Physical Sciences

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Physical Sciences
Theoretical Physics

Weiran Fang

Abstract: This paper seeks to enhance and strengthen existing theoretical frameworks or potential new theories by proposing an innovative theoretical framework know as Information-Processing Universe hypothesis, which reconceptualizes the universe as intrinsically informational, anchored in a "Hidden Informational Dimension". By positing that the fundamental structure of the universe is underpinned by informational dynamics, I explore how conventional concepts of spacetime should be perceived as a manifestation emerging from informational interactions [1,2], which intrinsically entails a specific extent of information loss. I also propose a cyclic universe model with alternating energy states, emphasizing energy conservation and complex interactions between information and matter. The framework connects gravitational effects and time dilation to informational dynamics, integrating quantum mechanics with information theory, particularly via Bell's theorem, and opens new avenues for understanding reality's fundamental nature.
Physical Sciences
Quantum Science and Technology

Daihun Kang

Abstract: This paper presents a novel theoretical framework that reinterprets the cosmological constant problem through a quantum decay perspective. I propose a time-dependent quantum vacuum decay model wherein vacuum energy density gradually decreases through probabilistic processes, naturally explaining the vast 10120 discrepancy between Quantum Field Theory predictions and observed dark energy values. Beyond addressing this longstanding problem, this model reveals a profound connection between quantum decay and time itself, suggesting time is an emergent phenomenon fundamentally linked to quantum decay rates. This perspective offers elegant interpretations of gravitational time dilation, relativistic time dilation, and the cosmic speed limit without modifying general relativity or quantum mechanics, but by unifying their underlying mechanisms. I demonstrate mathematical correspondence between quantum decay rates and relativistic time dilation formulas, providing a microscopic foundation for macroscopic spacetime phenomena. The theory generates specific, testable predictions for precision atomic clock experiments, black hole observations, and cosmological measurements, potentially resolving tensions in current Lambda Cold Dark Matter model data. This framework bridges quantum mechanics and relativity by establishing a common mechanism governing both the cosmological constant and the nature of time, offering a pathway toward reconciling two pillars of modern physics.
Physical Sciences
Fluids and Plasmas Physics

Bo Hua Sun

Abstract: In the realm of fluid dynamics, turbulence inherently necessitates the interactions between fluid viscosity and velocity gradients. This study delves into the foundation of fluid motion equations, identifying the determination of the fluid's constitutive equation as the sole artificial element in their derivation. The paper posits that in turbulent flows, characterized by intense velocity gradients, the second-order terms associated with the deformation rate in the constitutive equation must be retained, rather than dismissed. This revelation yields an accurate constitutive equation for viscous fluids, enabling the derivation of fluid dynamics equations tailored for turbulent motion, devoid of adjustable parameters, and thus refining the Navier-Stokes equations. As a practical application, we present an extended version of Prandtl's boundary layer equation and provide a numerical solution for the wedge flow boundary layer. Determination formulation of the second-order viscosity coefficient is proposed and discussed.
Physical Sciences
Space Science

G.M. van Uffelen


Hawking’s cosmology logically leads to an observed multiverse. This article argues it is a superposition of at least three 3-dimensional universes in a 4-dimensional space, of which two dimensions overlap with our universe. Nothing that could disturb the superposition exists outside it. This explains why dark matter causes a linear decrease in gravity with distance to visible mass at large radii in galaxies. To support this, the visible matter distribution in the disks and bulges, calculated by the SPARC team, and the observed rotation velocities have been used. Lelli and Mistele showed that the common way to project dark matter halos around galaxies cannot be valid. Since General Relativity would need these halos too, it must be modified with additional terms, or an added wire-like mass must be modelled in galaxies with the Levi-Civita metric. Bekenstein and the paper in hand respectively do this. Using TeVeS, the decay of the contribution of dark matter to gravity with the expansion of space is confirmed. This explains the rapid development of large galaxies in the early universe as reported by Labbé. A new prediction method for rotation velocities that works at all radii in galaxies is offered. It is 20 to 24 % more accurate than MOND and TeVeS. It gives a logical explanation of the meaning of Milgrom's contant and the Tully-Fisher relationship does directly follow from the hypothesis.

