4.1. Crop Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
The N amounts that were applied using pig slurry to the plots of the P treatments exceeded the target rates by more than 15% in seven of the fifteen applications. In some cases, incorrect estimations of the N contents of the PS occurred, and in other cases, the actual PS rates applied to the field were imprecise. These two factors are key disadvantages for fertilisation with PS and, in general, apply to organic fertilisers in comparison to synthetic fertilisers. The nitrogen content of synthetic fertilisers is well known, and the application machinery is easier to adjust. Although the machinery for PS applications is usually calibrated, applying the appropriate PS rates is difficult, as noted by Daudén and Quílez [
Conductimetry was used in the field to estimate the pig slurry N content before application [
30], but in some cases, the in situ estimated values of the pig slurry N total concentrations were more than 40% lower than those measured in the laboratory; thus, the N rates applied on those occasions were much higher than the target values (
Figure S2). This was the case at Torremira for green pea in 2017 (2.8 versus 4.36 kg m
-3), at Barluenga for maize in 2017 (3.0 versus 4.45 kg m
-3), maize at Torremira in 2018 (2.6 versus 3.79 kg m
-3) and wheat at Barluenga in 2019 (2.7 versus 4.20 kg m
-3). The discrepancy in N rates between the two treatments generates an additional source of variability in the comparison of the two treatments.
The yields for the two treatments at the two sites were within the variability range observed in the area for optimal fertilised crops. Yagüe et al. [
21] reported yields ranging between 4861 kg ha
-1 and 7417 kg ha
-1 for barley and between 7629 kg ha
-1 and 14248 kg ha
-1 for maize in a five-year barley‒maize rotation. Additionally, Yagüe and Quilez [
20] reported wheat yields ranging from 5000 kg ha
-1 to 5100 kg ha
-1 in a 1-year irrigated wheat experiment that involved fertilisation with pig slurry, and Mateo-Marín et al. [
34] reported yields ranging between 5491 kg ha
-1 and 8357 kg ha
-1 in a three-year irrigated wheat field experiment that also involved fertilisation with pig slurry. Moreover, the statistical information from the Ministry of Agriculture [
35] shows average yields in the area ranging from 4836-5903 kg ha
-1 for irrigated wheat, 6241-6290 kg ha
-1 for green peas and 4558-5507 kg ha
-1 for irrigated barley. No significant differences in crop yield were detected between the P and M treatments for any site or year, indicating that there were no differences in the response to N fertilisation.
The nitrogen use efficiency ranged between 0.52 and 1.28 kg N kg
–1 N applied (excluding green pea) and was generally in the average range of the possible reference values (between 0.5 and 0.9) defined by the EU Nitrogen Panel [
13]. Considering the whole period, the NUEs did not differ between the two sites. The soil at Barluenga has a clay texture, is deep and is supposed to have better nitrogen recovery than Torremira soil, which is shallow. Mateo-Marín et al. [
36] in a maize-maize-wheat rotation, reported higher NUEs in a deep soil (1.25m) versus a shallow soil (0.5m) in the same area. However, the rotation in Torremira includes a leguminous crop, and it is well known that leguminous increase the NUE of the systems: the increase is associated with a reduction in the N fertiliser requirement and a low C:N ratio of their residues, which can hasten the mineralization of soil organic nitrogen [
For the complete crop rotation, the NUE did not differ significantly between the P and M treatments at either site (
Table S5). The differences in NUE between the P and M treatments for specific crops were generally related to the differences in the rates of N applied. Thus, at Barluenga for maize in 2017 and for wheat in 2019, Nue was higher in the P than in the M treatment as the N amounts applied in the P treatment were 35% and 74%, respectively, greater than those applied in the M treatment. Owing to its definition, the NUE clearly decreases as the amount of applied N increases [
4.2. Risk for Nitrate Leaching
Measuring N leaching from agricultural fields is complex, as it requires measuring or estimating the volume of water flowing below the crop root zone and its nitrate concentration [
39]. In this work, we assumed that the amount of drainage volume was equal for the two treatments (P and M) for each crop at each site, as they had the same management, they received the same amount of water by irrigation and precipitation, and no differences in crop evapotranspiration were suspected, as no differences in yield were observed. Under this premise, the nitrate concentration in the solution that drains below the crop root zone is considered a good parameter to compare the risk of nitrate leaching between the two treatments. Different methods are available to measure nitrate concentration in drainage water [
40]. In this work, we used ceramic suction cups that were installed just below the crop root zone. Ceramic suction cups are not expensive, are easy to sample, and their installation is not troublesome; however, ensuring good contact between the ceramic cup and the soil at the bottom of the hole and the absence of preferential flows along the tube walls is essential [
41]. Some studies have shown large variations in nitrate concentrations in soil water extracted from suction cups [
43]. In general, these studies indicate that suction cups are not adequate in heterogeneous soils or in those that show preferential flow patterns. However, suction cups work well in fairly homogeneous soils [
45] and have been used extensively to estimate nitrate concentrations and nitrate leaching in different systems [
The soil solution was extracted using a suction of 0.7 bars, so only water from the larger pores was sampled. Thus, the nitrate concentration in the extracted sample did not accurately represent the actual nitrate concentration of the soil solution, as the water in the smaller pores was not sampled. However, water percolation mainly occurs at high soil water contents. When the soil water content decreases, the soil hydraulic conductivity decreases, and water moves more slowly [
48]; thus, water draining at high soil tension (in the smaller pores) has a low contribution to total percolation. Therefore, the nitrate concentration of the solution extracted from suction cups is considered a good indicator for comparing the risk for nitrate leching between the two treatments in each field.
