
Solving the Problem of Infinities in Electrodynamics (and Mechanics) and a New Formula for the Electrostatic Potential








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09 June 2024


11 June 2024

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The presented work shows that a force (electromagnetic or gravitational) field surrounding any material body is not limitless, but has the external and internal boundaries (radii). Understanding the fact of the existence of the field boundaries allows us to solve the problem of infinities that exists in electrodynamics. It is shown that there are two different electrostatic potentials: with the dimension of speed and with the dimension of the square of speed.
Subject: Physical Sciences  -   Theoretical Physics
The world (nature) is described by finite quantities.

1. Introduction

Theoretical physics is faced with the task of constructing a consistent fundamental theory in which all physical quantities would be finite. A significant obstacle on this path is the problem of infinite values (divergences) that is existed in electrodynamics. Its essence is as follows.
The electric field of a motionless point electric charge q is described by the electrostatic potential, the modulus of which is determined in vacuum by the formula
ϕ = ϕ(r) = kq/r,
where k is a proportionality coefficient, r is the distance from the charge to the point for which the potential is determined.
According to modern concepts, the force (electric or gravitational) field surrounding the charge or body is limitless, therefore:
- at the infinite distance from the charge, the potential is zero: ϕ(r=∞) = 0;
- as the distance decreases, the potential increases;
- at the point where the charge itself is located, the potential goes to infinity: ϕ(r=0) = ∞.
Current theory considers an electron as a point particle (with a point charge), i.e., as a material object without extension [1]. Thus, a resting point-like electron must have the infinite self-energy and, therefore, the infinite mass. The meaninglessness of this result shows that electrodynamics becomes internally contradictory when moving to sufficiently small distances.
Electrodynamic equations can be written in different measurement systems.
It should be recalled that the International System of Units (SI) is a composite system that includes, in particular, the m-kg-s system of mechanical units (MKS system) and the m-kg-s-A system of electromagnetic units (MKCA system). The second system differs from the first primarily in that, along with the existing three basic units (meter, kilogram, and second), it has a fourth basic unit – ampere (A). For example, in the MKSA system, the elementary electric charge e = 1.6×10−19 C, and the coefficient k = 9×109 N∙m2/C2.
Although the educational literature on electrodynamics focuses on the SI, however, it usually does not indicate that the SI is a composite system. As a result, many do not understand that the MKS and MKSA sub-systems are the separate systems.
In 2018, an article [2] was published that showed that the electromagnetic units of the MKSA system (the ampere, coulomb, ohm, volt, etc.) can be converted using the basic units of the MKS system: m, kg, s. In the paper, it was shown that in the MKS system
е = 1.6×10–25 kg∙m/s,
k = с2/F1 = 9×1021 m/kg,
where c = 3×108 m/s is the speed of light in vacuum, and F1 = 10–5 kg∙m/s2 (or 1 g∙cm/s2 – the unit of force in the СGS system).
Since (in the MKS system) the charge has the dimension of momentum, [e] = kg∙m/s, the ratio of the charge of an elementary particle to its mass has the dimension of velocity, [e/m] = [υ] = m/s. Therefore, we can write:
e/m = υ, e = mυ.
Obviously, the value of e/m is different for different particles; for example,
for an electron (its mass me = 0.9109×10–30 kg) e/me = υе = 1.759×105 m/s,
for a proton (its mass mp = 1.672×10–27 kg) e/mp = υp = 95.79 m/s.
In 1874, Irish physicist G. Stoney (he is most famous for introducing the term electron as the “fundamental unit quantity of electricity”) gave a lecture to the British Association, in Belfast, which was subsequently published [3]. In his report, he first proposed the natural units of mass, length, and time, built on the universal constants c, е, and G (where G = 6.674×10–11 m3∙kg–1∙s–2 is the gravitational constant).
Modern meaning of the Stoney mass
ms = (ke2/G)1/2 = 1.859×10–9 kg.
ke2 = Gms2.
In 2020, it is shown that the constant
G = 2/ms2 = g2,
G = υg2с2/F1,
where the quantity υg = (G/k)1/2 = е/ms = υs = 0.8617×10–16 m/s is the elementary speed, i.e., the minimum speed of movement in nature, υg = υmin [4].
In addition, it is shown that the Stoney mass, ms, is boundary of the macrocosm and microcosm; in other words, this mass is the lower limit for the masses of ordinary bodies and the upper limit for the masses of elementary particles.
Using these results, we propose a method for solving the divergence problem.

