1. Introduction
Diagenesis describes the biological, chemical and physical processes that alter deposited sedimentary assemblages before complete lithification (Curtis, 1977; Burley et al., 1985). Concretions, nodules, botryoids, granules and rosettes are mineralised spheroidal structures that are prevalent in the sedimentological record and usually relate to diagenesis. These objects can display circularly concentric and radial mineral patterns, a limited dominant mineralogy, and common association with organic matter. They are also considered as abiotic in origin, hence they are here grouped as ‘diagenetic spheroids’. Diagenetic spheroids are distinguished according to size ranges. Mega-concretions can have a diameter as large as several metres, and rosettes are the smallest type with diameters <10-4 m (Gabriel et al., 2021). Both concretions and nodules have sizes from 10-2 m to 10-1 m. Whereas the mineralogy of concretions is akin to its host rock, the composition of nodules differs from their surrounding sediments (Mitsuchi, 1976). Granules are irregular spheroids that range between 10-2 m and 10-4 m in diameter. Botryoidal minerals include interconnected, or twinned, smooth spheroids, and their globular texture is grape-like, mammillary, or reniform in appearance (Papineau, 2020). Botryoids span a large diameter range from 10-1 m to 10-6 m.
Despite the array of descriptive terms, these objects commonly exhibit a sub-rounded morphology with circularly concentric and radially aligned geometric patterns (Papineau et al., 2017; 2021; Papineau, 2024). Occasionally, they exhibit a triaxial ellipsoidal or lenticular morphology. The term diagenetic spheroids groups those objects with identical range of patterns together, which may imply a similar sedimentary-diagenetic history (Papineau et al., 2017; 2021; 2023; Dodd et al., 2018; Papineau, 2020; 2024). Typical mineral compositions include microcrystalline quartz (chert, chalcedony) (Varkouhi et al., 2022; Varkouhi and Papineau, 2023), dolomite, pyrite, apatite and/or organic matter (Papineau et al., 2017; Gabriel et al., 2021). Fossils may also be encapsulated in diagenetic spheroids and usually have a comparable mineral composition. For instance, well-preserved Ediacaran microfossils, like Vendotaenia sp. and Oscillatoriopis obtusa, have been identified within chert concretions in the Shibantan Lagerstätte (Mason et al., 2017; Ding et al., 2019; Xiao et al., 2020).
The formation mechanism of diagenetic spheroids has yet to reach consensus. For instance, Dodd et al. (2018) disputed the wave-action model for granules in granular iron formation on the basis that the arrangement of fine equidistant, circularly concentric laminations and radially aligned acicular crystals are improbable under turbulence. Moreover, shallow marine wave agitation cannot explain the common association of granules with organic matter and well-preserved microfossils. Diagenetic spheroids are considered abiotic precipitates and are therefore possible indicators of physicochemical processes (Davies et al., 1978; Flannery et al., 2019). However, nucleation-controlled growth around a central mass (Lebron and Suarez, 1996; Fouke, 2011) is more likely to generate irregular clumps, rather than equidistant concentric laminations with density gradients. The Liesegang phenomenon is another abiotic process which is the purported origin of diagenetic spheroids (Liesegang, 1910), but it is unable to explain regular patterns of circular laminations (Papineau et al., 2021). Liesegang banding is produced by the precipitation and diffusion of metal cations within silica gels (Liesegang, 1910; Keller and Rubinow, 1981). Moreover, Liesegang rings have a gravity-driven linear arrangement (Sultan and Abdel-Rahman, 2013; Nabika et al., 2019), in contrast with concentric rings observed in diagenetic spheroids.
Alternatively, Bosak et al. (2010) proposed that diagenetic spheroids associated with microbialites and stromatolites may be mineralised gas bubbles generated by photosynthetic microorganisms. Internal features, such as mineral inclusions and organic matter, are absent within bubbles (Bosak et al., 2010). The gas-bubble theory therefore does not explain the occurrence of microfossils and concentric laminations in some diagenetic spheroids (Gabriel et al., 2021). Occurrences of microfossils, degraded organic matter, or highly variable carbon and sulphur isotope compositions in diagenetic spheroids have been interpreted to suggest a biologically mediated formation (Dahanayake et al., 1985; Dahanayake and Krumbein, 1986; Glasauer et al., 2013; Salama et al., 2012; Mason et al., 2017). For example, organic matter could act as nucleation sites, and mineral precipitation may be actively induced by microbial interaction with its niche (Diaz and Eberli, 2019).
