4. Discussion
The most common pathological change in the cerebellopontine angle that affects hearing is VS. Its occurrence is estimated at 85-90% of tumors located in this area. Meningiomas and other cranial nerve schwannomas (of the VII or V nerve) or so-called non-acoustic CPATs are much less frequently observed [
9]. According to Żurek et al. the incidence of vestibular schwannoma in Poland is 1.99 cases per 100,000 people per year, and the average incidence is 19.87 per 1,000,000 people and ranged from 6.41 to 35.07 depending on the age group [
2]. From long-term research conducted by Larjavaar et al. in the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) shows that in the years 1987-2007 the incidence rates ranged from 6.10-11.60 per 1,000,0000 person-years. These studies showed an increase in the incidence of VS mainly in the mid-1990s. The greatest increase in the detection of acoustic neuromas was observed in Denmark, while in Finland it was infinitesimal [
37]. In turn, other studies conducted in Denmark in 2003-2012 showed that the VS incidence rate was 22.1 per 1,000,000 person-years [
Many authors list unilateral, progressive hearing loss, tinnitus, and transient dizziness as the main symptoms of vestibular schwannoma [
40]. In the present study, only 1 out of 75 patients did not report any symptoms before the diagnosis of VS and it was detected accidentally during MRI after a head injury. In turn, the remaining 74 patients most often reported the following symptoms, which occurred individually or together: unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (60%), tinnitus (66%), and transient dizziness (44%). In research conducted by Żurek et al. it has been shown that women are more predisposed to developing VS (61.46%) [
2]. Also in the analyzed study, women constitute a larger proportion of patients (57.33%) than men (42.67%).
Intraoperative hearing monitoring is used to increase the likelihood of hearing preservation during resection of VS through the middle cranial fossa or retrosigmoid approach. Most often, they are performed using ABR or TT-ECochG [
22]. The available literature also includes reports on IM using a combination of ABR and CNAP tests [
31] or TT-ECochG and CNAP [
The ABR test assesses neuronal conduction in the peripheral part of the auditory pathway and in the brainstem. The test is widely known and non-invasive, that is why it is the most frequently used IM of hearing option during VS resection. However, a significant limitation of the ABR method for IM is the need to average many samples (several hundred repetitions) of the recorded electrophysiological signal to obtain an optimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and thus obtain clear and repeatable responses. ABR testing involves far-field recordings with low-amplitude responses, which is often challenging in the operating room due to the presence of numerous devices generating electromagnetic fields and, consequently, requires an increase in the number of averages to obtain reliable results. Thus, the ABR technique has limited value to provide information about the hearing condition in real time [
30]. Although the ABR technique does not monitor auditory functions in real time and usually at critical moments of the tumor resection it takes about 1 minute (minimum 20-30 seconds) to confirm the hearing status, ABRs reflect responses from the entire auditory pathway. This enables the identification of the "disconnected ear" effect, which is observed in the case of selective damage of the cochlear part of the VIII nerve with the preserved function of the spiral ganglion [
12]. Despite the above-mentioned limitations of ABR tests used for IM, they have been the most frequently used method of intraoperative hearing monitoring in recent years [
Based on research conducted by Yamakami et al., it appears that TT-ECochG more often provides better IM of hearing than ABR. According to their research, during the VS resection, as many as 20 out of 22 patients, representing 91% of the total, had correct responses from IM of hearing with the use of TT-ECochG, while only 9 out of 22 patients (41%) achieved ABR responses [
16]. The latency value of wave V from the moment of surgical manipulations in their study was on average 6.94 ms [
16], and in the described work 7.35 ms. In the present study, it was also not possible to obtain the latency values of ABR waves I, III and V in all 75 patients. Only waves I and V were identified in all subjects at each of the three stages of surgery (before tumor removal, during and after), while wave III before VS removal was legible and repeatable in 78% of the total, during tumor removal only in 54.67%, while at the end of the procedure it was identifiable in 53.3% of the operated patients. Schlakel et al. also believe that slightly more reliable IM results are obtained using TT-ECochG [
9]. These authors showed similar trends in results to ours, showing that the value of the I-V interlatencies at the beginning of the procedure was on average 5.41 ms, and after tumor removal it ranged from 5.96-7.85 ms. In turn, in the analyzed group, the average value of the I-V interlatencies before VS removal was 5.05 ms, and at the end of the operation it extended to 6.42 ms.
