4.2. Genetic Parameter Estimates from Single Trait Analyses
Direct heritability estimates for serum IGF-I concentration ranged from 0.34 ± 0.07 for IGF56 to 0.46 ± 0.07 for mean IGF-I concentration (
Table 3), indicating serum IGF-I concentration is moderately heritable and expected to respond to selection. These estimates are consistent with those of Davis and Simmen [
17], who used data from earlier years (1989-2000) of the same selection experiment and analyzed 1,761 records for mean IGF-I. The current study, which includes data from 1989 through 2017, involved 2,180 records for mean IGF-I and 617 records for IGF-I concentration at weaning. The estimates from the current study are slightly larger than the values of 0.31 ± 0.18 observed at birth [
18], 0.32 ± 0.06 at 8 to 10 months of age [
13], 0.34 ± 0.09 and 0.43 ± 0.12 at 9 and 22 months of age, respectively, in cattle fed at two different locations in Australia [
14], 0.36 ± 0.09 at weaning (mean age = 237 days) in seven Australian seedstock herds [
10], and 0.32 ± 0.06 at weaning (mean age = 201 days) and 0.30 ± 0.07 during the postweaning period (average age = 310 days) in Angus seedstock cattle fed on pasture in Australia [
15]. Direct heritability estimates for the weight traits were also in the moderate range and varied from 0.32 ± 0.05 for birth weight to 0.39 ± 0.07 for off-test weight. In addition, postweaning weight gain and off-test hip height were moderately heritable (0.37 ± 0.07 and 0.49 ± 0.07, respectively). The direct heritability estimates of body weight and weight gain generally agree with average estimates from many studies, as summarized in [
21]. These findings suggest that a significant genetic component influences weight, weight gain, height, and serum IGF-I concentration, which could be effectively utilized in breeding programs designed to increase the growth and IGF-I concentrations of beef cattle.
The heritability estimates for maternal genetic effects (h
m²) for IGF-I concentrations and performance traits in this study provide insightful implications about the influence of maternal genetics on these traits. Specifically, the heritability of maternal genetic effects for IGF-I concentration at weaning was near zero (0.02 ± 0.11), suggesting a minimal maternal genetic influence. Although there was some variation, with estimates ranging from 0.10 ± 0.04 for IGF56 to 0.17 ± 0.05 for mean IGF-I, these values collectively indicate that maternal genetic effects on serum IGF-I concentration in cattle are small. These estimates agree well with those based on data from earlier years of this selection experiment [
Maternal genetic heritability estimates for the performance traits were also low, ranging from 0.02 ± 0.03 for postweaning weight gain to 0.16 ± 0.05 for birth weight. These findings underscore that maternal genetic contributions to these traits are limited. This trend aligns with previous research suggesting that direct genetic effects are more prominent than maternal genetic effects in influencing growth traits. Low maternal heritabilities have been reported previously for birth, weaning, and yearling weight [
In addition, the proportion of phenotypic variance due to maternal permanent environmental effects (c²) was near zero for all IGF-I measures, indicating that these effects do not significantly contribute to the variability in circulating IGF-I. The maternal permanent environmental effects were variable for the weight traits. Estimates of c² were highest for weaning weight (0.22 ± 0.04), suggesting a notable maternal environmental influence at this early stage of life when the calves are nursing their mothers. However, these effects decreased throughout the postweaning period, reaching a low of 0.08 ± 0.03 for off-test weight. The c² estimates were near zero for postweaning weight gain and off-test hip height, illustrating the maternal environment's diminishing influence following weaning. In his review, Mohiuddin [
20] found that estimates of c
2 averaged 0.03, 0.07, and 0.03 for birth, weaning, and yearling weight, respectively.
These findings highlight the predominant role of direct genetic and postnatal environmental factors in determining the phenotypic expression of IGF-I and performance traits. The lack of maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects suggests that genetic selection strategies focused on direct genetic effects rather than maternal components may be more effective in improving these traits.
Willham [
23] stated that knowing the sign and magnitude of the correlation between direct and maternal effects of traits with high economic importance is critical to designing optimal breeding plans for most domestic animals. Estimates of direct-maternal correlations (r
am) for serum IGF-I concentrations and performance traits reveal important insights into the interplay between direct genetic effects and maternal influences for these traits. The estimate of r
am for IGF-I concentration at weaning was low (-0.10) with a large standard error (± 0.94), indicating considerable uncertainty in this estimate. For other measures of IGF-I, the r
am estimates were large and negative (approximately -0.90), suggesting a strong antagonistic relationship between direct and maternal genetic effects for serum IGF-I concentration.
