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24 October 2024
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First Author and year [reference] | Sample size (treatment years) |
Type | Definition of Ultra-Central |
Primary Lung cancer pts | Met pts | Fractions*dose per fraction | Median tumor max D or GTV volume | Median FuP (mo) | SBRT technique |
Main Results and comments |
Swaminath, 2024 [32] |
23 pts (2014 – 2020) |
Phase III (RCT conventional RT vs SBRT, not stratified for UC tumors) | Tumors abutting PBT or mediastinal organs | 23 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5 Gy | 25 mm (general population) | 36,1 | 3DCRT, VMAT, IMRT, CK allowed |
3-ys LC 87.6%, EFS 49,1%, OS 63,5% (overall SBRT population). 1 (4,3%) late (12 months) G5 hemoptysis in a tumor abutting proximal bronchus. 4 (17,4%) G≥3 TRAEs. No dosimetry issues according to protocol were found in G5 event. |
Giuliani, 2024 [31] |
30 pts (2018-2021) |
Phase I | PTV touches or overlaps the central bronchial tree, esophagus, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary artery | 30 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5 | 26 mm | 36 | 3DCRT, VMAT, CK allowed | 3-ys OS 72.5%, PFS 66.1%, LC 89.6%, RC 96.4%, and DC 85.9%. 6.7% G3-5 TRAEs: 1 G3 dyspnea and 1 G5 pneumonia. PTV Dmax limited to 120%; tumors with endobronchial invasion were excluded. |
Levy, 2024 [30] |
6/31 pts UC (2015-2017) |
Phase II | GTV ≤1cm from trachea or mainstem bronchi; central: ≤2 cm from PTB or immediately adjacent to pericardial or mediastinal pleura | 6 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5 | 26 mm | 43 | IMRT, VMAT, Tomotherapy allowed | 3-ys cumulative rate of LP 6,7%. 3-ys PFS and OS 81.5% and 61.1%. 16,1% G≥3 and 3,2% G5 (pneumonitis) early AEs. 58.1% G≥3 and 3.2% G5 (hemoptysis after bronchoscopy) late AEs. |
Rim, 2024 [41] |
20 (2017-2021) |
Retrospective | Tumor abutting or invading PTB. | 20 (100%); 2 recurrents, 1 SCLC. |
0 | 10*4,5 (5%) 10*5-6 (95%) |
35 mm | 15,8 | IMRT, VMAT | 1-y and 2-ys OS rates were 79.4% and 62.4%, 1-y and 2-ys LC rates were 87.1% and 76.2%. 1 (5%) G≥3 AE = G5 hemoptisis (patient with endobronchial involvement) = 5%. Dmax <110% |
Bryant, 2024 [42] |
14 (2019-2021) |
Retrospective | GTV ≤1cm from trachea or mainstem bronchi | 9 (64,3%) | 5 (35,7%) |
8*7,5Gy | 17,8 cc | 17,2 | IMRT MRI-guided |
2-ys LC, LFFS, OS, and PFS rates were 92.9%, 85.7%, 92.9%,and 64.3% No acute or late G≥3 AEs. Adaptive plan permitted PBTDmax of 5,7 Gy and GTV D95% at 99,8%. Hotspots ≤120%. |
Li, 2024 [38] |
154 (2009-2019) |
Retrospective | PTV abutting or overlapping central bronchial tree or esophagus |
32 (20%) treated in curative setting |
122 (80%) | 5*10 most common (42%) 5*6-11 (median 9) |
27 mm | 21,5 | IMRT, VMAT | mOS 44 months, mPFS 8.8 months. 3-ys LC 86%. G3 acute AEs = 3%, 2 esophagitis, 1 atrial fibrillation, 1 pericarditis, 1 pleural effusion. G≥3 late AEs = 4,9%, 3 G3 pneumonitis, 1 G3 chest wall pain, 1 G3 bronchopleural fistula; 1 G4 esophagitis, 1 G4 bronchial obstruction; 1 G5 pneumonitis. Tumor volume overlapping with esophagus correlated with worse LC. Predictors of severe toxicity = PTV size, decreased PTV V95%, lung V5 Gy, and lung V20 Gy. |