Physical Sciences
Theoretical Physics

Ahmed Mohamed Ismail,

Samira Ezzat Mohamed

Abstract: This research answers the knowledge gap regarding the explanation of the quantum jump of the electron. This scientific paper aims to complete Einstein’s research regarding general relativity and attempt to link general relativity to quantum laws.
Physical Sciences
Particle and Field Physics

Hirokazu Maruyama

Abstract: This paper proposes a "fermion-boson duality" in which the statistical properties of fermions and bosons reversibly change depending on the energy scale, bringing a new perspective to quantum field theory. We discuss a framework that maintains gauge invariance without requiring gauge fixing or ghost fields, natural connections to gravity theory using 256×256 extended gamma matrices, and applications to the regularization of anomalous magnetic moments and vacuum polarization. We reconfirm the importance of symmetry and duality in high-energy physics and gravity theory, and present experimental verification and future prospects.
Physical Sciences
Astronomy and Astrophysics

Yue Zhong,

Zhi Xu

Abstract: The beam exchange is a classical supplementary technique for spatio-temporal modulation in a dual-beam setup. In order to save time, Qu et al. (2017) proposed the reduced polarimetric-optical-switching (RPOS) technique as an alternative technique. In this work, we revisit the assumptions of several formulas specifically constructed for this technique and evaluate their validity in different modulation schemes (e.g., dependent modulation), especially when reference measurements are acquired using specific Stokes signals. Subsequently, we compare the RPOS technique based on the most appropriate formula with the demodulation method based on the demodulation matrix using synthesized observation data. The artificial observation takes into account the influence of several factors on the modulated intensities, including dark current, gain variation, atmospheric seeing fluctuations and photon noise. Our numerical tests demonstrate that the RPOS technique has an advantage in mitigating the effects of atmospheric seeing fluctuations and gain variations between the two beams. However, the selection of a specific Stokes signal for reference measurements has a notable impact on performance in minimizing the effect of photon noise.
Physical Sciences
Optics and Photonics

Dongxiao Zhang,

Junjie Zhang,

Yinjun Gao,

Taijiao Du

Abstract: We propose a field mapping approach for the propagation of laser beams through atmospheric turbulence, leveraging a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The proposed GAN utilizes a U-Net architecture as its generator, with turbulence characteristic parameters introduced into the bottleneck layer of the U-Net, enabling effective control over the generator. This design allows for the flexible simulation of Gaussian beam propagation across a range of turbulence intensities and transmission distances. A comparative analysis between the neural network predictions and numerical simulation results indicates that the neural network can achieve a field mapping speedup of four orders of magnitude while maintaining a relative error within 16% for the second-order statistical moments of the light spot. Additionally, the study investigates the effect of varying turbulence intensities on prediction accuracy. The results indicate that high-frequency speckle patterns caused by beam breakup are the primary factor limiting prediction accuracy under strong or saturated turbulence conditions.
Physical Sciences
Astronomy and Astrophysics

Panagiotis Karmiris


We present a comprehensive numerical investigation of Circular Gravitational Field (CGF) theory— a novel extension of general relativity that introduces a geometric coupling between a U(1) gauge field and spacetime curvature through the Ricci tensor. Using a multi-messenger approach, we analyze data from binary black hole mergers, neutron star mergers, pulsar timing arrays, and the Event Horizon Telescope to constrain CGF parameters. Our analysis of seven LIGO/Virgo black hole merger events indicates significant evidence (combined 8.32σ) for CGF effects, most prominently in high-mass, high-spin systems like GW170729 (8.05σ). We determine the optimal CGF coupling parameter to be λ ≈ 4.19 × 10−22, which produces testable predictions for future gravitational wave observations. These findings suggest that circular gravitational fields may provide a viable extension to general relativity in strong-field regimes while maintaining compatibility with current observational constraints.

Physical Sciences
Applied Physics

Sergey Savel'ev,

Ludmila Morozova


The occurrence of chaotic instability of oscillations in a self-oscillating system of a generator with selected inertia in an underexcited mode under a quasi-periodic external action is considered. It is established that in a self-oscillating system, quasi-periodic excitation leads to the occurrence of chaotic oscillations. Two different cases of chaos occurrence are distinguished, differing in the arrangement of frequencies of the quasi-periodic external signal. The first case corresponds to a resonant action, when the frequencies of the quasi-periodic action are near the eigenmode of the system. The second case corresponds to a frequency distance of the quasi-periodic action comparable with the value of the inverse quality factor of the system. It is shown that in the first case, the chaotization of the forced oscillatory mode is associated with a sequence of oscillation trains with an arbitrary initial phase and duration. In the second case, the quasi-periodic action leads to the chaotization of the passive underexcited eigenmode of the system based on the intermittency of the forced oscillatory process.

