The Western-type diet, characterized by a high protein and fat (especially saturated fat) intake and associated with higher incidence of metabolic disorders (T2D), cardiovascular diseases and obesity [
171], increases abundances of
Alistipes and
Bilophila and decreases genera
Eubacterium and
Enterococcus [
173]. In contrast, the Mediterranean diet, based on dietary fibre (cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits and nuts), unsaturated fatty acids (fish, vegetable oils) and antioxidants (flavonoids, polyphenols; [
176]), increases overall microbial diversity, including families of Clostridiaceae and Lactobacillaceae and specifically genera such as
Lactobacillus and
Faecalibacterium) and decreases abundances of Proteobacteria [
5.1. Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber (DF) is possible to sub-divide into insoluble dietary fibre, including prebiotics, and soluble dietary fibre [
17]. To the main sources of insoluble dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicelluloses and fructans; [
181]) belong whole wheat flour, brown rice, nuts, beans and vegetables [
182]. Prebiotics, a special class of insoluble fibre, are defined as “non-digestible compounds that, when consumed, induce changes in composition and/or activity of the gastrointestinal bacteria, thus causing benefit(s) upon host health” [
Prebiotics are classified based on their ability to withstand passage through the gastrointestinal tract (resistance to gastric acidity and to the host hydrolytic enzymes, gastrointestinal absorption), on their suitability for fermentation by intestinal microbiota and on their ability to stimulate the growth and activity of intestinal bacteria with positive effects on the host health [
184]. Selective fermentation, modulation of intestinal pH, bulk of stool, growth inhibition of pathogenic bacteria and host protection against toxic metabolites of the putrefactive bacteria are usually listed as the principal attributes of prebiotics. Fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides, arabinooligosaccharides, oligofructose, inulin, β-glucan, guar gum, resistant starch and maltodextrin are considered most important types of prebiotics [
Soluble fiber, contrary to insoluble fiber, are viscous gel-like substances able to slow absorption of nutrients in the intestine [
185]. Pectin, guar gum and some types of inulin, present in whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, and some fruits and vegetables, are the most widely used representatives of soluble fibre [
The positive effects of DF on the gut microbiome and on the gut epithelium comprise production of SCFAs [
182], including SCFAs-mediated modulation of the epithelial barrier functions [
187] and the host innate immune defenses [
188]. Therefore, one of possible dietary interventions in obesity is to support in the gut the carbohydrate-associated enterotype [
10] by securing sufficient intake of DF, including also resistant starch [
From this viewpoint is it necessary to view the gut microbiota as a hugely diverse ecosystem [
18]. As far as diversity is concerned, alpha diversity (within-community diversity) and beta diversity (measure of similarity between communities) are usually used when diversity indicators are calculated [
189]. Richness (number of taxonomic groups), evenness (taxa abundances distribution) and phylogenetic diversity (phylogenetic distance regarding the branch lengths in the phylogenetic tree) are indispensable tools as far as alpha diversity metrics is concerned [
Intake of DF is able to change rapidly composition of the human gut microbiome [
191]. However, dietary interventions using fermentable DF aiming to promote gut alpha diversity are often ineffective and their results are contradictory as follows from a meta-analysis of pertinent clinical trials [
192]. Moreover, Zhang et al. [
193] demonstrated alleviation of children obesity with concomitantly reduced gut alpha diversity.
As far as the above-mentioned richness is concerned, it can be increased by a long-term intake of DF [
194]. Wang et al. [
180]even reported higher fecal alpha diversity in a short-term (2 weeks) two-phase randomized cross-over trial swapping white bread for high-fibre bread (fibre intake 40 g/day). However, DF intake is mostly associated with a reduction in richness of the gut microbiota [
196]. The likely reason relates to the substrate-specific abilities of the gut microbiota to utilize the available substrates [
197]. Therefore, limited overall substrate availability or changing the type of substrate can cause loss of gut bacteria and reduce richness [
Changes in the parameter of evenness (equitability of the proportions of the bacteria composing a given community) are dependent on the abundances of bacteria sharing the fibre substrate and on the initial composition of the gut microbiome [
199]. Therefore, decreased evenness within the highly competitive gut environment after supplementation of different types of DF [
198], can be explained by a greater chance of the initially highly abundant bacteria (provided they are the substrate utilizers) as compared to the low abundant bacteria to utilize the supplemented substrate [
199]. Consequently, the last-mentioned authors Cantu-Jungles and Hamaker [
199] conclude that despite still achieved health-related improvement after the fibre supplementation, reduction in alfa diversity is possible, even expected.
