5.1. Classification of HP Perovskites (Based on Their Structure)
Based on the ionic radius of the cations and anions, perovskite materials adapt either of the following structural dimensionalities- 0-D or 2-D or 1-D or 3-D structures.
Figure 5 shows the structure of different dimensional perovskites. Considering a 3-D perovskite with a general formula of AMX
3, a material has continuous corner-sharing metal halide [MX
4− octahedra and a 3-D perovskite can be transformed into 2-D perovskite by incorporating a spacer cation which separate the metal-halide octahedra. Whereas 1-D perovskites consist of either face-sharing or corner sharing octahedra and in case of the 0-D perovskites, the metal-halide octahedral clusters exist individually and are surrounded by the A type inorganic or organic cations. Considering the strictly periodical spatial arrangement the metal-halide octahedra and wrapping/ surrounding of the A-type cation species of the octahedra, the lower dimensional (2-D, 1-D, and 0-D) perovskites can therefore be treated as assemblies of 2D quantum wells or 1D quantum wires or 0D molecules/cluster. Thus, lower dimensional perovskites are structurally unique and usually differ from morphological forms of 3-D perovskites like nanosheets/nanoplatelets, nanowires/nanorods, and nanoparticles/quantum dots based on 3D AMX
32] For example, the 1-D perovskites morphologically resemble nanorods or wires with a strong interaction between the metal-halide species. These interactions lead to the formation of the electronic band formation, yet with the material being limited in length, favoring the quantum confinement effect.[
33] Contrary to this, in a molecular level 1-D perovskites anionic metal halide species are surrounded by organic cations and are isolated from one another. This framework results in bulk assemblies of quantum wire-like structures, that is macroscopic crystals that exhibit properties of nanomaterials. However, lead-based 1-D perovskites did not progress greatly and therewith Pb-free 1-D perovskites have not been investigated extensively.[
35] For instance Chenkun et.al attempted to synthesize 1D (C
4 alongside 0D (C
6 and observed the photoinduced degradation into 0-D perovskite. [
Furthermore, the dimensionality of the perovskite plays a crucial role in the stability, electrical and optoelectronic properties of the material. Typically, 3-D perovskites with small (alkyl chain organic) cations are susceptible to moisture, temperature and/or photo–induced degradation. Incorporating a bulky/long chain organic cation into 3-D perovskite matrix not only transforms it into a lower dimensional 2-D perovskite, but also improves the air/ environmental stability of the materials. Higher formation energy and hydrophobicity of the A site cations of the lower dimensional perovskites, particularly 2-D perovskites offer greater stability over its 3-D counter parts. On the other has 0-D perovskites, owing to their isolated and undisturbed metal-halide cores, offer highest stability; in fact, unstable tin-based perovskites on subjected to photodegradation or oxidation of Sn end up stabilizing into stable 0-D perovskites.[
37] To understand the electronic and optoelectronic properties, it is essential to acknowledge the origin of the electronic band formation. Generally, with reduction in the dimensionality the bandgap and excitonic binding energy increases, which hinders their application in solar cells. However, with the quantum confinement(-like) effect due to electronic bands generated by the alternative A-type cation spices and metal-halide species, lower dimensional (particularly 2-D) perovskites are prominent in LED and photodetector applications. For a perovskite, the conduction band and valency band are formed from the hybridized orbitals of the metal cation and halide anion, with a little to no contribution from the A-type (organic and/or smaller) cation; with the reduction in the dimensionality the connection between the metal-halide framework is weakened, which is the basic reason for increase in the bandgap as well as reduction in the electronic dimensionality, otherwise low charge mobility (higher effect mass of the charge) of material. Despite this, the electronic dimensionality and effective mass of the charges of the perovskite or even the band gap can be improved by wisely choosing/replacing the inactive A-type cation otherwise orienting/tilting the metal-halide octahedra.[
39] This viability 2-D as well as 0-D perovskites is greatly exploited in tuning these materials for specific applications.[
Apart from classification of perovskite in terms of the structural dimensionality perspective, replacement of the Pb in by different metal cations leads to the following perovskite/ perovskite-inspired materials. When Pb
+2 is replaced with either trivalent metal cations (like Bi
+3 or Sb
+3) leading to the formation of perovskite- inspired materials, which are often structurally 0-D and have a general formula of A
9, these 0-D perovskites be structurally tuned to from a layered 2-D perovskite as well; Lee et.al introduced polyethylene glycols (PEGs) ligands to a 0-D Cs
9 to synthesize a 2-D [(PEG
9, perovskite.[
42] On the other hand, when Pb
+2 is replaced with a pair of metal cations, M
+1 and M
+3, forms the vacancy order double perovskites with a general formula of A
6. Also, other class of the vacancy order perovskites consist of metal cation with tetravalent metal cation and have a general formula of A
6; Tin- based (Sn-) HPs, Cs
6, are one such popular vacancy order perovskite known for their air-stability and explored for solar cells as well as photocatalysis.
