3.1. SurfaceYoung´s Moduli and Poisson´s Ratio of MN Nanosheets
The surface Young’s moduli of metal nitride NSs in the x-direction (zigzag configuration),
, and in the y-direction (armchair configuration),
, were calculated by Equations (9) and (10), respectively, using the tensile simulation results. The values of
as a function of the bond length,
, are shown in
Figure 2a and
Figure 2b, respectively, for AlN, GaN, InN and TlN nanosheets. The surface Young’s moduli,
, of 2D MNs decreases with increasing of the
value. The smaller the interatomic bond length, the higher the
value. Thus, the highest surface Young´s modulus is observed for NSs of AlN. The average
values for GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs are approximately 90%, 65% and 36%, respectively, of that calculated for AlNNSs (see,
Figure 3a). In order to understand how best to use metal nitride monolayers in the construction of novel nanodevices, the surface Young´s moduli,
, of AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs, normalized by those for boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs) are plotted in
Figure 3b. Boron (B) is a non-metal, which belongs to the 13th group of the periodic table as metals Al, Ga, In and Tl, and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an insulator with remarkable mechanical properties, similar to graphene [
51]. The surface Young´s moduli of BNNSs for the zigzag and armchair configurations, calculated from the Young´s modulus results of Sakharova et al. [
= 0.334 TPa⋅nm and
= 0.324 TPa⋅nm, respectively, were considered for comparison purpose.
As shown in
Figure 3b, the
values of AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs are about 48%, 43%, 31% and 17%, respectively, of the BNNSs surface Young’s moduli. Even the most mechanically resistant of the MNs group, the aluminium nitride NSs, have the
values, which are almost twice lower than those of boron nitride NSs. This must be taken into consideration when developing novel applications, involving MN monolayers. To take better advantage of the electronic, optical and thermal properties of 2D metal nitrides without compromising robustness and operation of nanodevices and systems, the MN nanosheets, especially those with weaker tensile properties such as InNNSs and TlNNSs, should be combined with, for example, BNNSs or graphene. It is worth noting that the surface Young´s moduli of 2D nanostructures formed by 13th group-nitride compounds are close to those of their 1D counterparts, i.e. nanotubes (NT) [
52]. Thus, both 1D and 2D allotropes can be exploited in design and manufacturing of innovative nanodevices, without losing their strength and durability.
It can be observed that the surface Young's modulus of the MN nanosheets is to some extent higher for the zigzag configuration than for the armchair configuration,
, which indicates an anisotropy of AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs. In a previous study by the authors [
49], such anisotropic behaviour was reported for the case of BNNSs and was explicated by dissimilar stresses necessary for elongation of the hexagonal lattice along the x- and y-directions; this is because the atomic arrangement for zigzag configuration differs from that of the armchair configuration, with respect to the applied axial load. The anisotropic NSs behaviour can be quantified by the ratio between the surface Young´s moduli in zigzag and armchair directions,
. The evolution of the
ratio for 2D MN nanostructures with their bond length,
, is shown in
Figure 4.
The ratio increases from 1.021 (AlNNSs) to 1.042 (TlNNSs) with increasing bond length, = 0.179 nm < = 0.185 nm < = 0.206 nm < = 0.215 nm. It can be concluded that the metal nitride nanosheets exhibit a mild anisotropy regardless of the compound that forms the 2D MN nanostructure.
For comparison purposes, the current surface Young’s moduli,
, and their ratio,
, together with the respective results from the literature are plotted in
Figure 5, for AlN, GaN and InN nanosheets. A reasonable concordance (difference ≈ 14%) is observed when the
values, calculated in the present study for AlNNSs and InNNSs, are compared with those reported by Le [
36], who used the analytical expression obtained within the NCM/MSM method. The surface Young´s moduli evaluated by Singh et al. [
35] for GaNNSs and InNNSs are in a very good agreement with the respective
values, assessed by Luo et al. [
32] (see,
Figure 5b,c). To this end, Singh et al. [
35] employed MD simulations with TB potential function to describe the interactions between Ga (In) and N atoms, while Luo et al. [
32] used the ab initio DFT calculations.