A test that helps to solve the problems and limitations of the ABR method during intraoperative hearing monitoring is the recording of auditory potentials from the promontory, i.e. TT-ECochG. This technique, due to the recordings of potentials close to their generation source (near field technique), provides electrophysiological responses that have an amplitude several times higher than ABR, therefore it is much easier to achieve a favorable SNR coefficient to obtain a readable functional potential from the VIII nerve. Since a relatively small number of samples is required to obtain a clear, repeatable, and averaged reading, and responses are sent on average every few seconds (5-6 s), it can be assumed that monitoring using TT-ECochG takes place in real time with minimal time delay [
22]. The intraoperative TT-ECochG test is characterized by high frequency specificity, high sensitivity, and readable responses with a relatively small number of averaged repetitions (64-256). However, since the answers come only from the peripheral parts of the VIII cranial nerve, TT-ECochG is not able to register the so-called "disconnected ear" effect. Schlake et al. report that occasionally TT-ECochG responses were recorded intraoperatively, and postoperative hearing tests revealed that a complete hearing loss occurred in the operated ear [
9]. Despite this very rarely observed phenomenon, most authors believe that real-time response registration, high sensitivity to even small changes in auditory functions, as well as the possibility of online analysis make TT-ECochG a very useful tool for IM during otoneurological operations [
22]. Therefore, it should be remembered that TT-ECochG provides information only about the auditory nerve and cochlea, therefore its use as the only test is not an optimal IM method. For this reason, it seems more rational to combine at least two electrophysiological test methods to conduct IM [
In most studies that analyzed individual parameters of the action potential, i.e., amplitude and latency, during intraoperative hearing monitoring, frequently repeated results were observed, namely: after VS resection, the AP amplitude is reduced, and its latency is prolonged [
21]. Yamakami et al. [
16] and Colleti et al. [
8] described changes in the morphology of TT-ECochG, i.e. the AP amplitude decreased slightly (by 1 μV), and the latency increased by 0.07 ms. Similar changes were observed by Morawski et al. [
22], i.e. the amplitude did not decrease by more than 25% and the latency did not extend beyond 0.2 ms. In a 2016 study analyzing 15 patients, Pobożny et al. [
12] described that the AP latency value before tumor removal was 2.15 ms, and at the end of the operation it increased to 2.73 ms. In turn, the amplitude of the action potential decreased from the initial value of 1.94 µV to 1.43 µV. In the currently studied group, this time 75 patients, an extension of the AP latency from 1.92 ms to 2.89 ms after the operation was also demonstrated, as well as a simultaneous decrease in its amplitude before the start of VS removal - 7.93 µV to the value obtained at the end of the operation - 4.94 µV.
In most of the scientific studies conducted, a characteristic common feature of the results is that hearing impairment or complete deafness are common phenomena in patients after the VS removal surgery, even if it was performed with the use of intraoperative hearing monitoring [
30]. During this type of surgery, the morphology of the ABR or TT-ECochG response may change at different stages of the surgery, which often translates into poor postoperative audiological test results. Schlake et al. in their study, they showed that there was no correlation between postoperative audiological results and the latency values of ABR waves I, III, V. In turn, a highly significant correlation was detected between pre- and postoperative AP latency values with hearing before and after VS removal [
9]. The study by Morawski et al. [
22] showed a high correlation between intraoperative changes in the morphology of TT-ECochG and the postoperative hearing threshold (R=+0.93; p<0.0001). The analyzed study, using the Spearman’s Test, showed a correlation between changes in the distribution of AAO-HNS hearing classes before and after the surgery and a decrease in the amplitude of the action potential (R=-0.24; p<0.05) and an increase in AP latency relative to the moment of its removal (R=0.26; p<0.05). Changes in the morphology of TT-ECochG and ABR caused by surgical manipulations during tumor removal are a common phenomenon [
30]. Particularly precarious moments of the operation are bleeding from the tumor and the need to use bipolar coagulation [
28]. It is also observed that after long-term milling of the internal auditory canal or traction of the auditory nerve during tumor removal, changes in the morphology of the TT-ECochG response occur [
30] with a subsequent decrease in the AP amplitude and/or extension of latency [
22]. The above translates to substantially poorer audiological results after surgery [
21]. Based on research conducted in 2016 by Pobożny et al. a correlation was detected that with the postoperative extension of AP latency, the hearing threshold deteriorates and the action potential amplitude decreases [
12]. Similar results were also obtained in the presented work, as discussed in the Results.
