1. Introduction
Global warming is a serious problem in the world. There is a lot of promising procedures to solve this problem. One of the procedures is green H
2, e.g. H
2 production from a renewable energy. This study focuses on a biogas dry reforming (BDR) as a procedure to produce green H
2. A biogas is a fuel consisting of CH
4 (55-75 vol%) and CO
2 (25-45 vol% [
1], generally. A biogas is produced from fermentation by the action of anaerobic microorganisms on raw materials, e.g., garbage, livestock excretion, and sewage sludge. In 2020, 1.46 EJ of biogas was produced in the world [
2], which was five times as large as that in 2000 [
2]. Therefore, this study excepts that the amount of produced biogas increases more and more in the near future.
Generally speaking, a biogas is utilized as a gases fuel for gas engines and micro gas turbines [
3]. However, the power generation efficiency becomes low compared to a natural gas due to lower heating value caused by including CO
2. Considering to solve this problem, this study proposes the combination system consisting of a BDR reactor with a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) [
6]. CO which is a by-product from BDR can be utilized as a fuel for SOFC. Since SOFC can be a co-generation system, the total energy conversion efficiency is higher compared to existing power generation systems, i.e., gas engines and micro gas turbines.
There are many reported researches on BDR [
11]. This study focuses on the selection of catalyst since it influences the performance of a BDR reactor. According to the literature survey, Ni-based catalysts have been investigated for BDR [
11]. Ni/Al
3 catalyst which was synthesized by a conventional wet impregnation performed the CH
4 conversion of approximately 100 % and the CO
2 conversion of approximately 95 % at 850 °C [
7]. The CH
4 conversion and the CO
2 conversion increased with the increase in the reaction temperature from 700 °C to 850 °C. The CO
2 rich condition (CO
4 = 1.2) was slightly better in terms of conversion and it induced a significant reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS), which provided a low H
2/CO ratio and H
2 selectivity. Ni
3Co supported on Al
3 performed CH
4 conversion of 59.8 % and 96.2 % at 600 °C and 750 °C, respectively [
8]. In addition, this catalyst also performed CO
2 conversions of 24.4 % and 45.4 % at 600 °C and 750 °C, respectively. Though the significant carbon formation caused the catalyst deactivation, the carbon formation was less at higher reaction temperature. NiCeZrO
2 which was prepared by sol-gel method performed the CH
4 conversion of 50 % and the CO
2 conversion of 50 % at 800 °C [
9]. The increase in the molar ratio of CH
2 to 1.5 caused the formation of coke, which was suppressed by the addition of water. Ni/MgO which was prepared by a wet impregnation method performed the CH
4 conversion of approximately 70 % and the CO
2 conversion of approximately 85 % at 800 °C [
10]. According to the investigation on the impact of reaction temperature from 300 °C to 800 °C, the highest CH
4 conversion as well as the highest CO
2 conversion were obtained at 800 °C. Ni-La/SBA-16 catalyst which was prepared by a hydrothermal process performed the CH
4 conversion of approximately 95 % and the CO
2 conversion of approximately 93 % at 750 °C [
11]. The CH
4 conversion and the CO
2 conversion increased with the increase in the reaction temperature from 600 °C to 750 °C where the CH
4 conversion as well as the CO
2 conversion were approximately 70 % at 600 °C.
On the other hand, Ru-based catalysts have been also investigated [
14]. Ru/Ni catalyst which was prepared by a wet impregnation performed the CH
4 conversion of approximately 78 % and the CO
2 conversion of approximately 72 % at 750 °C [
12]. When changing the ratio of Ru to Ni from 0 to 2, the ratio of 0.8 showed the best performance. Ru supported on a binary La
2 catalyst which was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation performed the CH
4 conversion of 5.3 % and the CO
2 conversion of 5.5 % at 550 °C [
13]. Ru-Ni/MgAl
4 which was prepared by a wet impregnation method performed the CH
4 conversion of 93 % and the CO
2 conversion of 96 % at 750 °C [
14]. When decreasing in the reaction temperature from 750 °C to 600 °C, the CH
4 conversion and the CO
2 conversion decreased to 65 % and 73 %, respectively.
