1. Introduction
Multiple primary malignant (MPM) tumors represent a small percentage of the total number of oncological cases. This percentage is inversely proportional to the number of primary malignant tumors [
Multiple primary cancers can involve either metachronous or synchronous development [
2], Warren and Gates being the ones who made this division of multiple primary tumors .[
Synchronous primary malignancy (SPM) are characterized by the concurrent occurrence of multiple primary tumors in the same patient, the second primary cancer is diagnosed within 6 months of the primary cancer.
Metachronous primary tumors (MPM) are secondary primary tumors that develop in a different organ or location from the primary cancer, the second tumor may be detected 6 months afterwards [
Beyond this definition, more than two primary malignancies occurring at different times was defined as metachronous multiple primaries [
The presence of synchronous or metachronous tumors can pose challenges in diagnosis, staging, and treatment planning. It requires a comprehensive evaluation to determine the extent of disease and appropriate management strategies.
We must also consider the possibility of secondary tumor metastases, which will increase the complexity of managing these patients, particularly in terms of diagnostic strategies and, most importantly, therapeutic approaches.
2. Materials and Methods
On February 9, 2024, a 67-year-old female patient was admitted to the Urology Department of the Mures County Clinical Hospital for a slightly altered general condition, lack of diuresis for over 24 hours.
The patient smoked for about 30 years, but she gave up this habit 10 years ago.
The patient's past medical history was extremely generous.
In 2014, the patient presented malignant melanoma, the tumor at the skin level being <0.75 and for which surgical excision was performed within oncological safety limits. The pathological result was invasive malignant melanoma, superficial spreading subtype (
Figure 1,
Figure 2 and
Figure 3.)
In 2017, the patient was diagnosed with stage IA2 cervical cancer, for which internal radiation therapy was practiced using the Varian GammaMedPlus iX technique, followed in the same year by a radical hysterectomy. The pathological assessment revealed the presence of cervical squamous cell carcinoma (
Figure 4).
Enhanced computed tomography (CT) follow-up of the abdomen and pelvis, performed annually until 2019, did not show any local recurrences or distant metastases. Subsequently, the patient did not return for oncological follow-up surveillance protocol.
In 2021, the patient had multiple episodes of rectal bleeding that were initially overlooked. Later that year, a colonoscopy and subsequent biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma (
Figure 5). A partial colectomy was performed for stage II sigmoid cancer, followed by 5 sessions of adjuvant chemotherapy (fluoropyrimidine-based).
In 2022, the patient presented an episode of obstructive anuria. The CT scan performed showed bilateral ureterohydronephrosis due to bilateral stenosis of the last part of the ureter, interpreted as the consequence of brachytherapy for cervical cancer.
The same CT examination highlighted the presence of tumors located in the liver and which were interpreted as liver metastases. The replacement of the bilateral ureteral stents 7 Ch was practiced for a period of 12 months and was followed by the normalization of the renal tests.
In 2023, the metastasectomy of the liver tumor was performed. The pathological examination revealed a liver metastasis of a tumor with a digestive starting point (colon) (
Figure 6). The patient did not receive (refuse) any further adjuvant oncological treatment.
3. Results
On February 9, 2024, the patient presented with a slightly altered general condition, anuria, altered renal samples (creatinine=5.8 mg/dl, K=7.1 mmol/l), BMI=32
The ultrasound evaluation showed bilateral ureterohydronephrosis despite the correct positioning of both stents. Considering the interval that has passed since the insertion of the stents, the decision was to change them.
Cystoscopy was performed under local anesthesia, which revealed the presence of 3 tumor formations at the bladder level: 1 located at the level of the bladder trigone (approximately 10/5 mm, one located at the level of the right lateral wall and a formation located in the left ureteral orifice (10/10 mm) (
Figure 7).
New bilateral ureteral stents were inserted.
After 3 days in spinal anesthesia, transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURB) was performed. Intraoperatively, the appearance of the tumor located at the left ureteral orifice was that of a tumor with a starting point from the left ureter (upper urinary tract cell carcinoma).
At 2 days postoperatively (post TURB) contrast CT was performed (creatinine val-ues=1.39mg/dl) of the head, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.
At the level of the pulmonary parenchyma, the CT examination shows multiple pulmonary nodules distributed diffusely, bilaterally with a metastases CT aspect, the largest located in the posterobasal part of the right lung with a 14 mm diameter (
Figure 8a).
No solid tumor masses were observed in the digestive tract; only intestinal fluid stasis and some hydroaeric levels were present. At the level of the right lobe of the liver, a poly nodular conglomerate with a 98/68 mm maximum diameter in the coronal plane, natively hypodense nodules and postcontrast with the presence of metal clips from the previous liver surgery (
Figure 8b). It was unclear whether this finding represents a secondary liver lesion or is a result of the previous liver metastasectomy.
