F1_mrn: Example 1 a retrieves data based on the mrn (medical record number) using the hipe_data function. This function integrates all the systems in the local schema and provides details regarding each individual patient from all systems.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F1mrn’,’10164260’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 1.
F1_id: Example 2 retrieves data based on the Individual Health Identifiers using the cdm_data function. This function integrates CDM, PCRS and RetinaScreen systems from the local schema and provides details regarding an individual from all systems.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F1id’,’10043’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 2.
F1_mobile: Example 3 retrieves data based on the mobile number using the rs_data function. It provides a similar functionality as the previous function however the mobile number uniquely identifies the patient.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F1mobile’,’8382643256’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 3.
F2_eir: Example 4 retrieves patient data based on the EIR code using the eir_data function. The first three characters of the Eircode that identify the area are stored in the database.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F2eir’,’F52’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 4.
F3_eir_age_data: Example 5 retrieves data for patients filtered on both age and Eircode using the eir_age function. It takes a minimum age and the first three characters of an Eircode as parameters and retrieves patient details such as name, sex, address, age, and Eircode. This function is designed to retrieve data for up to 3 Eircodes in a single query.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F3eirabove45data’,’F52’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 5.
F3_eirdesc_age_data: Example 6 retrieves data for patients filtered on both age and Eircode description using the eirdesc_age_data function. It takes a minimum age and the area name as parameters and retrieves patient details such as name, sex, address, age, and Eircode description. This function is designed to retrieve data for up to 3 Area names in a single query.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F3eirdescabove45data’,’Boyle’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 6.
F4_rs_uptake: Example 7 retrieves data related to patients who choose not to enrol in the Retinopathy programme for the prevention of Retinopathy but were admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with Retinopathy.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F4rsuptake’,’Type 2 diabetes’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 7.
F5_rs_diab_type: Example 8 retrieves data related to the patient suffering from diabetes but a distinction on the type of diabetes is made using the rs_diab_type function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F5rsdiabtype’,’1’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 8.
F5_Hospital_diabetes: Example 9 retrieves data based on hospitalization due to any condition and type of diabetes.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F5rsdiabtype’,’2’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 9.
F6_Hypertension: Example 10 retrieves data related to patients who are diagnosed with both diabetes and hypertension using the diab_hyp function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F6Hypertension’,’Type 2 diabetes’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 10.
F7_diab_risk: Example 11 retrieves data related to diabetes risk factors like physical activity, age, chronic diseases or any other risk factors using the diab_risk function. Other risk factors that have been included are: overweight or obesity, age 45 or older, parent or sibling with type 2 diabetes, being physically active less than 3 times a week, have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F7diabrisk’, ’sibling with type 2 diabetes,
non-alcholic fatty liver disease,
parent with type 2 diabetes, ethnicity, overweight’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 11.
F8_cvd: Example l2 retrieves data related to diabetic patients who are also diagnosed with one or more cardiovascular diseases using the diab_cvd function. Different Cardiovascular diseases mentioned in the CDM booklet are Stable Heart Failure, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke / TIA) and/or Atrial Fibrillation.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F7diabrisk’, ’sibling with type 2 diabetes, ethnicity’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 12.
F9_all_amp: Example 13 retrieves data related to diabetic amputations using the amputation function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F8cvd’, ’Atrial fibrillation,Ischaemic Heart Disease, Stroke,Stable Heart Failure’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 13.
F9_hipe_amp: Example 14 retrieves data related to diabetic patients who have had amputations and are registered in the hospital system using the amputation_hipe function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F8cvd’, ’Stable Heart Failure’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 14.
F10_system_gender: Example 15 retrieves data based on gender (used as an identifier here) using the gender_data function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F9allamp’, ’Foot Ulceration’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 15.
F11_gender_eir: Example 16 retrieves gender-related data based on Eircode using the gender_eir_data function.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F9hipeamp’, ’Foot Ulceration’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 16.
F12_medication: Example 17 retrieves data regarding the diabetic and hypertension patients’ medication data using the diab_hyp_med function to understand treatment provided in different parts of the country.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F10systemgender’, ’F’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 17.
F13_activity: Example 18 retrieves activity-related data using the diab_hyp_act function. The data can be retrieved using different chronic diseases, gender and physical activity frequency.
call dynamiccaseprocedure(’F11gendereir’, ’F,F93’);
select * from resultvalue;
Sample Query 18.