Estimates of r
am were variable for the growth traits. The estimate for birth weight was moderately negative (-0.33 ± 0.14), whereas for other weight traits, the values ranged from -0.39 ± 0.29 for off-test weight to -0.61 ± 0.12 for weaning weight. The estimate of r
am for postweaning weight gain converged to -1.0. The r
am estimate for off-test hip height was negative (-0.29 ± 0.21), though of smaller magnitude compared to the other traits. In the studies he summarized, Mohiuddin [
20] reported that r
am averaged -0.35, -0.15, and -0.26 for birth, weaning, and yearling weight. Koots et al. [
24] found that r
am averaged -0.27 for birth weight and -0.30 for weaning weight. Robinson [
25] reported that estimates of direct-maternal genetic correlations were large and negative for Australian Angus cattle. Robinson [
26] further commented that estimates of genetic correlations between additive direct and maternal effects in beef cattle vary widely, and most estimates tend to be negative in Australian, American, and Argentine cattle. Negative correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects may be due not only to genetic antagonisms but also to negative environmental dam-offspring covariances or sire-by-year variation that is unaccounted for [
Despite the large direct-maternal correlations, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the direct-maternal covariance (covam/σp²) for IGF-I measures was relatively small. Values were 0.01, 0.22, 0.23, 0.16, and 0.25 for IGF-I concentration at weaning, IGF28, IGF42, IGF56, and mean IGF-I, respectively. These findings suggest that, while the direct-maternal correlations are strong, the impact of these covariances on the overall phenotypic variance is limited. The covam/σp² values were all ≤ 0.14 for the growth traits, indicating that the direct-maternal covariance accounted for an even smaller proportion of the phenotypic variance in these traits. This implies that other factors, including direct genetic effects and environmental influences, play a larger role in determining the phenotypic expression of performance traits in beef cattle.
4.3. Genetic, Environmental, and Phenotypic Correlations Among Serum IGF-I Concentrations at Different Time Points
The correlations among serum IGF-I concentrations at different ages provide valuable insights into the genetic relationships among these measures. Direct genetic correlations between IGF-I concentration at weaning and postweaning measures of IGF-I were consistently large, although they declined as the interval between the weaning and postweaning measurements increased. Specifically, the direct genetic correlation between IGF-I at weaning and IGF28 was very large (0.90), but it decreased to 0.63 for IGF56. The correlation between IGF-I at weaning and the mean postweaning concentration was also strong (0.69). Moore et al. [
15] reported a genetic correlation of 1.0 ± 0.04 between IGF-I concentration measured at weaning (mean age = 201 days) and during the postweaning period (mean age = 310 days) in Australian Angus seedstock cattle fed on pasture. These results demonstrate that genetic factors influencing IGF-I concentrations at weaning continue to substantially affect IGF-I concentrations during the postweaning period, although the influence diminishes over time. The large correlations indicate that selecting for higher IGF-I concentration at weaning is expected to increase IGF-I concentration later in life, albeit with a slightly reduced impact as animals age.
Furthermore, the direct genetic correlations among the postweaning IGF-I measures (IGF28, IGF42, IGF56) and the mean IGF-I concentration were all large and positive, with values of 0.89 or greater. These strong correlations imply a consistent genetic basis for IGF-I concentrations throughout the postweaning period. This consistency suggests that genetic selection for IGF-I concentration at any postweaning age will likely yield increases across all postweaning time points.
The estimates of correlations between the additive genetic effect for IGF-I at weaning and the maternal genetic effects for postweaning IGF-I measures (r
A1M2) ranged from -0.32 to -0.64. Notably, the correlations for IGF28, IGF42, IGF56, and mean IGF-I were large and negative (≥ -0.78), except for the near-zero correlation between IGF28 and IGF42. These negative correlations suggest a strong antagonistic relationship between the direct genetic effects at weaning and the maternal genetic effects influencing postweaning IGF-I concentrations. Similarly, the correlations between the maternal genetic effects for postweaning IGF-I at one time point and the additive genetic effect for IGF-I at another postweaning time point (r
A2M1) were large and negative (≥ -0.51). This indicates a consistent antagonistic interaction between direct and maternal genetic influences across different postweaning periods, complicating the genetic improvement of these traits due to the opposing directions of the genetic effects. Likewise, the correlations between the additive genetic effects and maternal genetic effects for the same IGF-I measurement (r
A1M1 and r
A2M2) were generally large and negative (≥ -0.86), except when IGF28 was paired with IGF42, where the correlations were of moderate magnitude. These large negative correlations agree with those from the single trait analyses (
Table 3) and suggest a strong negative relationship between direct and maternal genetic effects when measured at the same time point.