5.2. Structure and Bandgap in (Lead-Free) Perovskite
Consider a
3-D perovskite AMX3 such as
CsSnX3 (X = I, Br, Cl), Huang et.al studied the electronic band structure of the material using the quasiparticle self-consistent GW method (QSGW). For a cubic phased perovskite, the VB maxima is comprised of the mostly the hybridized X’s ns states and a band which is antibonding between Sn 5s and X’s np orbitals and the CB minima is mainly comprised of the Sn’s 5p states. Furthermore, conduction band minima (CBM) exhibits threefold degeneration without SO coupling and splits into a doublet and a quadruplet (including spin) when SO is included.[
43] Similarly for a 3-D MASnX
3 and 2-D perovskite the contribution from the larger (/organic) cation is insignificant. In fact, the hybridized orbitals of the Sn-s to X−p form strong band dispersion at the valence band maxima (VBM) and lead to the higher hole mobility, thus the material was first reported as solid hole transport layer for the dye sensitized solar cells.[
44] However, absence of the spin-orbital and band splitting at the CBM, the electron mobility of is not in par with the conventional Pb-perovskite. Moreover, the stabilization of tetravalent ions of the metal ions increases from Pb to Sn to Ge to Si over their divalent forms, which argues the synthesis and applications of the 3-D Ge and Si perovskites.
Conventional method to tune the band gap by partial to full replacement of halide anion and the A-type cation in the traditional lead-based perovskite is equally effective for the 3-D lead-free perovskites. Typically, for a 3-D tin-based perovskite MASnCl
3 the bandgap is reported to be 1.1 eV and replacement of MA with FA or Cs led to increasing band gap to 1.4 and 1.36 eV respectively.[
45] Although literature suggest the non-involvement of the A-type cation in the CB and VB formation, the A-type cation is responsible for the titling of the metal-halide octahedra, thereby affecting the band gap.[
46] Other arguments validated the signature of the C- and N- orbitals of the organic cation in the formation of the VB.[
47] Replacement of MA with a larger cation like dimethylammonium not only increased the band gap (2.05eV to 2.9) but also transformed the crystal structure from pure cubic to orthorhombic.[
The exploration of group-VA cations (M3+=Bi3+ and Sb3+) as potential replacements for Pb2+ aims to maintain the chemistry of the lone-pair ns2 state, which is known for its benefits in achieving high photovoltaic performance. However, due to their higher +3 oxidation state, the normal AMX3 perovskite structure, consisting of corner-sharing [MX6] octahedra, cannot form. Instead, A3M2X9 emerges as the stable stoichiometry in this context. Generally, researchers have experimentally reported two main phases of A3M2X9: the hexagonal phase, featuring zero-dimensional (0D) bi-octahedral face-sharing clusters [M2I9]3− (also known as the dimer phase, and the phase composed of two-dimensional (2D) corrugated layers with partially corner-sharing MX6 octahedra (referred to as the layered phase,). The 0D dimer phase can be easily synthesized through low-temperature synthesis methods.
Perovskites with two metal cations with a general formula A2M(I)M(III)X6 or A2M(IV)X6, (otherwise called as vacancy order perovskites) and A cation typically being a large monovalent ion, often Cs⁺ cation, M(I) and M(III) cation often being transition metal ions, such as Ag+ (K+ or Tl+ ) combined with Bi3+ (Sb3+) or it would be a simple tetravalent metal ion like Sn4+ (Te4+) in case vacancy order perovskite. The crystal structure of double perovskites can be visualized as a framework of corner-sharing octahedra. The larger A-site cations occupy the voids between the octahedra. The smaller metal cations are located at the center of the octahedra. The octahedra share their corners, forming a three-dimensional network. This arrangement provides structural stability to the material. The double perovskite structure is highly flexible, allowing for the incorporation of different combinations of cations at the M(I) and M(III) sites. This flexibility gives rise to a wide range of properties and functionalities in double perovskite materials. Furthermore, in A2M(IV)X6, the octahedron is no longer connected by the halide anion resulting from the alternative arrangement of vacancies and M(IV) cations. Generally, considering their valence atomic orbitals, the possible substituting for metal cations can be metals- 1. with the semi-core d states, 2. with the lone pair s state, and 3. without the d or s states. And the presence of lone pair due to the ns2 electrons from the metal cation determines the nature of the bandgap. For suppose, the predominant Ag based double perovskite systems Cs2AgBiX6 exhibit indirect bandgaps with mismatch of the CBM and VBM at L point and X point respectively and angular momentum mismatch of the orbitals that comprise the CBM and VBM. Moreover, With M(I) being monovalent and M(III) being a trivalent metal cation, the band edges are determined by the [M(III)X6] octahedra rather than M(I). The CB and VB arise from the np orbital of the M(III) and antibonding orbitals of the M(III)’s ns and X’s np orbitals. This leads to the isolation of the [B(I)X6] octahedra and is responsible for the electronically 0-D structure. Thus, the indirect and large bandgap alongside the reduced electronic dimensionality leading to the relatively large carrier effective masses and reduced mobility makes the Cs2AgBiX6 not an ideal choice for solar cells. However, the material has significant importance in LEDs and in recent times explored for photocatalysis.
