In this section, the inventory analysis of each of the selected wastewater treatment plants must be carried out. To do this, it is necessary to describe the facilities in such a way that all the processes that make them up are known. The inventory will consist of two parts; one associated with the construction phase, where all the materials and processes necessary for the construction of the treatment plant will be collected, and the other with the maintenance and operation phase. The latter will include the reagents necessary for the correct development of the plant and the maintenance stages and the waste/by-products obtained from this maintenance. In turn, the emissions associated with each of the processes in this operation phase will be obtained.
2.2.1. Construction Phase
Materials used.
This section defines the quantities of the main components of each of the stages that make up the Santa Lucía waste-water treatment plant, namely the intake works, the roughing works, the septic tank, the siphon and flow meter boxes, the vertical wetlands, the horizontal wetlands, the storage tank, the interconnection elements and the passageways. For the calculation of the quantities required and the materials used for the construction of the treatment plant, reference was made to the construction reports for both the Santa Lucía treatment plant and the Calheta treatment plant (Maio Island in Cape Verde), which has similar characteristics to the Santa Lucía NTSW. The latter is required for the calculation of elements such as the septic tank and the interconnection chambers, which were not included in the Santa Lucia report.
Arrival and roughing works
It is considered that the pit is built with a medium-hard concrete base, like cleaning concrete. Elements such as plastering the inside of the pit or compacting the soil, or the removal of surplus material, are not considered. For the roughing gratings, it is considered that they are manufactured with low alloy steel as this steel is the most used for the manufacture of stainless steels as in this case. The following are also not considered. The quantities of steel required for the manufacture of the grating are simply considered in the manufacturing process of the grating. The excavation of the ground is considered as the sum of the amount of ground to be excavated from the roughing pit.
First, the amount of concrete necessary for the construction of the pit containing the roughing gratings is obtained per inhabitants, m3 concrete = 2.6x10-4 m3 /ℎ. e. Secondly, the amount of steel required for the construction of the roughing grate is obtained. kg steel = 0,18 kg/ ℎ.e.
Excavation. To obtain the impact associated with the excavation process, it is considered that the entire impact will be determined by the fuel use of the backhoe loader carrying out the excavation. The total excavation area is determined as the land occupied by the backhoe loader 1,995 m3. Knowing that the efficiency of the backhoe loader is 0.12 h/m3, we can calculate the number of hours needed to excavate the land. Furthermore, it is known that the power of the backhoe loader is 70 kW, so if we multiply the time needed to obtain kWh needed. The efficiency of the backhoe loader is 90%. As the fuel used by this machinery is diesel, the number of liters per inhabitant equivalent used is obtained by means of the LCV of this fuel. Fuel used was 0.011 L / h.e.
Land occupation: One of the most important aspects of this type of treatment system is the amount of land it occupies, so it is considered very necessary to quantify the amount of land that each of the processes that make up the NTSW will occupy. Land occupation was 0,0018 m2/h.e.
Discontinuous discharge system.
The discontinuous discharge system consists of a "decolloideurs" and a "chasses", both composed of 3 compartments of equal magnitude. The first of these has dimensions of 4.5 meters by 5 meters each with a depth of 2 meters, making a total of 4.5 meters wide by 15 meters long. The second of these is 7 meters wide by 4.5 meters long each with a depth of 1 meter, making a total of 13.5 meters long. Both structures will be made of medium-hard concrete with a thickness of 0.1 meter. m3 concrete was 0,02 m3 /ℎ. e
Excavation: To obtain the impact associated with the excavation process, it is considered that the entire impact will be determined using fuel by the backhoe loader carrying out the excavation. For this purpose, the total excavation surface is determined as the land occupied by both systems: 94.5 m3 (chasses) and 135 m3 (decolloideurs), and was 0.13 L / h.e.
Land occupation: 0.101m2 /ℎ. e
Anaerobic Lagoon.