Moreover, maternal genetic effects were highly correlated (rM1M2) across all combinations of IGF-I measurements, with values ≥ 0.93, except for IGF42 and IGF56, which had a correlation of 0.74. This high degree of correlation among maternal effects implies a consistent maternal influence across different ages, suggesting that maternal genetic improvement in one time period is likely to be beneficial across other periods as well.
Environmental correlations (rE1E2) between IGF-I at weaning and postweaning measures ranged from 0.26 to 0.38, indicating moderate shared environmental influences between these time points. The environmental correlations among postweaning IGF-I measures (IGF28, IGF42, IGF56, and mean IGF-I) were even stronger, ranging from 0.45 to 0.82. These results suggest that environmental factors affecting IGF-I concentrations are more consistent during the postweaning period than between the weaning and postweaning stages.
Phenotypic correlations (rP1P2) were moderate to large, with values ranging from 0.37 between IGF-I at weaning and IGF56 to 0.89 between IGF42 and mean IGF-I. These high phenotypic correlations demonstrate that animals with higher IGF-I concentrations at one age are likely to maintain higher concentrations at other ages, reflecting the combined effects of genetics and environment.
In summary, the results highlight the intricate interplay between direct and maternal genetic effects on IGF-I concentrations across different ages. The strong antagonistic correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects for different time points present a challenge for simultaneously improving these traits. However, the large correlations among maternal effects provide opportunities for targeted selection strategies. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for developing effective breeding programs to optimize IGF-I concentrations. The genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations of the IGF-I measurements taken on days 28, 42, and 56 of the postweaning period with mean IGF-I concentration were large, as expected, due to the part-whole relationship between a mean and its components and agreed closely with the correlations presented by Davis and Simmen [
17]. Given the large genetic correlations observed in the current study and in the literature [
17], as well as the magnitude of the heritability of IGF-I (
Table 3), a single postweaning measurement of serum IGF-I concentration should be sufficient for selection purposes, rather than using the mean of multiple measurements for selection. Alternatively, selection based on IGF-I concentration at weaning is also expected to be effective, given its moderate heritability and large genetic correlations with postweaning IGF-I concentrations.
4.4. Genetic, Environmental, and Phenotypic Correlations of IGF-I Concentrations at Various Time Points with Weights at Different Ages
This study aimed to estimate the genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations of IGF-I measurements taken at various ages with weight traits in livestock. The results presented in
Table 5 reveal several key insights into the relationships between these traits.
The direct genetic correlations of IGF-I measurements with birth weight were negative, ranging from -0.08 ± 0.14 to -0.29 ± 0.14. This indicates that higher IGF-I concentrations are genetically associated with lower birth weights, although the correlations are relatively weak. Similarly, the direct genetic correlation of IGF-I at weaning with weaning weight and the postweaning weights were small and variable (-0.12 to 0.14), suggesting a minimal genetic influence of IGF-I at weaning on the weights of beef cattle. Postweaning IGF-I measures showed positive but small genetic correlations with weaning weight (0.11 ± 0.12 to 0.19 ± 0.14), indicating a weak genetic link between postweaning IGF-I concentrations and heavier weights at weaning. Likewise, the estimates of r
A1A2 when IGF-I at different postweaning stages was paired with postweaning weights ranged from 0.04 ± 0.13 to 0.26 ± 0.14. The genetic correlations generally increased from day 0 to day 140 of the postweaning test. Estimates of genetic correlations between concentrations of circulating IGF-I and body weights at different ages have also varied in the literature. Johnston et al. [
13] found a genetic correlation of 0.11 ± 0.14 between IGF-I and postweaning live weight. On the other hand, Johnston et al. [
14] observed genetic correlations of -0.25 ± 0.25 and 0.03 ± 0.14 between IGF-I concentrations and midtest weight in groups of cattle fed at two locations in Australia. Phenotypic correlations of weaning IGF-I with birth weight, 200-day weight, and pre-weaning ADG in seven Angus seedstock herds in Australia were near zero [
10]. In addition, the same authors reported that plasma IGF-I concentration at weaning was not genetically correlated with birth weight but had genetic correlations of -0.40 ± 0.17 and -0.52 ± 0.16, respectively, with 200-day weight and ADG. Moore et al. [
15] reported direct genetic correlations of IGF-I with birth weight, 200-day weight, and 400-day weight of -0.22 ± 0.08, -0.17 ± 0.09, and -0.10 ± 0.14, respectively.