Regarding the ratio between the surface Young’s moduli in the zigzag and armchair directions, Le [
36] for AlNNSs and Luo et al. [
32] for AlNNSs and GaNNSs found that
≈ 1, which suggests an isotropic behaviour of these MN nanosheets (see,
Figure 5d). On the other hand, Le [
36] reported the anisotropic behaviour for GaNNSs and InNNSs, and Luo et al. [
32] for InNNSs. In the latter case, the ratio
< 1 occurs. According to Singh et al. [
35], the AlNNSs, GaNNSs and InNNSs under study are transversely anisotropic. For all metal nitride NSs from
Figure 5d, which demonstrate anisotropic behaviour, except for the InNNSs studied by Luo et al. [
35], the surface Young´s modulus in the zigzag direction is slightly higher than in the armchair direction,
, i.e.
> 1. The current
ratios for aluminium nitride, gallium nitride and indium nitride NSs are in a good agreement (the biggest difference of 0.87%) with those reported in the literature, meaning a mild nanosheet anisotropy in the transversal direction.
Figure 6 compares the current average values of the surface Young´s modulus, calculated by
, for InNNSs and TlNNSs with those reported by Peng et al. [
31]. The choice of InN and TlN nanosheets was due to the fact that the comprehensive comparison of the
moduli for AlNNSs and GaNNSs with the results available in the literature has been performed by the authors in previous work [
Currently used NCM/MSM approach leads to higher
values for InNNSs and TlNNSs when compared with the respective results from the works [
33]. Faraji et al. [
33] and Peng et al. [
30] assessed the surface Young´s modulus of InNNSs resorting to Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) for the ab initio DFT calculations. Both studies implemented the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) parameterized by the Perdew– Burke– Ernzerhof (PBE) functional to describe the exchange–correlation energy. Although the calculation approach is similar, it leads to different surface Young´s modulus results for InNNSs.
Figure 5a-c and
Figure 6 shows a noticeable scattering of the surface Young´s modulus values of MN nanosheets, as well a lack of the results, especially for thallium nitride NSs.
The metal nitrides NSs Poisson´s ratio,
, calculated by Equation (6), is shown in
Figure 7a as a function of the diatomic structure bond length,
. The value of
of metal nitride NSs increases nearly twofold, from 0.12 (AlNNSs) to 0.25 (TlNNSs), with increasing of
. The Poisson´s ratio for AlNNSs, GaNNSs and InNNSs consists about 48%, 57% and 73%, respectively, of
obtained for TlNNSs, as shown in
Figure 7b.
Figure 8 compares the current Poisson´s ratio results with those from the literature for MN nanosheets. The values of
calculated in the present study for AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs are considerably lower than those evaluated by Luo et al. [
32], Singh et al. [
35], Faraji et al. [
33] and Peng et al. [
A good agreement is observed between the
values assessed by Luo et al. [
32] and Singh et al. [
35], with differences of ≈ 2.9%, 2.2% and 3.7% for AlNNSs, GaNNSs and InNNSs, respectively. In both studies the atomistic approach was used, although Luo et al. [
32] has calculated the Poisson´s ratio employing the VASP within ab initio DFT method and GGA-PBE for the exchange–correlation energy, and Singh et al. [
35] used MD simulations with TB potential to this end. It is worth noting that Faraji et al. [
33], who used the same calculation methodology as Luo et al. [
32], obtained the values of
being ≈ 58%, 58% and 54%, of those by Luo et al. [
32], for the corresponding AlN, GaN and InN nanosheets.