Although several Ni-based catalysts have been investigated, the Ni/Cr catalyst has not been examined well without the authors’ previous study [
5]. In addition, the Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst has not been investigated well without the authors’ previous study [
Additionally, it is important to operate at a lower temperature to improve the thermal energy efficiency of BDR since BDR is an endothermic reaction. This study thinks a membrane reactor is an effective procedure to meet this purpose since the H
2 production is promoted by means of providing the non-equilibrium state with H
2 separation from the reaction site [
5]. Though several Pd alloy membranes such as Pd/Ag and Pd/Au are commercialized as well as used for the research, the cost of Pd/Cu is relatively smaller than that of Pd/Ag, Pd/Au and pure Pd. This study thinks the cost is important to apply the system proposed by this study to the industry in the near future. Consequently, this study selected Pd/Cu as H
2 separation membrane. The authors’ previous study using Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst [
15] used the Pd/Cu membrane whose thickness was 20 μm only. However, there is no study to investigate the impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the characteristics of BDR using Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst. This study thinks there would be the optimum thickness of Pd/Cu membrane to obtain the higher performance of membrane reactor using Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst proposed by this study, resulting from that the H
2 separation rate of H
2 separation membrane and the H
2 production rate of catalyst are thought to be important to realize the non-equilibrium state of BDR.
Consequently, the aim of this study is to clarify the impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the characteristics of BDR using Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst. The impact of reaction temperature, the molar ratio of CH4:CO2, the differential pressure between the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber, and the introduction of a sweep gas on the characteristics of BDR reactor using Pd/Cu membrane as well as Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst is investigated. The molar ratio of CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1 simulates a biogas in this study.
The reaction scheme of CH
4 dry reforming (DR) is described as follows:
Additionally, the following reaction schemes can be considered in this study:
where Equation (2) indicates a reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS), Equation (3) indicates a methanation reaction (MR), and Equation (4) indicates a steam reforming of CH
4 (SR). As to a carbon deposition, the following reaction schemes are considered in this study:
2. Experiment
2.1. Experimental Set-Up
Figure 1 shows the schematic drawing of the experimental apparatus of this study. The experimental apparatus consists of a gas cylinder, mass flow controllers (S48-32; HORIBA METRON INC. Beijing, China), pressure sensors (KM31), valves, a vacuum pump, a reactor composed of a reaction chamber and a sweep chamber, and gas sampling taps. The reactor is placed in an electric furnace. This study controls the temperature in the electric furnace by far-infrared heaters (MCHNS1; MISUMI, Tokyo, Japan). CH
4 gas whose purity is over 99.4 vol% and CO
2 gas whose purity is over 99.9 vol% are controlled by the mass flow controllers and mixed before flowing into the reaction chamber. We measure the pressure of the mixed gas at the inlet of the reaction chamber by means of pressure sensors. We control Ar gas whose purity is over 99.99 vol% by a mass flow controller as a sweep gas and measure the pressure of Ar gas by a pressure sensor. We suction the exhausted gases at the outlet of the reaction chamber and sweep chamber by means of gas syringe via gas sampling taps. We measure the concentration of sampled gas by a TCD gas chromatograph (GL Science, Tokyo, Japan). The minimum resolution of the TCD gas chromatograph and the methanizer is 1 ppmV. We measure the gas pressure at the outlet of the reactor by means of a pressure sensor. We measure the gas concentration and pressure at the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber, respectively. We install the valves at the outlet of the reaction chamber and close them when we flow the reaction gas consisting of CH
4 and CO
2 into the reaction chamber. As a result, H
2 in the reaction chamber after contacting the Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst penetrates through the H
2 separation membrane, i.e. Pd/Cu membrane, and flows into the sweep chamber. In other words, no H
2 flows out of the reaction chamber unless it penetrates through the H
2 separation membrane.
Figure 2 shows the details of the reactor in this study. The reactor is composed of a reaction chamber, a sweep chamber, and a H
2 separation membrane, i.e. Pd/Cu membrane. The reaction chamber and the sweep chamber are made of stainless steel with the size of 40 mm×100 mm×40 mm. The volume of reaction space is 16×10
-5 m
3. We charge a porous Ni/Cr/Ru (Ni: 69.2 wt%, Cr: 29.6 wt%, Ru: 1.2 wt%) in the reaction chamber. The mean hole size of the Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst used in this study is 1.95 mm. According to the manufacture’s brochure, the porosity of the Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst used in this study is 0.93. The weight of Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst is 66.3 g.
Figure 3 shows a photograph charged in the reaction chamber in this study [
15]. We selected a Pd/Cu membrane (Cu: 40 wt%; Tanaka Kikinzoku, Tokyo, Japan) as a H
2 separation membrane. The thickness of the Pd/Cu membrane was changed by 20 μm, 40 μm and 60 μm. We measured the temperatures at the inlet, the middle, and the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber by means of K-type thermocouples. We controlled the initial operation temperature and set by a far-infrared heater and thermocouples. We saved the data of measured temperature and pressure by means of a data logger (GL240; Graphic Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).
