1. Introduction
One of the most productive systems of representation for points and lines in the plane of a triangle
is a system widely known as homogeneous barycentric coordinates (henceforth simply
barycentrics). Serving as the “origin” in this system are the three vertices of
, shown here with their barycentrics:
The lengths of the sides opposite the vertex angles (which, like the vertex points, are denoted by
) are given the symbols
, respectively, and may be regarded as variables or algebraic indeterminates. For an excellent introduction to the subject of barycentrics, see Yiu [
Many triangle centers (as defined in [
14]) have barycentrics that are polynomials. Following [
5], we refer to a triangle center
X that has barycentrics
is a polynomial, as a
polycenter. If
X also has barycentrics
involves trigonometric functions of the angles
as a
trigonometric polycenter. Analogously, we have
polylines and
trigonometric polylines. Note that if the first barycentric of
X is written as
, than the second and third barycentrics are determined (viz.
, so that the shorter notation
is sufficient.
Important examples of trigonometric polycenters include these:
As an example of a trigonometric polyline, the Euler line, which passes through the points
, is given in terms of a variable point
by both of the following equations:
Of great importance in triangle geometry are the following objects:
isotomic conjugate of X, with barycentrics
isogonal conjugate of X, with barycentrics
the line at infinity, , with barycentric equation
Steiner circumellipse, with equation
circumcircle, with equation
2. Trigonometric Polycenters
In this section, we shall see that for all integers
n, the triangle centers
, and others, are polycenters. We begin with the usual recurrences of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind,
, and the second kind,
Another well-known type of recurrence relation for these families of polynomials ([
13]) depends on complex numbers:
Theorem 1.
Let . Then
Proof. We have
, and (
3) gives
so that
Now since
, we have
so that (
5) holds. Similarly, Equation (
6) follows from (
4) and the well-known fact that
. □
Our main goal in this section is to represent
as polycenters. To that end, let
so that expressions in (
3) and () can be recast in order to define sequences
as follows:
Next, we have a lemma about
u and
Proof. The imaginary terms cancel, and the real term is
Theorem 2.
Let be the sequence given by (8). Then is a polynomial in , given by the following three initial terms and 2nd-order recurrence:
Proof. It is easy to verify that
are polycenters as claimed. Suppose now that
u and
v as in (
7) and Lemma 1, we have
so that
This shows that if
, then
By Theorem 1, , and since , we have . □
Theorem 3.
Let be the sequence given by (). Then is a polynomial in , given by these two initial terms and 2nd-order recurrence:
Proof. A proof similar to that of Theorem 2 springs from (), leading, by way of the identity
, to
The rest of the proof, using Lemma 1, follows in a manner much as in the proof of Theorem 2. □
Example 1.
Polycenter representations for and are given by
Example 2.
Polycenter representations for for , are given by
both have degree
and both are polynomial multiples of
. By Theorems 2 and 3, the sequences
have the same second-order recurrence signature:
Next, let
, so that
. For the sake of brevity, we shall sometimes write a polycenter of the form
as a quotient:
. Shown here are representations for polycenters
The sequence
, as well as its equivalent sequence of polynomials, appears—expectedly—to be not linearly recurrent. However, the sequence given by
, is linearly recurrent, since the three sequences
are linearly recurrent, and, of course,
A sequence of associated polycenters derived from on
is considered in
Section 7. Likewise the triangle centers
are polycenters for all nonzero integers
n. Geometrically, these are isotomic conjugates, given by
, respectively. As indicated in Example 3, many geometric and algebraic properties of the specific polycenters mentioned above can be found in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers (ETC) [
Example 3.
A few trigonometric polycenters in ETC [2].
Barycentric products and quotients ([
16], 99-102), denoted by * and /, of the polycenters listed in Example 3 are also trigonometric polycenters; e.g.,
In particular, if f is a trigonometic polycenter, then , where n is any positive integer, is also a trigonometric polycenter, as represented by these squares:
Example 4.
Trigonometric square polycenters in ETC [2]. (See also Section 7.)
3. More Trigonometric Polycenters
In this section, we first present polycenters for triangle centers of the forms
, and follow with a proof-by-computer-code for a recurrence equation for the points
as polycenters . Let
. Then
Instead of a formal proof of the above recurrence equation for , we quote the Mathematica code, which is essentially a proof with the added advantage of usefulness for further explorations.