In case of
double perovskite A2M(I)M(III)X6, VBM of formed is by bonding orbitals of MIII (ns), MI (nd), and X (np), whereas the conduction band minimum (CBM) is formed by antibonding orbitals MIII (np) and X (np). This electronic band structure is similar to that of a 3-D perovskite as well as GaAs or CdSe. [
49] On the other hand, absence of the antibonding orbitals at either of the band edges, leads to poorer defect-tolerant materials. To understand the electronic band of a 3-D double perovskite, let us consider novel Bi-Ag perovskite system, say Cs
6. The outer shell electronic configuration of Bi
3+ is 6s
0 and is same as Pb
+2. The VB is predominated by the X[np] and the Ag [4d] while the CB is formed by X[np], Ag [5s] and Bi [6p] states. Further, the mismatch in the localization of the CBM and VBM gives rise to the indirect bandgap in these materials. An ordered Cs
6 exhibits a indirect bandgap of 2.04 eV and easily be switched to direct bandgap disordered Cs
6. It is known the direct bandgap materials have a higher mobility (lesser effective mass of electrons) as compared to that of the than their counter part with of the same bandgap. Thus, disordered Cs
6 has suitable direct band gap of 1.59 eV with higher mobility and is apt for photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications. [
Stability of the A
6 is mostly dependent on the cations A and M(I) and the halide X. The theoretical calculations suggest a perovskite system with larger A
+ cations (e.g., Cs
+ is preferred over Li
+) and smaller halides (e.g., F
– is preferred over I
–) has higher stability. Most investigated double perovskites and contain Cs cation and either Cl or Br anions, and to the best of our knowledge, the bandgap of these systems is suitable for PV and PEC applications. For example, Cs
6 exhibited a bandgap of ∼1.55 eV and replacing the Fe with Ga lead to reduction in the bandgap to ∼1.37 eV. [
51] Also, stability is influenced by the size of the metal cation M(I) and often perovskite systems with Ag+ have higher stability compared to Cu
+. Introducing larger cation like iodine into the perovskite system for tuning the bandgap could be an unfavorable approach and can lead to collapsing of perovskite structure due to crystal instability. Interestingly, alloying the trivalent metal cations can be adopted for finely tuned by bandgap and switching between direct and indirect bandgap material.