The average nitrate concentration of the soil solution for the crop seasons were significantly greater at Torremira than at Barluenga (
Table 6). These differences were expected and are related to the soil characteristics. The soil at Barluenga is highly textured with a high clay content and is deep, whereas the soil at Torremira is shallow and with a high stoniness. Soils with high clay content are known to retain water and nutrients more effectively than other soils [
49]. Additionally, a meta-analysis of nitrate leaching vulnerability [
26] revealed that nitrate leaching losses are expected to be greater from coarse-textured soils than from fine-textured soils. Soil depth also exerts a strong influence on nitrate leaching [
The average nitrate concentration during the five crop seasons at Barluenga (between 1.3 and 31.7 mg L
-1) were within the ranges observed in drainage water in other experiments that were carried out in drainage lysimeters in the same area. Daudén et al. [
51] in an experiment with 0.75-m deep lysimeters (clay loam soil) with maize fertilised with pig slurry, reported nitrate concentrations in drainage water between 5 and 49 mg L
-1 depending on the treatment, and Salmerón et al. [
3], for 1.20-m deep lysimeters cropped to maize with different cover crops and adjusted mineral N fertilisation, reported average nitrate concentrations in the drainage water during the maize crop season between 7 and 44 mg L
-1, depending on the cover crop. In lysimeters cropped to maize and wheat at two different depths (1.20 m and 0.50 m) and with the same texture (clay-loam), Mateo-Marín et al. [
36] measured nitrate concentrations between 30 and 44 mg L
-1 in 1.20-m deep soil and slightly higher concentrations, between 54 and 71 mg L
-1, in shallow soil (0.50-m deep) in a treatment fertilised with urea. The soil nitrate concentrations in the Torremira field were much higher than those measured in these shallow lysimeters, but the soil texture in the Torremira field is coarser and has a greater proportion of stones that affect the dynamics of water and N in the soil.
Studies in other Mediterranean areas in deep soils using suction cups have reported higher nitrate concentrations in soil solution than those reported in this study for different reasons. Thus, Trindade et al. [
46], in northern Portugal in a sandy loam soil in a double-cropping forage system, measured nitrate concentrations in soil solution extracted from suction cups (1 m depth) that were as high as 700 mg L
-1, much higher than those measured in the Barluenga field; however, they applied higher rates of nitrogen fertiliser, with an average of 418 kg N ha
-1 to maize and 194 kg N ha
-1 to the winter crop. Perego et al. [
52], in the Po Valley in deep soils with different textures, obtained 4-year average nitrate concentrations (at depths ranging from 1.3-1.5 m) that ranged from 57 to 243 mg L
-1 and were related to the soil texture and the amount of N applied (from 309 to 642 kg N ha
-1 year
-1). The nitrate concentrations were higher, in both cases, than those reported in this work at Barluenga.
No significant differences in nitrate concentration were detected between the two treatments for the entire experimental period at the two experimental sites, Barluenga and Torremira. Similarly, no significant differences in the average nitrate concentration of the soil solution were detected between the two treatments for each crop season in either of the two sites (
Table 6).