The anaerobic lagoons in the treatment plant are open-air. The purpose of these lagoons is to reduce the content of suspended solids, which are incorporated into the layer of sludge accumulated at the bottom. The water is introduced at the bottom of the lagoon, causing an absence of oxygen in the inlet water. The output water is obtained from the upper part. The considerations made in the manufacturing process of the anaerobic lagoons are as follows: There are three parallel lagoons operating at the same time whose dimensions are 8.24 meters wide (each) and 23.26 meters long. The depth of the three lagoons is 4 meters each. The construction process is based on excavating the area where the lagoons are installed, covering the ground with a layer of geotextile and a layer of EPDM on top of the geotextile. This will allow the surface to be waterproof and the EPDM covering with geotextile will prevent cracks in the geotextile. On the other hand, pipes are required for the drainage of the incoming and outgoing water and a manhole at the inlet to allow the correct distribution of the water.
Anaerobic lagoon pit.
The water inlet to the lagoons is regulated by a chamber located at the beginning of the lagoons. The dimensions of the chamber are: 1 meter wide, 1 meter long and 1 meter high. Considering a thickness of 0.05 meters of concrete, the result is as follows: m3 concrete = was 1.6x10-4 m3/ℎ. e. The steel used in the manhole closure plate is calculated according to the dimensions of the manhole and the thickness of the door, which are: 1 meter long, 1 meter wide and 0.02 meter thick. kg steel used 0.098kg/ℎ. e
Anaerobic lagoon manufacture.
The lagoons are waterproofed with a 1.52 mm thick EPDM sheet and a 300 g/m2 geotextile sheet underneath the EPDM sheet. The geotextile sheet is made of polypropylene. In this case, more EPDM and geotextile is required because in addition to covering the ground, the sides (4 meters high) must be covered and there is material left over at the top of the wetland (0.5 meters will be considered). Therefore, the following will be needed: Geotextile 0,27 kg/ℎ.e. and EPDM 0.185kg/ℎ. e
Approximately 15 meters of piping is required in each of the lagoons, with three lagoons totaling 45 meters. PE pipes with a diameter of 160 mm and a thickness of 3.0 mm are used 0.033 kg/ℎ.e.
Obtaining the required volume of PE: Calculation of the perimeter of the cylinder with a diameter of 160 mm and calculation of the perimeter of the cylinder with a diameter of 154 mm. Subtract and multiply by the length to obtain the amount of PE required. Multiply by the density of the cylinder and obtain the kg of PE required.
The excavated land corresponds to the sum of the dimensions of the three anaerobic lagoons and the inlet chamber, being in total: 2300 m3. The liters of diesel are calculated in the same way as in the previous sections, and it was 1.31 L / h.e.
Land occupation: The anaerobic lagoons occupy a total of 574.99 m2 so they will have a much more relevant weight than the rest of the processes. The total surface area occupied was 0.36 m2 /ℎ. e
Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
There are six vertical flow constructed wetlands. It should be noted that for the purposes of the inventory of wetlands, a single wetland is considered, the dimensions of which are the sum of the two wetlands separately, thus having a wetland of 3,335 m2. The aggregates used are 15-25 mm and 5-12 mm gravel, but due to the lack of data on particle sizes, all gravel is 30-32 mm. In addition, a sheet of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) will be used to waterproof the system. In addition, there is a collection chamber at the inlet of the vertical flow system. No account will be taken of the stones protecting the sheeting or other materials other than gravel, EPDM, polyethylene (PE) pipes and concrete.
Vertical wetland pit: The dimensions of both manholes, and was considered 3,1x10-4 m3 /ℎ.e. The steel used in the manhole closure plate is calculated in the same way as the closure plate of the roughing manhole, and it was 0.314 kg/ℎ.e.
Manufacture of vertical flow wetland: The dimensions of each wetland are as follows (note that there are 6 wetlands in total): 13 meters wide, 26.8 meters long and 1.2 meters deep. In this case the flattening of the terrain is not considered. The wetland is waterproofed with a 1.52 mm thick EPDM sheet and 2 sheets of 300 gr/m2 geotextile between the EPDM sheets. The geotextile sheet is made of polypropylene. In this case, a larger quantity of EPDM and geotextile is required because in addition to covering the ground, the sides must be covered (1.2 meters of height) and surplus material at the top of the wetland (0.5 meters shall be considered). Therefore, the following will be needed of 1.039 m2-/h.e and EPDM 0.36 kg/ℎ.e. For the calculation of the amount of gravel required, the same gravel is considered for the entire surface. Therefore, it was required to 1,698 kg/ℎ.e.