The right kidney is hypotrophic, with the presence of ureteral stent, without stones, without stasis and presence of secretion. Left kidney is with normal position of the stent, II/III grade hydronephrosis, secretion and excretion present. A retroperitoneal lymph node, measuring up to 10 mm, was observed, with some calcification. (
Figure 9a).
In the urinary bladder, concentrically thickened walls are described. It cannot be assessed if the distal, intravesical portion of the ureter present tumors formation (
Figure 9b).
The pathological result of the bladder resection showed an infiltrative adenocarcinoma of the bladder without being able to specify if it is a primary bladder adenocarcinoma or a metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma (
Figure 10).
The future therapeutic strategy of this case is difficult because there are many variables that must be considered. The decision will belong to the oncology committee, a decision that may or may not be accepted by the patient.
4. Discussion
Considering the patient's medical history and current status, some questions arise regarding the future therapeutic attitude:
What are the possible risk factors involved in the occurrence of multiple primary tumors? Are there carcinogenic factors that can be managed?
Is it a primary bladder adenocarcinoma tumor or metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma?
Can this secondary cancer be treated with curative intent?
Is there a possibility for the early diagnosis of these multiple primary tumors?
4.1. Risk factors
The possible factors involved can be viral infection, smoking, genetics, and treatment-related factors.
4.1.1. Viral factors
Viral infection can be a risk factor for second primary cancer. The main viruses that can be associated with different types of cancer are human papilloma virus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Hepatitis B and C virus, Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) [
4.2. Human papilloma virus (HPV)
HPV represents one of the main risk factors for gynecological cancers (cervical, vaginal, vulvar) [
6]. Besides these gynecological cancers, HPV can cause also anal, oropharyngeal, and penile cancer [
Prophylactic vaccination against HPV, screening and treatment of pre-cancer lesions are effective ways to prevent cervical cancer and are cost-effective [
9]. Besides these gynecological cancers, HPV can cause also anal, oropharyngeal, penile cancer [
4.3. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
EBV is considered a risk factor for multiple primary tumors such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Burkitt's Lymphoma, nasopharyngeal cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer [
13]. An EBV prophylactic vaccine that induces neutralizing antibodies holds great promise for prevention of EBV associated diseases [
14]. Unfortunately, in 2024 a vaccine against Epstein–Barr virus is not yet available.
4.4. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)
HHV-8 is involved in lymphoma or nasopharyngeal cancer. Despite our increased understanding of HHV-8 pathobiology, the exact mechanisms by which HHV-8 infection causes Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma remain unclear [
17]. There is no systematic progress toward developing a HHV-8 vaccine [
4.5. Hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV)
These viruses are associated in the majority of cases with hepatocellular carcinoma but also other types of tumors (biliary tract cancers, pancreatic cancer, stomach, colorectal and oral cavity cancer) [
20]. This association occurs especially with HBV because HBV can be integrated into the host genome, leading to changes in genomic function or chromosomal instability [
Effective vaccines are available for preventing viral hepatitis B. Effective treatment is also available for people with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Unlike hepatitis A and B, there is currently no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C infection, but Hepatitis C is treated using direct-acting antiviral (DAA) oral medication [
4.6. Human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1)
Even if this oncovirus causes only fatal T-cell leukemia, without being a risk factor for other cancers, the discovery of the first pathogenic human retrovirus (HTLV-1) by Gallo in 1979 represented the turning point in demonstrating the oncogenic capacity of other viruses or bacteria [
26]. There are numerous vaccination research experiments to prevent or control HTLV-1 infection, but no vaccine has been approved by the FDA [
4.1.2. Smoking
Smoking increased the overall risk of cancer [
28]. All the study demonstrated that cigarette smoking is associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality in patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon (CRC). but also in the case of bladder tumors [
30]. The smoking status can plausibly be considered in the risk stratification of CRC, and smoking cessation can be incorporated into comprehensive treatment planning for patients with CRC or bladder cancer [
The effect of smoking on melanoma outcomes remains debatable. Arafa and colleagues [
32], in a study on current and heavy smoking, demonstrated that this habit is associated with a higher risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) but a decreased risk of malignant melanoma, while former smoking was not linked to skin cancer risk. In a case-control study published by Sondermeijer et al. [
33], a strong inverse association between cigarette smoking and melanoma risk in men was presented.