Physical Sciences
Theoretical Physics

Markolf H. Niemz

Abstract: Today’s physics describes nature in “empirical concepts” (based on observation), such as coordinate space/time in special relativity (SR), curved spacetime in general relativity (GR), and particle/electromagnetic wave. There are coordinate-free formulations of SR/GR, but there is no absolute time in SR/GR and thus no “holistic view” (universal for all objects at the same instant in time). I show: Euclidean relativity (ER) provides a holistic view by describing nature in “natural concepts” (immanent in all objects). Proper space/time (pure distance) replace coordinate space/time. Curved worldlines in flat Euclidean spacetime (ES) replace curved spacetime. “Wavematters” (pure energy) replace particle/electromagnetic wave. Any object’s proper space d1, d2, d3 and its proper time τ span d1, d2, d3, d4 (ES) with d4 = . The invariant is absolute, cosmic time θ. All energy moves through ES at the speed c. An observer’s view is created by orthogonally projecting ES to his proper space and to his proper time. For each object, there is a 4D vector “flow of proper time” τ. Information is lost if the 4D vector τ is ignored, as in SR/GR. ER solves the Hubble tension. Also, ER declares dark energy and non-locality obsolete. I conclude: (1) Acceleration rotates an object’s τ and curves its worldline in flat ES. (2) Information hidden in τ solves many mysteries. (3) Different concepts disable a unification of SR/GR and ER. Either scope is limited. We must not apply SR/GR but ER whenever τ is crucial (high-redshift supernovae, entanglement). We must not apply ER but SR/GR whenever we use empirical concepts.
Physical Sciences
Optics and Photonics

Yeong Hwan Ko,

Robert Magnusson


This study presents a novel method for dynamically tuning singular states in one-dimensional (1D) photonic lattices (PLs) using air-slit-based structural modifications. Singular states are isolated resonance radiations generated by breaking symmetry, which produces various spectra from the interplay between resonance modes and background radiation. By breaking symmetry in 1D PLs with air slits, effective control of resonance positions is demonstrated, enabling dual functionalities including narrowband band pass and notch filtering. These singular states originate from asymmetric guided-mode resonances (aGMRs), which can be interpreted by analytical modeling of equivalent slab waveguide. Furthermore, multiple air-slits significantly enhance spectral tunability by inducing multiple folding behavior in the resonance bands. This approach facilitates effective manipulation of optical properties through simple adjustments of air-slit displacements. This work provides great potential for designing multifunctional photonic devices with advanced metamaterial technologies.

Physical Sciences
Radiation and Radiography

Chao Xiao,

Jinde Zhang,

Yang Li,

Mingyuan Xie,

Dongbai Sun

Abstract: Synchrotron radiation light source has been successfully used in material science, biomedicine, and other fields because of its high intensity, good monochromaticity, and excellent coherence and collimation. In recent years, the source has significantly expedited the advancement of medical applications. High contrast and spatial-temporal resolution images based on synchrotron radiation X-ray have been obtained, presenting innovative opportunities for precise clinical diagnosis and therapy. In this review, we first delineate the characteristics of synchrotron radiation beamlines, then conclude recent breakthroughs in synchrotron X-ray imaging and radiotherapy for various clinical applications, particularly for heart, breast, lung, bone, and brain conditions. Novel synchrotron radiation X-ray radiotherapy treatments, including microbeam and stereotactic radiotherapy, have shown great potential for clinical application by enabling more precise and low-dose treatments. Synchronized radiation techniques are projected to redefine diagnostic criteria for imaging and therapeutic options for resistant cancer, offering immense potential for medical applications.
Physical Sciences
Astronomy and Astrophysics