Pipelines: 1,245 meters of pipes are needed for the conduits corresponding to the vertical wetlands. PE pipes with a diameter of 160 mm and a thickness of 3.0 mm are used. It was required to 0.922 kg/h.e. Obtaining the required volume of PE: Calculation of the perimeter of the cylinder with a diameter of 110 mm and calculation of the perimeter of the cylinder with 106.8 mm. Subtract, multiply by the length and obtain the amount of PE required. Multiply by the density of the PE and obtain the kilograms required.
Excavation: The excavated land corresponds to the sum of the dimensions of the two vertical wetlands and the manholes of each of them, being in total: 2,509 m3. The liters of diesel are calculated in the same way as in the previous sections. It was required to 1.42 L /h.e.
Land occupation:
The vertical flow wetlands occupy a total of 2,090 m2 so they will have a much more relevant weight than the rest of the processes. The total surface area considered was of 1,31 m2 /ℎ. e
The manufacturing process of the storage lagoon is based on the excavation of the land occupied by the lagoon, the placement of a concrete slab and its subsequent waterproofing with waterproofing paint. As in the previous cases, the removal of excess material and backfilling with excavated material is not considered. One of the main problems of the water treated in this NTSW is that it suffers a worsening of its quality conditions because it is in the open air, thus encouraging the growth of micro-algae. This factor causes a lack of oxygen. Also, the presence of birds on the surface of the lagoon can lead to an increase in microbiological indicators. It is therefore proposed to cover the lagoon as a solution to these problems. A cover consisting of a 5 mm polyamide shading mesh and a double layer of high-density polyethylene shading fabric was considered.
Manufacture of the storage lagoon:
The dimensions of the storage pond are 30.6 meters long, 19 meters wide and 1 meter deep. A thickness of 0.04 meters of concrete was considered. It was calculated of 0.15 m3 /ℎ.e. It is proposed to carry out the waterproofing with waterproofing paint. In the same way as for the septic tank, since this product was not found in the SimaPro bases, it was decided to choose a waterless acrylic varnish which can also be used as a waterproofing agent. The kilograms of acrylic varnish are obtained from the dimensions of the walls to be waterproofed and a thickness of approximately 60 microns. It was considered of 0.0052 kg/ℎ. e.
It is therefore necessary to excavate 590 m3. Therefore, it was obtained, 0.335 L/h.e.
Land occupation
The total surface area occupied by the storage lagoon is quite similar to that of the wetlands, 0.369 m2/ℎ.e.
Lagoon cover:
In this case, it is necessary to know the quantity of polyamide yarn and shading mesh to be used.
POLYAMIDE YARN: Polyamide yarn is a synthetic fibre plastic (nylon, kevlar...) and/or natural (wool or silk). In this case a type of nylon is used. The total surface area of the storage pond is estimated and using this data, the thickness of the thread and the density of this material, the necessary kilograms was 2.10 kg/ℎ.e.
SHADING MESH: The lagoon shall be covered with double high-density polyethylene (HDPE) mesh with shading capacity. The quantity required is calculated in the same way as for the polyamide yarn. It was considered 3.50 kg/ℎ.e.
Passageways and pipelines
In this section, the materials necessary for the construction of the access and protection areas of the treatment plant and the connections to be made for the transport of water from one point to another will be obtained.
The connections will be made with Polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 160 mm and a thickness of 3.9 mm. The meters required was 133 meters of pipe or 0.804 kg/ℎ.e.
Excavation of the pipeline area:
Taking into account the dimensions, it is estimated that the total area to be excavated a m o u n t s t o 35 m3 . Therefore, it is obtained 0.02 L /h.e.
Occupation of land in pipelines
This section will consider the total number of meters required for pipes that serve as connections between the different processes of the WWTP:
Passage areas:
The areas that have had to be prepared so that the terrain is in the best possible condition for transit, if necessary, are referred to as transit areas.