Smoking is also a risk factor for cervical cancer. Sugawara et al. [
34] concluded that there is convincing evidence that cigarette smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer among women. Furthermore, Su et al. [
35], in a meta-analysis, provided evidence that passive smoking is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer
Quitting smoking is very important for cancer survival and to prevent SPM or MPM [
4.1.3. Genetics
Lynch syndrome is a mutation of DNA repair genes including MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, and EPCAM gene, which can cause many cancers at a young age. The Lynch syndrome has increased risks of gastrointestinal (especially nonpolyposis colorectal cancer), liver, kidney, brain, and skin cancers [
37]. In addition to these tumors, Lynch syndrome is associated with a significant increase in the relative risk of bladder cancer [
BRCA gene mutations (especially BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes) [
39] are primarily involved in breast and gynecological cancers but are also a risk factor for pancreatic or prostate cancers.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN1 and MEN2), Li-Fraumeni syndrome, hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, and PTEN Hamartoma tumor syndrome represent other genetic malformations that can cause SPM or MPM [
4.2. Primary bladder adenocarcinoma tumor vs metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma
Primary bladder adenocarcinoma (PBA) is a rare tumor accounting for less than 1% of all malignant vesical tumors [
54]. PBA is very aggressive, most of the time patients present locally advanced stages or distant metastasis. Therefore, overall survival is worse [
55]. Differentiation between metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma (MCA) and PBA it is almost impossible based only on pathological features, but almost a quarter of secondary tumors of the urinary bladder are represented by MCA [
56]. For the differentiation of PBA from MCA, antibodies were used, especially β-catenin, e-cadherin, but also CK7 and CDX-2 [
58]. However, much larger studies are needed than those that currently exist for their validation for diagnostic purposes. Considering the patient's medical history, the differentiation between PBA and MCA is impossible in our case.
4.3. Can this secondary cancer be treated with curative intent?
The bladder adenocarcinoma has a poorer clinical outcome than urothelial carcinoma [
59] firstly due to the superior aggressiveness of bladder adenocarcinoma and secondly due to the presentation of these patients in more advanced stages compared to those with urothelial carcinoma [
For a small number of patients in the non-muscle-invasive tumor stage, the endoscopic intervention of transurethral resection of the bladder tumor can represent the therapeutic solution [
61]. Most patients with PBA have muscle-invasive disease upon admission, for which the treatment of choice is radical cystectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy [
62]. In case of MCA, the only treatment is the palliative one.
5. Conclusions
The future therapeutic strategy of this case is difficult because there are many variables that must be considered.
Identification and assessment of risk factors such as viral infection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, smoking, genetics are pivotal in understanding and managing multiple primary malignant tumors. Personalized prevention strategies, screening programs may facilitate the early detection of this tumors, synchronous or metachronous one.
The difference between primary bladder adenocarcinoma tumor and metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma will make the difference between curative and palliative treatment options.
The use of multicancer early detection (MCED) blood tests for early diagnosis appears promising. However, additional research is needed to standardize these techniques for cancer detection.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, D.P.H., C.T.M., N.C., and O.B.F.; methodology, D.P.H., and O.B.F.; software, R.G.; validation, M.D.V, M.A.B., and O.S.C.; formal analysis, R.G.; investigation, D.P.H., G.R., M.A.B., A.L, B.L, and O.S.C.; resources, G.R.; writing—original draft preparation, D.P.H., M.D.V, M.A.B., and O.B.F; writing—review and editing, M.O.K.I,.; visualization, D.P.H.; supervision, D.P.H., N.C., and O.B.F.; project administration, D.P.H., and O.B.F; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of Clinical County Hospital Mures,, 540136 Târgu Mures,, Romania (13754/09.09.2924) for studies involving humans.
Informed Consent Statement
Informed consent was obtained from the subject involved in the study. Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper.
Data Availability Statement
The data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to restrictions.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Figure 1.
Invasive malignant melanoma, superficial spreading subtype: (a) Hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E), 5x magnification (b) Superficial spreading melanoma with haphazardly distributed atypical melanocytes present as single cells and nests at all levels of the epidermis., H&E, 10x magnification.
Figure 1.
Invasive malignant melanoma, superficial spreading subtype: (a) Hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E), 5x magnification (b) Superficial spreading melanoma with haphazardly distributed atypical melanocytes present as single cells and nests at all levels of the epidermis., H&E, 10x magnification.
Figure 2.
Invasive malignant melanoma: (a) SOX10 immunostain highlights nuclear positivity of malignant melanocytes, 5x magnification; (b) S100 immunostain highlights positivity of malignant melanocytes, 5x magnification.
Figure 2.
Invasive malignant melanoma: (a) SOX10 immunostain highlights nuclear positivity of malignant melanocytes, 5x magnification; (b) S100 immunostain highlights positivity of malignant melanocytes, 5x magnification.
Figure 3.
