The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming particularly widespread in different activities in life and the use of AI in education cannot be excluded from this trend [
2]. AI can be defined as a field of computer science that aims to address different problems of a cognitive nature, such as problem-solving or learning, but AI can also be defined as a theoretical model that can set useful guidelines for the creation and use of intelligent computer systems that mimic the characteristic capabilities of human beings [
4]. Outside of education, AI applications are deployed, for instance, for predictive analytics and personalised medicine in healthcare contexts [
5]. In the finance sector, AI is used, for example, for smart designing, planning, and developing of financial products and services [
6]. In short, AI is revolutionising society [
7] and higher education by introducing new modes of learning and knowledge acquisition [
AI applications in education are usually called AIEd [
9]. AI in education can be used to replace a tutor or instructor, to improve the tutor-student relationship, and/or to act as a fellow student to facilitate one’s own learning either through collaborative learning or through tutoring of a less knowledgeable student [
10]. Additionally, AIEd applications can be used as a platform to assist the instruction and learning (e.g., interactive learning environment) or as a tool that expediates the instruction or learning (e.g., automatic grading) [
10]. Alternatively, AIEd apps can be conceptualised as directly unnecessary for instruction or learning but they can act in an supplemental assisting capacity to gain greater understanding of and predict learning behaviours, characteristics, and patterns in learning and instruction [
Although AI-powered tools have significantly improved the pedagogical and administrative workflow of teachers [
11], it remains to be seen whether students are accepting of these new AIEd advances and what their attitudes toward AI are. Given the above considerations, the current study aims to record university social sciences students’ attitudes toward AI in their education and future profession and the factors associated with their attitudes. In this study, the focus is on social sciences students because research on AI attitudes has shown significant differences between STEM (i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) versus non-STEM university students [
13] and non-STEM students might not have any training on AI [
Conceptual Framework and Potential Correlates of Attitudes Toward AI in Education and Professional Life
The correlates of university students’ attitudes toward AI are still being researched. Empirical research on students’ attitudes toward technology in general has shown that attitudes were associated with the mother’s education level but not with the father’s education [
26]. Evidence from sociological analyses of adolescents’ use of social media and digital skills originating in cultural capital theory [
28] has revealed that students with more educated parents, and more cultural practices and resources had greater digital skills and social media use [
29]. However, a study conducted within the context of AI attitudes reported that socio-cultural factors were exhibiting associations with attitudes toward AI and particularly, students struggling due to socio-cultural factors held more positive attitudes toward AI if they had an AI education [
30]. These inconclusive findings suggest that we need to gain a greater understanding of the associations between students’ socio-economic background and their attitudes toward AI.
Evidence coming both from the attitudes toward technology [
26] and the attitudes toward AI [
32] areas has shown a null effect for students’ gender, suggesting that gender is not associated with attitudes toward AI. For example, a study with education undergraduates found no differences between female and male students in perceived usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, and job relevance of AI [
33]. Yet, there is also evidence to the contrary indicating statistically significant differences between males and females in attitudes toward AI [
30]. This disagreement indicates that more research on gender and attitudes toward AI is needed.
Beyond the above background factors, research has been conducted regarding the potential links between attitudes toward AI and other practical factors. A recent study, for instance, showed that intention to use AI-powered applications frequently was associated with greater attitudes toward the AI chatbot called ChatGPT [
34]. Another important factor to consider as a correlate of students’ attitudes toward AI is the students’ year of university studies because a research study found significant differences between students studying in different years, whereby the higher the students’ year, the lower their attitudes of accepting AI [
35]. However, another study showed that students in higher undergraduate years found that the benefits of AI increased [
20]. Hence, it is necessary to account for students’ years of studies as well. Furthermore, the issue of the safety of AI applications has also been of a long-standing importance with several studies highlighting the need for safety [
36]. Therefore, we measured the general sense of digital safety using three items as a potential precursor of AI attitudes. Given the above evidence, it is important to verify what is the nature of the associations between all these factors and students’ attitudes toward AI.
Within this conceptual framework, AIEd applications can be used in multiple ways to improve and university students’ learning. For instance, in the case of SES-based disparities, AIEd can become particularly useful by serving as an intelligent tutor [
10]. AIEd apps can become more inclusive and adapt to specific learning preferences [
9], which may differ by gender. The AIEd applications can be used to adapt the content and the difficulty levels of the learning specifically for the different year of study, as well. Ensuring a general feeling of safety can lead students to deploy AIEd apps more confidently and building a positive attitude toward AI can lead to possible increased future use of AI apps.