Furthermore, in case of
double perovskites, a rational substitution of the metal cations allow tuning from indirect to direct bandgap materials. The key to choose M(I) /M(III) cations in A
6 with lone-pair in ns orbital, resulting in strong s–p coupling between the ns orbital and X p orbitals, or induce a disordered metal alloy at the respective metal ion sites. Alternatively, double perovskites with metal cations fully occupied pseudo-closed s
2 shells have similar band structure as lead perovskite and pose direct bandgap, high mobility and high absorption coefficient. However, unlike Bi/Sb- Ag based double perovskite, not many of these perovskites are realized. Zhao et.al reported design of the double perovskites for photovoltaic application, which reveals that Cs
6 and Cs
6 exhibits a direct bandgap, with the CBM formed from antibonding states of metal cations’ np orbitals and Cl 3p orbitals, and VBM from the antibonding states of metal cations’ ns orbitals and Cl 3p orbitals.[
52] Theoretical studies identified that (MA)
6 is shows the similar electronic structure as conventional lead perovskite, and experimental results confirmed the direct band of the material to be 2.16 eV. However, the presence of Tl, which is again a toxic element, is the major setback for this material.[
Perovskites crystallizing in 2-dimensional units separated by interlayer species are termed
layered perovskites. Depending on the spacer cations the layered perovskites can fall in on the two categories – Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) perovskite (with a chemical composition A
3n+1) and Dion-Jacobson (DJ) perovskite (with a chemical composition F′A
3n+1 where F and F′ are monovalent (+1) and divalent (+2) organic spacer cations, respectively. To simplify the understanding, RP perovskites have spacer molecules (generally significantly larger organic cations) interlayered between the edge-sharing inorganic Octahedra to create a 3-D network. whereas DJ perovskites still have organic spacer layers but connected in a zig-zag fashion and corner-sharing inorganic Octahedra resulting in 2-D framework. Interestingly, the structural stability of the RP perovskite is vulnerable due to variable thickness, on the other hand DJ perovskites are limited by tolerance factor due to restricted movement of corner sharing species. Apart from these structural differences, in both the layered perovskites share the similar traits- Metal-halide framework is mainly responsible for the optoelectronic properties, the spacer cations play role in physical properties like exciton binding energy and charge mobility and exhibit wider bandgap. better stability and moisture resistance compared to their 3-D counter parts. It’s worth noting that in 1994, D.B. Mitzi in his Communications about synthesis of the Sn layered perovskite, commented about the tuning of electronic and magnetic properties in layered perovskites without disturbing the core active layers.[
54] Thanks to the interlayer arrangement of the organic and inorganic layers in the layered/ 2-D perovskites, the material exhibits better overall stability because of the following factors-
1. Restriction of the movement of the ions
2. Structural confinement and maintained integrity of the material
3. Restriction of the moisture ingress by the organic spacer layers with tunable length
4. Tolerance to mechanical strain and thermal cycles. In fact, incorporating/ introducing a small amount (0.08 M) of layered (Sn) perovskite in the 3-D FASnI
3 perovskite improved the crystallinity of material and reduced the trap states, which are otherwise caused by the oxidation of the Sn
+2 to Sn
+4 in 3-D tin perovskites. This 2D/3D hybrid tin perovskite devices exhibited 9 % PCE (Vs. 6% PCE for the 3-D Sn perovskite device) with enhanced light and environmental stability. [
For a (
2-D Ruddlesden–Popper) layered perovskites, the inorganic metal-halide [MX
4− layers are separated by insulating organic (/separator layers), and these separator layers are connected via van der Waals force. Provided the thickness of the inorganic sheet is comparable to the de Broglie wavelength of carriers, 2-D materials experience a strong quantum confinement and quantum size effects.[
56] This results in unique quantum well like electronic band structures in with a formation of strongly bound exciton and increased photon absorption.[
57] Thus, 2D perovskites exhibit different optical properties compared to 3D ones. Evidently, the size and shape of the organic and the spacer cations determine the tilting and relative positioning of the [MX
4−, interfering with the optoelectronic properties of the material. Madal et.al studied the influence of the positioning of the fluorine substituted PEA in the phenyl ring of (PEA)
4. However, the study revealed that the bandgap variation is insignificant.[
By understanding of 3-D, 2-D and 0-D perovskite structures and structure-bandgap correlation and stability, researchers identified various potential halide-perovskite compositions for hydrogen generation. Based on the conduction and valence band potential levels with respect to the NHE, these lead-free perovskites are employed either in photocatalytic or photo-electro chemical systems. The following discussion provides a summary of Pb-free compositions used for hydrogen generation.
5.3. Pb-Free HPs for Water Splitting via PEC Systems
Table 2 summaries the Pb-free HP based photoelectrode systems used in PEC for hydrogen generation. Often 3-D perovskites (ABX
3) suffer with instability issues in aqueous and are usually employed with multiple protection layers to avoid direct contact with electrolytic medium, particularly in PCE water splitting systems. Usually employed protection layers are InBiSn alloy, metal foils including titanium and nickel, carbon materials and atomic layer deposited oxides. On the other hand, vacancy-order Pt, Ag-Bi, Re based-perovskites exhibited resistance to degradation in harsh aqueous mediums which enabled the use of perovskite electrodes without protection layers, opening new doors to PEC water splitting in variable pH mediums.
