Although the existence of highly prevalent pain, disability, and work time lost associated with discogenic low back pain is well known, the recognition of the culpability of universally present disc degradation and mechanical insufficiency in the first three decades of life is often overlooked. There is a corresponding “treatment gap” and no current interventions with demonstrated capabilities to address the pain and resist the usual progression of increasing structural failure of spinal tissues with increasing levels of pain and disability. This review summarizes more than forty years of literature describing the pathomechanics of progressive degradation of lumbar discs and studies that implicate this growing mechanical insufficiency in the etiology of early-stage chronic and recurrent discogenic low back pain. Topics highlighted in this review include the deleterious biological changes that begin soon after birth, stress intensification due to the loss of fluid phase load support, fatigue weakening and damage accumulation in non-regenerative tissue, disc tears, segmental instability and the timeline for first incidence of chronic low back pain. The review concludes with preferred treatment characteristics and a brief summary of emerging treatment approaches.