Lee, 2024 [54] |
19 (2019-2022) |
Retrospective | GTV abutting PTB, esophagus or great vessels. GTV ≤2 cm from PTB and mediastinum considered central. | 0 | 19 (100%) | 5*7-12 (median 10) | NR | 19 | IMRT MRI-guided adaptive RT | 1-y and 2-ys LC was 94% and 86%. Median time to distant recurrence 6,6 months. 32% G2 acute toxicities, no other AEs. Plan adapted with isotoxic approach. Re-optimization showed better PTV coverage than original plan. 85% patients had immune and TKI therapy <1 months before SBRT. VEGFRi held >4 weeks before. |
Ahmadsei, 2023 [52] |
60 (2014-2021) |
Retrospective | PTV overlapping or abutting the PBT, trachea or esophagus | 27 (45%) | 33 (55%) | 8*5-6 Gy 10*4,5-5Gy |
30-70 mm for 66,7% patients. | 26,4 | VMAT | 2-ys OS 65,9% 1-y and 2-ys LC 84,4% and 76,8% 2-ys DC 45% 3% G≥3 Aes: 1 G3 and G4 pneumonitis. 20% cardiovascular events at 2 years: 10% valvopathy, 8,3% atrial fibrillation. Hypothetic association between dose to pulmonary artery and superior cava vein and non-cancer related deaths. No other cardiac substructures dosimetry concerns. |
Iovoli, 2023 [88] |
49/93 UC pts (2007-2021) | Retrospective | Directly abutting any of proximal airway, mediastinum, great vessels, spinal cord. ≤2 cm categorized as central |
93 (100%) | 0 | 5*10-12 Gy | NR | 32,4 | 3DCRT, VMAT | SAN Dmax and Dmean significantly associated with worse OS with cut-off values of 1309 and 836cGy. |
Lindberg, 2023 [29] |
230 pts/238 lesions (2010-2018) |
Phase II (65 pts) + retrospective series (165 pts) | UC (groups A,B,D) 1-cm zone around the carina, main bronchi, intermedius bronchus, and lobar bronchi (i.e., the PBT) C (group C): 1-2 cm around the PBT |
196 (77%) | 54 (23%) | 8*7 Gy | 35 mm | 24 (phase II series, nr for overall cohort) | VMAT | 1-y, 3-ys and 5-ys LC rates at were 92%, 84% and 78%. 1-y, 3-ys and 5-ys OS rates were 78%, 40% and 27%. G 3-4 toxicity in 15% pts, and 13% (30pts) had G5 tox (20 hemoptysis, 7 pneumonia, 2 cardiac failures, 1 COPD). Tumor compression of PBT and high maximum dose to the mainstem or intermediate bronchus increased the risk of fatal toxicity. |
Song, 2023 [46] |
27 pts (2013-2018) |
Retrospective | PTV touching or overlapping the central bronchial tree, esophagus, or pulmonary artery | 27 (100%); 4 recurrent | 0 | 10*6 Gy 7*8 Gy |
37 mm | 41 | IMRT | mOS and mPFS 48 months and 36 months. G≥3 AEs in 5 pts (18,5%): 1 G3 pneumonitis, 2 G3 bronchial obstructions, 1 G5 bronchial obstruction, 1 G5 esophageal perforation. No difference in outcomes, but higher toxicity when compared to analogous central tumors series (G3 =0), with higher Dmax to lungs, bronchus, esophagus and heart. |
Tonneau, 2023 [33] |
65 lesions (2009-2019) | Retrospective | PTV touching or overlapping the central bronchial tree, esophagus, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary artery. |
