3.1. Estimated Values and Their Variances from Psychometric Functions of 10 Basic Sensory Discrimination Methods
Examples using the R codes in
Table 1 to get
values and their variances are as below.
1). For the 2-AFC
> TwoAFC(x=76,n=100)
[1] 0.998900 0.037748
2). For the 3-AFC
> ThreeAFC(x=64,n=100)
[1] 1.021800 0.027862
3). For the Triangle
> TRI(x=42,n=100)
[1,] 1.0125 0.0985
4). For the Duo-trio
> DUTR(x=58,n=100)
[1] 0.983100 0.114003
5). For the Specified Tetrad
> STETR(x=46,n=100)
[1] 0.9925751 0.0212300
6). For the Unspecified Tetrad
> UTETR(x=49,n=100)
[1] 0.9862749 0.0326270
7). For the A-Not A
> ANAdv(a=90,an=100,n=61,nn=100)
[1] 1.0022325 0.0453817
8). For the Same-different
> SDdv(sn=27,n1=100,dn=21,n2=100)
[1] 1.023 0.272
9). For the Ratings of A-Not A
> ANARAT(rfal=c(66,29,83,40,17,15), rhit=c(21,10,46,68,37,68))
d': 0.9193 ; var: 0.0096
[1] 0.9193 0.0096
10). For the Ratings of Same-different
> SDRAT(rsam=c(66,29,83,40,17,15),rdif=c(21,10,46,68,37,68))
d': 2.0284 ; var: 0.0211
[1] 2.0284 0.0211
The results in the examples for the 10 sensory discrimination methods are consistent with the results in ASTM- E2262 [
7], Ennis et al. [
57], Bi and O’Mahony [
27], Bi et al. [
37], Bi [
23] (Chapters 2-3), and the R package ‘sensR’ (Christensen, et al.[
For example, for the ratings of same-different method, i.e., a version of the DOD method, using the R code ‘SDRAT(rsam=c(66,29,83,40,17,15), rdif=c(21,10,46,68,37,68))’, the output is: = 2.0284 and var()= 0.0211.
> SDRAT(rsam=c(66,29,83,40,17,15), rdif=c(21,10,46,68,37,68))
d': 2.0284 ; var: 0.0197
[1] 2.0284 0.0197
Using the R program ‘dod’ in the ‘sensR’, which is based on Ennis and Christensen [
47] and Ennis and Rousseau [
17] for the ratings of the same-different method, a version of the DOD method, the output is as below. The results are
= 2.0257 and var(
) = 0.138^2 = 0.019044. The results are consistent with those above.
> library(sensR)
> dod(same= c(66,29,83,40,17,15), diff= c(21,10,46,68,37,68))
Results for the Thurstonian model for the Degree-of-Difference method
Confidence level for 2-sided profile likelihood interval: 95%
Estimates Std. Error Lower Upper
d.prime 2.057 0.138 1.781 2.324
Boundary coefficients:
1 2 3 4 5
Estimate 0.46472 0.67999 1.46685 2.2899 2.8429
Std. Error 0.04787 0.05745 0.08469 0.1073 0.1224
1 2 3 4 5 6
same-pairs 66 29 83 40 17 15
diff-pairs 21 10 46 68 37 68
Results of discrimination test:
Likelihood Root statistic = 9.535692, p-value = < 2.2e-16
Alternative hypothesis: d-prime is greater than 0
3.3. Statistical Testing for Multiple Test Samples Based on Multiple Values and Their Variances
3.3.1. Difference test for multiple test samples based on multiple values and their variances
The R code ‘dstest(d,v)’, based on Equation (3), can be used to do a difference test for multiple δ based on multiple and their variances.
For example, for a difference test for the four test samples based on the four
values and their variances in
Table 2 (‘dpdat’), the test results are as below, using the R code ‘dstest(d,v)’. A significant difference among the four test samples was found at an alpha level of 0.05 (p-value = 0.0425).
> dstest(d=dpdat[,1],v=dpdat[,2])
p-value: 0.0425
Weighted mean: 2.0588
Variance of Wm: 0.0261
[1] 0.0425 2.0588 0.0261
3.3.2. Multiple Comparisons for Multiple Test Samples Based on Vector and Co-Variance Matrix
vector ‘dp’ and co-variance matrix ‘dv’ can be produced using the data ‘dpdat’ in
Table 2 as below.