2. Method

Each fundamental interaction has its own coupling constant.
Electromagnetic interactions of the charged elementary particles are characterized by one universal coupling constant α ≈ 1/137, which is determined by the formula
α = ke2/ћc,
where ћ = 1.054×10–34 J∙s is the reduced Planck constant.
Using the equality ћ = ƛmc (where ƛ is the reduced Compton wavelength of a particle), we obtain:
ke2= αћc = αƛmc2 = R0mc2,
where R0 = αƛ = ke2/mc2.
At the beginning of the XX century, the quantity R0 = ke2/mеc2 = 2.81×1015 м was considered the radius of the electron, but then it turned out that this is not so.
For example, for a proton the value R0 = ke2/mpc2 = 1.53×10–18 m, and its radius (as experiments have shown) is about 1015 m [5]. Thus, modern physics cannot explain the physical essence of the quantity R0 and calls it the classical radius of a charged elementary particle.
However, this quantity is easy to understand.
According to Coulomb’s law, the absolute value of the force of electrostatic interaction of two point elementary charges e at a distance r, F = ke2/r2, and the potential energy of interaction (its modulus) U = Fr = ke2/r.
The absolute values of the force and energy of interaction between charges increases with decreasing distance between them, and in nature there are no electric charges without their carriers-particles. In addition, the speed of light in vacuum is the maximum speed of movement in nature, c = υmax. Therefore, the expression
Umax = ke2/R0 = mc2
determines the maximum potential energy of electrostatic interaction between two charged elementary particles of the mass m at the minimum distance R0 between them (R0 = rmin).
The interaction between charged particles is carried out by means of their electromagnetic fields. Consequently, the quantity R0 is the minimum (internal) radius of the electromagnetic field of a charged elementary particle.
The equation R0 = ke2/mc2 can be written like this:
R0 = km(e/mc)2 = kmn,
where a dimensionless factor
n = (e/mc)2 = υ2/c2.
The factor n decreases with increasing particle mass.
For example, for an electron ne = (e/mec)2 = υе2/c2 = 3.44×10–7, for a proton np = (e/mpc)2 = υp2/c2 = 1.02×10–13, for a charged elementary particle with mass ms the factor n has the smallest value, ns = (e/msc)2 = υg2/c2 = ng = 0.826∙10–49.
Using the factor n, we write the equation ke2 = R0mc2 as:
ke2 = (R0/n)mc2n = Rf2,
where Rf = R0/n. Therefore, the expression
Umin = ke2/Rf = mυ2
determines the minimum potential energy of electrostatic interaction between two charged elementary particles of the mass m at the maximum distance Rf between them (Rf = rmax).
Consequently, the quantity Rf is the maximum radius of action of the electromagnetic forces of a charged particle, i.e., is the outer radius of its electromagnetic field.
According to equations (4) and (14):
ke2 = k()2 = (Rf /m)()2,
where Rf /m = k. This leads to an important conclusion.

1. The maximum (outer) radius of the particle’s electromagnetic field is not infinite (rmax ≠ ∞), as it is mistakenly believed, but it is proportional to the particle’s mass: Rf = km.

In the MKS system, the coefficient k = 9×1021 m/kg, therefore, for an electron Rf = kmе = 8.18×10–9 m, for a proton Rf = kmp = 1.5×10–5 m, for a particle with Stoney mass Rf = kms = 1.67×1013 m.
Now it’s clear that the minimum value of the electrostatic potential ϕmin is obtained at a distance r = Rf , i.e., at the external boundary of the particle’s field:
ϕmin = Umin/e = ke/Rf .
The maximum value of this potential ϕmax is obtained at a distance r = R0, i.e., at the internal boundary of the particle’s field:
ϕmax = Umax/e = ke/R0.
Gravitational interactions of elementary particles in comparison with their electromagnetic interactions are considered negligible (so particle physics is physics without gravity) and are characterized by the eigenvalue of the dimensionless coupling constant αg for an each particle:
αg = Gm2/ћc.
Using the equality ћ = ƛmc, we obtain:
Gm2 = αgћc = αgƛmc2 = Rgmc2,
where Rg = αgƛ = Gm/c2 is the so-called gravitational radius.
Note that the length Rg = mG/c2 (gravitational radius of mass m) was introduced by the German theorist H. Weyl in paper «Gravity and electricity» (1918) [6]; the gravitational radius of a body should not be confused with its Schwarzschild radius RS = 2mG/c2.
According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, the absolute value of the force of gravitational interaction between two bodies of the equal masses m at a distance r, F = Gm2/r2, and the potential energy of their interaction (its modulus) U = Fr = Gm2/r.
The absolute values of the force and energy of gravity between bodies increases with decreasing distance between them, therefore, the expression
Umax= Gm2/Rg = mc2
determines the maximum potential energy of attraction between two bodies of mass m at the minimum distance Rg between them (Rg = rmin).
The gravitational interaction between bodies is carried out by means of their gravitational fields. Consequently, the quantity Rg is the minimum (internal) radius of the body’s gravitational field.
Taking into account equation (8), we can write that the quantity
Rg = mG/c2 = mυg2/F1 = kgm,
where the coefficient
kg = Rg/m = G/c2 = υg2/F1 = 0.7425 ∙10–27 m/kg.
G = kυg2 = kgc2,
and the gravitational factor
ng = υg2/c2 = kg/k = Rg /Rf ,
where Rf = km = Rg/ng. Therefore, the expression
Umin = Gm2/Rf = g2
determines the minimum potential energy of gravity between two bodies of the masses m at the maximum distance Rf between them (Rf = rmax). Consequently, the quantity Rf is the maximum radius of action of gravitational forces of a body, i.e., is the outer radius of its gravitational field.
Hence, the next conclusion.