65 (100%) | 0 | Mostly 5*10 Gy | NR | 37,6 | VMAT, Cyberkinfe, Tomotherapy | After 37,6 months median follow-up: 10% LR, mOS 37,3 months and mDFS 36,6 months. 2 G5 TRAEs: pneumonitis. Comparison with central and peripheral pts from same center: higher RR e DR with UC lesions (CHR 2.44, 2.15); shorter OS and PFS versus central and peripheral lesions. BED10 <120 correlated with higher LR, RR e DR risks. |
Tekatli, 2023 [49] |
94 pts (2008-2015) |
Retrospective | GTV ≤1cm from PBT | 94 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5 Gy 12*5 Gy |
44 mm | 40,5 | VMAT | Considering additional 33 C lesions: mOS 25 months; 3-ys and 5-ys LC 78% and 69%; 3-ys and 5-ys RC 81% and 72%. G≥3 AEs = 20% of which 21% pulmonary, 1% bone fracture. G5 = 12%, all pulmonary, mostly >12 months. Location ≤1 cm from trachea or bronchus and PS 2-3 correlated with pulmonary toxicity. |
Regnery, 2023 [47] |
16 patients/ 16 lesions 2020-2021 |
Prospective database | PTV overlapping with the PBT or esophagus |
4 (25%) | 12 (75%) | 12*5 Gy 10*5.0-6Gy 8*7,5 Gy 8*5 Gy 6*5 Gy 5*6 Gy |
NR |
24 | IMRT MRI guided adaptive RT | 2-ys OS 67%, 2-ys PFS 37%, 2-ys LC 93%. AEs G≥2 = 56%, 1 G3 bronchial bleeding, 1 G4 bronchial bleeding (further treated with VEGFRi), 1 G3 esophagitis. Lowest BED fractionations used for tumors abutting esophagus. Comparison with C tumors treated with MRI-IMRT: Higher AEs rates but no difference in outcomes. |
Sandoval, 2023 [37] |
38/47 ultra- central patients (2019-2021) |
Retrospective | GTV ≤1cm from trachea, mainstem bronchi or PBT. C lesions defined as ≤2cm from PBT, mediastinum or pericardium |
22 (46,8%) | 25 (53,2%) | 3*18 (3,5%) 5*10-12 (25,6%) 8*7,5 (47%) 10*5 (6%) 15*4 (17,9%) |
NR | 22,9 | IMRT-MRI guided adaptive RT | 1-y LC 87% (median NR), 1-y OS was 82% (median NR), 1-y PFS was 54%. No acute G≥3 toxicity, 5% late G3 toxicities: esophagitis and pneumonitis. G2 toxicity associated with GTV volume. No statistical outcome differences between UC vs non-UC lesions. |
Rock 2023 [89] |
50 patients (2009-2020) | Retrospective | PTV overlap or direct tumor abutment with the major vessels, esophagus, or central airway | 34 (68%) | 16 (32%) | 10*4-7 Gy (median 6,5) | NR | 13 (range 0,3 -102) | 3DCRT; IMRT; VMAT | Primary NSCLC: 1-y LC = 83.8%, 3-ys LC = 65.4%; 1-y PFS = 50.1%, 3-ys PFS = 26.8%; 1-y OS = 93.7%, 3-ys OS = 70.5%. Oligometastatic: 1-y LC = 85.2%; 1-y PFS = 12.5%, 1-y OS = 88.9%, 3-ys OS = 44.4%. G≥2 Aes = 22%: 12% G2 pneumonitis, 2% G3 pneumonitis, 2% G2 airway obstruction, 4% G3 obstruction, 2% G5 hemoptysis. |
Hiroshima, 2022 [43] |
16 patients (2017-2020) | Retrospective | Within 2cm within the PBT | 16 (100%) | 0 | 10*6Gy 4*13,75Gy |
NR | 14,4 | IMRT or VMAT (1-4 fiducials; 4D CT scan) | No LR. OS, cancer-specific survival and PFS at 2 ys: 54.6%, 85.1%, and 33.7% 1 G3 radiation pneumonitis (no other G≥3 Aes). |
Ligtenberg, 2022 [44] |