In Barluenga, average nitrate concentrations for the wheat and maize seasons ranged between 1 and 32 mg L-1 and did not exceed the 50 mg L-1 threshold of the EU Nitrate Directive. The average nitrate concentrations for the entire studied period are considered low namely, 10.4 and 10.7 mg L-1 for the P and M treatments, respectively. These results indicate that in wheat-maize crop systems in deep soils in the area, mineral nitrogen fertilisation can be substituted completely for pig slurry in the wheat crop and, to some extent (50-70%) in the maize crop, reaching pig slurry rates equivalent to 360 kg N ha⁻¹ per year well above the amount of 170 kg N ha-1 limit established in the Nitrate Directive, without compromising water quality.
There are only a few works that compare the risk for nitrate leaching of mineral versus organic fertiliser treatments in winter cereal (ryegrass)-maize double-cropping systems. In wheat‒maize systems, Du et al. [
25] compared the effects on nitrate leaching of digested biogas slurry (DS) injected in the irrigation system at three rates (low, medium and high) versus a conventional mineral fertilisation in a silt loam soil. They used watermark sensors and suction cups (at 1.9 m depth) to estimate the drainage volumes and nitrate concentrations, respectively, and found nitrate concentrations ranging between 10 and 60 mg L
-1, which are comparable to those measured in this work at Barluenga. The soil nitrate concentration under the medium DS rate (315 kg N ha
-1) was significantly lower than that under the conventional fertiliser treatment (420 kg N ha
-1), and nitrate leaching under the medium DS rate was reduced by 20–32% in relation to that under mineral fertilisation.
In forage ryegrass‒maize systems, Demurtas et al. [
24] evaluated nitrate losses in sandy textured soil in northern Italy by measuring nitrate concentrations in soil solution via disk lysimeters. They reported that the nitrate concentrations at 0.90 m depth in a treatment that combined fertilisation with cattle slurry and mineral N were never higher than those using a mineral treatment with similar N application during the maize crop season, whereas during the winter crop period, the nitrate concentration was not associated with N fertilisation but with the natural water surplus during that period. Similar results were reported by Trindade et al. [
2] in an experiment with different mineral and cattle slurry fertilisation treatments in northern Portugal in sandy loam soil. They suggested that it is possible in highly productive maize-ryegrass systems to fertilise using slurry exclusively at annual rates of up to 250 kg available N ha
-1 (480 kg total N ha
-1) with minimal leaching losses. Compared with treatments that combined slurry and mineral fertilisation, slurry applications resulted in high yields and N absorption rates and a greater nitrogen use efficiency combined with a lower nitrate leaching potential. Additionally, Perego et al. [
52] in the Po Valley in a loam textured soil, reported the possibility of using up to 294 kg ha
−1 year
−1 of organic nitrogen without exceeding the 50 mg L
-1 nitrate concentration threshold.
In Torremira, the average nitrate concentrations for the green pea, barley and maize seasons ranged between 60 and 858 mg L
-1, which were much higher than those at Barluenga, and in all cases exceeded the 50 mg L
-1 threshold. The average nitrate concentrations for the whole experimental period, 274.8 and 295.8 mg L
-1 for the P and M treatments, respectively, are considered high and are related to the scarce soil water retention capacity derived from the texture, shallow depth and stoniness [
50]. Drainage is a driving factor for nitrate leaching in soils with these characteristics, and irrigation and fertilisation should be managed carefully to avoid excess water and drainage in these type of soils. However, even with the high risk of nitrate leaching that is associated with these soil characteristics, the nitrate concentrations in soil solution were not higher than those reported by Perego et al. [
52] and Trindade et al. [
Compared with the mineral fertilisation treatment, the application of nitrogen in the form of pig slurry to green pea in the P treatment did not result in a significant increase in the nitrate concentrations in soil solution. This would indicate the capacity of this crop to adapt N fixation to the soil inorganic N content. This is corroborated by the study of Salmerón et al. [
53] who analysed the behaviour of irrigated alfalfa under two rates of pig slurry application and a P-K fertilised control application in an experiment using lysimeters. The results of that study revealed that applications of pig slurry did not affect forage yields, total N extractions or nitrate loads in the drainage, but the plant δ
15N values were greater with pig slurry fertilisation than with the control, revealing the flexibility of alfalfa in adjusting symbiotic N fixation depending on mineral N availability.