2. The maximum (outer) radius of the body’s gravitational field is not infinite (rmax ≠ ∞), as it is mistakenly believed, but it is proportional to the its mass: Rf = km.

The gravity field of an ordinary body is described by the gravitational potential, the modulus of which is determined by the formula
Ф = Ф(r) = U/m = Gm/r.
It’s clear that the minimum value of the gravitational potential Фmin is obtained at a distance r=Rf, i.e., at the outer border of the body’s field:
Фmin = Umin/m = Gm/Rf = υg2.
The maximum value of this potential Фmax is obtained at a distance r = Rg, i.e., at the internal border of the body’s field:
Фmax = Umax/m = Gm/Rg = c2.
So, understanding the existence of the field boundaries allows us to solve the problem of divergences.

3. New Formula for the Electrostatic Potential

In the MKS system, the electric charge has the dimension of momentum, [q] = kg∙m/s, and the coefficient k has the dimension [k] = m/kg; thus, the electrostatic potential has the dimension of speed, [ϕ] = [kq/r] = [U/q] = m/s.
On the contrary, the gravitational potential has the dimension of the square of speed, [Ф] = [U/m] = (m/s)2.
Let us note that the gravitational potential
Ф = Gm/r = kυg2m/r = kg2/mr,
where g = mυg is the body’s gravitational charge (in the MKS system) [4].
Therefore, we can introduce a new formula for the electrostatic potential (its modulus):
φ = U/m = ke2/mr
or, in general,
φ = kq2/mr,
where this potential has the dimension of the square of speed, [φ] = (m/s)2.

4. Conclusions

Currently, it is believed that the force field surrounding a body (particle) has no boundaries. This long-standing misconception led to the problem of infinite values in particle theory.
In reality, the force field has the external boundary (radius) Rf = km and the internal boundary (radius): R0 = ke2/mc2 for the charged elementary particle’s field, and Rg = Gm/c2 = kg2/mc2 for the ordinary body’s gravitational field.
Consequently, the force and energy of interaction between bodies (particles) can vary from the minimum to maximum values, depending on the distance. Thus, the electromagnetic and gravitational forces have the finite radius of action.
In addition, (in the MKS system) there are two fundamentally different electrostatic potentials:
a) ϕ = kq/r (with the dimension of speed);
b) φ = kq2/mr (with the dimension of the square of speed).
The potential of the first type, apparently, can be considered as a radiation potential and used to solve problems related to the process of energy emission by charged particles.
Potential of the second type is the motion potential that should be used to solve issues of mechanics, i.e., to study the movement of bodies (particles) and the interaction between them.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no competing interests.


  1. H. A. Dehmelt (1988) Single Atomic Particle Forever Floating at Rest in Free Space: New Value for Electron Radius, Physica Scripta 1988(T22), 102–110. [CrossRef]
  2. A. Abdukadyrov (2018) Progress of the SI and CGS Systems: Conversion of the MKSA units to the MKS and CGS units, American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 6(1), 24–27. [CrossRef]
  3. G. Stoney (1881) On the physical units of nature, Philosophical Magazine 11, 381–390.
  4. A. Abdukadyrov (2020) Fundamental values of length, time and speed, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences, 4(4), 2050008. [CrossRef]
  5. CODATA (2018),
  6. H. Weyl (1918) Gravitation und Elektrizität, Sitz. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 465–480.
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