Despite the values of the Poisson´s ratio reported by Luo et al. [
32], Singh et al. [
35] and Faraji et al. [
33] for AlN, GaN and InN nanosheets are different from those currently computed, the evolution trends of
with the bond length,
, are comparable. As seen in
Figure 8a, the values of
for AlNNSs, GaNNSs and InNNSs obtained by Luo et al. [
32], Singh et al. [
35] and Faraji et al. [
33], increase when
increases, although the Poisson´s ratios for AlNNSs and GaNNSs are similar. This can be explained by close values of the bond length,
, used in these studies [
It can be concluded from
Figure 8 that, for metal nitride NSs, there is a scarcity and spread of the Poisson´s ratio values. Considerably more
results are necessary to build a reliable benchmark for ascertaining this elastic property by theoretical methods.
3.2. Surface Shear Modulus of MN Nanosheets
The evolution of the surface shear modulus,
, for AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs, calculated with aid of Equation (11), as a function of the respective bond length,
, is shown in
Figure 9.
decreases from 0.029 TPa⋅nm (AlNNSs) to 0.012 TPa⋅nm (TlNNSs), when the value of
Figure 10a facilitates the comparison of the surface shear modulus results for the metal nitrides NSs under study,
, of GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs, by normalizing by that of AlNNSs, which has the biggest
value among the MNs group. The surface shear modulus of GaN, InN and TlN nanosheets is about 96%, 67% and 40%, respectively, of
of aluminium nitride NSs. As can be noticed from the results shown in
Figure 10a, the surface shear moduli of AlNNSs and GaNNSs have close values.
Similar to the case of the surface Young´s modulus of MN nanosheets (see,
Figure 3b), their surface shear modulus was compared with that of boron nitride NSs, as shown in
Figure 10b.
calculated for AlNNSs, GaNNSs, InNNSs and TlNNSs are ≈ 45%, 43%, 30% and 18%, respectively, of the BNNSs surface shear modulus. To better understand the current results of the surface shear modulus,
, values for metal nitride NSs are plotted together with the surface shear modulus of the respective NTs,
, in
Figure 11. The values of
were taken from previous work by the authors [
52] and, similar to the current study, were obtained resorting to the numerical simulation within the NCM/MSM approach. To complete the comparison, the
values of boron nitride NSs [
49] and NTs [
39] are also plotted in
Figure 11.
Contrasting the surface Young´s moduli of NTs and NSs of the 13th group – nitride compounds (see, 3.1. SurfaceYoung´s moduli and Poisson´s ratio of MN nanosheets), the nanotubes surface shear modulus is 2.5, 2.2, 2.0, 1.9, 1.6 times bigger than of boron nitride, aluminium nitride, gallium nitride, indium nitride and thallium nitride nanosheets, respectively. It can be concluded that NSs (2D nanostructures) based on the nitride compounds have inferior shear properties when compared to their 1D (NTs) counterparts. This should be taken into account in design of nanodevices and systems, where higher mechanical resistance of the constituents to the applied shear stress is required.
As far as we know, results on the surface shear modulus for MN nanosheets are scarce or even non-existent (the case of TlNNSs) in the literature.
Figure 12 compares the current values of the surface shear modulus for AlNNSs, GaNNSs and InNNSs with those from the works by Luo et al. [
32] and Singh et al. [
value calculated in the present study for InNNSs shows a very good concordance when compared to those reported by Singh et al. [
35] and Luo et al. [
32], with the respective differences of about 0.9% and 5.6%. For AlNNSs and GaNNSs, the current value of
is considerably lower (in a range of 30% to 49%) than those assessed by Singh et al. [
35] and Luo et al. [
32]. In these studies, the differences between the surface shear moduli are 10.0%, 4.8% and 6.1% for AlN, GaN and InN nanosheets, respectively. The decreasing trend in the evolution of the surface shear modulus with increasing bond length is observed in the current work, similar to the results reported by Singh et al. [
35] and Luo et al. [
32] (see
Figure 12). In short, the scarcity of
values in the literature to date does not allow pertinent conclusions to be drawn with regard to the mechanical response of the metal nitride NSs under shear loading. Furthermore, more shear modulus results are required to establish a reference for evaluating the shear elastic properties of MN nanosheets by theoretical approaches. The present study attempts to fill this gap.