channels of "residual melt" or grains with bright droplet, which seem to have separated from these grains are present. An example of a back scattering electron image (BSE) is displayed in
Figure 5. The spot 1 is located in the large round grains, spot number 2 is located in the bright droplets and number three in the channels of the residual melt.
With the characteristic X-ray emission the composition at the selected spots is determined. Using virtual component fitting the concentration of oxygen and lithium, which are not available from the experiment can be concluded [
51]. The characteristic morphological features were studied quantitatively by several point measurements. The results for the large grain and the bright droplets are shown in
Table 4. They suggest that the large grains (phase 1 in
Figure 5) are largely Ca
with minor amounts of Mn and the stoichiometric composition of (Ca
(n = 20). The bright droplets (phase 2 in
Figure 5) contain most of the Mn and the composition is in agreement LiMnO
with the specific composition (Li
(n = 25). The residual melt (phase 3 in
Figure 5) has a composition (n = 53) of 6.7 ± 0.7 wt% manganese, 34.6 ± 2.0 wt% calcium, 12.5 ± 0.8 wt% silicon, 0.42 ± 0.25 wt% magnesium, 0.12 ± 0.06 wt% aluminium, and 30.5 ± 1.1 wt% oxygen (total 85.2 ± 2.9 wt%). The virtual component fitting of the calcium-silicate phase predicts that Mn is present in the OS: +2 as a silicate. The elemental maps also obtained with the EPMA, show that Ca and Si are correlated, while Mn is mainly anti correlated with Ca and Si in agreement with the point measurements. The back-scatter images as well as the elemental maps of Mg, Mn, Ca and Si for two regions are displayed in
Figure 6. The BSE image (
Figure 5, panel B) is shown in the top row, while for the bottom row a new region was chosen to confirm the findings.
The Mn oxidation states in the LiMnO
and the Ca
predicted by the virtual component fitting was studied by species analysis using micro-XANES, with slightly lower spatial resolution at the Diamond Light Source at end station I18. A large area of the specimen was analysed by micro-XRF to identify the grains followed by energy scans to determine the Mn K-edge absorption edge fine structure at every pixel. The structure of the edges were compared with spectra obtained from Mn reference compounds. The XANES of manganese oxides spanning oxidation states from +2 to +4 including lithium manganates are displayed in
Figure 7, panel A and B. As expected, the energy of the main edge shifts with higher oxidation state to higher energies. Additionally, the lithium bearing compounds show a low energy shoulder as a common characteristic. The references were used in linear combination fittings to identify the Mn species in each pixel. Three different mostly spatial separated Mn species were identified. These are a Li-Mn
-oxide, Mn
and an unidentified species. The main Mn species shows the shoulder characteristic for lithium manganates and a main edge shift characteristic for Mn OS: +3. The Mn
seems to be associated with the Li-Mn
-oxide and the unidentified species is present in the Ca
. The XANES of the three regions is shown in
Figure 7 C.
The speciation of Mn in the Ca
is not possible due to a) overlapping with the Li-Mn
-oxide spectra from greater depths (the free-standing thin film is polished to about 50
m thickness and only small grains of the Li-Mn-O compounds in depth will dominate the XANES), b) lower concentrations expressed as edge-jump (up to 10 times lower than in the red areas), and c) resulting errors in the linear combination fit (LCF) expressed as R factor. The R factor describes the goodness-of-fit with perfect results at R = 0 and rising with increasing errors [
52]. The same applies for the Mn
rim, while here better statistics and changes in the edge region towards the reference spectrum allow a correct assignment. The micro-XANES LCF high fit errors correlate with low concentrations (
e.g., in the Ca
grains). The correlation is visualized in Figure S1 in the supplementaries.