In the bivariate analyses (
Table 5), the direct-maternal correlations were consistently large and negative for all postweaning IGF-I measures (-0.88 ≤ r
A1M1 ≤ -0.91), indicating a strong antagonistic relationship between the direct and maternal genetic effects. These negative correlations were in close agreement with the results of the single trait analyses (
Table 3).
When considering the correlation between the additive genetic effects of IGF-I at weaning and the maternal genetic effects of the weight traits (r
A1M2), the estimates were large and positive for birth weight (minimum estimate of 0.57) and off-test weight (maximum estimate of 0.95). For postweaning measures of IGF-I paired with birth weight, the estimates were moderate (0.31 ± 0.16 to 0.48 ± 0.16), while estimates were low to moderate when postweaning IGF-I measures were paired with weaning weight or postweaning weights (-0.11 ± 0.22 to 0.27 ± 0.41). These correlations indicate a complex interplay between direct and maternal genetic effects across different growth stages. The correlations between the additive genetic effects for weight traits and the maternal genetic effects for IGF-I traits (r
A2M1) were generally low to moderate (-0.30 ± 0.17 to 0.10 ± 0.17) and were mostly small and negative. This suggests limited and inconsistent maternal genetic influence of IGF-I on weight traits. Estimates of such correlations reported in the literature have also been inconsistent. Correlations between the direct component of IGF-I and the maternal component of birth weight and 200-day weight were 0.15 ± 0.13 and 0.31 ± 0.11, respectively [
15]. The authors suggested that selection for reduced IGF-I concentration may result in decreased maternal weight. On the other hand, Herd et al. [
28] found evidence of a negative relationship between plasma IGF-I concentration at the conclusion of a postweaning test and the maternal component of birth weight and weaning weight, indicating that selection for lower IGF-I concentration should lead to improved maternal nutrition to the calf before and after birth.
Maternal effects correlations (rM1M2) between IGF-I traits and birth weight ranged from -0.25 ± 0.17 to -0.38 ± 0.20. The estimates were generally positive for other trait combinations but varied widely (-0.04 ± 0.23 to 0.28 ± 0.41). This variability underscores the complexity of maternal effects on IGF-I and weight traits.
Environmental correlations (r
E1E2) between IGF-I traits and birth weight and postweaning IGF-I measurements with weaning weight were near zero, indicating minimal shared environmental influences. However, IGF-I at weaning exhibited large environmental correlations with weaning weight and postweaning weights (0.56 to 0.76) other than off-test weight (0.35), highlighting a notable environmental impact of IGF-I concentration at weaning on weight traits during specific growth phases. Estimates of r
E1E2 involving postweaning measures of IGF-I and postweaning weight traits were small to moderate (≤ 0.22). Therefore, a tendency existed for environmental improvements to result in increased serum IGF-I concentrations and increased body weight. Numerous studies have shown that diet, including energy and protein content, influences plasma and serum IGF-I concentrations in cattle [
32]. Undernutrition can attenuate the IGF-I response to growth hormone and uncouple the regulation of IGF-I commonly ascribed to growth hormone [
32]. Indeed, the concentration of circulating IGF-I can be used as an objective indicator of nutritional status in beef cattle [
Lastly, the phenotypic correlations (r
P1P2) of IGF-I at weaning with birth weight were low (-0.06) but ranged from 0.35 to 0.49 for the other weight traits. Phenotypic correlations between postweaning IGF-I concentrations and birth and weaning weights were low (-0.08 ≤ r
P1P2 ≤ 0.09), while those with postweaning weights ranged from 0.08 to 0.19. These findings suggest that the observable influence of IGF-I on weight traits is modest but more pronounced in the postweaning period. Moore et al. [
15] reported phenotypic correlations between the direct component of IGF-I and the direct components of birth weight, 200-day weight, and 400-day weight of -0.10, 0.06, and 0.16, respectively, which agree well with the phenotypic correlations from the current study.
In summary, the results of our study demonstrate the intricate genetic, environmental, and phenotypic relationships between IGF-I concentrations and weight traits across different growth stages, with significant implications for understanding and potentially managing growth performance in beef cattle.