The Present Study
The present study follows the tenets of exploratory quantitative survey research [
14] to explore social sciences university students’ attitudes toward AI. The purpose of the current study is threefold. First, given the recent interest in AI and its widespread use through chatbots such as ChatGPT [
37], the study records and presents the attitudes of social sciences university students’ toward AI in education and their future profession. Second, the study explores whether an adapted version of the multidimensional attitudes toward AI measure developed by [
18] is valid for social sciences university students. Third, the study provides additional and updated evidence on the association of students’ attitudes toward AI with several background characteristics as well as with the students’ future frequency of AI use and general feelings of digital safety. Hence, the following research questions and hypotheses guide the present study.
RQ1: Are social sciences students more favourably or unfavourably disposed toward AI in their education and future profession?
RQ2: Is the adapted SATAI multidimensional measure of attitudes toward AI psychometrically valid for social sciences students?
RQ3: Are students’ socio-economic background, gender, year of studies, general sense of digital safety, and frequency of future AI use associated with their attitudes toward AI?
Based on the reviewed literature, there is overwhelming evidence that university students’ attitudes toward AI are quite positive. Hence, we hypothesise that the students will exhibit generally positive attitudes toward AI in their education and future professional lives (H1). Furthermore, it is expected that the adapted SATAI measure will function adequately (H2) in this sample of Greek university students given its previously commendable psychometric properties [
18]. The student’s gender is assumed to have a null effect (H3) given that the preceding evidence is rather mixed concerning the gender differences in technology and AI attitudes [
26]. The student’s year of studies is hypothesised to be negatively linked with attitudes toward AI (H4) because a previous study has shown that the students from a higher year of study had less positive attitudes [
35]. However, another study found a positive association between the year of study and attitudes toward AI [
20]. Hence, a positive association might be possible (H5).
Additionally, we expect a positive association of attitudes toward AI with socio-economic status indicators (H6) and digital safety (H7). The reason for this is that sociological perspectives stress the role of socio-economic gaps in technology literacy and acceptance [
29]. Further, it is hypothesised that attitudes will be positively correlated with future intention to use AI more frequently (H8). This latter hypothesis has support from the TPB [
24], whereby attitudes can predict subsequent behavioural intention.
The use of AI-powered applications is becoming widespread in education and has attracted substantial attention lately [
51]. AI in education drives improvements in instruction and learning not only in the conventional classroom but also in online higher education settings [
9]. However, few empirical studies have examined the attitudes of social sciences students toward AI in their education and future professional lives. Additionally, previous research has not comprehensively explored social sciences students’ attitudes toward AI from a multidimensional perspective and has not provided a clear picture regarding the correlates of these multidimensional attitudes. Hence, the present study sought to address these empirical gaps in the literature.
To address the first research objective, descriptive frequencies were computed to assess the students’ degree of agreement with several attitudinal items. The descriptive findings showed that more than half of the students believed that AI courses were important and a notable percentage of students indicated that every student should learn about AI. These findings suggest that there is a growing awareness amongst students about the relevance of AI applications in education and that basic knowledge about AI is becoming important. These results suggest the need for a university-wide universal approach to teaching and learning about AI. Previous empirical research has also reported a wide acceptance of AI in education [
20]. A large, recent cross-national study showed that there was a general positive attitude toward the ChatGPT chatbot [
32]. However, the current study is taking a more multidimensional perspective and provides more comprehensive information about attitudes toward AI beyond simple single items targeting specific AI applications.
In addition to the role of AI in university education, we noted a large percentage of agreement with the statement that AI will make daily lives more convenient, acknowledging the relevance of AI for both daily life and the future necessity of AI. About half the students also expressed an interest in AI and indicated that they expected to use AI in their future profession. This suggests that there was a moderate but still significant trend to engage with AI and there were some expectations about AI use in the future of their profession, which has been noted in previous studies as well [
25]. All the above evidence raises important questions about educational practice in higher education institutions. Specifically, the findings illustrate the need for curriculum change at the university level to incorporate some AI courses/ modules to prepare students for integrating AI-powered applications in their future professional lives. At the same time, the findings raise awareness of the fact that educators need to increase students’ interest and engagement with AI since only half the students were interested in AI, despite the far-reaching implications of the latter [
2]. Overall, H1 was partially supported.
Now, turning to the second research objective, a PCA was conducted to verify whether the adapted version of the SATAI measure [
18] was functioning appropriately in a sample of Greek university students. The SATAI scale was developed to target secondary school student samples [
18]. Therefore, there were some challenges in effectively translating the items to refer to the university setting and specifically, to a Greek social sciences department. The major challenge was to accurately translate the items and to adjust the context (e.g., from school to university) as necessary. The results of the PCA analysis revealed that there was to a great extent a match between the current adapted version and the original version. Some significant differences occurred in the cognitive principal component, whereby three items referring to the good side of AI, the value of AI, and the importance of AI for society were loading on the cognitive component instead of the affective component. Additionally, the three modified items that described the students’ capability to use AI apps both in the future and in a professional capacity were loading onto the affective component, suggesting that the future use of AI and the capacity to use AI-powered apps is contingent on affective/ emotional dispositions. Despite the above, the three-component structure of the scale was largely replicated and all components exhibited good reliability and discriminant validity given the modest correlations between the three components. Hence, H2 was partially supported.