Florian Neukart,

Eike Marx,

Valerii Vinokur

Abstract: We present a framework extending the Quantum Memory Matrix (QMM) principles, originally formulated to reconcile quantum mechanics and gravity, to the domain of electromagnetism. In this discretized space–time approach, Planck-scale quantum cells act as memory units that store information via local quantum imprints of field interactions. By introducing gauge-invariant imprint operators for the electromagnetic field, we maintain unitarity, locality, and (in the continuum limit) the equivalence principle, while encoding electromagnetic data directly into the fabric of space–time. This construction ensures that black hole evaporation, including for charged black holes, respects unitarity, with initially hidden quantum information emerging through subtle, non-thermal correlations in the emitted radiation. The QMM framework also imposes a natural ultraviolet cutoff, potentially modifying vacuum polarization and charge renormalization, and may imprint observable signatures in the cosmic microwave background or large-scale structures from primordial electromagnetic fields. Compared to other unification proposals, QMM does not rely on nonlocal processes or exotic geometries, favoring a local, covariant, and gauge-invariant mechanism. Although direct Planck-scale tests remain challenging, indirect observational strategies—ranging from gravitational wave analyses to laboratory analog experiments—could probe QMM-like phenomena and guide the development of a fully unified theory encompassing all fundamental interactions.
Physical Sciences
Quantum Science and Technology

Vladlen Statiev,

Abdufattokh Ashurov,

Vladimir Semenov,

Dmitrii Kozliuk,

Vladislav Zemlyanov,

Aleksei Kodukhov,

Valeria Pastushenko,

Valerii Vinokur,

Markus Pflitsch

Abstract: Quantum cryptography protocols offering unconditional protection open great rout to full information security in quantum era. Yet, implementing these protocols using the existing fiber networks remains challenging due to high signal losses reducing the efficiency of these protocols to zero. The recently proposed Quantum-protected Control-based Key Distribution (QCKD) addresses this issue by physically controlling interceptable losses and ensuring that leaked quantum states remain non-orthogonal. Here, we present the first in-field development and demonstration of the QCKD over an urban fiber link characterized by substantial losses. Using information-theoretic considerations, we configure the system ensuring security and investigate the interplay between line losses and secret key rates. Our results backed by the statistical analysis of the secret key, confirm QCKD’s robustness under real-world conditions, and establish it as a practical solution for quantum-safe communications over existing fiber infrastructures.
Physical Sciences
Theoretical Physics

Anatolie Croitoru


This paper proposes a model of the universe. Although it is a controversial topic, it is based on the idea that the universe is a multiscalar entity consisting of matter accumulations or subscales, including many subatomic scales. Accumulations similar to stars, along with molecular nebulae, exist at every scale and contribute to the universe’s dynamism and regeneration. The focus is on identifying star-like particles at any scale. It is proposed that each scale is initiated by energetic accumulations similar to stars. This analogy applies to all scales because, in stars, as volume increases during clustering, internal pressure also increases, which initiates energy sources. These energies remain constant relative to the universe, and each scale generates forces, but these forces are only perceived at larger scales. Inspired by the macroscopic world, it is assumed that each scale consists of energetic accumulations (stars), semi-energetic ones (galaxies), and passive ones (galaxy clusters). Each scale is formed from lower scales, which is why some of the laws of nature apply to them as well. Different scales appear differently in physics, but at the same process speed, so their formation and dynamics follow the same principle, leading to a unified theory of everything. It is hypothesized that quarks are separable, but this cannot be technically achieved. Additionally, the nature of fundamental forces is interpreted as the opening of matter accumulations into systems, through processes similar to those occurring in stars. Thus, it is proposed that stellar processes should generate a fifth force, existing only at the cosmic scale and at hypothetically larger scales. According to this model, terms such as "vibrating strings" from string theory could be replaced with energetic accumulations similar to stars at scales below atoms. In addressing some of the complex questions of this research, hypothetical proposals are advanced to support the model, so that upon reevaluation, it aligns with reality.