For example, for sampling. In addition, the protection of the terrain by means of fences covering it shall also be considered in this section.
The total plot size is 14867 m2 . These data are approximate data obtained by means of Graf Can Visor. If we deduct from this the areas where the purification equipment is located, the plot to be developed is 10217 m2 . (The land of the drying beds is counted as having to be developed, but no inventory of the same is made).
To prepare the plot, the land will be cleared and cleaned using a wheel loader.
Knowing that the efficiency of the loader is 0.021h/m3, we can calculate the number of hours necessary to excavate the terrain. We also know that the power of the same is 120 kW, so if we multiply the time required by the power we obtain the kWh required. (Consider an efficiency of 90%).
As the fuel used by this machinery is diesel, if we obtain the PCI of this fuel, we can obtain the liters of fuel needed.
Fence used: The fence used to surround the entire plot is a grey flat electro-welded mesh with holes (50*50*4 cm) whose dimensions are 2.6 metres wide by 2 metres high.
Taking into account that the perimeter of the plot is 806 m, about 310 prefabricated steel fences will be needed. As each mesh weighs 18.41 kg, this makes a total of 5707 kg.
Chromium-plated steel will be used as this is the most commonly used steel in the stainless-steel industry.
Occupation of the land in transit areas:
This section considers all the land that has had to be conditioned to allow easy access to all the processes that make up the WWTP. This quantity has been calculated beforehand, as it was necessary to know the diesel used to prepare the plot. Therefore, it is obtained:
Elements of tertiary treatment1:
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Feed pump for tertiary treatment: compact, reliable, horizontal, multistage end-suction centrifugal pump.
Water pumps usually consist of the following materials:
As can be seen, the material most commonly used for the manufacture of this type of pump is stainless steel, so for this study, the pump will be considered to be made entirely of stainless steel. The weight of the pump is 31.7 kg, according to its technical data sheet.
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Washing pump: single-stage pump with top extraction system for easy disassembly.
The main component used for the manufacture of the seal is cast iron, some small parts such as the rotary seal ring or the stationary seat are made of silicon carbide or EPDM in the case of the secondary seal.
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Filtration (AFM filter): In this case, the filter is made of laminated polyester reinforced with glass fibre almost entirely except for the cover.
It will not be introduced in the analysis as not all systems have this treatment.
The side manhole is made of plastic-coated steel and the crepinas (filtered water collectors at the bottom of the filter) are made of polypropylene. It should also be noted that the filtering material is inserted inside the filter, this being green glass.
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Ring filter: This is a physical filtration system produced by the retention of particles in the channels created by the superimposition of a set of rings. The materials used in this case are glass-fibre reinforced polyamide and synthetic rubber for the seals. It is considered to be made entirely of reinforced polyamide. The weight of these devices is approximately 6 kg.
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Main disinfection (UV disinfection): This equipment generates ultraviolet radiation at a frequency of 254 nm, capable of destroying harmful bacteria and persistent viruses in the water without generating harmful by-products. The radiation chamber is made of AISI 314 stainless steel. The weight and whether any other material is in higher proportion than steel is unknown.
The UV filter installed at the WWTP is the SAV-UV-6 with a maximum flow rate of 5 m3/h and 80 W power.
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Final secondary disinfection tank (Chlorine): After the filtration, refining and main disinfection stages, the disinfected water is sent to the new reusable water tank, with a volume of 100m3, made of concrete.