Last but not least, the current study examined the bivariate correlations between the students’ demographic characteristics, general sense of digital safety, and future intention to use AI with the three attitude dimensions arising from the PCA. Similarly to previous research [
31], the correlational analysis did not reveal any statistically significant correlations between gender and attitudes toward AI. This indicates that female and male students did not differ with regard to their disposition toward AI. Yet, previous research on AI attitudes has shown that there were gender differences [
25]. This discrepancy might have occurred due to the unbalanced nature of gender groups in the current sample. Hence, H3 was sustained.
In contrast to a study on AI attitudes [
35], the current analyses did not identify any significant association between the students’ year of studies and their affective and behavioural attitudes toward AI. The reason for this null effect might be tied to the fact that there is no widespread teaching and learning about AI in the department where the students were sampled. Some support for this claim also comes from the fact that the students indicated the need for universal learning about AI at the university level. Yet, a small positive association was noted between the year of studies and the cognitive dimension, suggesting that students who are further along in their studies have a greater understanding of the importance of AI and greater value of AI. This seems to be in line with some previous evidence showing a positive correlation between the benefits of AI as students progressed in their studies [
20]. Thus, H4 was partially rejected and H5 was supported.
The results of the correlational analyses illustrated that only mothers’ educational level was associated with more positive cognitive and affective/ emotional attitudes toward AI. The families’ cultural practices and the father’s attained educational level were not statistically significant correlates of the three dimensions of attitudes toward AI. These results confirm to some extent that there exist socio-economic differences in the attitudes toward AI, with students having more educated mothers agreeing more that AI education was needed and that AI can have a great impact on their professional and daily lives and can make people’s lives more convenient. This association might have occurred also because of cultural reasons because higher maternal education might be linked with better understanding and integration of technology in general [
52]. Although the link between socio-economic factors and technology attitudes and skills has been recorded in the literature [
40], there is no evidence regarding the socio-economic correlates of AI attitudes. Therefore, the current study adds to the literature by highlighting the link between maternal education and more positive attitudes toward AI. Overall, H6 was partially supported.
The seventh hypothesis assumed that students’ general sense of digital safety will be associated with their attitudes toward AI. Past studies have highlighted that technology and, specifically, AI can pose a safety risk [
36]. Hence, the participants were asked to rate their general sense of digital safety in their transactions and interactions to be able to correlate this with their cognitive, emotional, and behavioural attitudes toward AI. The results of the correlational analysis illustrated that a greater sense of digital safety was associated with more positive cognitive, emotional, and behavioural dimensions of attitudes toward AI. Although there is no direct evidence to corroborate this finding, this result appears to be sensible. This finding suggests that more positive attitudes toward AI can be formulated by strengthening students’ sense of safety with digital transactions and interactions in social media and the administration. Overall, these findings suggest that H7 was supported.
Finally, the analyses revealed that the three dimensions of attitudes were positively associated with future intentions to use AI more frequently. This finding shows, in line with TPB [
24], that students’ attitudes toward AI can play an important role in shaping their behavioural intention to use AI-powered apps more frequently in the future. However, in line with the latter developments in the field of the technology acceptance model [
54], attitudes are not very good explanatory factors of future behavioural intention. The current findings seem to support this claim since the correlations between the three dimensions of attitudes and future intention were rather small to modest. Yet, it should be noted that the strongest correlation with future intention to use AI was with the emotional/affective dimension, indicating that emotions are stronger drives of future intention to use AI. Hence, H8 was retained.
As with all studies, the current empirical study has some limitations. Although the sample size is sufficient for the current analyses, it might be considered small and, thus, more advanced analytic approaches were not implemented. Another limitation of the study’s design is the cross-sectional correlational nature of the data, which does not permit the drawing of any causal conclusions. Additionally, the sampling method followed the principles of convenience sampling, which means that the results are not necessarily generalisable to the whole target population. Finally, the measure was not validated in the past for Greek higher education students and hence, this is the first attempt to provide evidence on its validity for the current target population.
Directions for Future Research and Practice
Future research is needed in this area to replicate the principal components’ structure of this measure. Future studies can include diverse samples from different higher education university departments to gain a better picture of students’ attitudes toward AI in general. On the practical side of things, the current findings suggest that higher education students and, specifically, social sciences students held mostly positive attitudes toward AI but underscored the need for further education on this topic. This indicates that university departments should provide additional instruction to improve students’ awareness of the benefits and threats of the use of AI-powered tools. Teaching students about AI can be particularly beneficial since AI can be used to streamline the educational learning process [
51]. Going forward, it is recommended to investigate if some items are differentially functioning between subject domains (e.g., social sciences vs. natural sciences) and between different demographic categories.