There are many studies dedicated to the preservation of hearing in patients undergoing surgery for VS using intraoperative hearing monitoring. To analyze changes in audiological results and predict hearing preservation after surgery, authors most often use hearing classes according to AAO-HNS [
44], the Garden-Robertson Scale [
41] or assess hearing preservation using hearing threshold values PTA equal to or better than 40 dB and a Speech Detection Threshold (SDT) of 70% or better [
34]. Many factors influence the preservation of hearing in patients after VS removal surgery. Morawski et al. [
11] in their work include: the choice of surgical approach, preoperative hearing threshold not worse than 50 dB HL at 1000 Hz or PTA-4 better than 60 dB HL, as well as speech intelligibility at an intensity of 60 dB SPL not worse than 60%. They mention, among the factors determining postoperative hearing preservation, the size of the tumor and its location in relation to the cerebellopontine angle (smaller tumors, intraductal, less than 20 mm in the long axis allow a greater chance of preserving hearing). Similar observations were also described by Concheri et al. [
42]. The use of intraoperative hearing monitoring during surgery also has a tremendous impact on increasing the probability of hearing preservation in patients operated on for VS. Factors influencing postoperative hearing preservation also include age below 50 years, female gender, and the place of tumor origin: the lower or upper vestibular nerve [
In their study Yancey et al. analyzed 130 patients, including 45 patients operated on using the MFA. In 55.6% of patients, hearing was maintained at a useful hearing level (hearing class A/B according to AAO-HNS) [
43]. In the analyzed study, after surgery, 32 patients (42.67%) were in hearing classes A and B, and before surgery it was 56 patients (74.67%). In turn, another study [
44] showed that 49 out of 50 patients included in the study were classified in hearing classes A and B, and after surgery, 37 of them remained in the same hearing classes. In the presented study, the average hearing threshold for 75 patients before surgery was 25.02 ± 15.53 dB HL, and after surgery it decreased by 30.03 dB HL. Interestingly, in a similar study by the same authors, but in a smaller study group (15 patients), it was also shown that the hearing threshold deteriorated postoperatively by 30.07 dB HL [
12]. Kosty et al. analyzed a group of 63 patients operated on for VS through the middle cranial fossa approach. Based on preoperative analysis according to AAO-HNS, 32 (52%) patients were in hearing class A, 15 (24%) were in class B, 9 (14%) were in class C, and only 5 (9%) were in hearing class D. In the postoperative analyses, 5 patients from class D were excluded, so that only those whose hearing was at least at a useful level remained. Of the group of patients from classes A-C, in one from class B postoperative results had improved and the patient was transferred to hearing class A. 18 patients from hearing classes A-C remained in their preoperative classes. In 6 of them their postoperative results worsened by 1 class. However, 24 patients from preoperative hearing classes A-C qualified for hearing class D after surgery. In their opinion, the MFA provides good control during the removal of the VS, facial nerve and VIII nerve, which translates into good postoperative hearing preservation results. They believe that even in the case of patients with less useful hearing, they can derive auditory benefits from preserved low frequencies [
26]. In the analyzed group of 75 patients operated on due to VS, 47 of them were in hearing class A before the operation, and after VS removal, 23 of them remained in this class. Also, in 1 patient from preoperative hearing class B the audiological results improved after the procedure and allowed to qualify the patient for hearing class A. Seven patients from preoperative hearing classes A-B obtained worse hearing tests results which placed them down 1 class (A->B – 6 people; B->C – 1 person). Interestingly, in 1 patient who qualified for hearing class D before the surgery the results improved by 2 classes after the surgery and the patient was transferred to class B. As we know, the operation to remove VS carries the risk of hearing deterioration or complete hearing loss, even with the use of intraoperative hearing monitoring in 18 patients from hearing class A, after the surgery significantly poorer audiological results were obtained, and thus, they were moved into hearing class D. From the hearing class B - 6 patients moved to class D, and from the preoperative hearing class C - 2 people. Sixteen patients remained in hearing class D after surgery. In the described group, 13 patients completely lost their hearing functions after surgery. Six of them were classified in group A before the operation, 3 of them were in hearing class B, and 4 in class D. Despite different postoperative results, 62 patients (82.67%) have preserved hearing after surgery (hearing classes A-D), and at the level of useful hearing, 33 (44%) of them.
Hearing deterioration or complete hearing loss is one of the most common complications of VS removal surgery [
30]. Thanks to the continuous development of medicine and bioengineering, patients can receive help in the form of various types of hearing aids. The hearing rehabilitation process is extremely important for all VS patients to improve their hearing, which translates into a better quality of life. Currently, patients after VS removal surgery who have hearing loss or deterioration as a result of the surgery can be provided with numerous methods supporting auditory rehabilitation. Among them, we can distinguish typical hearing aids, hearing aids with Contralateral Routing of Signal (CROS) or Bilateral Contralateral Routing of Signal (BiCROS), Bone-Anchored Hearing Systems (BAHSs) and Cochlear Implants (CI) [
45]. Thanks to increasingly new methods and hearing supporting devices, patients after VS surgery, in the event of hearing deterioration, do not have to worry that they have lost it irreversibly. It is important to offer all patients the best possible treatment method for VS and to provide the best possible assistance after surgery in terms of auditory, facial nerve and balance organ rehabilitation.