(* Step 1: trig functions in terms of a, b, c & S*)
trigRules={Cos[A]->(-a^2+b^2+c^2)/(2 b c),
Cos[B]->(a^2-b^2+c^2)/(2 a c),
Cos[C]->(a^2+b^2-c^2)/(2 a b),
Sin[A]->S/(b c),Sin[B]->S/(a c),Sin[C]->S/(a b)};
(* Step 2: double area powers in terms of a, b, c & S*)
SRules={S->S,S^x_?EvenQ->2^-x ((a+b-c) (a-b+c)
(-a+b+c) (a+b+c))^(x/2),
S^x_?OddQ->2^(1-x)((a+b-c)(a-b+c)(-a+b+c)(a+b+c))^(1/2 (-1+x)) S};
(* Step 3: cyclic permutations of a,b,c *)
cyclic[coord_]:=Apply[coord/. {a->#1,b->#2,c->#3,A->#4,B->#5,C->#6}&,
(* Step 4: removal of symmetric factors *)
(* Step 5: application of Steps 1-4 *)
polys = Map[(TrigExpand[cyclic[Cos[#(B-C)]]]//.trigRules
(* Step 6: find signature of 2nd order recurrence *)
The output of the code is the following signature for the recurrence:
A proof of the recurrence equation, or more precisely, the signature of the recurrence, for as a polycenter is found in much the same way.
As an alternative to representing the family
by polynomials, there are relatively simpler representations using quotients of polynomials. We begin with
Then by the binomial theorem,
which satisfies the recurrence
. Since
depends only on
u and
, it is a rational function; i.e., a radical-free quotient of polynomials. Similary, letting
, we find that
Example 5.
A few more trigonometric polycenters in ETC [2].
4. Half-Angle Trigonometric Polycenters
The next list shows half-angle functions that involve polynomials (viz. they are “radical multiples of polycenters”). Let
Next we show Mathematica code for obtaining trigonometric rational functions (quotients of polynomials) for .
lr = FindLinearRecurrence[
Map[TrigExpand[Cos[# (B - C)/2]] &, Range[1, 11, 2]]];
cyclic[coord_] :=
Apply[coord /. {a -> #1, b -> #2, c -> #3, A -> #4, B -> #5,
C -> #6} &, Flatten /@
NestList[RotateLeft /@ #1 &, {{a, b, c}, {A, B, C}}, 2], {1}];
trigRules =
cyclic, {Cos[A] -> (-a^2 + b^2 + c^2)/(2 b c),
Sin[A] -> S/(b c),
Cos[A/2] -> 1/2 Sqrt[((-a + b + c) (a + b + c))/(b c)],
Sin[A/2] -> 1/2 Sqrt[((a + b - c) (a - b + c))/(b c)],
Sin[C/2] -> ((-a + b + c) (a + b - c) (a - b + c)
(a + b + c))/(16 a^2 b c)}]}];
Factor[lr /. trigRules]
This code confirms that
is a rational function with signature
(These rational functions can be transformed into polynomials using a technique developed in
Section 6.)
Example 6.
A few half-angle trigonometric polycenters in ETC [2].
5. Sums Involving mB+nC and nB+mC
Proofs of the next two theorems can be obtained by adapting the codes in
Section 3 and
Section 4.
Theorem 4.
Let and let be the polycenters given by these recurrences:
where , and . Then
Example 7.
The appearance of in the following list signifies that .
Theorem 5.
Let and let be the polycenters given by the same recurrences as for , where
Example 8.
The appearance of here means that .
6. Polycenters j+k cos(nA)::
Here, we find a sequence
of polycenters satisfying
j and
k are nonzero real numbers. The strategy is to determine rational functions
that can be transformed into the polynomials
. We begin with the following Mathematica code:
f[a_, b_, c_] := f[a, b, c] = ArcCos[(b^2 + c^2 - a^2)/(2 b c)];
{a1, b1, c1} = {f[a, b, c], f[b, c, a], f[c, a, b]};
a2[n_] := Collect[Factor[TrigExpand[j + k*Cos[n a1]]], {j, k}];
b2[n_] := Collect[Factor[TrigExpand[j + k*Cos[n b1]]], {j, k}];
c2[n_] := Collect[Factor[TrigExpand[j + k*Cos[n c1]]], {j, k}];
t = Table[a2[n], {n, 0, 10}]; Take[t, 4]
t = Table[b2[n], {n, 0, 10}]; Take[t, 4]
t = Table[c2[n], {n, 0, 10}]; Take[t, 4]
The code gives
and recurrence signature
, where
The transformation is simply to multiply, where appropriate, by
, obtaining
with third-order recurrence signature
Finally, we apply the substitutions
to (
25) and thereby obtain (
7. Applications of the Technique in Section 6
The procedure in
Section 6 applies to other families of trigonometric polycenters. Among them are the families
. Both
have third-order recurrence with signature
, where
The resulting polycenters are too long for display here. We do observe, however, that for every integer , the polycenters and have recurrence order .