Table 1 lists the experimental parameters applied in this study. The molar ratio of provided CH
2 was changed by 1.5:1, 1:1 and 1:1.5. The molar ratio of CH
2 simulated biogas in this study. According to the authors’ previous study [
16], the feed ratio of sweep gas to supply gas, which is defined as the flow rate of sweep gas divided by the flow rate of supply gas composed of CH
4 and CO
2, was set at 1.0. This is the optimum feed ratio of sweep gas to supply gas according to the authors’ previous study [
16]. We investigate the impact of the installation of sweep gas. We think it is necessary to separate H
2 from the membrane reactor with a sweep gas and extract the H
2 from the sweep gas for the purpose of applying the system proposed by the authors. We have to consider that the additional energy and equipment are necessary to install the system proposed by this study in the actual industry. On the other hand, the additional energy and equipment are not necessary if we can separate H
2 without a sweep gas from the membrane reactor. Consequently, this study has conducted a comparison of the presence vs. absence of sweep gas. We changed the differential pressure between the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber by 0 MPa, 0.010 MPa and 0.020 MPa. This study measures and confirms the differential pressure by the pressure sensors installed at the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber. As to the differential pressure between the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber, we had tried to carry out the experiment at the differential pressure of 0.030 MPa and the temperature of 600 °C. As a result, the hole was made within the Pd/Cu membrane. Consequently, this study reports the results below 0.020 MPa. We changed the initial reaction temperature by 400 °C, 500 °C and 600 °C. We measure the initial reaction temperature by thermocouples before flowing the mixed gas of CH
4 and CO
2 as well as the sweep gas into the reactor. The temperature of the reaction chamber decreased by approximately 3 °C during the experiment due to the endothermic reactions, which is shown above. The gas concentrations at the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber were detected by the FID gas chromatograph (GC320; GL Science) and methanizer (MT221; GL Science). We show the average data of five trials for each experimental conditions investigated in this study in the following figures. The distribution of each gas concentration is below 10 %.
2.2. Assessment Factor to Evaluate the Performance of BDR Mmbrane Ractor in This Study
This study conducts the evaluation on the performance of the proposed BDR membrane reactor by examining gas concentration at the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber. This study evaluates CH
4 conversion (
2 conversion (
XCO2), H
2 yield (
YH2), H
2 selectivity (
SH2), and CO selectivity (
SCO) by using these data. This study defines these assessment factors as follows:
CCH4, in indicates the concentration of CH
4 at the inlet of the reaction chamber [mol],
CCH4, out indicates the concentration of CH4 at the outlet of the reaction chamber [mol],
CCO2, in indicates the concentration of CO2 at the inlet of the reaction chamber [mol],
CCO2, out indicates the concentration of CO2 at the outlet of the reaction chamber [mol],
CH2, out indicates the concentration of H2 at the outlet of the reaction chamber and the sweep
chamber [mol], and CCO, out indicates the concentration of CO at the outlet of the reaction
chamber [mol].
Additionally, this study evaluates H
2 recovery (
H) and permeation flux (
F) as follows:
CH2, out, sweep indicates the concentration of H
2 at the outlet of the sweep chamber [mol],
CH2, out, react indicates the concentration of H2 at the outlet of the reaction chamber [mol], P
indicates the permeation factor [mol/(m∙s∙Pa0.5)], Preact, ave indicates the average pressure of
the reaction chamber [MPa], Psweep, ave indicates the average pressure of the sweep chamber
[MPa], and indicates the thickness of the Pd/Cu membrane [m].
Furthermore, this study also evaluates the thermal efficiency of the membrane reactor (
), which is defined as follows:
QH2 indicates the heating value of produced H
2 based on the lower heating value
[W], WR.C. indicates the amount of pre-heat of supply gas for the reaction chamber [W],
WS.C. indicates the amount of pre-heat of the sweep gas for the sweep chamber [W], and
Wp indicates the pump power to provide the differential pressure between the reaction
chamber and the sweep chamber [W].
Figure 1.
Schematic drawing of experimental set-up [
Figure 1.
Schematic drawing of experimental set-up [
Figure 2.
Schematic drawing of detail of the reactor [
Figure 2.
Schematic drawing of detail of the reactor [
Figure 3.
Photo of charged Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst in the reaction chamber.
Figure 3.
Photo of charged Ni/Cr/Ru catalyst in the reaction chamber.