12 patients, (2017-2019) | Retrospective | Proximity to the mediastinum | 12 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5Gy | NR | NR | IMRT or VMAT | MidP-based treatment yield lower OAR doses compared to ITV-based treatment plans on the MR- linac (Mean lung dose significantly lower, difference: -0.3 Gy; p < 0.042). |
Farrugia, 2022 [53] |
83 patients, (2010 – 2019) | Retrospective | C: < 2 cm within the proximal airway, mediastinum, great vessels, or spinal cord; UC: directly abutting any of the above structures |
83 (100%) | 0 | 5*10Gy; 5*11Gy. | <20mm 68,7% | 33,4 | 3DCRT/ VMAT |
At log rank test and MVA, D45% right atria constraint (candidate cutoff values of 890cGy) was significantly associated with non-cancer associated survival and overall survival. |
Salvestrini, 2022 [48] |
122 pts/126 lesions (2006/2020) | Retrospective | PTV touches or overlaps the trachea, mainstem-, intermediate-, upper-, middle- or lower- lobe bronchus or the esophagus |
68 (54%) | 58 (46%) | 7*7-8 Gy 6*8 Gy 5*9-12Gy |
37,5 mm | 23 | Cyberknife | 1-,2-, and 5- ys OS rates were 75%, 58%, and 23% 1-, 2- and 5-ys PFS rates at were 63%, 41%, and 15% 1-, 2-, and 5-ys LC rates were 86%, 78%, and 61%. Acute G2 dysphagia, cough, and dyspnea were 11%, 5%, 3%. Acute G3 dyspnea was 0,8%. Late G3 AEs rate = 4%. Tumor size and location close to the trachea rather than PBT correlated with better OS. |
Wang, 2022 [90] |
58 pts (2010-2018) |
Retrospective | PTV touching or overlapping the PBT, trachea, esophagus, heart, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary artery within 2 cm around the bronchial tree in all directions | 58 (100%) | 0 | 7*8 Gy, 8*7Gy, 6*9,3Gy |
NR | 57 |
Cyberknife | 1-, 2- and 5-ys OS rates were 94.7%, 75.0%, and 45.0%. 1-, 2- and 5-ys LC rates were 91.5%, 78.0%, and 58.6%. G≥3 Aes = 3.5%. Pts with PTV <53.0 cc = better OS. |
Guillaume, 2021 [56] |
74 pts/ 74 lesions (2012-2018) |
Retrospective | PTV overlapped one of the following OARs: the trachea, right and left main bronchi, intermediate bronchus, lobe bronchi, oesophagus, heart. |
37 (50%) | 37 (50%) | 5-10* (4.5-10 Gy) | 18,3 cc | 25 | CyberKnife, VMAT |
1-y LC rate 96.7%, 2-ys LC rate 87.6% mPFS 12 months. mOS 31 months. G3 AEs = 2.7%. No G4-5 AEs. The type of OAR overlapping with PTV didn’t relate to AE risk. LR more common with GTV receiving Dmin BED10 ≤50 Gy (p = 0.002). |
Farrugia, 2021 [50] |
43 pts (2010-2019) |
Retrospective | GTV abutting the proximal bronchial tree, trachea, mediastinum, aorta, or spinal cord. | 43 (100%) | 0 | 5* (10-11Gy) | 12,4 cc | 29 | 3DCRT/ VMAT |
UC location was associated with worse non-cancer associated survival and OS, supposedly due to excessive D4cc (of 18Gy) dose to the proximal airways. |
Breen, 2021 [59] |
110 pts (2008-2019) |
Retrospective | GTV directly touching the PBT or trachea. 2) PTV overlapping the trachea or mainstem bronchi.GTV within 1 cm of the PBT. |
110 (100%) | 0 | 4-8* (7.5-12Gy) (no 7 fractions) |
17.7cc | 30 | 3DCRT, VMAT | OS at 1, 2, and 5 ys was 78%, 57%, and 32% Local progression at 1, 2, and 5 ys was 4%, 16%, and 21%. Acute and late grade 2 + toxicity was seen in 18% and 27%. Four patients (4%) had fatal toxicity. |