Figure 8 an overview of the elemental distribution is shown as RGB image in the part A with Ca (blue), Mn (red) and Pt < 0.34 wt% (green). The low concentrated contamination of Pt stemming from the crucibles is included as it is enriched in the residual melt. The species distribution is displayed from a close up which is indicated as a white box. The elemental distribution of the close up area is shown in
Figure 8 B and the assigned Mn species in the part C. The Mn species obtained from the micro-XANES data are Li-Mn
-oxide (red), Mn species unknown (green) and Mn
The bulk PXRD was inconclusive on the presence of LiMnO
. The EPMA with virtual components as well as the micro-XANES indicate the presence of a compound/compounds with a composition similar to LiMnO
. In
Figure 3 the summed diffractogram of micro-XRD measurements showed reflexes which do not belong to
(18 keV) = 15.8°, 20.6°, and 27.5°) and which could possibly belong to a Li-Mn-O structure. Processing of the micro-XRD data allows to test for spatial correlation of these reflexes with the Mn-rich grains. The intensity map for the reflex 15.8° 2
is shown in
Figure 9 (the reflex 15.8° 2
matched this position, while the 27.5° reflex showed the same map with lower intensity). In panel A the intensity map for the reflex is shown resembles a structure around the large grains. In panel B the micro-XRF data for Ca and Mn are shown, exhibiting no clear correlation with the above mentioned intensity map (
Figure 9, panel A). Panel C,
Figure 9, on the other hand, shows transmission data, capturing the grain structure in depth. Transmission data as well as the micro-XRD data was obtained through the entire thin section giving evidence that several grains were present within the thickness of the thin section. The overlay with the reflex data of 2
= 15.8° show that it represents a structure surrounding larnite grains. The "droplet spray" structure visible in the EPMA incorporates most of the Mn present in the sample (
Figure 9, panel B), therefore the intensities plotted in panel C indicate the presence of an Li-Mn-O structure around the larnite grains. The exact structure of this Li-Mn-O compound cannot be identified, unambiguously, which is basically given by the severe overlay with larnite intensities. The EPMA images show, that the Li-Mn-O grains are mostly quite small with 2-5
m, the isolation of LiMnO
from larnite reflexes with an resolution of 2
m in combination with the several grain layers in the 50
m thick specimen was not possible. Regarding the calculated stoichiometry of the Li-Mn-O compound, LiMnO
would be a promising candidate, additionally, the (011) peak of LiMnO
fits to the certain 2
position shown in
Figure 9, panel A. Nevertheless, prior PXRD measurements could not confirm the presence of the structure of LiMnO
. Therefore, LiMnO
is either present in the sample in very small quantities, which can only be visualized by micro-XRD analysis or the observed intensities belong to another structurally different Li-Mn-O compound.
In conclusion the Mn oxidation state in the Mn rich grains determined from the micro-XANES is +3 and matches well the results from the EPMA. The Mn
phase was not identified initially with the EPMA but with the micro-XANES. The Mn oxidation state in the larnite could not be determined. In a slowly cooled slag with similar composition, which has been described previously [
6] LiMnO
and larnite were identified. The larnite also contained low amounts of Mn. Here, the slowly-cooled slag was also subjected to micro-XANES, to confirm the Mn species and attempt the speciation of Mn in the larnite. The Mn OS: +3 was confirmed in the Mn rich needles and like in the fast cooled counterpart, hausmannite was identified in adjacent areas. Due to the better statistic of the measurements it was possible to identify the Mn species being +2. Deeper insights on the chemical composition of the compound were not obtained. The XANES spectra of the reference oxides were not matching. In future studies manganese silicates,
e.g., tephroite Mn
, could be an interesting reference. In the
Figure 7 the Mn K-edge XANES spectra for the three identified species are displayed. These are LiMn
(ROI 1 red), Mn
(ROI 3 blue) and the Mn +2 (ROI 2 green). The distribution of elements and Mn species are shown in
Figure 10. In A an RGB false color image of the elemental distribution is shown with the Ca matrix in blue, Mn in red and Pt in green (Pt is present in very low concentrations from the crucible). In part C the Mn species distribution is shown. The Mn rich needle like grains match with LiMn
(red). At the rims of the needle the spectra match Mn
(blue) and in the calcium matrix the Mn+2 species is present (green).