The Pauli Repulsion
The concept of Pauli repulsion is associated with the effect of the Pauli principle which states that permissible many-electron wave functions must be antisymmetric with respect to pairwise particle exchange. The Pauli principle forces electrons in the Aufbau model, or similar orbital-based quantum chemical theories, to be assigned unique spin-orbitals for each electron. This requirement drives the hydrogenic or Aufbau or Hartree-Fock orbital energies occupied by additional electrons upward in energy in the one-electron spectrum of states. This process is completely fundamental in the modeling of atomic structure, being the backbone of the Aufbau model, but it also gives rise to an interatomic repulsion in molecules. It is often said that this type of Pauli repulsion is dominant in the interaction of inert gas atoms, e.g. in the case He-He. We can understand this suggestion if we note that in the “united atom limit” of the helium dimer, He-He → Be, two electrons have had to go from a 1s helium orbital to a 2s - orbital of beryllium. This increases energy and is reflected in a Pauli repulsion between the helium atoms. This repulsion is directly related to the overlap of the He 1s - orbital of the two atoms. This type of “overlap repulsion” is not only present for inert gas atoms but for atoms and molecules in general. From a physical point of view it is important to note that the Pauli principle is associated with two distinct type of effects:
The rising orbital energy effect is dominant in the Aufbau model of ground state atoms while the steric repulsion is exemplified in the interaction of ground state helium or other inert gas atoms, which basically serves to keep them apart.
We note that the Pauli principle can be satisfied by raising kinetic energy of electrons or by keeping them apart. Typically both these effects are present. These two repulsive mechanisms are both of “many-electron type”, i.e. only arising when at least two electrons of the same spin are present. We include here a third mechanism of the same general character but operating already on a single electron described by two or more atomic basis functions which are orthogonal when the atoms are far apart but overlapping and non-orthogonal when they approach: “The overlap correction”. This effect enters when the basis functions from different atomic centers are orthogonalized. Note that if this overlap correction is ignored the quantum states generated for it by Hamiltonian diagonalization will not satisfy the quantum diffusivity requirement of a certain phase space associated with a quantum state. The proper state definition has been compromised by the basis function overlap. To account for this type of “basis overlap Pauli repulsion” we add a third Pauli repulsion mechanism.
- 3.
Atomic space contraction - Basis function overlap correction.
We claim all three of these mechanisms belong together since they relate to the satisfaction of the rules of quantum state construction in quantum mechanics. Moreover, they tend to have similar repulsive effects in the construction of molecules from atoms.
We illustrate the role of Pauli repulsion for the simplest case of the smallest molecule H2+. It may surprise to hear of Pauli repulsion for a one-electron system where no antisymmetry constraint applies to the wave function. We include here the constriction related to overlapping atomic spaces, as in mechanism 3 above, in the concept of Pauli repulsion. It is of the same mathematical nature as the antisymmetry requirement for electrons of the same spin. In the case of the single electron in H2+ we must account explicitly for fact that the two atomic orbitals from different protons are still, at finite proton separation, partially representing the same phase space. The mathematics of eliminating this “double counting” forces an increase in energy.
In a simplest realistic approximation for the bonding, i.e. in a minimal atomic basis (two H1s atomic orbitals
) treatment, the Hamiltonian matrix and its two energy eigenvectors are
is the atomic orbital energy in H
2+ , i.e.
au if the ground state hydrogen atom orbital is used and the protons are far separated. The total energy of H
2+ is the sum of the electronic orbital energy and the proton-proton repulsion,
. The parameter
is the off-diagonal matrix element of the one-electron Hamiltonian, i.e. the kinetic energy operator and electron-proton potential, between the two atomic orbitals, which is negative. Finally
is the overlap (scalar product) of the two atomic basis functions. The electronic energy of the ground state orbital
and the Pauli repulsion energy
are given by
Here we note that the energy contains all the electron-nucleus energy and the atomic component of the kinetic energy while is the kinetic energy coupling representing interatomic motion plus an interorbital potential term both of which are negative and small at large separation. As goes to zero α and β both become equal to the energy of He+ in the single atomic orbital basis. Neglecting the overlap S gives us twice that energy while including it as produces the correct united atom limit. The overlap parameter S is dimensionless and increases exponentially from zero at infinite proton separation towards 1 in the united atom limit. The range of the overlap S is greater than that of the total electrostatic effects. Thus the Pauli repulsion is likely to be more important than electrostatic repulsion as the molecule forms but eventually, at small enough separation, the nucleus-nucleus repulsion takes over and prevents molecular collapse to a “united atom”. The interatomic coupling in also goes from a large negative energy in the united atom limit towards zero at infinite separation. The kinetic part can be expected to have the same range as the overlap S. In the case of H2+ the attraction associated with is larger than the repulsion related to S so the molecule reaches a stable minimum bond energy before the shorter range electrostatic repulsion kicks in to raise the energy. In order of importance the bonding in H2+ is due to: 1. Attraction due to interatomic electron motion (), 2. repulsion due to spatial constriction and orbital overlap () and 3. proton-proton repulsion () at close range. The first two of these mechanisms are fundamentally quantum mechanical and related to the “size of a quantum state”. The interatomic motion opens up more phase space for the ground state while the second lessens available phase space for the state to be fitted in. The bond energy curve mainly reflects a balance between these two opposing effects on the motion of the electron in the ground state with the proviso that for small bond lengths the electrostatic interaction, in particular the proton-proton repulsion, enters and dominates the approach to the united atom limit.