In order to DF provide health-beneficial metabolites in the gut, microbial communities must be present that are able to express specific genes coding for enzymes that degrade and metabolize complex carbohydrates [
200]. These so-called carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes; [
201]) can be divided into several classes, such as glycoside hydrolases (GHs), glycosyltransferases (GTs), polysaccharide lyases (PLs), carbohydrate esterases (CEs) and carbohydrate-binding modules [
202]. As an example of a relatively versatile fibre-utilizing genera,
Bifidobacterium has at its disposal CAZymes for metabolizing arabinoxylan-derived oligosaccharides and inulin-type fructans [
204]. On the other hand,
Monoglobus pectinilyticus is a highly specialized pectin degrader whose genes code for special CEs and PLs [
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei was able to express an extracellular exo-inulinase in the presence of a β-(2,1)-fructan, which increased availability of fructooligosaccharides for other bacteria [
Supplementation by dietary fibre rich in arabinans and galacturonans increased pool of genes encoding for arabinofuranosidases, β-glucanases, β-xylanases and polysaccharide lyases [
207]. Rivière et al. (2016) demonstrated importance of the cross-feeding reactions between
Bifidobacterium and the butyrate producing genera
Roseburia and
Anaerostipes for the production of the host-beneficial metabolites [
Kok et al. [
18] conclude that fibre utilization in the human gut can be successfully realized either as a particular bacteria-substrate interaction or via cross-feeding interactions with participation of several taxa. However, for a successful fibre utilization are necessary not only the above-mentioned CAZymes, but also regulatory elements, transporters and binding proteins comprising carbohydrate gene clusters [
201]. Following the discovery of the starch utilization system in
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, the glycan utilization system called polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) was characterized in genera
Bacteroides in general [
209]. On the other hand, species within Firmicutes and Actinobacteria degrade glycans using various transport systems, and the presence of PULs encoding for polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, oligosaccharide transporters and transcriptional regulators were reported in strains of the Firmicutes phylum [
According to Kok et al. [
18], a response of the gut microbiome to DF supplementation is highly personalized. Rodriguez et al. [
211] distinguished after 3 months of inulin supplementation in a cohort of obese patients a sub-group of responders (BMI decrease), showing higher abundances of
Akkermansia and
Butyricicoccus and a lower abundance of
Anaerostipes. Therefore, though Kok et al. [
18] admit a possibility for a modulation of the gut microbiome by dietary interventions, the authors concurrently recommend to employ microbiome-derived biomarkers for the subjects' classification [
18]. Chen et al. [
23] proposed in this context an employment of the above-mentioned term of enterotypes namely Prevotella-, Bacteroides- and Ruminococcus-dominant enterotype [
212]. Treated with the high-fibre diet, individuals with Prevotella enterotype reduced weight more efficiently than individuals with Bacteroides enterotype [
213]. Similarly, better fibre-utilizing ability, including higher SCFAs concentration was reported with Prevotella enterotypes as compared to Bacteroides enterotypes [
One of suitable biomarkers regarding fibre metabolism is
Bifidobacterium spp., an example of a single taxonomic enrichment after supplementation of the prebiotic fibers [
214]. Kok et al. [
18] summarized results of the studies differentiating responders and non-responders by observing enrichment of
Bifidobacterium spp. after providing different types of DF, including galactooligosaccharides or agave inulin. Responders, as compared to non-responders, were often individuals with less stable gut microbiome [
215]. Higher abundances of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes at baseline were reported in responders and non-respondents, respectively [
18]. Magne et al. [
216] suggested a ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes as a suitable marker for evaluating gut dysbiosis in obese patients.
However, effects of the fibre-rich dietary interventions based exclusively on the enterotype-dominance should be considered with caution in general population due to confounding factors such as a baseline diet, exercise or use of antibiotics [
217]. Probands classified as high-dietary fibre consumers at a baseline, in comparison with low-dietary fibre consumers, showed increased abundances of
Bifidobacterium and
Faecalibacterium and decreased amounts of
Dorea and
Ruminococcus after dietary inulin intervention, demonstrating a broader inulin-conditioned taxonomic response [
5.2. Resistant Starch
Starches in general are macromolecules based on glucose, stored in many plants as a primary source of energy [
219]. However, from the viewpoint of providing energy to the human organism, a substantial difference exists between various types of starches. Most types of starch are easily hydrolyzed in the small intestine by the human saccharolytic enzymes (α-amylase, maltase and isomaltase; [
220]). On the other hand, resistant starch (RS) escape hydrolysis in the small intestine and proceed undigested into the large intestine, where they are broken down by enzymes produced by the gut microbiota [
The glucose units in starches are arranged in linear chains of amylose (α-1,4-glycosidic linkage) and a branched-chained amylopectin (α-1,6-glycosidic bonds; [
222]). The digestibility/resistance of the starches is primarily determined by the amylose/amylopectin ratio and their organization within starch granules. The more densely and more tightly packed are these components in the starch granules, the less accessible they are to the human digestive enzymes [
Grains (whole grains of barley, oats and wheats), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), tubers (potatoes and yams; their cooking and subsequent cooling induces starch retrogradation) and some kinds of the processed foods (whole grain breads, pasta underwent to the extrusion cooking) belong to the most important food sources of RS.