Figure 4.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the reaction temperature without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 4.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the reaction temperature without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 5.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 5.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 6.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 6.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 7.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 7.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep chamber changing the reaction temperature with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 8.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the molar ratio without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 8.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the molar ratio without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 9.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep changing the molar ratio without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 9.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep changing the molar ratio without a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 10.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the molar ratio with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 10.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on each gas concentration in the reaction chamber changing the molar ratio with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 11.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep changing the molar ratio with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 11.
Impact of thickness of Pd/Cu membrane on the concentration of H2 in the sweep changing the molar ratio with a sweep gas (CH4:CO2 = 1.5:1, differential pressure (a): 0 MPa, (b): 0.010 MPa, (c): 0.020 MPa).
Figure 12.
Photo of the captured H2O using the gas bag.
Figure 12.
Photo of the captured H2O using the gas bag.
Table 1.
Parameters of the experimental conditions.
Table 1.
Parameters of the experimental conditions.
Parameters |
Values |
Initial reaction temperature [°C] |
400, 500, 600 |
Pressure of supply gas [MPa] |
0.10 |
Differential pressure between the reaction chamber and the sweep chamber [MPa] |
0, 0.010 and 0.020 |
Molar ratio of provided CH4:CO2 (flow rate of provided CH4:CO2 [NL/min]) |
1.5:1, 1:1 and 1:1.5 (1.088:0.725, 0.725:0.725, 0.725:1.088) |
Feed ratio of sweep gas to supply gas [-] |
0 (W/O), 1.0 (W) |
Table 2.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Table 2.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Thickness of Pd/Cu membrane [μm] |
Sweep gas |
CH4 conversion [%] |
CO2 conversion [%] |
H2 yield [%] |
H2 selectivity [%] |
CO selectivity [%] |
H2 recovery [%] |
Permeation flux [mol/(m2 ⋅ s)] |
Thermal efficiency [%] |
(a) |
20 |
W/O |
67.1 |
-93.6 |
0.259 |
0.933 |
99.1 |
0.933 |
0 |
3.55 |
W |
71.8 |
-101 |
0.167 |
0.649 |
99.4 |
1.34 |
0 |
1.46 |
40 |
W/O |
75.0 |
-106 |
0.214 |
0.766 |
99.2 |
1.29 |
0 |
2.92 |
W |
77.1 |
-108 |
0.411 |
1.57 |
98.4 |
0.771 |
0 |
3.59 |
60 |
W/O |
69.1 |
-97.2 |
0.238 |
99.8 |
1.02 |
0 |
0.783 |
W |
72.3 |
-102 |
0.132 |
0.552 |
99.4 |
0.944 |
0 |
1.16 |
(b) |
20 |
W/O |
64.9 |
-59.4 |
0.241 |
0.812 |
99.2 |
0.290 |
0 |
2.76 |
W |
69.8 |
-64.5 |
0.167 |
0.557 |
99.4 |
0.120 |
0 |
1.22 |
40 |
W/O |
79.9 |
-74.6 |
0.148 |
0.585 |
99.4 |
1.08 |
0 |
1.69 |
W |
79.7 |