Suppose now we consider also the excited state orbital formed in this minimal basis treatment of H
2+. This will allow us to see how the interaction influences the full orbital space of the lowest bonding and first excited molecular orbitals. With and without the overlap correction (
) their energies are
We see that without account for overlap the interatomic coupling (
) splits the degeneracy of the localized atomic ground states symmetrically into bonding and antibonding states so that equal population of both with non-interacting electrons will leave no resultant electronic bond interaction. The attraction of interatomic electron motion is perfectly cancelled by the repulsion of spatial restriction (Pauli repulsion) in the excited orbital. The presence of overlap
both widens the gap and increases the average orbital energy:
At least for small overlap (equilibrium and expanded geometry) we expect the average orbital energy to rise in energy so that symmetrical occupation of both orbitals will lead to kinetic and overlap contributions which sum to a repulsion when the interaction is included. We see that accounting for atomic orbital overlap plays a fundamental role in establishing realistic repulsion between atoms due to spatial congestion. This is entirely a quantum effect. The total electrostatic interactions are repulsive for this simplest analysis of H2+. They reflect quantum effects through the diffuseness of the electron distribution while the protons in this Clamped Nuclei (BO) picture are classical and therefore not diffuse. Thus the proton-proton repulsion rises to infinity like as they approach to eventually dominate at small . More correctly, outside the BO approximation, the protons are also quantized and diffuse such that the repulsion would be softened by an additional “protonic Pauli repulsion”, but this effect is very small compared to the effects of diffuse electrons.
Recalling how the hydrogen atom gave us insight into the nature of the orbital spectrum of larger atoms we can similarly note what a hydrogenic spectrum of molecular orbitals of H2 would bring. The analysis above, extended to more electrons by ignoring the electron-electron repulsion, suggests that H2 would be twice (a little more due to a shorter bond length at equilibrium) as strongly bound as H2+ but then H2- would be about half as stable again and a fourth electron would completely destabilize the molecule. Despite our neglect of electron-electron repulsion, we are not far from the truth. Pauli repulsion is known to play a major role in the interatomic repulsion that opposes bonding of, e. g., the helium dimer. This picture is, of course, just the reason why we refer to the two orbitals formed () as “bonding” and “antibonding”. We expect the qualitative character of these orbitals to remain after the electron-electron repulsion has been accounted for. Thus we expect occupation of the excited orbital to be unfavorable for the bonding eliminating it altogether when it is symmetrically occupied as in He2.
This picture of covalent bonding as composed of a kinetic attraction opposed by Pauli repulsion, and for compressed geometries increasingly by electrostatic repulsion, should remain valid in essence for stable covalent bond formation also in larger molecules with symmetrical bonds. In the presence of ionic bonding, in the form of charge transfer among the bonded atoms, the electrostatic interactions will play a different, and more significant, role and contribute to the attraction. Further mechanisms do contribute, such as exchange and Coulombic correlation, “resonance effects” (generalizations of the interatomic orbital delocalization discussed here to include individual many-electron configurations, e.g. as the covalent and ionic configurations in the VB theory of H2) in larger molecules etcetera, but the simple picture above in terms of molecular orbitals should remain the backbone of the bonding mechanism.
Summary: The covalent bonding mechanism is most fundamentally related to the ability of valence electrons to move between bonded atoms. A condition for this to be possible is that the ground state wave function is delocalized over the covalently bonded atoms. The strength of the bonding is related to the downward shifts in energy of these delocalized wave functions. Such downward level shifts are associated with upward shifts of neighboring excited levels bringing the energy spectrum to a less degenerate (more evenly spaced) form. The spacings between energy levels are proportional to the corresponding rates of interatomic electron motion (delocalization) and to the bond strength. The attraction associated with interatomic electron motion is always accompanied by repulsion of two types: i) Pauli repulsion associated with overlap of atomic orbitals and ii) electrostatic repulsion mainly associated with charge-charge repulsion between nuclei. The latter is generally of shorter range due to the electron screening mechanism so the Pauli repulsion dominates for larger separations while the electrostatic repulsion sets in around the equilibrium geometry and then rises.
This mechanistic understanding of covalent bonding is entirely of quantum mechanical origin arising from the required diffuseness of a quantum state and the lowering of kinetic energy associated with increasing diffuseness as the bonding electrons move faster between two or more atoms in the molecule. Interatomic electron motion allows electrons, at least for geometries close to equilibrium, to contract their motion around the atomic nuclei, thereby converting the kinetic energy lowering to potential energy lowering in accord with the virial theorem. The formation of a molecule also reduces available space for orbital motion causing repulsion while the electrostatic interactions both favour (n-e) and resist (n-n and e-e) the formation. The resultant bonding is a balance of effects but it is safe to conclude that the requirement of diffuse quantum states is the key to the balance and the ability of electrons to move interatomically is indispensible to the presence of resultant covalent stability.