6 vacancy order perovskite is known for its exceptional stability over a wide range of pH, variable thermal and prolonged ambient exposure conditions. Hamdan et.al., (2020), studied the electrochemistry of Cs
6 in electrolytic solution of pH varying from 1 to 14. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is conducted to investigate the redox processes and catalytic activity of the materials in aqueous solutions of different pH values. The key finding was that Cs
6 showed reversible oxidation/reduction peaks corresponding to I
3- and Pt
2+, and that it was stable in acidic, neutral, and basic media. Interestingly, Cs
6 had mixed valency of Pt
4+ and Pt
2+, and that the redox processes involved the formation and reduction of triiodide (I
3-). Furthermore, Cs
6 exhibited a photocurrent of 0.8 mA cm
-2 at 1.23 V(vs. RHE) and over 12 hours of PEC stability without loss of performance. However, this value is much lower than the reported values for lead halide perovskites which is possibly due to low charge carrier mobility and lifetime of Cs
6. The Cs
6 material faces multiple challenges: its high production cost due to platinum usage limits its commercial viability; its 1.4 eV band gap isn’t optimal for single-junction photovoltaics, but this could be improved through halide/chalcogen substitution in the X anion; and its poor contact with conducting glass leads to high series resistance and a low fill factor, future work on optimizing deposition methods and charge transport layers.[
71] Sikarwar et.al (2023) et.al explored stable Ag-M (M= In, Bi, Sb) vacancy-order perovskite photoelectrodes for PEC water splitting. The synthesized materials exhibit remarkable resistance to oxidation retaining their structural stability over 100 cycles of electrochemical cycling. This allows for the utilization of these substances in the process of photoelectrochemical (PEC) water oxidation in both CH
3CN and H
2O, with and without the presence of an IrOx cocatalyst.[
Nandigana et.al., (2023) studied two dimensional variants of bismuth perovskite vacancy-order 2-D Cs
6 and 0-D Cs
9. The hydrothermally synthesized double perovskite Cs
6 exhibits multifaceted crystal structures, featuring uniform di-pyramidal units, while Cs
9 particles lack the defined structural formation. Interestingly both the perovskites exhibit high thermal stability, the TGA studies reveal that both the materials are stable upto 470
oC. The perovskite photoanodes are tested for the photoelectrochemical performance using three electrode electrochemical workstation in the 1 M KOH (pH ∼13.7) alkaline electrolyte with Pt counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (Sat. KCl) as the counter electrode. The dark and light current densities of the Cs
6 are 3.30 mA cm
-2 and 3.85mA cm
-2 and that of Cs
9 are 1.78mA cm
-2 and 2.18mA cm
-2. The photo-response of both the photoanodes is instantaneous and persisted for about 300 sec. The PCE for the photoelectrochemical system is determined by the following equation and PCE of Cs
9 and Cs
6 is achieved to be 0.09% and 0.13% at the 0.93 V vs Ag/AgCl. The materials exhibited steady performance over 10 hours. The low charge transfer resistance and high charge transfer density of Cs
6 as compared to the Cs
9 resulted in its superior performance, which is understandably from the high crystallinity and defined morphology of the nanocrystals.[
Chandra et.al., (2023) the first time investigated for Re-based vacancy-ordered perovskite, Cs
6 (X= Cl and Br) for PEC generation hydrogen. The hydrothermally synthesized Re-perovskites have similar structure to Cs
6 compounds and exhibited great thermal stability 600 °C. Furthermore, the Cs
6 materials show panchromatic light absorption covering the entire visible region hinting high photon harnessing ability and with their valence band positions are below the water oxidation potential, they are suitable for photoanodes for solar water oxidation. Cs
6 materials displayed their impressive electrochemical stability in a pH 11 solution, with no oxidation currents even at high potentials (up to 1 V vs. Ag/AgCl). The materials consistently yield photocurrent densities of 0.15–0.20 mA cm
−2 at 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl under AM1.5G illumination, remaining stable under both interrupted and continuous illumination. Also, Re-Br perovskite, due to its higher and suable flat-band potential and lower charge transfer resistance generated better photocurrent than Re-I perovskite.[
Recently, Liu et.al., (2023) studies the Cu-Ag based perovskite inspired material photoelectrodes for PEC water splitting. The synthesized Cu
5 nanocrystals exhibited a direct band gap of 2.19 eV and band structures and well aligned with the redox potentials of water splitting reaction. To demonstrate the PEC from the material the photoanode is fabricated without an protective layer, and impressively the photoanode showed –0.05 V
RHE (RHE = reversible hydrogen electrode) onset potential and a photocurrent density of 4.62 mA cm
–2 at 1.23 VRHE, as well as an applied bias photon-to-current efficiency (ABPE) of 2.94%. The charge recombination dynamics and transient absorption studies reveal the n-type nature of the material. Furthermore, the material displayed good stability in both solvent and water, which is attributed to the hydrophobic capping ligands involved during the synthesis process. The NCs-based photoanode for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting exhibits a T50% lifetime of ~310 min, which is one of the longest reported lifetimes for lead-free perovskite-inspired materials.[