4.5. Genetic, Environmental, and Phenotypic Correlations of IGF-I Concentrations at Various Time Points with Postweaning Weight Gain and Off-Test Hip Height
The additive genetic correlations (r
A1A2) between IGF-I concentration at weaning and postweaning weight gain and off-test hip height were 0.45 and 0.24, respectively. The correlations involving postweaning IGF-I concentrations were positive and ranged from low to moderate (0.12 to 0.32;
Table 6). This suggests a modest genetic association between higher IGF-I concentrations and improved growth performance as measured by postweaning weight gain and hip height. It is interesting to note that IGF-I at weaning is a better indicator of postweaning weight gain than are postweaning measures of IGF-I. In contrast to the positive correlations found in the current study, Johnston et al. [
13] reported a negative genetic correlation of -0.25 ± 0.20 between IGF-I concentration and finishing average daily gain in temperate cattle breeds in Australia. In addition, Johnston et al. [
14] obtained genetic correlation estimates of -0.23 ± 0.32 and -0.20 ± 0.17 between IGF-I concentration and average daily gain during postweaning tests involving two groups of Australian cattle. Herd et al. [
28] also found evidence of a negative relationship between plasma IGF-I concentration at the end of a 70-day postweaning test and average daily gain during the test. Estimates of genetic correlations between IGF-I concentration and average daily weight gain have also varied in sign and magnitude in pigs [
16], possibly due to sampling effects or due to the growth phase (periods of lean vs. fat accretion) during which the performance tests occurred [
Notably, the correlations between the additive direct and maternal genetic effects within the same trait (r
A1M1 and r
A2M2) for IGF-I measurements and postweaning gain were large and negative, ranging from -0.89 to -0.92 and -0.86 to -0.96, respectively. These strong negative correlations indicate substantial opposing influences of direct and maternal genetic effects on these traits. This trend persisted for IGF-I concentrations paired with off-test hip height, with r
A1M1 estimates ranging from -0.87 ± 0.06 to -0.90 ± 0.04. These results were consistent with those observed in the single trait analysis (
Table 3). In contrast, in the bivariate analysis, the direct-maternal correlations for off-test hip height were moderate, ranging from -0.20 to -0.27. These moderate correlations suggest a lesser, though still notable, degree of opposition between direct and maternal genetic effects for hip height compared to IGF-I measurements and weight gain following weaning.
The correlations between the additive genetic effect for IGF-I and the maternal genetic effect for postweaning gain and off-test hip height (rA1M2), as well as the correlations between the maternal genetic effect for IGF-I and additive genetic effect for the two growth traits (rA2M1) were generally low to moderate, ranging from -0.27 ± 0.37 to 0.23 ± 0.23. However, a notable exception was observed with a correlation of 0.87 between the additive genetic effect for IGF-I at weaning and the maternal genetic effect for off-test hip height. This large correlation suggests a significant genetic interplay between these traits, indicating that selection for IGF-I at weaning could impact off-test hip height due to maternal genetic effects.
The correlations between the maternal genetic effects (rM1M2) of the two traits in the bivariate analyses varied depending on the IGF measurement. When IGF28 was paired with postweaning gain and off-test hip height, the correlations were nearly zero, indicating minimal shared maternal influence. However, when IGF42 was paired with these traits, the correlations were positive but low, suggesting a small shared maternal genetic component. With IGF56, the correlations were negative and moderate, indicating a more substantial yet opposing maternal influence. Finally, when mean IGF-I was used, the correlations were negative but small, highlighting a slight opposing maternal influence across these traits.
The environmental correlations (rE1E2) of IGF-I measurements with postweaning gain and off-test hip height were small, ranging from 0.00 to 0.19. This indicates the shared environmental influences on IGF-I concentrations and these growth traits are minimal, suggesting that the environmental factors affecting IGF-I concentrations are largely independent of those affecting postweaning weight gain and hip height.
Similarly, the phenotypic correlations (r
P1P2) between IGF-I concentrations and the two postweaning traits were small, generally varying only from 0.12 to 0.15. These low phenotypic correlations suggest a modest relationship between IGF-I concentrations and growth traits. Govoni et al. (2003) found small but significant simple correlations between IGF-I concentrations measured weekly and average daily gain from birth to weaning in male (r = 0.21; P < 0.001) and female (r = 0.12; P < 0.05) Hereford calves [
36]. We observed a larger correlation (0.28) between IGF-I at weaning and off-test hip height. This result suggests that IGF-I concentration at weaning may have a more noticeable impact on the hip height at the end of the postweaning period, potentially reflecting a specific developmental phase where IGF-I plays a more critical role.
In summary, the small to moderate additive genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations observed between IGF-I measurements and key growth traits underscore the complex interplay of factors influencing growth performance in livestock. These findings suggest that while IGF-I concentration has some influence, it is not the primary determinant of weight gain or hip height. Therefore, genetic selection strategies should consider the broader genetic architecture and environmental factors affecting these traits to optimize growth performance.