Invasive malignant melanoma: (a) Melan A immunohistochemical stain, a marker of melanocytic differentiation, highlights intraepithelial pagetoid spread as well as malignant melanocytes at the epi-thelial-connective tissue interface and in the superficial connective tissue, 5x magnification; (b) HMB45 immunostain highlights cytoplasmic positivity of all melanocytes, including deep dermal nests of atypical melanocytes, 5x.
Figure 3.
Invasive malignant melanoma: (a) Melan A immunohistochemical stain, a marker of melanocytic differentiation, highlights intraepithelial pagetoid spread as well as malignant melanocytes at the epi-thelial-connective tissue interface and in the superficial connective tissue, 5x magnification; (b) HMB45 immunostain highlights cytoplasmic positivity of all melanocytes, including deep dermal nests of atypical melanocytes, 5x.
Figure 4.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: (a) Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cells in islands infiltrating deeper tissue with individual cell keratinization but lack epithelial pearls, H&E, 5x magnification; (b) Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, non-keratinizing type. Malignant squamous cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell borders, and individual cell keratinization, H&E, 10x magnification.
Figure 4.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: (a) Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cells in islands infiltrating deeper tissue with individual cell keratinization but lack epithelial pearls, H&E, 5x magnification; (b) Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, non-keratinizing type. Malignant squamous cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell borders, and individual cell keratinization, H&E, 10x magnification.
Figure 5.
Sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma: (a) Central comedonecrosis: necrotic debris inside the neoplastic gland, H&E, 10x magnification; (b) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sigmoid colon showing grade two, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, 5x magnification.
Figure 5.
Sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma: (a) Central comedonecrosis: necrotic debris inside the neoplastic gland, H&E, 10x magnification; (b) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sigmoid colon showing grade two, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, 5x magnification.
Figure 6.
Liver metastasis of the sigmoid colon cancer: (a) Tumor proliferation composed of irregular, crowded glands, lined by a stratified columnar epithelium with marked cytonuclear atypia, with hyperchromatic and elongated nuclei, H&E, 10x magnification; (b) CDX-2 immunostain highlights positivity within the tumor cells, 10x magnification
Figure 6.
Liver metastasis of the sigmoid colon cancer: (a) Tumor proliferation composed of irregular, crowded glands, lined by a stratified columnar epithelium with marked cytonuclear atypia, with hyperchromatic and elongated nuclei, H&E, 10x magnification; (b) CDX-2 immunostain highlights positivity within the tumor cells, 10x magnification
Figure 7.
Endoscopic aspect of bladder tumor: (a) Bladder tumor located at the level of the right lateral wall; (b) Bladder tumor located in the left ureteral orifice.
Figure 7.
Endoscopic aspect of bladder tumor: (a) Bladder tumor located at the level of the right lateral wall; (b) Bladder tumor located in the left ureteral orifice.
Figure 8.
Contrast CT aspect. If there are multiple panels, they should be listed as: (a) Description of what is contained in the first panel; (b) Description of what is contained in the second panel. Figures should be placed in the main text near to the first time they are cited.
Figure 8.
Contrast CT aspect. If there are multiple panels, they should be listed as: (a) Description of what is contained in the first panel; (b) Description of what is contained in the second panel. Figures should be placed in the main text near to the first time they are cited.
Figure 9.
Contrast CT aspect. (a) The right kidney is hypotrophic, with a ureteral stent in place, no stasis, and secretion present. The left kidney also has a ureteral stent, with grade II/III hydronephrosis, and both secretion and excretion are present; (b) The walls of the urinary bladder are concentrically thickened. It is unclear whether the distal intravesical portion of the ureter has any tumor formation.
Figure 9.
Contrast CT aspect. (a) The right kidney is hypotrophic, with a ureteral stent in place, no stasis, and secretion present. The left kidney also has a ureteral stent, with grade II/III hydronephrosis, and both secretion and excretion are present; (b) The walls of the urinary bladder are concentrically thickened. It is unclear whether the distal intravesical portion of the ureter has any tumor formation.
Figure 10.
Adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder: (a) The tumor proliferation has a glandular architecture. The appearance is highly suggestive of an infiltrative adenocarcinoma, H&E, 5x magnification; (b) The tumor proliferation has a glandular architecture; the glands possess a pseudostratified epithelium with pleomorphic, crowded nuclei, and loss of polarity, H&E, 10x magnification.
Figure 10.
Adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder: (a) The tumor proliferation has a glandular architecture. The appearance is highly suggestive of an infiltrative adenocarcinoma, H&E, 5x magnification; (b) The tumor proliferation has a glandular architecture; the glands possess a pseudostratified epithelium with pleomorphic, crowded nuclei, and loss of polarity, H&E, 10x magnification.
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