-74.2 |
0.236 |
1.030 |
99.0 |
1.27 |
0 |
1.71 |
60 |
W/O |
81.2 |
-76.0 |
0.425 |
99.6 |
0.682 |
0 |
1.00 |
W |
76.2 |
-71.0 |
0.103 |
0.483 |
99.5 |
0.776 |
0 |
0.750 |
(c) |
20 |
W/O |
80.0 |
-49.0 |
0.129 |
0.660 |
99.3 |
0.291 |
0 |
1.18 |
W |
75.5 |
-46.0 |
0.116 |
0.561 |
99.4 |
0.216 |
0 |
0.677 |
40 |
W/O |
88.2 |
-54.6 |
0.102 |
99.9 |
1.13 |
0 |
0.200 |
W |
79.3 |
-48.6 |
0.239 |
99.8 |
0.557 |
0 |
0.261 |
60 |
W/O |
80.4 |
-49.4 |
99.9 |
0.900 |
0 |
0.126 |
W |
84.2 |
-51.9 |
0.151 |
99.8 |
0.462 |
0 |
0.158 |
Table 3.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0.010 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Table 3.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0.010 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Thickness of Pd/Cu membrane [μm] |
Sweep gas |
CH4 conversion [%] |
CO2 conversion [%] |
H2 yield [%] |
H2 selectivity [%] |
CO selectivity [%] |
H2 recovery [%] |
Permeation flux [mol/(m2 ⋅ s)] |
Thermal efficiency [%] |
(a) |
20 |
W/O |
70.4 |
-98.9 |
0.171 |
0.638 |
99.4 |
1.17 |
2.34 |
W |
71.0 |
-99.8 |
0.160 |
0.624 |
99.4 |
0.938 |
1.40 |
40 |
W/O |
72.1 |
-101 |
0.315 |
1.16 |
98.8 |
0.953 |
4.31 |
W |
74.2 |
-104 |
0.186 |
0.751 |
99.2 |
1.43 |
1.62 |
60 |
W/O |
72.9 |
-103 |
0.126 |
0.549 |
99.5 |
0.595 |
1.73 |
W |
70.5 |
-99.2 |
0.311 |
99.7 |
0.781 |
0.653 |
(b) |
20 |
W/O |
70.8 |
-65.6 |
0.128 |
0.595 |
99.4 |
1.47 |
W |
68.9 |
-63.7 |
0.115 |
0.509 |
99.5 |
0.841 |
40 |
W/O |
76.3 |
-71.1 |
0.118 |
0.570 |
99.4 |
1.19 |
1.34 |
W |
76.1 |
-70.9 |
0.330 |
99.7 |
0.384 |
0.571 |
60 |
W/O |
80.1 |
-75.0 |
0.240 |
99.8 |
1.01 |
0.565 |
W |
80.1 |
-75.0 |
0.200 |
99.8 |
0.682 |
0.320 |
(c) |
20 |
W/O |
83.2 |
-51.2 |
0.202 |
99.8 |
0.312 |
0.366 |
W |
86.7 |
-53.6 |
0.117 |
99.9 |
0.535 |
0.136 |
40 |
W/O |
86.6 |
-53.5 |
0.115 |
99.9 |
1.08 |
0.210 |
W |
86.3 |
-53.4 |
99.9 |
0 |
60 |
W/O |
82.9 |
-51.1 |
0.140 |
99.9 |
0.506 |
0.225 |
W |
83.0 |
-51.2 |
99.9 |
0.743 |
Table 4.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0.020 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Table 4.
Comparison of CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, H2 yield, H2 selectivity, CO selectivity, H2 recovery, permeation flux, and thermal efficiency (reaction temperature: 600 °C, pressure difference: 0.020 MPa, molar ratio of CH4:CO2 (a) 1.5:1, (b) 1:1, (c) 1:1.5).
Thickness of Pd/Cu membrane [μm] |
Sweep gas |
CH4 conversion [%] |
CO2 conversion [%] |
H2 yield [%] |
H2 selectivity [%] |
CO selectivity [%] |
H2 recovery [%] |
Permeation flux [mol/(m2 ⋅ s)] |
Thermal efficiency [%] |
(a) |
20 |
W/O |
68.2 |
-95.6 |
0.151 |
0.611 |
99.4 |
0.661 |
2.08 |
W |
70.8 |
-99.6 |
0.132 |
0.508 |
99.5 |
0.567 |
1.16 |
40 |
W/O |
79.8 |
-113 |
0.273 |
1.12 |
98.9 |
0.885 |
3.74 |
W |
75.4 |
-106 |
0.151 |
0.601 |
99.4 |
1.16 |
1.31 |
60 |
W/O |
73.9 |
-104 |
0.349 |
99.7 |
0.749 |
1.22 |
W |
75.6 |
-107 |
0.257 |
99.7 |
0.997 |
0.510 |
(b) |
20 |
W/O |
69.1 |
-63.9 |
0.384 |
99.6 |
0.110 |
1.05 |
W |
69.9 |
-64.7 |
0.396 |
99.6 |
0.113 |
0.649 |
40 |
W/O |
78.9 |
-73.8 |
0.405 |
99.6 |
1.46 |
1.01 |
W |
79.8 |
-74.6 |
0.265 |
99.7 |
2.11 |
0.442 |
60 |
W/O |
76.2 |
-71.1 |
0.228 |
99.8 |
1.05 |
0.539 |
W |
80.0 |
-74.9 |
0.248 |
99.8 |
0.682 |
0.320 |
(c) |
20 |
W/O |
79.7 |
-48.9 |
99.9 |
0.885 |
0.128 |
W |
81.8 |
-50.4 |
99.9 |
0.926 |
40 |
W/O |
83.0 |
-51.2 |
99.9 |
1.67 |
0.135 |
W |
82.5 |
-50.8 |
99.9 |
0.923 |
60 |
W/O |
85.8 |
-53.0 |
99.9 |
0.748 |
0.152 |
W |
86.6 |
-53.6 |
99.9 |
0.762 |