Other families to which the procedure applies are represented by
Here we consider only the rational-function recurrence for
. The most direct approach appears to be to use the identity
The resulting sixth-degree recurrence signature for
is more efficiently expressed with Conway notation [
15] than with
8. Infinite Trigonometric Orthopoints
The line at infinity consists of all points
satisfying the linear equation
Most of the named points on
are polycenters. Among the simplest are
these being the points in which the lines
, respectively. Of special importance is
, as this is the infinite point on the Euler line,
is on
, then
X can be regarded as a direction in the plane of
, since for every point
P not on
, every line parallel to the line
X. The line through
P orthogonal to
in a point called the
orthopoint (or, in [
8], the
orthogonal conjugate) of
X. We denote the orthopoint of
X by
. Barycentrics for
are given by
Thus if
X is a polycenter represented by a polynomial
as first barycentric, then
is the polycenter
Now for any point
, not necessarily a polycenter and not necessarily on
, the points
are clearly on
, as are their orthopoints,
respectively. Moreover, if
X is a polycenter, then the orthopoints (
29) and (
30) are polycenters on
Example 9.
and the two corresponding orthopoints (29) and (30) are respectively
Example 9 typifies infinite polycenters of the forms
. Such polycenters, for which many algebraic and geometric properties are presented in ETC [
2], occupy the lists in the next two examples.
Example 10.
Pairs of trigonometric orthopoints.
Example 11.
More pairs of trigonometric orthopoints.
9. Trigonometric Infinity Bisectors
O denote the circumcenter,
the circumcircle, and
the line at infinity. Suppose that
are points on
and that
are noncollinear. Let
be the tangent to
P and
the tangent to
U. Let
. As the line
bisects the angle between
, the point
M is called the
-infinity bisector. We denote this point by
. Its barycentrics are given by
P and
U are trigonometric polycenters, then (
31) is also a trigonometric polycenter, since
Note that the
is the orthopoint of the
. A few examples follow:
10. Trigonometric Polylines
Among the many central lines [
9] of interest in triangle geometry are the trigonometic polylines
n-Euler line and
n-Nagel line. The Euler line itself is given by the following barycentric equations:
n-Euler line is defined by substituting
, respectively, in (
32), (), or (). The
n-Euler line passes through the following
n-polycenters, which, for
are indexed in ETC [
2] as
, respectively:
These points appear in a little-known paper [
7] in a discussion of “layers” in triangle geometry—without mention of the fact that the
n-points and
n-lines have polynomial representations.
The Nagel line is given by the equations
and the
n-Nagel line by
The Nagel line passes through the incenter,
and the centroid,
, so that the
n-Nagel line passes through the centroid and the point
. Thus, for every
n, the
n-Euler line and
n-Nagel line meet in the centroid. Moreover, by () and (
36), the
-Nagel line and
n-Euler line are identical for every positive integer
n. Among the notable trigonometric polycenters on the 2-Euler line, alias 4-Nagel line, are the following:
Each of these points, and others on the 2-Euler line, has a list of properties in ETC [
2], involving many other trigonometric polycenters and their interrelationships.
11. Concluding Remarks
The notion of trigonometric polycenter extends to various subjects, other than those mentioned above. Several examples follow:
Triangle centers whose barycentrics depend on angles of the form
for some nonzero number
r, such as the Fermat point,
(area of triangle
), and related points
in ETC [
Bicentric pairs [
1] of points, such as the Brocard points,
leading to Brocard
n-points by substituting
, respectively.
Cubic curves such as those indexed and elegantly described by Bernard Gibert [
3]. Here we sample just one of more than one thousand: K007, the Lucas cubic, consisting of all points
that satisfy
For every
n, the symbolic substitution
transforms this “polynomial cubic” into a “trigonometric cubic”, and likewise for the substitution
etc. For details regarding symbolic substitutions see [
Triangle centers that result from unary operations on trigonometric polycenters, such as
is a trigonometric polycenter. See [
For specific numbers
, such as
, representing the smallest integer-sided isosceles triangle, we have integer sequences such as given by
A, as usual, is the angle opposite side
in a triangle
having sidelengths
. Such sequences have interesting divisibility properties, such as the fact that if
p is a prime that divides a term, then the indices
n such that
p divides
n comprise an arithmetic sequence. For this sequence and access to related sequences, see A375880.
A final comment may be loosely summarized by the observation that, throughout this paper, the role of homogeneous coordinates can be taken by trilinear coordinates [
4], but with different results. For example, in trilinear coordinates, we have
which lead to trigonometric polycenters by substituting
. The resulting trilinear representations are equivalent to the barycentric representations
, these being trigonometric polycenters not previously mentioned in this article.
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