2.1. The Magnetically Induced Isotropically Averaged Lorentz Force Density
At second order in the external magnetic field
, the energy acquired by a freely tumbling isolated closed shell molecule is [
where the isotropically averaged magnetizability is obtained as one third of the trace of the magnetizability tensor,
, or more briefly, using here and in the following the Einstein convention of summing over repeated indices,
Magnetizability can be computed from the magnetizability density [
where [
the Levi-Civita symbol,
a Cartesian displacement from an origin with Cartesian coordinates
, and
is the
current density tensor, which allows the computation of the magnetically induced first order current density via
. The magnetizability density depends on the arbitrary origin of the coordinates
, so that it is not considered a useful tool for QCT. However, by manipulation of the magnetically induced energy [
it can be realised that the isotropically averaged Lorentz force density
is an origin-independent vector (and not tensor) field amenable to QCT studies, like
. A positive or negative value of the Divergence of the Isotropically Averaged Lorentz force density (DIAL) indicates whether the local contribution to the magnetizability is positive or negative. The usefulness for the study of magnetic aromaticity of
-DIAL (the contributions of
electrons to DIAL) has been recently discussed [
Apart from a factor, DIAL, the divergence of
5, has been independently introduced in quantum chemistry by Barquera-Lozada, who called it
2.2. Topological Analysis of the Critical Points
The critical points of a 3-dimensional vector field
v can be classified according to their rank
r and signature
s as
3], where
r is the number of non-null eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at the critical point, and
is the difference between the number
p of positive and the number
n of negative real components of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian. The sign of the determinant of the Jacobian matrix at the critical point
is known as its index:
29]. In appropriate cases the sum of the indices of the critical points of a vector field must follow the Poincaré-Hopf theorem, which has been considered a check of consistency of the topological analysis [
Before discussing this constraint for our field
, we find it useful to introduce the Euler characteristic
of a CW-complex
K, which is a collection of
31]. In our case it will be sufficient to consider 4 kinds of cells: 0-cells (isolated points in space), 1-cells (deformable lines connecting two 0-cells), 2-cells (the deformable 2-dimensional space contained within a closed loop of 1-cells) and 3-cells (the deformable 3-dimensional space contained between 2 or more 2-cells). The Euler characteristic of the CW-complex
can be obtained as the difference between even-dimensional cells and odd-dimensional cells:
is the number of
k-cells. If the CW-complex is compact, it can be contracted to a single point and
. Contraction can be equally performed on a subset of cells of the CW-complex, while leaving the Euler characteristic unchanged. A sketch of contraction of 2 CW-complex, each of them compact, is given in
Figure 1.
6, which, for a single compact CW-complex, can be read as
, where
F and
C denote the number of vertices, edges, faces and cages, is consistent with the classical Euler equation
, proposed long ago for a convex polyhedron.
Coming back to the critical points of a 3-dimensional vector field, we will be interested only in full-rank CPs (those with
, and thus no null eigenvalue of the Jacobian) and
Table 1 resumes their indices.
The four possible full-rank CPs, when ordered for decreasing number of negative eigenvalues, are
, and will occur in number
, respectively. In that order, the indices have alternating sign, so that, if the one-to-one correspondence given in column 5 of
Table 1 occurs between the critical points of a given kind and the cells of a compact CW-complex (
for each
k), Eq.
6 can be rewritten as
which matches the 3-dimensional Poincaré-Hopf theorem,
is the Euler characteristic of the compact 3-dimensional manifold where the vector field is computed. The Euler characteristic
is an invariant in differential topology, so that it only depends on the manifold
M and not on the vector field. To understand how this statement can be compatible with a non-zero value of
, it is important to recall that, if the manifold
M has a boundary
, the theorem holds provided that the vector field is everywhere outward oriented on the boundary [
32]. For a vector field
v that is everywhere inward-oriented on the boundary, the outward orientation can be recovered simply changing sign to the field,
, which implies a change of sign of the signature, of all indices, and therefore, for the one-to-one correspondence given in the last column of
Table 1 (
for each
which, considering that the Euler characteristic of a spherical surface is
, can be recognised as a special case of the equation for an inward-oriented field [
For a 3-manifold,
. However, if one intends considering the real coordinate space including points at infinity, one must consider the real projective space
, which can be thougth as a closed 3-dimensional ball with antipodal points identified, and has
. To get a zero in Eq.
8, it is necessary to sum also the asymptotic CPs: the
asymptotic attractors (with index
, which are maxima if the vector field is a gradient) and the
asymptotic repellers (with index
, which are minima if the vector field is a gradient). Consistency with the alternative description of a 3-manifold with a boundary
, shows that if the field is everywhere inward/outward oriented on the boundary there is a single asymptotic repeller/attractor. In the general case, when the orientation of the vector field is changing over a boundary enclosing all isolated CPs, the sum of indices of the isolated CPs,
can differ from
. It has been proposed, in a study of the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), to deduce the number of asymptotic CPs by plotting the MEP on a spherical surface large enough to contain all isolated critical points, and counting the numbers of closed island-like regions of negative and positive values [
30]. In our case, the vector field generally has
CPs on the outer part of the molecule (an inward-directed field) and thus will have
. This should not hold when
CPs occur on the outer part of the molecule.
8, the celebrated Poincaré-Hopf theorem assumes that CPs are isolated, although generalization are possible [
33]. In acetylene, we will find loops of degenerate
CPs. It has been proposed that similar cases should be dealt considering a symmetry-breaking and then considering the resulting isolated CPs [
30]. Indeed, one feature of the indices is their stability, which means that small perturbation do not change the sum of the indices of close critical points. A loop of
CPs can always be thought as a loop of alternating
CPs having a null sum of indices.