Lodeweges, 2021 [51] |
72 pts (2012-2020) |
Retrospective | PTV abutting or overlapping the main bronchi, trachea and/or esophagus | 72 (100%) | 0 | 12* 5Gy | NR | 19 | VMAT | 3-ys and 2-ys LC rates were 98% and 85%. OS rates at 1- and 2-ys were 77% and 52%. G ≥ 3 was observed in 21%, of which 10 patients (14%) with G≥5 bronchopulmonary hemorrhage. grade >3 toxicity found correlated with Dmean to the main bronchus (p = 0.003), with cutoff value of BED3 = 91 Gy. |
Mihai, 2021 [57] |
57 pts (2008-2016) |
Retrospective | (GTV) abutting or involving trachea, main or lobar bronchi. | 37 (65%) | 20 (35%) | 4-10* (5-12Gy) (no 7 fractions) |
NR | 26.5 | IMRT | mOS was 34.3. Freedom from local progression at 2 and 4 years was 92 and 79.8%. Fatal hemoptysis 8.7%. |
Regnery, 2021 [35] |
51 pts (2012-2019) |
Retrospective | Overlap of the PTV with the PBT | 37 (72.5%) | 14 (27.5%) |
10*5Gy | NR | NR | 3D, helical Tomotherapy, or VMAT | 2-ys local failure rate UC = 26.9%; C = 14.6%. 2-ys OS C = 55.4%; UC = 54.9%. 2-ys AE G≥3 15.3% for UC and 7.3% for C lesions. No grade 4 toxicity and only 1 potential grade 5 tox in UC cohort. |
Cooke, 2020 [66] |
27 pts | Retrospective | NR | 0 | 22 (81%) | 6* 10Gy (no 7 fractions) | 6.6 cc | 11.6 | IMRT, VMAT | 1-year OS 82.7 2-year OS 69.5 1-year IFC 95.2% 2-year IFC 85.7% No AEs G>3 |
Loi, 2020 [39] |
109 pts (NR) | Retrospective | PTV overlapping with central bronchial tree, esophagus, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary artery |
0 | 109 (100%) | 5-10*(6-10) Gy | 60 cc | 17 | VMAT | 2-ys LC 87%. Improved LC was correlated to PTV V95% > 85% and to GTV< 90cc. Overall and G≥3 toxicity incidence was 20% and 5%, respectively. |
Shahi, 2020 [60] |
52 pts (84 mets) (2014-2019) | Retrospective | NR | 0 | 52 (100%) | 5* (6-10) Gy | 20 mm | 20 | VMAT | 2-ys Local failure was 9.0%. Median PFS was 4.0 months, and median OS was 31.7 months. AEs G>3 in 6 (11.5%) pts, 71% transient. There was a single (1.9%) G 5 toxicity (radiation pneumonitis). |
Wang, 2020 [23] |
88 pts (2008-2017) |
Retrospective | GTV abutting the proximal bronchial tree or PTV overlapping esophagus | 53 (60%) | 35 (40%) | 5 * 9-10Gy 8 * 7,5 Gy 15 * 4 Gy |
NR | 19,5 | IMRT, VMAT | 1 and 2-ys rates of local failure were 12.2 % and 19.0 %. 1, 2 and 3-ys OS rates for pts with primary NSCLC were 78.6 %, 64.5 % and 53.1 %. AEs G≥3 22%, including 6 (7%) G≥3 radiation pneumonitis and 4 (4%) G≥3 esophageal injury. TRAEs G5 in ten pts (11.4 %) = hemoptysis, radiation pneumonitis, respiratory failure. BED10 ≥ 100 didn’t correlate with local control (UVA); lung V20 correlated with G≥2 pneumonitis, not dose to PBT; Dmax, D2.5cc, D5cc to esophagus correlated with G≥3 esophageal AE. |
Zhao, 2020 [40] |
98 (2013-2017) |