>dp<-c(T1=dpdat [1,1],T2=dpdat [2,1],T3=dpdat [3,1],T4=dpdat [4,1])
> dp
T1 T2 T3 T4
2.4868 2.0849 1.4422 0.9442
> dv
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.0687 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
[2,] 0.0000 0.0662 0.0000 0.0000
[3,] 0.0000 0.0000 0.1628 0.0000
[4,] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3927
The S-Plus program ‘multicomp’ in S-Plus software can be used for the multiple comparisons based on ‘dp’ and ‘dv’ with a selected alpha level, e.g., alpha = 0.2 as below. There are significant differences between T1 and T3 and between T1 and T4, based on δ.
> multicomp(dp,dv,alpha=0.2)
80 % simultaneous confidence intervals for specified
linear combinations, by the Tukey method
critical point: 1.9702
response variable:
intervals excluding 0 are flagged by ‘****’
Estimate Std.Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
T1-T2 0.402 0.367 -0.3220 1.13
T1-T3 1.040 0.481 0.0966 1.99 ****
T1-T4 1.540 0.679 0.2040 2.88 ****
T2-T3 0.643 0.479 -0.3000 1.59
T2-T4 1.140 0.677 -0.1940 2.48
T3-T4 0.498 0.745 -0.9700 1.97
The R programs ‘confint’, glht’, and ‘parm’ in R package ‘multcomp’ can also be used for the multiple comparisons based on ‘dp’ and ‘dv’ with a selected confidence level (1-alpha), e.g., 0.8 (alpha= 0.2) as below.
> library(multcomp)
> confint(glht(model = parm(dp, dv), linfct = c("T1 - T2=0", "T1 - T3=0","T1 - T4=0","T2 - T3=0","T2 - T4=0","T3-T4=0")), level = 0.8)
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
Quantile = 1.9436
80% family-wise confidence level
Linear Hypotheses:
Estimate lwr upr
T1 - T2 == 0 0.4019 -0.3120 1.1158
T1 - T3 == 0 1.0446 0.1095 1.9797
T1 - T4 == 0 1.5426 0.2224 2.8628
T2 - T3 == 0 0.6427 -0.2874 1.5728
T2 - T4 == 0 1.1407 -0.1759 2.4573
T3 - T4 == 0 0.4980 -0.9506 1.9466
There are significant differences between T1 and T3 and between T1 and T4, based on δ.
Figure 1 shows the simultaneous confidence limits for any pair of the test samples. The R programs produce the same results as those produced by using the S-Plus program ‘multicomp’.
3.3.3. TOST Equivalence/Similarity Test Based on Two Values and Their Variances
The R code ‘s2dptest(d,v,d0)’ based on Equations (4) and (5) can be used for the TOST equivalence/similarity test for two test samples based on two estimators, e.g., and for test samples T1 and T2 and their variances. The input of the code is the two estimators and their variances, as well as an equivalence/similarity limit . The output of the code are the test statistics Z1 and Z2, and the p-values. For example, for the data: d= c(2.4868,2.0849), v= c(0.0687,0.0662), and an equivalence/similarity limit d0=1, the output is as below. Significant equivalence/similarity of T1 and T2 can be concluded with an equivalence/similarity limit of 1 at a significance level of 0.1 with p-values of 0.0001 and 0.0517.
> s2dptest(d=c(2.4868,2.0849),v=c(0.0687,0.0662),d0=1)
Z1,Z2,pv1 and pv2:
[1] 3.8169 -1.6284 0.0001 0.0517
The R program ‘TOSTmeta’ in the R package ‘TOSTER’ (Lakens and Caldwell [
69]) can also be used for the equivalence/similarity test for two test samples using the two estimators and their variances, as well as an equivalence/similarity limit
. For example, for the data above and an equivalence/similarity limit d0=1, the same results can be obtained as below. Significant equivalence/similarity of T1 and T2 can be concluded with an equivalence/similarity limit of 1 at a significance level of 0.1 with p-values of 0.0001 and 0.052.
> library(TOSTER)
> TOSTmeta(ES=2.4868-2.0849, var=0.0687+0.0662, low_eqbound_d=-1, high_eqbound_d=1, alpha=0.1)
TOST results:
Z-value lower bound: 3.82 p-value lower bound: 0.00007
Z-value upper bound: -1.63 p-value upper bound: 0.052
Equivalence Test Result:
Equivalence Test Result:
The equivalence test was significant, Z = -1.628, p = 0.0517, given equivalence bounds of -1.000 and 1.000 and an alpha of 0.1.