Physical Sciences
Optics and Photonics

Junaid Zafar,

Faisal Sharif,

Haroon Zafar

Abstract: Deep neural networks have led to a substantial incursion for multifaceted classification tasks by making use of large-scale and diverse annotated datasets. However, diverse optical coherence tomography (OCT) datasets in the cardiovascular imaging remains an uphill task. This research focuses on improving the diversity and generalization ability of augmentation architectures while maintaining the baseline classification accuracy for coronary atrial plaques using a novel dual generators and dynamically fused discriminators conditional generative adversarial network (DGDFGAN). Our method is demonstrated on an augmented OCT dataset of 6900 images. With dual generators, our network provides the diverse outputs for the same input condition as each generator acts as a regularize for the other. In our model, this mutual regularization enhances the ability of both generators to generalize better across different features. The fusion discriminators use one discriminator for classification purposes hence avoiding the need for a separate deep architecture. A loss functional including the SSIM loss and FID scores confirm that perfect synthetic OCT image aliases are created. We optimize our model via Grey Wolf optimizer during model training. Furthermore, an inter-comparison and recorded SSID loss 0.9542±0.008 and FID score of 7 are suggestive of better diversity and generation characteristics that outperforms the performance of leading GANs architectures. We trust that our approach is practically viable and thus assist professionals for an informed decision making in clinical settings.
Physical Sciences
Astronomy and Astrophysics

Ogaeze Francis


The concept of space-time has long been a cornerstone of physics, with Einstein’s theory of relativity defining gravity as the curvature of space-time due to mass. However, this research introduces an alternative perspective—Temporal Dynamics, where space remains structurally fixed, and gravity arises from variations in the flow of time. This framework proposes that time flows uniformly through space at a constant rate but is altered by the presence of mass, leading to gravitational effects. By redefining gravity as a consequence of time flow distortions rather than spatial curvature, this model provides new insights into gravitational acceleration, free-fall mechanics, and black hole dynamics. Through derived equations, the study successfully predicts gravitational acceleration for Earth and Mars, demonstrating the framework’s validity. It further explores gravitational lensing, black hole event horizons, and space-time singularities from a temporal flow perspective. The research challenges conventional understandings by suggesting that black holes do not collapse into singularities but instead accumulate mass at the event horizon, where time flow ceases. Additionally, the study introduces the concept of Temporal Dimensions, proposing that variations in time flow could exist as distinct dimensions, influencing our perception of reality. This Temporal Dynamics framework not only aligns with observed gravitational phenomena but also provides an alternative explanation for motion, relativity, and cosmic expansion. By shifting the focus from spatial curvature to time flow variations, this model opens new avenues for understanding gravity, space-time interactions, and potential applications in astrophysics and cosmology.

Physical Sciences
Mathematical Physics

Shan-Qi Duan,

Qing-Wen Wang

Abstract: In this paper, based on the novel generalized Hamilton-real (GHR) calculus, we propose for the first time a quaternion Nesterov’s accelerated projected gradient algorithm for computing the dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector of quaternion Hermitian matrices. By introducing momentum terms and look-ahead updates, the algorithm achieves a faster convergence rate. We theoretically prove the convergence of the quaternion Nesterov’s accelerated projected gradient algorithm. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the quaternion projected gradient ascent method and the traditional algebraic methods in terms of computational accuracy and runtime efficiency.
Physical Sciences
Optics and Photonics

Wei Li,

Linwei Liu,

Taiyuan Zhang,

Lixia Tian,

Li Wang,

Cheng Xu,

Jianwen Lu,

Zichuan Yi,

Guofu Zhou

Abstract: As the most potential new reflective display technology, electrowetting display (EWD) has the advantages of simple structure, fast response, high contrast and rich colors. However, due to the hysteresis effect, gray-scales of EWD cannot be accurately controlled, which seriously restricts the industrialization process of this technology. In this paper, the oil movement process in an EWD pixel cell was simulated, and the influence of oil viscosity on hysteresis effect was studied based on the proposed simulation model. Firstly, the cause of hysteresis effect was analyzed through hysteresis curve of EWD. Then, based on COMSOL Multiphysics simulation environment, the oil movement process in an EWD pixel cell was simulated by coupling the phase field of laminar two-phase flow and electrostatic field. Finally, based on the simulation model, the influence of oil viscosity on hysteresis effect in an EWD pixel cell was studied. The experimental results showed that the maximum hysteresis difference of hysteresis effect increased with the increase of oil viscosity, and decreased with the decrease of oil viscosity. The oil viscosity had little effect on the maximum aperture ratio of EWD. The pixel on response time and pixel off response time increased with the increase of oil viscosity.

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