Retrospective | PTV overlapping with PBT, esophagus, pulmonary vein or pulmonary artery | 76 (77.6%) | 22 (22.4%) | 8*7,5Gy | NR | 22.9 | 3DCRT, IMRT or VMAT | 2-ys and 3-ys LC, 97.8 and 84.5%. AEs G3 = 3 in the C group (2 dyspnea, 1 pneumonitis) and 2 in the UC group (1 dyspnea, 1 hemoptysis). No G>3 toxicities. ITV predictor for LC (p = 0.001). |
Yang, 2020 [45] |
21 patients, 2012 – 2018 | Retrospective | UC: PTV abutting or overlapping central structures (including PBT, heart, and great vessels but not the esophagus) | 21 (100%) | 0 | 8*7,5Gy | NR | 15 | VMAT | The 1- and 2-ys OS rates were 87.5% and 76.6%. The 1- and 2-ys PFS rates were 71.1% and 64.0%. The 1- and 2-ys LC rates were 92.9% and 92.9%. AEs G2 19.1%. No G ≥ 3. |
Duijm, 2019 [58] |
188 patients, 2012 – 2016 | Retrospective | UC: GTV ≤ 2 cm of the esophagus, trachea, mainstem, intermediate, upper, middle or lower lobe bronchus | 154 (82%) | 34 (18%) | 8*7,5Gy; 12*5Gy |
36 mm | NR | VMAT | Acute AEs: G1 (n = 19) and G2 (n = 10) only. Late AEs: 2 possible treatment-related deaths and 2 G3. DVH significantly correlated to acute and late AEs. |
Meng, 2019 [34] |
80 patients, 2006 – 2015 | Retrospective | C: GTV < 2 cm of, but not abutting, the PBT UC: GTV abutting the PBT |
80 patients (100%) | 0 | 10*6Gy (C); 7*8Gy (UC) |
NR | 44,5 | CK | UC tumors showed worse OS, PFS, and LC compared to C lesions. On MVA, UC and PTV were poor prognostic factors. Toxicity profile similar in the two groups (UC vs C). |
Cong, 2019 [91] |
51 patients, 2014 – 2017 | Retrospective | UC: GTV abutting or over- lapping the trachea or PBT | 51 patients (100%) | 0 | 5*7Gy | 68 mm | 17 | CK | Median LC was 17 months for stage III pts and 11 months for stage IV or recurrent pts. G3 radiation pneumonitis was recorded in 3 pts (5.9%) and possible treatment-related death in 2 pts (3.9%). |
Bezjak, 2019 [18] |
120 patients (100 pts PP analysis, 17 UC), (2009 – 2013) |
Prospective, phase I/II study | C: GTV< 2 cm around the PBT or immediately adjacent to the mediastinal or pericardial pleura | 120 (100%) (100 pts PP analysis) | 0 | q 2 day fractionation X 5 fractions over 1.5-2 weeks: Dose Level 1: 5*8Gy 2: 5*8,5GY 3: 5*9GY 4: 5*9,5GY 5: 5*10Gy 6: 5*10,5GY 7: 5*11GY 8: 5*11,5Gy 9: 5*12Gy Protocol treatment begins at Level 5. Levels 1-4 employed if DLT is seen with the Level 5 |
11,2 cc |
37,2 | 3DCRT; VMAT; IMRT | MTD was 12.0 Gy/fx, with a probability of a DLT of 7.2%. 2-year LC rate in this cohort was 87.9%. 2-year PFS in this arm was 54.5%. 2-year OS was 72.7%. Four pts (12.1%) experienced G3 AE during the first year; 1 pts (3%) reported G5 toxicity >1year. |
Nguyen, 2019 [36] |
68 patients, (2009 – 2017) | Retrospective | C: PTV <2 cm of the PBT UC: PTV overlapped the PBT or esophagus |
53 (78%) | 15 (22%) | 8*5Gy 5*8Gy; 5*10Gy; 4*12,5Gy; 5*11Gy; 8*7Gy; 8*7,5Gy; 5*12Gy. |
NR | 19,7 | IMRT; VMAT | The 2-year estimates of LC (89% and 85%; p 0.72) and OS (76% and 73%; p 0.75) for UC and C tumors were similar. UC tumors increased risk of G2 tox (57.6% vs 14.2%; p 0.007) at 2 years. One patient with an UC tumor developed G5 respiratory failure. |
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