The dimensions of the tank are as follows: 7 metre wide, 4.5 metre long and 3.2 metre high. Considering a thickness of 0.05 metres of concrete, we obtain:
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Tertiary process building: It is proposed that the construction of the building containing the treatment equipment be as follows:
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Concrete floor
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Concrete block walls
Regarding the impact assessment, this one establishes a relationship between the data collected in the inventory analysis and the environmental loads generated by them. To carry out the assessment, it is advisable to have a computer program that performs the calculations quickly and reliably. There is a great variability of programs such as SimaPro, Boustead, Umberto, Open LCA, etc. Each of them has different assessment methodologies. The assessment process is conducted in five distinct stages: classification, characterization, normalization, weighting and damage assessment. The latter three stages are optional. The initial stage involves defining and selecting impact categories. An impact category is defined as a representative class of environmental variables to which the results of the inventory can be assigned. The classification is based on the grouping of the environmental loadings of the different inputs and outputs of resources and energy according to the environmental effects produced. It should be noted that certain outputs contribute to more than one category. The effect produced by the repetition of some factor will be accepted, provided that these outputs are independent. Finally, regarding the characterization, the process by which the potential contribution of each compound detected in the inventory analysis is obtained, with regard to a given environmental effect. Computer programs are available that provide characterization results directly, obviating the need for separate calculations. The processes are obtained directly as a result of the program, whereby the program itself performs the classification and characterization of the study, negating the need for manual input.
Data bases available in SimaPro are the following.
ETH-ESU Library 96(2003): Contains energy inventory data. The inventory tables include emissions from primary energy extraction, refining and distribution, extraction of mineral matter, production of raw materials, production of semi-factories and auxiliary and working materials, provision of transport and waste treatment services, construction of infrastructure and energy conversion and transmission. infrastructure and energy conversion and transmission. The system description depicts the energy distribution situation of Switzerland and Western Europe concerning the production and imports of fuels and the production and imports of fuels and electricity production and business [
BUWAL Bookshop 250(2001): The inventory tables include emissions from raw material production, energy production, production of semi-factories and auxiliary materials, transport and material production processes. The description of the system is based on Swiss consumption of packaging materials and imports and exports of materials. The energy systems are based on ETH data, without considering capital goods; the plastics data are based on PWMI data [
IDEMAT Library 2001: Developed by the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). The focus of the database is more than just the production of materials. Most of the data are original (not collected from other LCA databases) and come from a wide variety of sources. The Life Cycle Inventory includes mining, concentration and processing in the case of minerals, or harvesting and processing for agricultural products. In general, the average global situation is considered. Accordingly, transport is allocated to global mining and production of resources with Rotterdam as the final destination. Recycling of secondary materials is considered according to the average Western European situation. The system boundaries cover all processes, from nature [
Industry Data Library (2007): This database contains detailed inventories of common materials and processes, sourced directly from industries. It includes the ecoprofiles of plastics and their associated intermediates, created by Boustead for AMPE (European Centre for Plastics in the Environment of the Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe). The results are the industry average, calculated as the principal value of the participating companies weighted by their production. The Inventory table includes raw materials, emissions to air, water and waste for all operations since the extraction of raw materials from the earth [
Ecoinvent v.3.7.1 Founded in 2000 and developed by several Swiss institutes: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Swiss Federal Office and EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research). Materials Testing and Research). It can be seen as an update of the BUWAL 250 and ETH databases. Data on products and services from the energy, transport, building materials, chemicals, pulp and paper and waste treatment, agricultural sector, which are valid for Swiss and Western European conditions [
Dutch Input/Output data base Available at SimaPro Dutch Input/Output economic database. The starting point was an overview of how the distribution of the average consumer is spread over 350 categories. A connection was made between these categories and the economic sectors. The economic input-output table was used to plot the trade flows between these sectors. There are also foreign tables for OECD and non-OECD regions. This allows to trace the impact of goods produced outside the Netherlands [
Finally, the impact assessment methods to be used have to be defined, so first of all the impact categories to be considered have to be determined. The following is a description of the most relevant impact categories according to the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC):
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Global warming (kg CO2 Equivalents)
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Consumption of energy resources (MJ)
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Ozone layer depletion (kg CFC-11 Equivalents)
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Eutrophication (kg NO3 Equivalents)
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Acidification (kg. SO2 equivalents)
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Consumption of raw materials (Tn)
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Formation of photochemical oxidants (kg. C2H4 equivalents)
It should also be noted that these are not the only impact categories that exist, as it must be considered that different categories are required in each study area. Some of them are the following:
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Human toxicity
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Land use (area occupied in m2/year)
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Depletion of mineral and fossil resources.
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Biodiversity (number of species or density of vascular plants representative of species diversity).
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Loss of life-supporting function (data on net primary production)
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Depletion of biotic resources