COR have been proposed as an alternative formation model to explain the circularly concentric, radially aligned, and density gradient patterns often found in diagenetic spheroids (Papineau et al., 2016, 2017, 2021; Dodd et al., 2018; Gabriel et al., 2021; Varkouhi et al., 2022; Varkouhi and Papineau, 2023, Papineau, 2020; 2024). Zaikin and Zhabotinsky (1970) report that “radial circular waves of oxidation were propagated” when phenanthroline ferrous sulphate (ferroin) was added to an aqueous solution of bromate, bromide, malonic acid and sulphuric acid. Interference occurs when concentric waves from different initiation points intersect, producing ‘interconnected round arcs’ (or circular twins), known as Belousov–Zhabotinsky (B-Z) patterns (Zaikin and Zhabotinsky, 1970). B-Z reactions in Petri dishes display regular wave patterns and the effects of chemical turbulence. These circular waves span several size dimensions and are hence fractal patterns. In nature, abiotic carboxylic acids could be central to this reaction but alternatively, there are implications for biosignatures if the carboxylic acids are derived from biomass (Gabriel et al., 2021). The radially propagating circles have been frequently recreated and analysed in experimental settings (Briggs and Rauscher, 1973; Körös and Orbán, 1978; Epstein et al., 1983; Agladze et al., 1984; Field and Schneider, 1989; Zhabotinsky, 1991; Belmonte et al., 1997; Orbán et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2011; Papineau et al., 2017). Nevertheless, it was only recently proposed (Papineau, 2020; 2024; Papineau et al., 2021) that the patterns and products of COR are analogous with those of diagenetic spheroids. If COR occur naturally in the environment and indeed represent environmental proxies (Varkouhi and Papineau, 2023), then their occurrences might preserve evidence of global biogeochemical changes.
The Proterozoic spans from 2.5 to 0.541 Ga and includes a prolonged biogeochemical stasis between 1.8 and 0.8 Ga, dubbed the ‘Boring Billion’ (Brasier and Lindsay, 1998), or, perhaps less anthropocentrically, the “Balanced Billion” (Mitchell and Evans, 2024). This interval is characterised by tectonic and environmental stability, with steady isotopic compositions of carbon, sulphates and sulphides observed in marine sediments (Mukherjee et al., 2018). By contrast, the Neoproterozoic underwent large climatic variations due to major tectonic events like the Rodinian fragmentation and Gondwanan formation (Merdith et al., 2017), as well as major glaciations. Cap carbonates, which are sedimentary sequences that record deglaciations, have calcite and dolomite with strong depletions in 13C. These have been variably interpreted as evidence for the oxidation of dissolved or suspended organic matter in the water column (Fike et al., 2006), local methane seeps (Jiang et al., 2003), associated with anaerobic oxidation of methane (Bristow et al., 2011), or diagenetic oxidation of biomass in sediments (Ader et al., 2009). Therefore, a timeline of the abundances of diagenetic spheroids in geological strata between 1.8 Ga (start of the ‘Balanced Billion’) and 0.541 (Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary) may provide further insight into whether diagenetic spheroids are more likely to form under stable long-term geochemical conditions or dynamic ones, respectively. The emerging hypothesis is that an increased abundance of diagenetic spheroids near the end of the Neoproterozoic would be expected according to increased environmental oxidation because enhanced continental weathering provides an increased supply of dissolved ions in post glacial oceans. This work thus addresses two main scientific questions about diagenetic spheroids via a literature review:
- a)
Are there secular variations in the abundance of diagenetic spheroids during the Proterozoic?
- b)
Could Proterozoic diagenetic spheroids represent sedimentological signatures of abiotic carbon cycling favoured by environmental oxidation?