According to their origin and main properties, RS is usually divided into four types, RS type 1 to RS type 4 [
19]. RS type 1 (RS1) is physically inaccessible to the digestive enzymes due to a specific polysaccharide-protein structure forming the protective barrier. Whole grains and seeds are the common sources [
224]. The native granular form of certain raw foods, such as raw potatoes or green bananas, is typical for RS type 2 (RS2). The tightly packed granular structure of amylose, present in high concentration in RS2, limits access of digestive enzymes [
225]. The above-mentioned cooking and subsequent cooling of certain food matrices (tubers) elicits realignment and recrystallization of the starch molecules that became resistant to saccharolytic enzymes. Cooked and cooled potatoes, pasta and rice thus contain considerable amounts of this RS type 3 (RS3; [
221]). Chemically modified starches not naturally occurring in foods are categorized as RS type 4 (RS4). Their resistance to digestion is mainly based on the cross-linking of the starch macromolecules introduced by various industrial processes [
Particular microbial taxa or the species within the taxa might prefer a certain type of RS consumed by the host. Typical example is a predilection of
Ruminococcus bromii for RS2 from high-amylose maize or of some
Bacteroides species for RS3 from retrograded starch [
19]. Accessibility and fermentability of RS can be influenced not only by the presence of other types of dietary fibers in the host gut, but also by intake of basic nutrients (proteins, lipids) and micronutrients [
As an example, diet rich in soluble fibers can increase the abundance of
Lactobacillus spp., supporting the positive prebiotic effect of RS. On the other hand, a protein-rich diet might steer the colonic bacteria to protein fermentation with a negative outcome of ammonia production. Another important factor affecting gut microbiota composition is a duration of the RS intake. One-time consumption of RS can shift the colonic microbiota abundances relatively rapidly. However, an establishment in the gut of the microbial community more diversified and thus more resilient and more resistant to dysbiosis can be achieved by a long-time RS intake [
Similarly to dietary fibre (see part 5.1), RS is hydrolyzed by saccharolytic bacteria metabolizing complex carbohydrates and subsequently producing SCFAs, mainly acetate, propionate and butyrate [
87]. Though both Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes are able to produce all these volatile fatty acids, representatives of the Bacteroidetes phylum produce predominantly propionate, species within the Firmicutes phylum are more specialized to butyrate production,
Faecalibacterium prauznitzii and
Eubacterium rectale being the principal producers [
As far as mechanisms of RS utilization in the colon are concerned, quantitatively and qualitatively most important RS fermenting bacteria belong to Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes phyla [
Bacteroides spp. within the Bacteroidetes phylum or
Ruminococcus spp. within the phylum of Firmicutes are especially proficient to breakdown RS (among other complex carbohydrates) to produce SCFAs.
Ruminococcus bromii, in particular, is instrumental in the first stages of RS degradation enabling other microbiota constituents to access the degradation products for further fermentation [
Actinobacteria phylum also contributes to RS fermentation in the colon, namely the genera of
Bifidobacterium efficiently degrade RS to produce SCFAs with a consequence of lowering the colon pH, which renders this environment unfavourable for pathogenic bacteria [
Bacteria is not the only domain engaged in the RS fermentation in the colon. Methanobrevibacter smithii, methanogenic member of the domain Archaea, is able to incorporate hydrogen produced by other microorganisms during RS fermentation into methane, preventing hydrogen accumulation and suppression of the fermentation processes in the gut.
The most frequently mentioned positive effects of RS on the gut concern gut barrier function, modulation of inflammation and functioning of the gut immune system [
19]. RS supports colonocyte turnover, thereby enhancing the epithelial barrier. RS fermentation products, SCFAs, contribute to upregulation of the expression of the tight junction proteins that are essential for maintaining the gut barrier integrity [
230]. As far as modulation of inflammation is concerned, butyrate inhibits production of TNF-α and IL-6, pro-inflammatory cytokines contributing significantly to propagation of the inflammatory processes [
231]. Moreover, butyrate positively affects immune cell differentiation, especially differentiation of naïve T-cells into regulatory T-cells (Tregs). Tregs are instrumental in maintaining gut immune homeostasis [
The three main types of current methods for RS determination comprise enzymatic, chromatographic and spectroscopic ones [
19]. Megazyme resistant starch assay, an example of the advanced enzymatic techniques, simulates processes within the human digestive tract by an application of a series of relevant enzymes that remove accompanying components in the food sample matrix; remaining RS is quantified spectrophotometrically. The method provides data useful in nutritional labelling [
Chromatographic (high-performance liquid chromatography) separation and determination of the sample components after preceding enzymatic hydrolysis is able to measure molecular size and structure and thus to distinguish RS from other DF [
234]. As far as spectroscopic methods are concerned, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) provides data regarding detailed RS structures on the molecular level and is therefore able to differentiate between particular types of RS [